Kentucky takes another step towards being a laughing stock

Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.

/---- Blue State New York is right to work. Any fake outrage for that?
QUESTION--------> The left wants to not allow Americans to work unless they join a union, by force if need is ok for illegals to take American jobs while lowering wages?!?!?!

Logic anyone!

Haha...we all know simple logic is completely dismissed by Liberals.
You'll never engage a Liberal when you ask for a logical explanation.

Ignorance abounds, it explains the why of the hoi polloi who voted for Republicans!

Let me help:

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary -

Let me help. Your bitch lost. You can either keep crying about it or get on board with something that's going to move this country forward. If not, get left behind.

See, that is what is so frustrating. The talking points of the left are against 1/2 of what they claim to stand for, but somehow we are all crazy, lol.

Illegals LOWER all wages in the country, but that is A-OK if your a leftist. Go figure, really, and then ask yourselves how any leftist can take both positions, the one in this thread, and the one that we can't remove illegals. It makes absolutely no sense. Their narrative is totally ILLOGICAL!

Question-----------> If an illegal works in a "right to work state" and undercuts union wages, who is the bad entity? Is it the illegal because he undercut the union, or is it the union for demanding the sainted illegal stop undercutting them, lol! And if the Sainted ILLEGAL gets his way, then the mighty union worker is saying that------> we don't care if ILLEGALS screw us, but Americans trying to get a job, nope, nope, nope, they are evil, probably Trump supporters, so send them to South America and keep the sainted illegal!

I mean, they have zero logic, or credibility on this issue, they are nowhere near consistent politically, and then they have the nerve to start a thread like this, and ask you to take a position and defend it, lolol. Crazy leftists, really!

Careful with all your articulate, reasonable logic... you'll lose the attention of the Liberals with that shit.
You probably have a thousand of them sitting behind their keyboard right now totally stumped....they have one finger over a key and "duh, duh,duh"
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.

/---- Blue State New York is right to work. Any fake outrage for that?
How in the hell did that ever pass? No state should have it and every state should have a law that 1. Says union membership is NOT a requirement for employment and 2. If you DON'T join the union you get NONE of the benefits of the union.

dimocrap scum are losing the battle for America.

Let Freedom Ring

/---- NY is Right to Work ----Find Law: New York and 'Right-to-Work' Laws

Statutes most commonly called "right-to-work" laws prohibit employers from excluding job applicants (or discriminating against current employees) who choose not to join the union. But non-union workers are still entitled to the same salary and terms negotiated by the union, and may even require union representation in some cases.
How in the hell did that ever pass? No state should have it and every state should have a law that 1. Says union membership is NOT a requirement for employment and 2. If you DON'T join the union you get NONE of the benefits of the union.
Show me a union that would willingly go along with that.
My, what a good little capitalist you are. If you actually believed that unions benefited the worker, you would provide that negotiated service for free; to all the employees of that shop.

Unions definitely benefit the workers in many instances. I have worked for the company that employs me currently as a Temp, a Contractor, a Management employee and for the last 7 years as a Union employee. There is no way I would ever again work for thus company as anything other than a Union employee.

As the Steward for my Department, if Massachusetts were to pass Right-to-Work, no non-paying department members would be allowed to have a say in negotiations.
In "some" instances. More often than not, unions function as a "friends network" where only the most senior people benefit from policies pursued by union leadership. Frequently, the rank and file have to take the dregs of the union, rarely have their grievances addressed (particularly if grievances interfere with their off-book perks. Given that the dues paid by the lower castes of the union are funneled into the coffers of political parties they disagree with for favors to the union, it's hardly an ideal situation. I belong to a union, and they are not looking out for the ordinary worker.

Requiring non-union workers to pay to work in a company controlled by the union is tantamount to extortion. Unions do serve a purpose, however; no one should be forced to contribute to them.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
That's good perhaps they can get ahead...
"They", of course, being the owners, not the workers.
Owners are unionized? That's just silly little child.....
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.

It's funny because the Republican plan for health care is to allow people to form groups to negotiate for better prices. Group, a union.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.

It's funny because the Republican plan for health care is to allow people to form groups to negotiate for better prices. Group, a union.
How much will they get paid?
To paraphrase the "great orator" Obama,.....

If uh um uh, you LWNJ's don't like this, well,, uh, umm, uhhh,,go out and uh um, win some ummm, elections!

Meanwhile, uh um uh, get in the back of the uh um uh bus!!
How in the hell did that ever pass? No state should have it and every state should have a law that 1. Says union membership is NOT a requirement for employment and 2. If you DON'T join the union you get NONE of the benefits of the union.
Show me a union that would willingly go along with that.
Why would they not? If an employer OWNS his business then he sets the rules right? So how is a union going to FORCE people to join the union to get a job there? The employer is the person hiring/firing.
.....I belong to a union, and they are not looking out for the ordinary worker.

Requiring non-union workers to pay to work in a company controlled by the union is tantamount to extortion. Unions do serve a purpose, however; no one should be forced to contribute to them.

Then maybe you should run for a Union office and fix the problems.

You expect me, and the Union to represent and negotiate in the best interest of people who spit in our face by not paying dues? I don't think so.
I hope President Trump puts a stop to this shit in one way or the other. Its absolutely unfair and its LITERAL theft to get the benefits of being in a union while not having to pay to use their services...shocker big companies are now the welfare recipients! Get all benefits but don't have to pay a god damn thing.

