Kentucky takes another step towards being a laughing stock

Derp. Just more deflection because republicans don't like their bullshit called out. Its obvious republicans have ZERO issues with corporations getting welfare but not PEOPLE who actually need it. ANYONE can be fired even union members you just can't do it for frivolous reasons like bringing in some cheaper labor etc...I know you conservatards hate labor and workers rights laws....its obvious.
QUESTION--------> The left wants to not allow Americans to work unless they join a union, by force if need is ok for illegals to take American jobs while lowering wages?!?!?!

Logic anyone!
Seems like the reason illegals are given (not taken away from Americans, but given to illegals by employers) American jobs is so that corporations CAN lower wages. Whosure, another conundrum it a good deal that Carrier saved a few, but not all, Carrier jobs and all it cost the State is $700 mil less in taxpayer revenue. Who do you figure will cover that? Will that make Indiana more beholden to the Fed for a couple of necessities? And if so, does that mean it will cost me too, since I live in a State that even now gives more than it receives? Will the rest of us have to pitch in thru our 'exorbitant' union wages to cover Indiana's shortfalls while Trump crows about 'saving jobs'?

There you go starting with a misdirection. Give us a link that says the feds are paying that money, and what the tax implications are over the life of the deal.....positive or negative for the state! I know it HAS to be state money because neither Trump nor Pence held any federal office, so it came out of our treasury here in Indiana.

Oh, by the way............we had a surplus in 16, and we have a triple A bond rating so come back when you can get Silly ILLYnoise or Callyconundrum to come up with the same thing!
Please read my post again. I acknowledged the money is a State shortfall, and I questioned who will have to ultimately cover the shortfall. So I think the misdirection is emanating from your corner, in the form of a post that does not address the questions it falsely condemns as statements.
As I said, a good little capitalist. I have a service and I will provide that service to you for a fee. Otherwise, go pound sand.

Isn't that how you people portray business in America?
Uh moron that's the PERFECT example of capitalism so what's the issue? If people want the unions help then they should pay for it. I agree that people shouldn't be forced to belong to a union to get the job but people also should not be able to use the union unless they are paying for it.

BTW, anyone who reads the signature line of Odium needs to understand why it was made in the context it was uttered. See:

historyandpolitics77: "We are socialists ...." Debunked

In short: " A quote which is Always taken out of context to further a false point"
I believe in Unions.

I just don't believe in STUPID Unions. And the Unions in today's America are beyond stupid.

Not really interested enough to get into a discussion/argument with the moron peanut gallery about this but American Unions have proven themselves useless too many times to worry about their welfare.

It's like anything and everything else dimocrap scum get hold of -- Primary Education, Secondary Education (Academia), Cities, Electronic and Print Media, Hollywood, Health Insurance, entire States..... Everything dimocrap scum touch they turn it to shit.


And the only way to get rid of the disease, the dimocrap scum infestation, is to destroy it and start over.

You think I'm being sardonic? Think again. It's why I always say --

dimocraps are scum
QUESTION--------> The left wants to not allow Americans to work unless they join a union, by force if need is ok for illegals to take American jobs while lowering wages?!?!?!

Logic anyone!
Seems like the reason illegals are given (not taken away from Americans, but given to illegals by employers) American jobs is so that corporations CAN lower wages. Whosure, another conundrum it a good deal that Carrier saved a few, but not all, Carrier jobs and all it cost the State is $700 mil less in taxpayer revenue. Who do you figure will cover that? Will that make Indiana more beholden to the Fed for a couple of necessities? And if so, does that mean it will cost me too, since I live in a State that even now gives more than it receives? Will the rest of us have to pitch in thru our 'exorbitant' union wages to cover Indiana's shortfalls while Trump crows about 'saving jobs'?

There you go starting with a misdirection. Give us a link that says the feds are paying that money, and what the tax implications are over the life of the deal.....positive or negative for the state! I know it HAS to be state money because neither Trump nor Pence held any federal office, so it came out of our treasury here in Indiana.

Oh, by the way............we had a surplus in 16, and we have a triple A bond rating so come back when you can get Silly ILLYnoise or Callyconundrum to come up with the same thing!
Please read my post again. I acknowledged the money is a State shortfall, and I questioned who will have to ultimately cover the shortfall. So I think the misdirection is emanating from your corner, in the form of a post that does not address the questions it falsely condemns as statements.

Well, I read it is a profit to the State as opposed to if the jobs left. I believe it is 7 million over 10 years, which is less than a million per year for over 1000 jobs. Sounds better than revenue neutral to me since some people tend to forget that if they go away, for a certain amount of time we have to pay unemployment insurance.

