Keystone is over

Initially, Obama did not oppose Keystone. He was just unwilling to fast track waivers of environmental regulations to build it

But then the rightwing media got ahold of it. Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity and company gave it round the clock coverage demanding that Obama do something NOW! The Republicans in Congress picked up the call and drew a line in the sand....You must approve Keyston NOW

Once it became a political showdown, Obama had little choice but to tell Republicans to stick it

Why are Republicans so politically inept?
Facts: All new pipelines have built-in pressure sensors and independently off-grid electric ball-valves installed about every half mile along the pipeline.
Should any portion of the pipeline pressure drop due to any damage occurring to cause the pipeline pressure to fall below a very small parameter the ball valves on either side of the rupture automatically close.
This insures very little oil ends up on the ground. Under every square inch of the pipeline is installed a thick rubber (synthetic) vapor/catchment barrier curved up on the sides to prevent oil from seeping into the ground.
The LAST THING any pipeline company wants is to have a drop of oil escape the pipeline and possibly pollute the ground.
VERY BAD for business financially and a public relations nightmare.
Again. THINK!
There go lots of jobs down the drain.
But you are against creating new jobs by building infrastructure?

pipeline is infrastructure
It's not OUR pipeline, Canadians would own it, and they can refuse shipment through it of American oil and give priority to Canadian oil.

While taking American lands away through eminent domain.

you do realize that we are already past Phase 3

Now the crude will be transferred into the US by trains and tankers.

At least until the next Republican President.
Well unless we further cut our dependency on fossil fuels.
Without petroleum you'd be sending fucking smoke signals to converse with others instead of using your 286 PC.

Burning Fossil Fuels seems to bit ridiculous. We are mired in old technology for one reason, oil companies have managed to usurp the political process. Energy technology has stagnated for the last century or so.

And people like you support that. You still seem to think that Computer companies are still manufacturing 286 pcs.

We have much faster CPUs now.

Catch up.
I had a 286 in the early eighties pal.
I figured you're using the one in your mommy's basement.
I'm "keeping up" with my 5K.
Now the crude will be transferred into the US by trains and tankers.

At least until the next Republican President.
Well unless we further cut our dependency on fossil fuels.
Without petroleum you'd be sending fucking smoke signals to converse with others instead of using your 286 PC.
Hence the problem. We are hooked on a bad drug when better drugs are available...
So your theory is he said no to spite Republicans. And you are ok with that, when jobs could have been created. Got it.
Initially, Obama did not oppose Keystone. He was just unwilling to fast track waivers of environmental regulations to build it

But then the rightwing media got ahold of it. Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity and company gave it round the clock coverage demanding that Obama do something NOW! The Republicans in Congress picked up the call and drew a line in the sand....You must approve Keyston NOW

Once it became a political showdown, Obama had little choice but to tell Republicans to stick it

Why are Republicans so politically inept?
So, there are 50 Rep governors? News to me.
Where is all the infrastructure improvement that was touted as shovel ready jobs? The money was allocated, and I've yet to see any of it.
Republican governors used the money to reduce their debt instead because they wanted to keep unemployment high to influence the midterm elections. The GOP always put Party over country, the worthless scum.

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