Kevin Spaceys career is over. Sexual assault of a 14 year old boy.

She is already president. She did not pardon Frank on the season finale.
Twitter is calling for HoC to continue on and just have Frank commit suicide while in prison and let her carry the show. Clair is just as gross as Frank in my opinion. She looks like a lizard.
MSM tried their best to shield Spacey.

All the headlines and morning news shows started out with Spacey coming out as being gay. Something well known in Hollywood and all the entertainment circles.

Buried halfway into the articles was the "oh, and by the way, he once assaulted a 14-year boy.
But I digress...these people have no shame. It appears that while drunk he laid this kid on a bed and pressed up against him...not cool...but not exactly drugging, rape and sodomy is it Hollyweird
. Good grief, iamwhatiseem
Just how serious would you take it if a guy laid you out on a bed and pressed his boner against you? Not so bad as it seems? Don't give this homo a pass. I'm not so sure this is pedophillia but an attempt of a homo to get it on with young meat. Otherwise Spacey would have done this with a young girl too.
LOL! How do you know he had a boner? LOL!
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.

Yea, except what the hell is he doing drinking so much around a minor that passes out on the boy? He didnā€™t deny it, which leads one to assume that kind of behavior is not uncommon for him.
MSM tried their best to shield Spacey.

All the headlines and morning news shows started out with Spacey coming out as being gay. Something well known in Hollywood and all the entertainment circles.

Buried halfway into the articles was the "oh, and by the way, he once assaulted a 14-year boy.
Assaulted? Really.
Why did God create fags?

So fat girls could dance......

Or How else is aids spread? LOL
With a butter knife.
MSM tried their best to shield Spacey.

All the headlines and morning news shows started out with Spacey coming out as being gay. Something well known in Hollywood and all the entertainment circles.

Buried halfway into the articles was the "oh, and by the way, he once assaulted a 14-year boy.
...And a Hollywood elite pedophile
MSM tried their best to shield Spacey.

All the headlines and morning news shows started out with Spacey coming out as being gay. Something well known in Hollywood and all the entertainment circles.

Buried halfway into the articles was the "oh, and by the way, he once assaulted a 14-year boy.
Assaulted? Really.

My daughters would not have been there but just say if... If I found out my14 year old daughter were st a party and a 26 year old drunken son of a bitch carried her to a bed and lay on her... You wanna bet I'd consider that sexual assault and beat his fucking face in with a meat tenderizer.
Witch Hunt.
And some of you sit back with popcorn in hand and can't wait till the next person is fried.
Far be it from me to defend his actions, to which he has not admitted to...since IT WAS 30 YEARS AGO...and I am sure he has both thrown and been a part of 100's of drunken parties it would be insane to believe he would remember it.
But here we are again, why now? Why 30 years later choose to destroy someone over an event that doesn't even begin to be as horrible as what Polanski did - who these very same people want to give hugs and kisses to!!!
Why?? ...because the man has poor judgement. His PR person should be taken out back and shot. Coming out now as gay most likely hoping to draw heat away...and here they go...Kevin should know you cannot touch the sacred robe of homosexuality. You cannot say or do anything that in any way cast a bad light on one of the left's most sacred "victims". Just a shade behind transexuals.
But I digress...these people have no shame. It appears that while drunk he laid this kid on a bed and pressed up against him...not cool...but not exactly drugging, rape and sodomy is it Hollyweird?

AKA pedophilia


Calm down, he hasn't admitted to it. Just apologized to the man if he did do it.
And, I am not saying what he did was not bad...I am pointing out why crucify this man, and give a pass to another Hollyweirdo who drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 year old when he was nearly 50!!! Oh no - he is awesome....he is okay!...but a guy who while not denying, doesn't admit either - and string him up?? Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Who defends roman? No one I know.
Witch Hunt.
And some of you sit back with popcorn in hand and can't wait till the next person is fried.
Far be it from me to defend his actions, to which he has not admitted to...since IT WAS 30 YEARS AGO...and I am sure he has both thrown and been a part of 100's of drunken parties it would be insane to believe he would remember it.
But here we are again, why now? Why 30 years later choose to destroy someone over an event that doesn't even begin to be as horrible as what Polanski did - who these very same people want to give hugs and kisses to!!!
Why?? ...because the man has poor judgement. His PR person should be taken out back and shot. Coming out now as gay most likely hoping to draw heat away...and here they go...Kevin should know you cannot touch the sacred robe of homosexuality. You cannot say or do anything that in any way cast a bad light on one of the left's most sacred "victims". Just a shade behind transexuals.
But I digress...these people have no shame. It appears that while drunk he laid this kid on a bed and pressed up against him...not cool...but not exactly drugging, rape and sodomy is it Hollyweird?