But, if you have a different take, I am more than willing to listen. I am willing to learn a different approach!
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
So you have any idea what a CEO actually does

Even for you CF ... well, the answer, if this ^^^ was intended to be a question, is quite simple. The CEO does two things:
  1. He feather's his bed (job #1)
  2. He puts profits before people
QUESTION--------> The left wants to not allow Americans to work unless they join a union, by force if need is ok for illegals to take American jobs while lowering wages?!?!?!

Logic anyone!

Haha...we all know simple logic is completely dismissed by Liberals.
You'll never engage a Liberal when you ask for a logical explanation.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
So you have any idea what a CEO actually does
Yep. Gets rich off the labor of others. Fun stuff...
Ignorance abounds, it explains the why of the hoi polloi who voted for Republicans!

Let me help:

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary -

Let me help. Your bitch lost. You can either keep crying about it or get on board with something that's going to move this country forward. If not, get left behind.
You mean that's getting the RICH ahead,to hell with the extremely poor Appalachian Americans in Appalachia that need those unions to insure good jobs and wages and safety precautions. We fought this battle almost 100 years ago to have Unions protect workers rights in Appalachia and the rich loving republicans haven't stopped fighting to fuck Americans over since then.
My, what a good little capitalist you are. If you actually believed that unions benefited the worker, you would provide that negotiated service for free; to all the employees of that shop.

Unions definitely benefit the workers in many instances. I have worked for the company that employs me currently as a Temp, a Contractor, a Management employee and for the last 7 years as a Union employee. There is no way I would ever again work for thus company as anything other than a Union employee.

As the Steward for my Department, if Massachusetts were to pass Right-to-Work, no non-paying department members would be allowed to have a say in negotiations.
So you approve of being allowed to take a service and not pay for it? Thought conservatives were all for law and order and against welfare? Interesting...seems to be only for law and order when its pushed against PEOPLE not corporations and its only bad welfare when its for people but its great when its for corporations.
QUESTION--------> The left wants to not allow Americans to work unless they join a union, by force if need is ok for illegals to take American jobs while lowering wages?!?!?!

Logic anyone!

Haha...we all know simple logic is completely dismissed by Liberals.
You'll never engage a Liberal when you ask for a logical explanation.
QUESTION--------> The left wants to not allow Americans to work unless they join a union, by force if need is ok for illegals to take American jobs while lowering wages?!?!?!

Logic anyone!

Haha...we all know simple logic is completely dismissed by Liberals.
You'll never engage a Liberal when you ask for a logical explanation.

Ignorance abounds, it explains the why of the hoi polloi who voted for Republicans!

Let me help:

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary -

Let me help. Your bitch lost. You can either keep crying about it or get on board with something that's going to move this country forward. If not, get left behind.

See, that is what is so frustrating. The talking points of the left are against 1/2 of what they claim to stand for, but somehow we are all crazy, lol.

Illegals LOWER all wages in the country, but that is A-OK if your a leftist. Go figure, really, and then ask yourselves how any leftist can take both positions, the one in this thread, and the one that we can't remove illegals. It makes absolutely no sense. Their narrative is totally ILLOGICAL!
QUESTION--------> The left wants to not allow Americans to work unless they join a union, by force if need is ok for illegals to take American jobs while lowering wages?!?!?!

Logic anyone!

Haha...we all know simple logic is completely dismissed by Liberals.
You'll never engage a Liberal when you ask for a logical explanation.

Ignorance abounds, it explains the why of the hoi polloi who voted for Republicans!

Let me help:

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary -

Let me help. Your bitch lost. You can either keep crying about it or get on board with something that's going to move this country forward. If not, get left behind.

See, that is what is so frustrating. The talking points of the left are against 1/2 of what they claim to stand for, but somehow we are all crazy, lol.

Illegals LOWER all wages in the country, but that is A-OK if your a leftist. Go figure, really, and then ask yourselves how any leftist can take both positions, the one in this thread, and the one that we can't remove illegals. It makes absolutely no sense. Their narrative is totally ILLOGICAL!

Question-----------> If an illegal works in a "right to work state" and undercuts union wages, who is the bad entity? Is it the illegal because he undercut the union, or is it the union for demanding the sainted illegal stop undercutting them, lol! And if the Sainted ILLEGAL gets his way, then the mighty union worker is saying that------> we don't care if ILLEGALS screw us, but Americans trying to get a job, nope, nope, nope, they are evil, probably Trump supporters, so send them to South America and keep the sainted illegal!

