Keystone is over

So your theory is he said no to spite Republicans. And you are ok with that, when jobs could have been created. Got it.
Initially, Obama did not oppose Keystone. He was just unwilling to fast track waivers of environmental regulations to build it

But then the rightwing media got ahold of it. Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity and company gave it round the clock coverage demanding that Obama do something NOW! The Republicans in Congress picked up the call and drew a line in the sand....You must approve Keyston NOW

Once it became a political showdown, Obama had little choice but to tell Republicans to stick it

Why are Republicans so politically inept?

Thats the way politics work

Make Keystone a do or die political decision and you get a do or die result
Now the crude will be transferred into the US by trains and tankers.

At least until the next Republican President.
Well unless we further cut our dependency on fossil fuels.
When are YOU going to walk around with no shoes and clothes on? When are YOU going to stop eating foods which require fossil fuels to build the machinery to plant/water/harvest/transport the foods on roads which machines made to the stores which were built by machines which made the materials to construct the stores and on and fucking on and on.
Our civilisation globally is based on removing elements from the ground and making things so humans can survive.
Either this or go back to living in the stone age.
Love how fucking Al Gore flies around in his private jets which dump thousands of tons of pollution into the atmosphere.
Now the crude will be transferred into the US by trains and tankers.

At least until the next Republican President.
Well unless we further cut our dependency on fossil fuels.
When are YOU going to walk around with no shoes and clothes on? When are YOU going to stop eating foods which require fossil fuels to build the machinery to plant/water/harvest/transport the foods on roads which machines made to the stores which were built by machines which made the materials to construct the stores and on and fucking on and on.
Our civilisation globally is based on removing elements from the ground and making things so humans can survive.
Either this or go back to living in the stone age.
Love how fucking Al Gore flies around in his private jets which dump thousands of tons of pollution into the atmosphere.

The culture of man used to be based on fashioning wood into spears to hunt animals and gather wild fruits and nuts;
Until it became based on building permanent structures and farming the land;
Until it became based on navigating the oceans and mining metals;
Until it became based on demarcating states and raiding the states of others;
Until it became based on Mercantilism;
Until it became based on industrialization and capitalism.

Why so regressive?
if we somehow manage to get an american patriot as the next president, keystone won't matter...we'll be drilling and producing our own oil for our own benefit..
Now the crude will be transferred into the US by trains and tankers.

At least until the next Republican President.
Well unless we further cut our dependency on fossil fuels.
When are YOU going to walk around with no shoes and clothes on? When are YOU going to stop eating foods which require fossil fuels to build the machinery to plant/water/harvest/transport the foods on roads which machines made to the stores which were built by machines which made the materials to construct the stores and on and fucking on and on.
Our civilisation globally is based on removing elements from the ground and making things so humans can survive.
Either this or go back to living in the stone age.
Love how fucking Al Gore flies around in his private jets which dump thousands of tons of pollution into the atmosphere.

The culture of man used to be based on fashioning wood into spears to hunt animals and gather wild fruits and nuts;
Until it became based on building permanent structures and farming the land;
Until it became based on navigating the oceans and mining metals;
Until it became based on demarcating states and raiding the states of others;
Until it became based on Mercantilism;
Until it became based on industrialization and capitalism.

Why so regressive?

why so silly?

you're against evolution of the species AND "capitalism"?

You think everything should be freeeee?
marxists are pretty comical. I want a freeeeee Ferrari..and a freeeeee house in hawaii, comrade...and I want the government to provide them for me...otherwise it would be viewed as "regressive"...and we don't want to be called names, of course..LMFAO..
Now the crude will be transferred into the US by trains and tankers.

At least until the next Republican President.
Well unless we further cut our dependency on fossil fuels.
When are YOU going to walk around with no shoes and clothes on? When are YOU going to stop eating foods which require fossil fuels to build the machinery to plant/water/harvest/transport the foods on roads which machines made to the stores which were built by machines which made the materials to construct the stores and on and fucking on and on.
Our civilisation globally is based on removing elements from the ground and making things so humans can survive.
Either this or go back to living in the stone age.
Love how fucking Al Gore flies around in his private jets which dump thousands of tons of pollution into the atmosphere.

The culture of man used to be based on fashioning wood into spears to hunt animals and gather wild fruits and nuts;
Until it became based on building permanent structures and farming the land;
Until it became based on navigating the oceans and mining metals;
Until it became based on demarcating states and raiding the states of others;
Until it became based on Mercantilism;
Until it became based on industrialization and capitalism.

Why so regressive?

why so silly?

you're against evolution of the species AND "capitalism"?

You think everything should be freeeee?
marxists are pretty comical. I want a freeeeee Ferrari..and a freeeeee house in hawaii, comrade...and I want the government to provide them for me...otherwise it would be viewed as "regressive"...and we don't want to be called names, of course..LMFAO..

What Marxists?

And where in that post did you see anything about anything free.

If any thing it's you folks that want "free".

You want free oil subsidies and free support of the Military industrial complex.

There's a name for that.

There go lots of jobs down the drain.

How many permanent jobs was that?

