Kevin Spaceys career is over. Sexual assault of a 14 year old boy.

Idiot. I meant RECENTLY had an affair. He is a grown ass man now. Why all of a sudden report this after so long?
Your attempting to automatically condemn someone with no proof is truly disgusting.

On iggie you go.
What if Rapp had some kind of affair recently with Spacey and is pissed came up with this story? Nobody knows ANYTHING, yet Spacey is guilty until proven innocent. Plus..why did Rapp wait 30+ years? Was he wanting his academy award too?

You cannot legally "have an affair" with a child.
Your attempting to blame and mock him is truly sickening.
You can't have an affair with a child. You can have a failed affair with a 40 year old man who makes a 30 year old claim of sexual wrong doing.
Yes, Admiral. I know he is on Star Trek. He is also gay.
I am suspicious of his claim. He said what he said, then said "I have nothing further to say". Meanwhile, Spacey has been beaten to a pulp, lost his HoC show and probably his whole career over what one guy said that happened over 30 years ago. Now, if other guys start to speak up...and they were under 18, THEN I would think there is something to bash Spacey about. So far...zilch. Nothing. Silence from Rapp..and Spacey with no career. That just is not right, in my thinking.

He should have known better. Big mistake Kevin! BIG mistake.:eusa_naughty:

His interpretation of the song "Beyond The Sea" was good.

Oh well.....another Hollywoodweird bites the dust.

Boy.... they are so sick over there.
Yes, Admiral. I know he is on Star Trek. He is also gay.
I am suspicious of his claim. He said what he said, then said "I have nothing further to say". Meanwhile, Spacey has been beaten to a pulp, lost his HoC show and probably his whole career over what one guy said that happened over 30 years ago. Now, if other guys start to speak up...and they were under 18, THEN I would think there is something to bash Spacey about. So far...zilch. Nothing. Silence from Rapp..and Spacey with no career. That just is not right, in my thinking.

Just making sure. I could not get the context of your statement. My apologies.
This Rapp guy is gay himself. Most gays know they are gay at a very young age. So..with that in mind and since stories are being told that may be true and may be UNtrue..lets go with this scenario:

Rapp has a thing for Spacey. Maybe they dated quietly. Then they break up. Rapp is pissed. So...he decides to "stand on the shoulders" of others about the Weinstein escapades and decides the perfect payback for being spurned by Spacey would be to ruin his career. So he tells of something that happened OVER 30 YEARS AGO but he was NOT raped and "has no further comment", yet Spacey is now ruined forever and he doesn't have to answer to a damn thing since he is the "victim".


Oh my fucking gawd.
He waited for revenge for thirty years.
Maybe in your imaginary tale you could have Rapp kill little kittens too.
Wait... Have him kill poor motherless, hungry and shivering in the snow lil baby kittens
Yes, Admiral. I know he is on Star Trek. He is also gay.
I am suspicious of his claim. He said what he said, then said "I have nothing further to say". Meanwhile, Spacey has been beaten to a pulp, lost his HoC show and probably his whole career over what one guy said that happened over 30 years ago. Now, if other guys start to speak up...and they were under 18, THEN I would think there is something to bash Spacey about. So far...zilch. Nothing. Silence from Rapp..and Spacey with no career. That just is not right, in my thinking.
And Spacey never touched him.
Yes, Admiral. I know he is on Star Trek. He is also gay.
I am suspicious of his claim. He said what he said, then said "I have nothing further to say". Meanwhile, Spacey has been beaten to a pulp, lost his HoC show and probably his whole career over what one guy said that happened over 30 years ago. Now, if other guys start to speak up...and they were under 18, THEN I would think there is something to bash Spacey about. So far...zilch. Nothing. Silence from Rapp..and Spacey with no career. That just is not right, in my thinking.
And Spacey never touched him.

were you under the bed?

how do you know
All I'm saying is...why do people automatically assume one is guilty without any proof, then commence to destroy the accused without that proof?
This Rapp guy is gay himself. Most gays know they are gay at a very young age. So..with that in mind and since stories are being told that may be true and may be UNtrue..lets go with this scenario:

Rapp has a thing for Spacey. Maybe they dated quietly. Then they break up. Rapp is pissed. So...he decides to "stand on the shoulders" of others about the Weinstein escapades and decides the perfect payback for being spurned by Spacey would be to ruin his career. So he tells of something that happened OVER 30 YEARS AGO but he was NOT raped and "has no further comment", yet Spacey is now ruined forever and he doesn't have to answer to a damn thing since he is the "victim".


