Kentucky takes another step towards being a laughing stock

Ignorance abounds, it explains the why of the hoi polloi who voted for Republicans!

Let me help:

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary -

Let me help. Your bitch lost. You can either keep crying about it or get on board with something that's going to move this country forward. If not, get left behind.
You mean that's getting the RICH ahead,to hell with the extremely poor Appalachian Americans in Appalachia that need those unions to insure good jobs and wages and safety precautions. We fought this battle almost 100 years ago to have Unions protect workers rights in Appalachia and the rich loving republicans haven't stopped fighting to fuck Americans over since then.

When you base a person's pay on how many years they've worked and not on performance that screws the company and the consumer.
If you apply yourself and actually add value to a company you'll get paid just as much or more as a union worker in a RTWS.

Pay should be based on performance...Period!!
Not a big fan of Right to Work...and we're going to pass here in Missouri in the next year, thanks to Obama.

This is what I mean about toeing the party line without examining the issue. Why are you personally opposed to Unions? Because the party tells you that they are evil?

Unions increase wages for the working class in almost every sector. Increased wages are a good thing. Had the Unions not hitched their wagons to the Democrat party, we likely wouldn't be having this discussion. And now that Trump has won, we have an opportunity to bring the manufacturing Unions back into the fold.

Big Business doesn't like that idea at all. Big Business donates big money to the Republicans to control the agenda and expects YOU to support the agenda that they determine. Paul Ryan said today businesses that leave the country will NOT face tariffs. WHY NOT? Because Paul Ryan, the amnesty guy, is bought and paid for.

Are YOU bought and paid for?

Then question the motivations of those that oppose unions, and don't just regurgitate the party line. Unions need some rehabilitation, in some ways they have lost their way...but the idea that Unions are somehow evil is a misguided notion. As the progeny of a long line of Appalachian coal miners, I likely would have never been born without the safety upgrades in mining demanded by the United Mine Worker.

Why do you oppose Unions, other than they give money to the other guys?

Job safety is now covered with OSHA.
As far as the worth of unions today I just dont see it.
Let the market and the quality of the employee determine pay.
And of course stop watering down the job market with foreigners.
I hope President Trump puts a stop to this shit in one way or the other. Its absolutely unfair and its LITERAL theft to get the benefits of being in a union while not having to pay to use their services...shocker big companies are now the welfare recipients! Get all benefits but don't have to pay a god damn thing.

It is a principle tool of Republicans to get rid of collective bargaining

Starve out the unions

I have absolutely no problem with that. What you make should be based on what YOU offer not what a bunch of people who simply want more do as a group. If you can't bargain based on YOUR skills, it says a lot about your lack of skills.
That's not how it works. The employers holds ALL the cards when it comes to deciding what you get paid UNLESS you are looking to leave one job for another which is hardly the case. Most times you NEED a job that pays well because you have a family to take care of and greedy CEO's sure in the hell don't want to pay a decent wage...if they could pay 1$ an hour and get away with it they would. A COMPANY is a group so its only fair the EMPLOYEES or PROSPECTIVE employees have a GROUP to help insure wages are decent as well.

Since the money that is being paid is being paid by the EMPLOYERS, the employers are the only ones that should have a say in what gets paid. Don't like it, tough shit. I don't anyone that didn't know what they were going to make BEFORE they started. It's after they agree to the wage and being work they suddenly have a problem with it.

If you need a job that pays well to take care of your family, offer skills were paying for that do that. I do.

Because the one doing the paying using his/her money doesn't pay what the one working wants doesn't make the payer greedy. It makes the one complaining greedy.

Fair? Typical lefty word meaning you're not doing what I want so you have to do more for me.

Want a decent wage. Offer a decent skill. Plenty do it every day and have no complaints whatsoever.
AKA system is rigged so we need unions to make it less rigged against the worker.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
So you have any idea what a CEO actually does

Even for you CF ... well, the answer, if this ^^^ was intended to be a question, is quite simple. The CEO does two things:
  1. He feather's his bed (job #1)
  2. He puts profits before people

A. Mazing.

Simply Amazing

Progs have only the Little Red Book to guide them so they're often wrong out in the trillions column
I hope President Trump puts a stop to this shit in one way or the other. Its absolutely unfair and its LITERAL theft to get the benefits of being in a union while not having to pay to use their services...shocker big companies are now the welfare recipients! Get all benefits but don't have to pay a god damn thing.