No relevance to argument what so ever,and a perfect example of willful ignorance.That bridge down the street,how many permanent jobs were created for that??!!

When you have a backlog of tens of thousands of deficient bridges, I would say that could be multi- generational jobs.

That is what amazes me about Republicans

Keystone was their only infrastructure jobs program. Tens of thousands of projects that will help Americans and they only care about a Canadian pipeline
Now the crude will be transferred into the US by trains and tankers.

At least until the next Republican President.
Well unless we further cut our dependency on fossil fuels.
When are YOU going to walk around with no shoes and clothes on? When are YOU going to stop eating foods which require fossil fuels to build the machinery to plant/water/harvest/transport the foods on roads which machines made to the stores which were built by machines which made the materials to construct the stores and on and fucking on and on.
Our civilisation globally is based on removing elements from the ground and making things so humans can survive.
Either this or go back to living in the stone age.
Love how fucking Al Gore flies around in his private jets which dump thousands of tons of pollution into the atmosphere.

The culture of man used to be based on fashioning wood into spears to hunt animals and gather wild fruits and nuts;
Until it became based on building permanent structures and farming the land;
Until it became based on navigating the oceans and mining metals;
Until it became based on demarcating states and raiding the states of others;
Until it became based on Mercantilism;
Until it became based on industrialization and capitalism.

Why so regressive?

why so silly?

you're against evolution of the species AND "capitalism"?

You think everything should be freeeee?
marxists are pretty comical. I want a freeeeee Ferrari..and a freeeeee house in hawaii, comrade...and I want the government to provide them for me...otherwise it would be viewed as "regressive"...and we don't want to be called names, of course..LMFAO..

What Marxists?

And where in that post did you see anything about anything free.

If any thing it's you folks that want "free".

You want free oil subsidies and free support of the Military industrial complex.

There's a name for that.


no, son..your post said you were against the evolution of the species and the emergence of, what's left, comrade? How do goods and services get exchanged?
LMAO..50,000 years of human evolution and progress...LMFAO..and you're saying it was all done wrong and YOU have the new system to implement.....comical!

You think you're going to social engineer the whole planet?..LMAO
if we somehow manage to get an american patriot as the next president, keystone won't matter...we'll be drilling and producing our own oil for our own benefit..

Worshipping big oil is now patriotic?

It's Nationalism and Socialism for the rich.

National Socialism for the where did that happen before?

no the real world, the entire planet runs on oil and will continue to do so for you "worship" the gas you put in your car?....or are you just agitating and exaggerating again?

define "national socialism" and compare and contrast it with ..whatEVER your "theory" is...explain in detail how "your" new system would work...How will goods and services be exchanged when you do away with "capitalism"? LMAO
There go lots of jobs down the drain.

How many permanent jobs was that?

No relevance to argument what so ever,and a perfect example of willful ignorance.That bridge down the street,how many permanent jobs were created for that??!!

When you have a backlog of tens of thousands of deficient bridges, I would say that could be multi- generational jobs.

That is what amazes me about Republicans

Keystone was their only infrastructure jobs program. Tens of thousands of projects that will help Americans and they only care about a Canadian pipeline
Making gas, for China...
There go lots of jobs down the drain.

How many permanent jobs was that?

No relevance to argument what so ever,and a perfect example of willful ignorance.That bridge down the street,how many permanent jobs were created for that??!!

When you have a backlog of tens of thousands of deficient bridges, I would say that could be multi- generational jobs.

That is what amazes me about Republicans

Keystone was their only infrastructure jobs program. Tens of thousands of projects that will help Americans and they only care about a Canadian pipeline
The First AA half negro President has held office for seven years.
The asshole PROMISED "MILLIONS"!!!!!!!! of "SHOVEL READY GOOD PAYING JOBS" if the negro base would block vote for him. He fucking LIED to his base and everyone else.
He hasn't created Sweet Fuck All infrastructure rebuilding jobs. The asshole CONTROLLED the House and Senate for two fucking years and he fuck all to rebuild the infrastructure.
You wait. When Trump is President the unemployment rate will be 1%.
if we somehow manage to get an american patriot as the next president, keystone won't matter...we'll be drilling and producing our own oil for our own benefit..

Worshipping big oil is now patriotic?

It's Nationalism and Socialism for the rich.

National Socialism for the where did that happen before?

no the real world, the entire planet runs on oil and will continue to do so for you "worship" the gas you put in your car?....or are you just agitating and exaggerating again?

define "national socialism" and compare and contrast it with ..whatEVER your "theory" is...explain in detail how "your" new system would work...How will goods and services be exchanged when you do away with "capitalism"? LMAO

Son? I think I am older than you. And having been with many women, you never know, you might be my son..

In the real world, many countries are developing alternative methods of generating energy. We are getting left in the dust (and smoke). And we already have automobiles, available on the market place, that do not need gasoline.

I think Mussolini defined fascism best as "Corporatism". Something conservatives engage in, daily.
There go lots of jobs down the drain.

How many permanent jobs was that?

No relevance to argument what so ever,and a perfect example of willful ignorance.That bridge down the street,how many permanent jobs were created for that??!!