AKA pedophilia

Well. No. Attempt is a specific intent crime. If Spacey was that drunk he could not have formed the intent.

From Rapp's statements alone, Spacey was so drunk he could do no more than fall across the boy's body.

Being blotto is absolutely NO excuse for criminal behavior. If it were, drunk drivers would be real happy.
Here is a tidbit about that Rose McGowan who was on the warpath about Weinstein but went cray cray and started blocking people at twitter when she was outted as having known about him AND was paid to stay silent. Now she is jumping on the Spacey bandwagon..which gives me reason to pause in judging someones word of something that happened 30+ years ago...because if this continues..anyone can point at anyone else and their career is ruined forever. That's just wrong. Unless its PROVEN. Then, tar and feather the pervs.

Anyway..this is what I found somewhere else while browsing Rose McGowan:

She not just awful she's stupid, I remember her saying after filming the dire 'Fifty Dead Men Walking', a film basically about how evil the IRA were and how Catholic Martin McGartland turned informer to hekp stop the violence in his own community.

The film like much of Rose McGowans work was god awful and condemned by McGartland himself as made up rubbish, however I remember clueless McGowan stating "I imagine, had I grown up in Belfast, I would 100% have been in the IRA. My heart just broke for the cause".

She didn't seem to even realise te film itself was about how evil the IRA were and McGartland survived numerous attacks on his life, nor did she understand that in terms of Belfast sometimes only a wall divides where your loyalities would be, and that both sides had equally nasty paramilitaries, indeed the IRA killed more Catholics than anyone else including women like McGowan. I wonder if she had stated that her heart just broke for the Islamic Terrorist cause whether it would have been seen as acceptable.

BBC NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Fury over actress's IRA comments

Fury as actress tells film festival 'I would have joined the IRA' | The Independent

Director apologises for Rose McGowan's IRA comments - Belfast Telegraph

Then you had all the homophobic rubbish spouted by McGowan, McGowan caused controversy for some of her remarks, which have been characterized as homophobic or transphobic, and it should be noted her father ran a chapter of the Children of God, in which both he and his wife held membership until 1978.

Her controversial statements include branding gay men as more misogynistic than straight men, claiming gay people "fought for right to wear speedos" and take MDMA, and her criticism of Caitlyn Jenner for stating that "the hardest part about being a woman is figuring out what to wear," after Jenner was named "Woman of the year" by Glamour.

McGowan also held a defiant party in support of the Brunei-owned Beverly Hills Hotel, despite a boycott over Brunei's anti-gay laws, which prescribes death by stoning for same-sex activities. She later apologized for generalizing gay men as misogynistic, but defended the rest of her comments.

McGowan has since become a campaigner for LGBT Rights.

Rose McGowan attacks LGBT community for failing to campaign for feminism: 'Gay men are more misogynistic than straight men' | The Independent

Rose McGowan apologizes to gay community -

In a 2011 interview, McGowan talked about her experience working with director Victor Salva, who is a convicted child molester and child pornography maker, on Rosewood Lane. She said, "I still donā€™t really understand the whole story or history there, and Iā€™d rather not, because itā€™s not really my business. But heā€™s an incredibly sweet and gentle man."

The Problem With Rose McGowan

McGowan who is know even uglier with a shaven head, seems to be relishing the latest controversy, tweeting F-Off to people and shouting down any celebrity accused of anything before they have even been found guilty of anything and she seems to revelling in all of this.

In reality she's a crap outspoken actress who like courting controversy and will just adopt any cause in order to get media coverage, as for her films they are as crap as her views, indeed the best thing she can do is just shut her mouth and stop making crap'B' movies.
What if Rapp had some kind of affair recently with Spacey and is pissed came up with this story? Nobody knows ANYTHING, yet Spacey is guilty until proven innocent. Plus..why did Rapp wait 30+ years? Was he wanting his academy award too?

You cannot legally "have an affair" with a child.
Your attempting to blame and mock him is truly sickening.
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.

Sexually assaulting a 14 year old is OK with you?
It really doesn't look like sexual assault to me. It looks like Spacey got blind stinking drunk and fell over on the kid. That drunk, he was probably not capable of assault.

The gossip in the Hollywood bars is that Spacey was nagged for years to come out and refused. This was his punishment. I don't know whether it means that the Rapp accusation was fake.

If you wonder why the news was all about coming out rather than the assault, now you know.

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