It is a principle tool of Republicans to get rid of collective bargaining

Starve out the unions

I have absolutely no problem with that. What you make should be based on what YOU offer not what a bunch of people who simply want more do as a group. If you can't bargain based on YOUR skills, it says a lot about your lack of skills.
That's not how it works. The employers holds ALL the cards when it comes to deciding what you get paid UNLESS you are looking to leave one job for another which is hardly the case. Most times you NEED a job that pays well because you have a family to take care of and greedy CEO's sure in the hell don't want to pay a decent wage...if they could pay 1$ an hour and get away with it they would. A COMPANY is a group so its only fair the EMPLOYEES or PROSPECTIVE employees have a GROUP to help insure wages are decent as well.

Since the money that is being paid is being paid by the EMPLOYERS, the employers are the only ones that should have a say in what gets paid. Don't like it, tough shit. I don't anyone that didn't know what they were going to make BEFORE they started. It's after they agree to the wage and being work they suddenly have a problem with it.

If you need a job that pays well to take care of your family, offer skills were paying for that do that. I do.

Because the one doing the paying using his/her money doesn't pay what the one working wants doesn't make the payer greedy. It makes the one complaining greedy.

Fair? Typical lefty word meaning you're not doing what I want so you have to do more for me.

Want a decent wage. Offer a decent skill. Plenty do it every day and have no complaints whatsoever.
AKA system is rigged so we need unions to make it less rigged against the worker.

Since the one doing the paying is the one that should be determining wages, your claim of a rigged system is false. If I pay you and it's my money doing the paying, I set the amount, the time you get there, the time you leave, and what you do between those two.
It is a principle tool of Republicans to get rid of collective bargaining

Starve out the unions

I have absolutely no problem with that. What you make should be based on what YOU offer not what a bunch of people who simply want more do as a group. If you can't bargain based on YOUR skills, it says a lot about your lack of skills.
That's not how it works. The employers holds ALL the cards when it comes to deciding what you get paid UNLESS you are looking to leave one job for another which is hardly the case. Most times you NEED a job that pays well because you have a family to take care of and greedy CEO's sure in the hell don't want to pay a decent wage...if they could pay 1$ an hour and get away with it they would. A COMPANY is a group so its only fair the EMPLOYEES or PROSPECTIVE employees have a GROUP to help insure wages are decent as well.

Since the money that is being paid is being paid by the EMPLOYERS, the employers are the only ones that should have a say in what gets paid. Don't like it, tough shit. I don't anyone that didn't know what they were going to make BEFORE they started. It's after they agree to the wage and being work they suddenly have a problem with it.

If you need a job that pays well to take care of your family, offer skills were paying for that do that. I do.

Because the one doing the paying using his/her money doesn't pay what the one working wants doesn't make the payer greedy. It makes the one complaining greedy.

Fair? Typical lefty word meaning you're not doing what I want so you have to do more for me.

Want a decent wage. Offer a decent skill. Plenty do it every day and have no complaints whatsoever.
AKA system is rigged so we need unions to make it less rigged against the worker.

Since the one doing the paying is the one that should be determining wages, your claim of a rigged system is false. If I pay you and it's my money doing the paying, I set the amount, the time you get there, the time you leave, and what you do between those two.
Actually the government has a say so in a lot of that. Which is why we need a minimum wage law because greedy CEO's/Companies want as much slave labor for free as possible. Thank god for government!
I have absolutely no problem with that. What you make should be based on what YOU offer not what a bunch of people who simply want more do as a group. If you can't bargain based on YOUR skills, it says a lot about your lack of skills.
That's not how it works. The employers holds ALL the cards when it comes to deciding what you get paid UNLESS you are looking to leave one job for another which is hardly the case. Most times you NEED a job that pays well because you have a family to take care of and greedy CEO's sure in the hell don't want to pay a decent wage...if they could pay 1$ an hour and get away with it they would. A COMPANY is a group so its only fair the EMPLOYEES or PROSPECTIVE employees have a GROUP to help insure wages are decent as well.

Since the money that is being paid is being paid by the EMPLOYERS, the employers are the only ones that should have a say in what gets paid. Don't like it, tough shit. I don't anyone that didn't know what they were going to make BEFORE they started. It's after they agree to the wage and being work they suddenly have a problem with it.

If you need a job that pays well to take care of your family, offer skills were paying for that do that. I do.

Because the one doing the paying using his/her money doesn't pay what the one working wants doesn't make the payer greedy. It makes the one complaining greedy.

Fair? Typical lefty word meaning you're not doing what I want so you have to do more for me.

