Kevin Spaceys career is over. Sexual assault of a 14 year old boy.

Witch Hunt.
And some of you sit back with popcorn in hand and can't wait till the next person is fried.
Far be it from me to defend his actions, to which he has not admitted to...since IT WAS 30 YEARS AGO...and I am sure he has both thrown and been a part of 100's of drunken parties it would be insane to believe he would remember it.
But here we are again, why now? Why 30 years later choose to destroy someone over an event that doesn't even begin to be as horrible as what Polanski did - who these very same people want to give hugs and kisses to!!!
Why?? ...because the man has poor judgement. His PR person should be taken out back and shot. Coming out now as gay most likely hoping to draw heat away...and here they go...Kevin should know you cannot touch the sacred robe of homosexuality. You cannot say or do anything that in any way cast a bad light on one of the left's most sacred "victims". Just a shade behind transexuals.
But I digress...these people have no shame. It appears that while drunk he laid this kid on a bed and pressed up against him...not cool...but not exactly drugging, rape and sodomy is it Hollyweird?

AKA pedophilia


Calm down, he hasn't admitted to it. Just apologized to the man if he did do it.
And, I am not saying what he did was not bad...I am pointing out why crucify this man, and give a pass to another Hollyweirdo who drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 year old when he was nearly 50!!! Oh no - he is awesome....he is okay!...but a guy who while not denying, doesn't admit either - and string him up?? Hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Hypocrisy? Go fuck yourself prick. I call them all out for the vile trash they are. I have never given any of them a pass as YOU ATTEMPTED TO DO just now with your first post in this thread.

OMG...I’m not talking about your hypocrisy...I am talking about holly weirdos loving a child rapist...while hating this guy who didn’t even begin to be as bad as Polinski.
I suggest some Xanax and better reading comprehension
You did not mention "holly weirdos"
Nor did you quote them. You SPECIFICALLY quoted me. Perhaps thinking out your statement a little better next time might help
What if Rapp had some kind of affair recently with Spacey and is pissed came up with this story? Nobody knows ANYTHING, yet Spacey is guilty until proven innocent. Plus..why did Rapp wait 30+ years? Was he wanting his academy award too?
What if Rapp had some kind of affair recently with Spacey and is pissed came up with this story? Nobody knows ANYTHING, yet Spacey is guilty until proven innocent. Plus..why did Rapp wait 30+ years? Was he wanting his academy award too?

Is why these stories are coming up. And I think it's a good thing to put Hollywood on notice that this shit won't be tolerated
Netflix Cancels ‘House Of Cards’, Says It’s “Deeply Troubled” Over Kevin Spacey Claims

I liked his movies too. He's damn lucky the statute of limitations has expired.
Aren't liberals great? You just have to make a claim that something happened years ago, and BOOM! You are done.
Any aligation involving minors must be taken seriously.
I agree. However I do NOT agree with destroying people on claim alone.
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.
Fall on the boy? Was that before or after he picked him up like a new bride and carried him into another room to lay him on a bed before laying down on top of him?

Why are you making excuses for pedophilia?
That's not what happened. Figure out what happened first.
It is what happened. Perhaps YOU need to
get informed.

No it is not what happened.

The boy went to a party at Spacey's house. He became uninterested in the party and went into Spacey's bedroom. He saw a picture on the dresser of Spacey embracing another man and sat on the bed puzzling over whether Spacey was gay. Kevin Spacey, blind drunk came in the bedroom. Picked the boy up from his seated position on the edge of the bed and laid him on the bed, then fell, pinning the boy to the bed. Unable to wake the full grown man, the boy squirmed out and left. That's Rapp's account of what happened. He was never carried into the bedroom. He was already there.
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.
Fall on the boy? Was that before or after he picked him up like a new bride and carried him into another room to lay him on a bed before laying down on top of him?

Why are you making excuses for pedophilia?
That's not what happened. Figure out what happened first.
It is what happened. Perhaps YOU need to
get informed.

No it is not what happened.

The boy went to a party at Spacey's house. He became uninterested in the party and went into Spacey's bedroom. He saw a picture on the dresser of Spacey embracing another man and sat on the bed puzzling over whether Spacey was gay. Kevin Spacey, blind drunk came in the bedroom. Picked the boy up from his seated position on the edge of the bed and laid him on the bed, then fell, pinning the boy to the bed. Unable to wake the full grown man, the boy squirmed out and left. That's Rapp's account of what happened. He was never carried into the bedroom. He was already there.
That is not what I read and quoted on the last page
Nobody knows the true story. IT HAPPENED 30 YEARS AGO!!! Yet..Spacey's career is gone now and Rapp is sitting smug.
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.
Fall on the boy? Was that before or after he picked him up like a new bride and carried him into another room to lay him on a bed before laying down on top of him?

Why are you making excuses for pedophilia?
That's not what happened. Figure out what happened first.
It is what happened. Perhaps YOU need to
get informed.

No it is not what happened.

The boy went to a party at Spacey's house. He became uninterested in the party and went into Spacey's bedroom. He saw a picture on the dresser of Spacey embracing another man and sat on the bed puzzling over whether Spacey was gay. Kevin Spacey, blind drunk came in the bedroom. Picked the boy up from his seated position on the edge of the bed and laid him on the bed, then fell, pinning the boy to the bed. Unable to wake the full grown man, the boy squirmed out and left. That's Rapp's account of what happened. He was never carried into the bedroom. He was already there.
So spacey may have simply been guilty of being shitfaced drunk. Maybe it was more than that. It's hard to know from a 30 year old interpertation of a memory that happened as a 14 year old.
And Spacey says he doesn't remember a thing. He woke up, in bed, alone.

Since it happened over 30 years ago, there is just no telling. Rapp never said that he was disrobed or touched.
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.
Fall on the boy? Was that before or after he picked him up like a new bride and carried him into another room to lay him on a bed before laying down on top of him?

Why are you making excuses for pedophilia?
That's not what happened. Figure out what happened first.
It is what happened. Perhaps YOU need to
get informed.

No it is not what happened.

The boy went to a party at Spacey's house. He became uninterested in the party and went into Spacey's bedroom. He saw a picture on the dresser of Spacey embracing another man and sat on the bed puzzling over whether Spacey was gay. Kevin Spacey, blind drunk came in the bedroom. Picked the boy up from his seated position on the edge of the bed and laid him on the bed, then fell, pinning the boy to the bed. Unable to wake the full grown man, the boy squirmed out and left. That's Rapp's account of what happened. He was never carried into the bedroom. He was already there.
That is not what I read and quoted on the last page

Why Anthony Rapp Revealed Kevin Spacey’s Alleged Sexual Advances: ‘I Wanted to Shine a Light'

At the time, Rapp wasn't even sure that Spacey was making an advance.
This is the gays of Hollywood punishing Stacey for not coming out long ago. Who knows if it really happened.
Spacey is a moonbat, he will never get his comeuppance
But I digress...these people have no shame. It appears that while drunk he laid this kid on a bed and pressed up against him...not cool...but not exactly drugging, rape and sodomy is it Hollyweird
. Good grief, iamwhatiseem
Just how serious would you take it if a guy laid you out on a bed and pressed his boner against you? Not so bad as it seems? Don't give this homo a pass. I'm not so sure this is pedophillia but an attempt of a homo to get it on with young meat. Otherwise Spacey would have done this with a young girl too.

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