Kevin Spaceys career is over. Sexual assault of a 14 year old boy.

I hope he never get another gig, but he is the type that a few years from now will win a golden globe and Oscar and MSM will scream Spacey is back.

Seth MacFarlane is probably wondering how he pegged the sicko so well when he had stewie run naked in the family guy show claiming he escaped Spacey basement!
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.
Fall on the boy? Was that before or after he picked him up like a new bride and carried him into another room to lay him on a bed before laying down on top of him?

Why are you making excuses for pedophilia?
Witch Hunt.
And some of you sit back with popcorn in hand and can't wait till the next person is fried.
Far be it from me to defend his actions, to which he has not admitted to...since IT WAS 30 YEARS AGO...and I am sure he has both thrown and been a part of 100's of drunken parties it would be insane to believe he would remember it.
But here we are again, why now? Why 30 years later choose to destroy someone over an event that doesn't even begin to be as horrible as what Polanski did - who these very same people want to give hugs and kisses to!!!
Why?? ...because the man has poor judgement. His PR person should be taken out back and shot. Coming out now as gay most likely hoping to draw heat away...and here they go...Kevin should know you cannot touch the sacred robe of homosexuality. You cannot say or do anything that in any way cast a bad light on one of the left's most sacred "victims". Just a shade behind transexuals.
But I digress...these people have no shame. It appears that while drunk he laid this kid on a bed and pressed up against him...not cool...but not exactly drugging, rape and sodomy is it Hollyweird?
Witch Hunt.
And some of you sit back with popcorn in hand and can't wait till the next person is fried.
Far be it from me to defend his actions, to which he has not admitted to...since IT WAS 30 YEARS AGO...and I am sure he has both thrown and been a part of 100's of drunken parties it would be insane to believe he would remember it.
But here we are again, why now? Why 30 years later choose to destroy someone over an event that doesn't even begin to be as horrible as what Polanski did - who these very same people want to give hugs and kisses to!!!
Why?? ...because the man has poor judgement. His PR person should be taken out back and shot. Coming out now as gay most likely hoping to draw heat away...and here they go...Kevin should know you cannot touch the sacred robe of homosexuality. You cannot say or do anything that in any way cast a bad light on one of the left's most sacred "victims". Just a shade behind transexuals.
But I digress...these people have no shame. It appears that while drunk he laid this kid on a bed and pressed up against him...not cool...but not exactly drugging, rape and sodomy is it Hollyweird?

AKA pedophilia

This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.
36 years ago? So he was also 14?
He was 26
Well then as Milo says, it should have been a positive experience for a gay youth.
Milo is a freak that likely belongs in jail.
How could you say such a mean thing about the right-wing's favorite faggot?
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.
36 years ago? So he was also 14?
He was 26
Well then as Milo says, it should have been a positive experience for a gay youth.
Milo is a freak that likely belongs in jail.
How could you say such a mean thing about the right-wing's favorite faggot?
I would suggest you get to know me a bit before making yourself look dumber than you already have.

I call out ANYONE who does dumb or illegal shit. I don't give a fuck what letter is behind their name. I have called Milo out for the trash he is since day on.
Crawl back under your bridge bitch

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