I mean, they have zero logic, or credibility on this issue, they are nowhere near consistent politically, and then they have the nerve to start a thread like this, and ask you to take a position and defend it, lolol. Crazy leftists, really!
Not a big fan of Right to Work...and we're going to pass here in Missouri in the next year, thanks to Obama.

This is what I mean about toeing the party line without examining the issue. Why are you personally opposed to Unions? Because the party tells you that they are evil?

Unions increase wages for the working class in almost every sector. Increased wages are a good thing. Had the Unions not hitched their wagons to the Democrat party, we likely wouldn't be having this discussion. And now that Trump has won, we have an opportunity to bring the manufacturing Unions back into the fold.

Big Business doesn't like that idea at all. Big Business donates big money to the Republicans to control the agenda and expects YOU to support the agenda that they determine. Paul Ryan said today businesses that leave the country will NOT face tariffs. WHY NOT? Because Paul Ryan, the amnesty guy, is bought and paid for.

Are YOU bought and paid for?

Then question the motivations of those that oppose unions, and don't just regurgitate the party line. Unions need some rehabilitation, in some ways they have lost their way...but the idea that Unions are somehow evil is a misguided notion. As the progeny of a long line of Appalachian coal miners, I likely would have never been born without the safety upgrades in mining demanded by the United Mine Worker.

Why do you oppose Unions, other than they give money to the other guys?
Last edited:
I believe in Unions.

I just don't believe in STUPID Unions. And the Unions in today's America are beyond stupid.

Not really interested enough to get into a discussion/argument with the moron peanut gallery about this but American Unions have proven themselves useless too many times to worry about their welfare.

It's like anything and everything else dimocrap scum get hold of -- Primary Education, Secondary Education (Academia), Cities, Electronic and Print Media, Hollywood, Health Insurance, entire States..... Everything dimocrap scum touch they turn it to shit.


And the only way to get rid of the disease, the dimocrap scum infestation, is to destroy it and start over.

You think I'm being sardonic? Think again. It's why I always say --

dimocraps are scum

Given enough monkey's ... ^^^. But the product is nothing more than a replica. Of course I only reference this ^^^ monkey's (I apologize to all simians) first sentence, which is not a topic sentence sense at all, what follows his disdain for labor unions is a hateful rant.

A little history provides perspective:

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary -

and an editorial comment to balance the discussion:

The History Of Unions In The United States
I hope President Trump puts a stop to this shit in one way or the other. Its absolutely unfair and its LITERAL theft to get the benefits of being in a union while not having to pay to use their services...shocker big companies are now the welfare recipients! Get all benefits but don't have to pay a god damn thing.
My, what a good little capitalist you are. If you actually believed that unions benefited the worker, you would provide that negotiated service for free; to all the employees of that shop.
I am not a Capitalist. Oh and no Unions are there to provide a service you can pay for it and get the benefits or not pay for it and you should get ZERO benefits of it.
Ha! Only a left wing nutter would think going right to work is going backwards. Watch Kentucky enjoy the benefits of this very smart move. They we will see who is laughing.
Only a moronic tool thinks people should get the benefits of a union while using theft to get them. Want the benefits then PAY to get them. I want satellite tv so I PAY for it. I want internet so I PAY for it. Same thing here. Oh and driving down wages is good for workers how? Appalachia is already one of the poorest areas of the US,this will make it worse.
QUESTION--------> The left wants to not allow Americans to work unless they join a union, by force if need is ok for illegals to take American jobs while lowering wages?!?!?!

Logic anyone!
Nope I didn't say that. I said if you want to join the union go ahead but if you don't you should get ZERO of the benefits the union provides. Why is it REPUBLICANS think people should get shit for free? Thought you all hated welfare? That's exactly what this is. You pay nothing but you reap all the benefits.

A closed shop requires every employee to be a union member with the caveat that anyone who holds a moral / ethical objection can make an equal donation to designated non profits in lieu of paying union dues, and thus have the support and receive the same benefits of union membership while not provide financial support to the union.

Of course unions generally support the Democratic candidate, thus the war on unions exists in Red States. Consider if you will, that Professional Organizations are not impacted by RTW laws, and all but the willfully ignorant will understand the hypocrisy inherent in RTW legislation.
Designated non-profits? So they union decides where your money can go while it funnels funds into Democrat coffers. You shot yourself in the foot.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
That's good perhaps they can get ahead...
"They", of course, being the owners, not the workers.

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