Oh my fucking gawd.
He waited for revenge for thirty years.
Maybe in your imaginary tale you could have Rapp kill little kittens too.
Wait... Have him kill poor motherless, hungry and shivering in the snow lil baby kittens
The gossip is probably true. Gays have been trying to get Spacey to come out and he's refused. So they got a way to force the issue. No one wanted to go so far as to accuse the man of raping a child. This is the best they came up with.
Yes, Admiral. I know he is on Star Trek. He is also gay.
I am suspicious of his claim. He said what he said, then said "I have nothing further to say". Meanwhile, Spacey has been beaten to a pulp, lost his HoC show and probably his whole career over what one guy said that happened over 30 years ago. Now, if other guys start to speak up...and they were under 18, THEN I would think there is something to bash Spacey about. So far...zilch. Nothing. Silence from Rapp..and Spacey with no career. That just is not right, in my thinking.
And Spacey never touched him.

were you under the bed?

how do you know
Rapp said so.
This Rapp guy is gay himself. Most gays know they are gay at a very young age. So..with that in mind and since stories are being told that may be true and may be UNtrue..lets go with this scenario:

Rapp has a thing for Spacey. Maybe they dated quietly. Then they break up. Rapp is pissed. So...he decides to "stand on the shoulders" of others about the Weinstein escapades and decides the perfect payback for being spurned by Spacey would be to ruin his career. So he tells of something that happened OVER 30 YEARS AGO but he was NOT raped and "has no further comment", yet Spacey is now ruined forever and he doesn't have to answer to a damn thing since he is the "victim".


Oh my fucking gawd.
He waited for revenge for thirty years.
Maybe in your imaginary tale you could have Rapp kill little kittens too.
Wait... Have him kill poor motherless, hungry and shivering in the snow lil baby kittens
The gossip is probably true. Gays have been trying to get Spacey to come out and he's refused. So they got a way to force the issue. No one wanted to go so far as to accuse the man of raping a child. This is the best they came up with. sounds like someone scorned that wanted paybacks.
This Rapp guy is gay himself. Most gays know they are gay at a very young age. So..with that in mind and since stories are being told that may be true and may be UNtrue..lets go with this scenario:

Rapp has a thing for Spacey. Maybe they dated quietly. Then they break up. Rapp is pissed. So...he decides to "stand on the shoulders" of others about the Weinstein escapades and decides the perfect payback for being spurned by Spacey would be to ruin his career. So he tells of something that happened OVER 30 YEARS AGO but he was NOT raped and "has no further comment", yet Spacey is now ruined forever and he doesn't have to answer to a damn thing since he is the "victim".


Oh my fucking gawd.
He waited for revenge for thirty years.
Maybe in your imaginary tale you could have Rapp kill little kittens too.
Wait... Have him kill poor motherless, hungry and shivering in the snow lil baby kittens
The gossip is probably true. Gays have been trying to get Spacey to come out and he's refused. So they got a way to force the issue. No one wanted to go so far as to accuse the man of raping a child. This is the best they came up with. sounds like someone scorned that wanted paybacks.

We'll see wont we
Rapp said Spacey collapsed on him but he knew he was sexually interested in him but he crawled out from under a very drunk and passed out Spacey. No rape. No fondling. But he isn't saying anything more. Um hm. No need to. People pointing fingers did the work for him.
Yes. I am waiting to see if anyone else jumps on the Spacey GUILTY bandwagon along WITH Rapp. Time will tell.
Hollywoodweird scum.... almost every one of them.

May all of them be damned.

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