Kerry: If We're Wrong on Climate Change, 'What's the Worst That Can Happen?'

Democrats are sometimes smarter than they look. Why would the Secretary of State bring up an argument about global warming when Marines are standing by to deploy to several hot spot embassies and a Pentagon spokesman admits that they learned how to be combat ready after Benghazi? Why would the Secretary of State care about global warming when Hussein's foreign policy is collapsing? It beats talking about issues?
Just heard a interesting tidbit on this subject on TV, the said the world will emmit 35 gigatons of CO2 this year. The US will be responsible for only 6 gigatons. So any reductions on our part will be virtually worthless in the big scheme of things.

China will be closer to ten gigatons.

So the AGWCult wants to run down the US economy and not have a discernible impact on the climate? Isn't that Domestic Terrorism?
Just heard a interesting tidbit on this subject on TV, the said the world will emmit 35 gigatons of CO2 this year. The US will be responsible for only 6 gigatons. So any reductions on our part will be virtually worthless in the big scheme of things.

China will be closer to ten gigatons.

So the AGWCult wants to run down the US economy and not have a discernible impact on the climate? Isn't that Domestic Terrorism?

The US is one of the few countries that is actually reducing it's carbon footprint and not because of the mulatto messiah.
What's the worse that could happen?!? Cleaner air and water with less dependence on dirty fossil fuels, that's what! That would hurt the Kochs...can't have that.

Again, the worst is more government control, less income, less prosperity, and less freedom over something that may or may not affect us.

More watermelon attempts at socialism, nothing but.
Well Mr Kerry the sky could fall. How about that? /sarcasm

If we cant afford to make the earth better we really have to look at our priorities. lol..I mean, we only live here...calm down hehe

So mr. we've got to do SOMETHING!" What exactly do we get for the expenditure of 76 trillion dollars? Who gets all that money...other than all the third world dictators ho are hoping to score big I mean...who else?

Lets take that number down a bit shall we? :lol: Republican story time always has some bullshit built in like 76 trillion. But moving on...IDK what we get...a better living environment, healthier planet and lifestyle. You know, trivial bullshit like that.
If Climate change is a Global Issue, what are the UN and other International Organizations doing to curtail oil and fossil fuel consumption by China, Russia, India, Latin America? All of the effort is pointed at US. If this were truly a global concern, efforts would be underway to keep other countries from contributing to the so-called fossil fuel crisis. In fact, China, Russia, India, Latin America, it's Drill and more Drill.

This is clearly an effort to keep the US from growing.

Clearly it's not working.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)
Kerry: If We're Wrong on Climate Change, 'What's the Worst That Can Happen?' answer= we waste TRILLIONS OF $$$$$$$$$$$$ AND RUIN OUR ECONOMY FUTHER AS WE GO DOWN THE DRAIN. SCIENCE HAS NO CONTROL OF SUN CYCLES.
Democrats are sometimes smarter than they look. Why would the Secretary of State bring up an argument about global warming when Marines are standing by to deploy to several hot spot embassies and a Pentagon spokesman admits that they learned how to be combat ready after Benghazi? Why would the Secretary of State care about global warming when Hussein's foreign policy is collapsing? It beats talking about issues?

Because the military sees a direct link between the effects of global warming — like rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns — and terrorism.
Democrats are sometimes smarter than they look. Why would the Secretary of State bring up an argument about global warming when Marines are standing by to deploy to several hot spot embassies and a Pentagon spokesman admits that they learned how to be combat ready after Benghazi? Why would the Secretary of State care about global warming when Hussein's foreign policy is collapsing? It beats talking about issues?

Because the military sees a direct link between the effects of global warming — like rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns — and terrorism.

yes!!! sun cycles do cause global warming and have long before man made smog.
Just heard a interesting tidbit on this subject on TV, the said the world will emmit 35 gigatons of CO2 this year. The US will be responsible for only 6 gigatons. So any reductions on our part will be virtually worthless in the big scheme of things.

China will be closer to ten gigatons.

7 billion people, the US 300 million, so the US makes up 1/23rd of the world, yet makes 1/5th of the world's pollution and someone has the gall to say this would be "virtually worthless". In fact it would be quite big.

China is a major worry, their cities are polluted and as the country gets richer, the more it will pollute. However they are pumping money into alternative sources of energy other than polluting ones.
Democrats are sometimes smarter than they look. Why would the Secretary of State bring up an argument about global warming when Marines are standing by to deploy to several hot spot embassies and a Pentagon spokesman admits that they learned how to be combat ready after Benghazi? Why would the Secretary of State care about global warming when Hussein's foreign policy is collapsing? It beats talking about issues?

Because the military sees a direct link between the effects of global warming — like rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns — and terrorism.

yes!!! sun cycles do cause global warming and have long before man made smog.

Yes, there is global warming, and then they're man made global warming which we don't know the impact of.
what's the worst that can happen?

a global wealth redistribution scam falls apart

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