kerry calls for investigations into russia for war crimes

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  • #82
AP News : Yuma Sun

A link for the news story

Why is the benefit of Accusing Russia of war crimes when we know we could try then if we wanted to? As long as they remain on the security council they can veto our attempts. I dont see how it benefits us for the government to ratchet up the rhetoric.

I also saw an article that said Russia threatened to shoot down any of our planes that attempt to intervene on yahoo. But now the link to it doesn't work.
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  • #84

Like most wanna-be bullies, right wingers on here want to talk "tough" but then back off when they realize what the consequences would materialize.......Sure, lets destroy the world just so that right wingers on here can say, we're the toughest AND deadest mother fuckers and we "won".....

This is war the administration is starting, with what seems like no purpose to follow through but only to look tough. There is only so many times you do that before people stop believing you have strength or will to use it
Kerry's war against war crimes? Can we assume it will resemble the Iran Nuclear Arms Treaty? The man is the king of bluster. One can only be thankful he and his pretender in chief will be put out to pasture in the next three months.
Kerry's war against war crimes? Can we assume it will resemble the Iran Nuclear Arms Treaty? The man is the king of bluster. One can only be thankful he and his pretender in chief will be put out to pasture in the next three months.

The two clowns are going to mess around and really piss Russia off
Russia responds by ratifying treaty to keep Russian troops on Syria indefinitely.

Just heard on the news.

Kerry's frustrated that Obama won't achieve his goal of helping ISIS overthrow Syria before his administration puts their tail between their legs and skulk out of DC to his home. Chicago, better you than the rest of us ...
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  • #92
Let Russia keep troops there........They can spend money and lives in that shit hole of a country, just like they did in Afghanistan.
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  • #96
Let Russia keep troops there........They can spend money and lives in that shit hole of a country, just like they did in Afghanistan.

So you are alright if they shoot our planes down?
Russia responds by ratifying treaty to keep Russian troops on Syria indefinitely.

Just heard on the news.

Well, shit. Is the reset button Hillary gave them broke?

Well she never did get the right word so who knows what the button does now

We need to make an eject button to send Hillary out of Washington and into the nearest nursing home, where at least one poster on this board would immediately strip her of her right to vote.
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  • #99
Russia responds by ratifying treaty to keep Russian troops on Syria indefinitely.

Just heard on the news.

Well, shit. Is the reset button Hillary gave them broke?

Well she never did get the right word so who knows what the button does now

We need to make an eject button to send Hillary out of Washington and into the nearest nursing home, where at least one poster on this board would immediately strip her of her right to vote.

No need to strip her of her right to vote. At least not without due process

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