Want a decent wage. Offer a decent skill. Plenty do it every day and have no complaints whatsoever.
AKA system is rigged so we need unions to make it less rigged against the worker.

Since the one doing the paying is the one that should be determining wages, your claim of a rigged system is false. If I pay you and it's my money doing the paying, I set the amount, the time you get there, the time you leave, and what you do between those two.
Actually the government has a say so in a lot of that. Which is why we need a minimum wage law because greedy CEO's/Companies want as much slave labor for free as possible. Thank god for government!

Again, someone isn't greedy because they don't pay what YOU think they should pay with THEIR money.

You should be thankful. It's the only way you'd ever make the current $7.25 minimum.
.....I belong to a union, and they are not looking out for the ordinary worker.

Requiring non-union workers to pay to work in a company controlled by the union is tantamount to extortion. Unions do serve a purpose, however; no one should be forced to contribute to them.

Then maybe you should run for a Union office and fix the problems.

You expect me, and the Union to represent and negotiate in the best interest of people who spit in our face by not paying dues? I don't think so.
Dude, give up. Many union locals are totally dominated by one group, often with a totally-unchallengeable majority. (I'm in one.)
That's not how it works. The employers holds ALL the cards when it comes to deciding what you get paid UNLESS you are looking to leave one job for another which is hardly the case. Most times you NEED a job that pays well because you have a family to take care of and greedy CEO's sure in the hell don't want to pay a decent wage...if they could pay 1$ an hour and get away with it they would. A COMPANY is a group so its only fair the EMPLOYEES or PROSPECTIVE employees have a GROUP to help insure wages are decent as well.

Since the money that is being paid is being paid by the EMPLOYERS, the employers are the only ones that should have a say in what gets paid. Don't like it, tough shit. I don't anyone that didn't know what they were going to make BEFORE they started. It's after they agree to the wage and being work they suddenly have a problem with it.

If you need a job that pays well to take care of your family, offer skills were paying for that do that. I do.

Because the one doing the paying using his/her money doesn't pay what the one working wants doesn't make the payer greedy. It makes the one complaining greedy.

Fair? Typical lefty word meaning you're not doing what I want so you have to do more for me.

Want a decent wage. Offer a decent skill. Plenty do it every day and have no complaints whatsoever.
AKA system is rigged so we need unions to make it less rigged against the worker.

Since the one doing the paying is the one that should be determining wages, your claim of a rigged system is false. If I pay you and it's my money doing the paying, I set the amount, the time you get there, the time you leave, and what you do between those two.
Actually the government has a say so in a lot of that. Which is why we need a minimum wage law because greedy CEO's/Companies want as much slave labor for free as possible. Thank god for government!

Again, someone isn't greedy because they don't pay what YOU think they should pay with THEIR money.

You should be thankful. It's the only way you'd ever make the current $7.25 minimum.
They want their crap made and sold and transported so yeah they are being greedy and really stupid at the same time,which is why we NEED government to keep this greedy assholes in check.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
So you have any idea what a CEO actually does

Even for you CF ... well, the answer, if this ^^^ was intended to be a question, is quite simple. The CEO does two things:
  1. He feather's his bed (job #1)
  2. He puts profits before people

A. Mazing.

Simply Amazing

Progs have only the Little Red Book to guide them so they're often wrong out in the trillions column

Your idiot-gram being a non sequitur fails as a rebuttal! Your idiot-gram is an example of the genre of the fools.

The evidence is quite clear: Salaries of CEO's have geometrically grown, as the salary and hourly wage of the worker bees has stagnated.
Since the money that is being paid is being paid by the EMPLOYERS, the employers are the only ones that should have a say in what gets paid. Don't like it, tough shit. I don't anyone that didn't know what they were going to make BEFORE they started. It's after they agree to the wage and being work they suddenly have a problem with it.

If you need a job that pays well to take care of your family, offer skills were paying for that do that. I do.

Because the one doing the paying using his/her money doesn't pay what the one working wants doesn't make the payer greedy. It makes the one complaining greedy.

Fair? Typical lefty word meaning you're not doing what I want so you have to do more for me.

Want a decent wage. Offer a decent skill. Plenty do it every day and have no complaints whatsoever.
AKA system is rigged so we need unions to make it less rigged against the worker.

Since the one doing the paying is the one that should be determining wages, your claim of a rigged system is false. If I pay you and it's my money doing the paying, I set the amount, the time you get there, the time you leave, and what you do between those two.
Actually the government has a say so in a lot of that. Which is why we need a minimum wage law because greedy CEO's/Companies want as much slave labor for free as possible. Thank god for government!