When you have a backlog of tens of thousands of deficient bridges, I would say that could be multi- generational jobs.

That is what amazes me about Republicans

Keystone was their only infrastructure jobs program. Tens of thousands of projects that will help Americans and they only care about a Canadian pipeline
The First AA half negro President has held office for seven years.
The asshole PROMISED "MILLIONS"!!!!!!!! of "SHOVEL READY GOOD PAYING JOBS" if the negro base would block vote for him. He fucking LIED to his base and everyone else.
He hasn't created Sweet Fuck All infrastructure rebuilding jobs. The asshole CONTROLLED the House and Senate for two fucking years and he fuck all to rebuild the infrastructure.
You wait. When Trump is President the unemployment rate will be 1%.

You still have it backwards

Shovel ready jobs were never promised. Shovel ready was a condition on receiving federal funds to support a local project. They did not want to invest in projects that were not going to produce immediate jobs....hence the requirement that they be shovel ready
if we somehow manage to get an american patriot as the next president, keystone won't matter...we'll be drilling and producing our own oil for our own benefit..

Worshipping big oil is now patriotic?

It's Nationalism and Socialism for the rich.

National Socialism for the where did that happen before?

no the real world, the entire planet runs on oil and will continue to do so for you "worship" the gas you put in your car?....or are you just agitating and exaggerating again?

define "national socialism" and compare and contrast it with ..whatEVER your "theory" is...explain in detail how "your" new system would work...How will goods and services be exchanged when you do away with "capitalism"? LMAO

Son? I think I am older than you. And having been with many women, you never know, you might be my son..

In the real world, many countries are developing alternative methods of generating energy. We are getting left in the dust (and smoke). And we already have automobiles, available on the market place, that do not need gasoline.

I think Mussolini defined fascism best as "Corporatism". Something conservatives engage in, daily.

you're not older than me, son...I can tell..

you dodge my questions several times as you try to keep moving the goal far you've advocated against the evolution of the human species and against "capitalism"...for the third time I ask; in your marxist utopia, how would goods and services be exchanged? Does everyone get free cars and houses? How would it work...son?

..and look...We don't care about what mussolini may or may not have allegedly "said" We see your weak attempt to link energy independence with "nazis"...

In the real world oil will still be the main source of energy for generations...regardless of how many electric cars are on the road today. It's all experimental at this point.
There go lots of jobs down the drain.

How many permanent jobs was that?

No relevance to argument what so ever,and a perfect example of willful ignorance.That bridge down the street,how many permanent jobs were created for that??!!

When you have a backlog of tens of thousands of deficient bridges, I would say that could be multi- generational jobs.

That is what amazes me about Republicans

Keystone was their only infrastructure jobs program. Tens of thousands of projects that will help Americans and they only care about a Canadian pipeline
The First AA half negro President has held office for seven years.
The asshole PROMISED "MILLIONS"!!!!!!!! of "SHOVEL READY GOOD PAYING JOBS" if the negro base would block vote for him. He fucking LIED to his base and everyone else.
He hasn't created Sweet Fuck All infrastructure rebuilding jobs. The asshole CONTROLLED the House and Senate for two fucking years and he fuck all to rebuild the infrastructure.
You wait. When Trump is President the unemployment rate will be 1%.

the only promise soetoro is fulfilling is he said he would "fundamentally change" america...and he has...based on his racial jealousy and resentment
if we somehow manage to get an american patriot as the next president, keystone won't matter...we'll be drilling and producing our own oil for our own benefit..

Worshipping big oil is now patriotic?

It's Nationalism and Socialism for the rich.

National Socialism for the where did that happen before?

no the real world, the entire planet runs on oil and will continue to do so for you "worship" the gas you put in your car?....or are you just agitating and exaggerating again?

define "national socialism" and compare and contrast it with ..whatEVER your "theory" is...explain in detail how "your" new system would work...How will goods and services be exchanged when you do away with "capitalism"? LMAO

Son? I think I am older than you. And having been with many women, you never know, you might be my son..

In the real world, many countries are developing alternative methods of generating energy. We are getting left in the dust (and smoke). And we already have automobiles, available on the market place, that do not need gasoline.

I think Mussolini defined fascism best as "Corporatism". Something conservatives engage in, daily.
How do you think machines are made?
Petroleum products are needed to make fucking solar panels, cars that run on electricity. Where do you think electricity comes from? What do you think is needed to build the machines which create the electricity?
What do you think is needed to make millions of miles of those 'strings' hanging on power poles which end up at the end of someone's driveway where the non-gas using car is parked which must have a 'thingy' plugged into it so it can operate?
You're a dummy.
Go move somewhere where the 'rich' aren't creating the jobs.
The fucking LIBs would have everyone believe the government 'creates' jobs. They do not.
The fucking LIB government 'invents' jobs for 'AA' semi-illiterates who 'block vote for the LIBS.
To the very end, Republicans could have gotten Obama's approval on Keystone if they didn't use it as a stick to beat him with

Obama had a jobs bill sitting in Congress for a year and a half. If Republicans had offered up approval of those needed infrastructure projects in return for Keystone, they could have had it

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