It is a principle tool of Republicans to get rid of collective bargaining

Starve out the unions
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.

Well--that's what happens when an Ass Clown is the top of the ticket of the Republican party, and it' always a danger when one party controls all parts of government.

Not a big fan of Right to Work...and we're going to pass here in Missouri in the next year, thanks to Obama.

This is what I mean about toeing the party line without examining the issue. Why are you personally opposed to Unions? Because the party tells you that they are evil?

Unions increase wages for the working class in almost every sector. Increased wages are a good thing. Had the Unions not hitched their wagons to the Democrat party, we likely wouldn't be having this discussion. And now that Trump has won, we have an opportunity to bring the manufacturing Unions back into the fold.

Big Business doesn't like that idea at all. Big Business donates big money to the Republicans to control the agenda and expects YOU to support the agenda that they determine. Paul Ryan said today businesses that leave the country will NOT face tariffs. WHY NOT? Because Paul Ryan, the amnesty guy, is bought and paid for.

Are YOU bought and paid for?

Then question the motivations of those that oppose unions, and don't just regurgitate the party line. Unions need some rehabilitation, in some ways they have lost their way...but the idea that Unions are somehow evil is a misguided notion. As the progeny of a long line of Appalachian coal miners, I likely would have never been born without the safety upgrades in mining demanded by the United Mine Worker.

Why do you oppose Unions, other than they give money to the other guys?

Increased wages are a good thing as long as those increases come in the correct manner of earning them. Unions artificially increase wages through extortion type technics. I think a business should be able to pay whatever they determine a skill is worth not what the government or a bunch of union thugs think it is.
I hope President Trump puts a stop to this shit in one way or the other. Its absolutely unfair and its LITERAL theft to get the benefits of being in a union while not having to pay to use their services...shocker big companies are now the welfare recipients! Get all benefits but don't have to pay a god damn thing.

It is a principle tool of Republicans to get rid of collective bargaining

Starve out the unions

I have absolutely no problem with that. What you make should be based on what YOU offer not what a bunch of people who simply want more do as a group. If you can't bargain based on YOUR skills, it says a lot about your lack of skills.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
I make a motion to ask, Kentucky Colonels, for leadership advice.
I hope President Trump puts a stop to this shit in one way or the other. Its absolutely unfair and its LITERAL theft to get the benefits of being in a union while not having to pay to use their services...shocker big companies are now the welfare recipients! Get all benefits but don't have to pay a god damn thing.

It is a principle tool of Republicans to get rid of collective bargaining

Starve out the unions

I have absolutely no problem with that. What you make should be based on what YOU offer not what a bunch of people who simply want more do as a group. If you can't bargain based on YOUR skills, it says a lot about your lack of skills.
That's not how it works. The employers holds ALL the cards when it comes to deciding what you get paid UNLESS you are looking to leave one job for another which is hardly the case. Most times you NEED a job that pays well because you have a family to take care of and greedy CEO's sure in the hell don't want to pay a decent wage...if they could pay 1$ an hour and get away with it they would. A COMPANY is a group so its only fair the EMPLOYEES or PROSPECTIVE employees have a GROUP to help insure wages are decent as well.
I hope President Trump puts a stop to this shit in one way or the other. Its absolutely unfair and its LITERAL theft to get the benefits of being in a union while not having to pay to use their services...shocker big companies are now the welfare recipients! Get all benefits but don't have to pay a god damn thing.

It is a principle tool of Republicans to get rid of collective bargaining

Starve out the unions

I have absolutely no problem with that. What you make should be based on what YOU offer not what a bunch of people who simply want more do as a group. If you can't bargain based on YOUR skills, it says a lot about your lack of skills.
That's not how it works. The employers holds ALL the cards when it comes to deciding what you get paid UNLESS you are looking to leave one job for another which is hardly the case. Most times you NEED a job that pays well because you have a family to take care of and greedy CEO's sure in the hell don't want to pay a decent wage...if they could pay 1$ an hour and get away with it they would. A COMPANY is a group so its only fair the EMPLOYEES or PROSPECTIVE employees have a GROUP to help insure wages are decent as well.

Since the money that is being paid is being paid by the EMPLOYERS, the employers are the only ones that should have a say in what gets paid. Don't like it, tough shit. I don't anyone that didn't know what they were going to make BEFORE they started. It's after they agree to the wage and being work they suddenly have a problem with it.

If you need a job that pays well to take care of your family, offer skills were paying for that do that. I do.

Because the one doing the paying using his/her money doesn't pay what the one working wants doesn't make the payer greedy. It makes the one complaining greedy.

Fair? Typical lefty word meaning you're not doing what I want so you have to do more for me.

Want a decent wage. Offer a decent skill. Plenty do it every day and have no complaints whatsoever.
Derp. Just more deflection because republicans don't like their bullshit called out. Its obvious republicans have ZERO issues with corporations getting welfare but not PEOPLE who actually need it. ANYONE can be fired even union members you just can't do it for frivolous reasons like bringing in some cheaper labor etc...I know you conservatards hate labor and workers rights laws....its obvious.

So move to Cali if you feel so strongly about?

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