Again, someone isn't greedy because they don't pay what YOU think they should pay with THEIR money.

You should be thankful. It's the only way you'd ever make the current $7.25 minimum.
They want their crap made and sold and transported so yeah they are being greedy and really stupid at the same time,which is why we NEED government to keep this greedy assholes in check.

They pay to have it made. That you don't like what they pay doesn't make them greedy. It means it's their money, not yours, and theirs to do with as they, not you, please.

Greedy has never been, nor will it ever be, defined as someone not doing with their money what you think they should.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
So you have any idea what a CEO actually does

Even for you CF ... well, the answer, if this ^^^ was intended to be a question, is quite simple. The CEO does two things:
  1. He feather's his bed (job #1)
  2. He puts profits before people

A. Mazing.

Simply Amazing

Progs have only the Little Red Book to guide them so they're often wrong out in the trillions column

Your idiot-gram being a non sequitur fails as a rebuttal! Your idiot-gram is an example of the genre of the fools.

The evidence is quite clear: Salaries of CEO's have geometrically grown, as the salary and hourly wage of the worker bees has stagnated.

There's a solution. Strive to be better and make more.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
So you have any idea what a CEO actually does

Even for you CF ... well, the answer, if this ^^^ was intended to be a question, is quite simple. The CEO does two things:
  1. He feather's his bed (job #1)
  2. He puts profits before people

A. Mazing.

Simply Amazing

Progs have only the Little Red Book to guide them so they're often wrong out in the trillions column

Your idiot-gram being a non sequitur fails as a rebuttal! Your idiot-gram is an example of the genre of the fools.

The evidence is quite clear: Salaries of CEO's have geometrically grown, as the salary and hourly wage of the worker bees has stagnated.

There's a solution. Strive to be better and make more.

Sure, easy to say, but not to do, especially alone; not everyone can be Norma Rae. And when greed and envy become the dominant value of voters, opportunities become few and limit the ability of even the most ambitious. And of course Norma Rae would today be called a Communist and worse.
Why can't a skilled worker get a job without being forced to contribute a portion of his salary to a criminal enterprise once run by Jimmy Hoffa? It's bad enough that rich criminals who pretend to represent union worker extort money from the workers and the corporations but rich union officials get golden retirement packages by forcing middle class municipalities into bankruptcy with do nothing state and local jobs. Way to go Kentucky.
Why can't a skilled worker get a job without being forced to contribute a portion of his salary to a criminal enterprise once run by Jimmy Hoffa? It's bad enough that rich criminals who pretend to represent union worker extort money from the workers and the corporations but rich union officials get golden retirement packages by forcing middle class municipalities into bankruptcy with do nothing state and local jobs. Way to go Kentucky.

You really do need to take a course in US History, especially on the history of labor from Reconstruction to today.
So you have any idea what a CEO actually does

Even for you CF ... well, the answer, if this ^^^ was intended to be a question, is quite simple. The CEO does two things:
  1. He feather's his bed (job #1)
  2. He puts profits before people

A. Mazing.

Simply Amazing

Progs have only the Little Red Book to guide them so they're often wrong out in the trillions column

Your idiot-gram being a non sequitur fails as a rebuttal! Your idiot-gram is an example of the genre of the fools.

The evidence is quite clear: Salaries of CEO's have geometrically grown, as the salary and hourly wage of the worker bees has stagnated.

There's a solution. Strive to be better and make more.

Sure, easy to say, but not to do, especially alone; not everyone can be Norma Rae. And when greed and envy become the dominant value of voters, opportunities become few and limit the ability of even the most ambitious. And of course Norma Rae would today be called a Communist and worse.

It's easy to do. Not every effort will be successful but putting forth an effort isn't hard to do. If those that constantly makes excuses put half the effort toward bettering themselves as they do looking for ways to blame someone else for their failures, this conversation wouldn't take place.

It's not greedy to have more or want to have more. It's only considered greed by you pieces of shit that think having more automatically means someone that doesn't have as much should get what they didn't earn funded by the one that did earn it.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.

They in fact are the personification of third world toilet people. I know. I live there.
Kentucky Republicans Pass Right-To-Work, Dropping The Hammer On Unions | The Huffington Post

Hey what the hell its not like Appalachia was poor enough lets drive down wages even more! Everything for the rich CEO nothing for the poor worker trying to feed their family. What needs changed is US Labor law. If you aren't PAYING to belong to a union then you should get NONE of the benefits of being in the union.
I agree, just like if you are not paying taxes, you should get NONE of the benefits of living in this country.

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