Kevin Spaceys career is over. Sexual assault of a 14 year old boy.

Including the "victims" who were paid $$$$ to stay silent..and did...and who wanted their academy award before spilling it while other young actresses were "abused" by Weinstein?
This is so bizarre. Spacey did no more than get into a drunken stupor and fall on the boy 36 years ago.

Sexually assaulting a 14 year old is OK with you?
It really doesn't look like sexual assault to me. It looks like Spacey got blind stinking drunk and fell over on the kid. That drunk, he was probably not capable of assault.

The gossip in the Hollywood bars is that Spacey was nagged for years to come out and refused. This was his punishment. I don't know whether it means that the Rapp accusation was fake.

If you wonder why the news was all about coming out rather than the assault, now you know.

I know you have not done so here, but the gang up on the victim attitude just pisses me off. I understand these are allegations, but even spacey seems to acknowledge there's more than this kid in his past that may be coming out.

You see this terrible attitude all the time with victims of rape and sexual assault. The character assassination of character of rape victims does nothing to encourage victims to come forward and have their predator tried in court. Look what the Clinton's did to all of bills victims.

A persons character is hugely important, and to see all these baseless attacks on victims makes me want to puke.
Much of the time the complaint is phony. What's the point of making a claim that 30 years ago someone got drunk and fell over you? No fondling, no rape, not even a lewd invitation.

What's the point ? To force Kevin Spacey into publicly announcing that he is gay.
Much of the time the complaint is phony. What's the point of making a claim that 30 years ago someone got drunk and fell over you? No fondling, no rape, not even a lewd invitation.

What's the point ? To force Kevin Spacey into publicly announcing that he is gay.
That was already known.
All these Commicrats degenerates in Hollywood or Washington or anywhere......

Will pay. :thup:
Everyone knew which is why it was important for him to make a public announcement and get on some magazine covers.
Of course we don't know if the allegations are true or not, but I sure wouldn't be surprised. I just can't imagine the kind of person who would be sexually attracted to a 14-year-old. Weirdos.
Much of the time the complaint is phony. What's the point of making a claim that 30 years ago someone got drunk and fell over you? No fondling, no rape, not even a lewd invitation.

What's the point ? To force Kevin Spacey into publicly announcing that he is gay.
Or to ruin him financially.
Of course we don't know if the allegations are true or not, but I sure wouldn't be surprised. I just can't imagine the kind of person who would be sexually attracted to a 14-year-old. Weirdos.
Ah, most men gay or straight? You have met a man, right? We didn't come up with the phrase 15 will get you 20 just for kicks.
Saw an interview with Feldman with matt lauer. Seems feldman wants to tell..but only after he gets 10 mil.
All these Commicrats degenerates in Hollywood or Washington or anywhere......

Will pay. :thup:

Hollywood is full of rich liberal totally messed Corey Haim and Corey Feldman up.

Exactly! ^^

Hollywood and also New York ....and Califucknia too of course, is full of Hillary Clinton/ Obama pathetic losers followers..

Fuck Hollywood! Fuck Hillary Clinton! Fuck Hussein Obama!

Of course we don't know if the allegations are true or not, but I sure wouldn't be surprised. I just can't imagine the kind of person who would be sexually attracted to a 14-year-old. Weirdos.
Ah, most men gay or straight? You have met a man, right? We didn't come up with the phrase 15 will get you 20 just for kicks.

Anyone over the age of 20 is a pathetic loser and poorly socialized if they are into getting their kicks with 14-year-olds. End of story.
He said he would make a movie..a documentary..but he wants 10 mil first. Not gonna happen. I think Feldman knows it isn't going to happen, yet he continues to dangle that he knows stuff...yet refuses to name names.

It all comes down to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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