Keystone takes the next step

Here's a fact. No Keystone. No problem for the refineries on the Gulf.

Crude By Rail 2014: New Destinations,
Increasing Capacity

Crude By Rail: New Destinations, Increasing Capacity 2014 has come at a time where the rail industry faces several big question marks - some even as big as questioning the longevity of rail as an economically competitive mode of crude takeaway. With the collapse in price differentials, new pipeline projects not far from completion and additional costs potentially incurred from new rail car modification mandates, the evaluation of available capacity, economics and logistics of getting to different rail terminal destinations could not come at a better time.

As crude oil volumes continue to rise, the demand for increased capacity to take crude to new markets quickly and economically, is on the rise with it. Producers and refiners want to know the latest offloading terminal locations, railroad connectivity to new and emerging markets in the West, Gulf and East Coast, cycle times, volume capacities and the cost of transportation to enable a thorough evaluation of the market differentials of moving crude to different rail markets vs. pipeline. Against the current climate, it is crucial that railroads stay competitive and as a result, the congress will be focused around how rail operators are planning to meet the demands of refiners and producers through the expansion of railroads, rail cars and terminal capacity.

Rest at link:

Crude By Rail 2014 New Destinations Increasing Capacity
From my understanding of everything I have read, it is not up to Congress....this issue of crossing the border, is the President's duty, and it is up to him only...even this dog and pony show in Congress, with a 2/3's over ride of a presidential veto by Congress, can't change that this is only the President's decision to make....thus my comment of this being merely a Dog and Pony show by Congress...political posturing by a political party, on our US tax payer's dime....

Maybe their time would be better spent meeting with the President, and showing him, in person, ''what they got'' all the facts they have that deems this as being a necessity, a necessity so important that it is worth taking American citizens land away via eminent domain and giving it to a FOREIGN Company..., and how it benefits the USA's citizens, everywhere in the USA?

And not just for the benefit of some Private Corporation owners who own refineries... And show with figures how this pipeline will increase jobs the lifetime of its function over and above all of the truck drivers and train line workers that will LOSE THEIR JOBS who are transporting the fuel now,

and show the president how TransCanada will be held accountable in every financial aspect when it comes to any and all spills, including supplying the grain belt with fresh water for their farms if the spill contaminates the aqua-firs supplying the farmers who supply the Nation, with their grains and potatoes and cattle etc...

And then these Leaders in Congress could actually listen to the President and his concerns on it...and address those issues, one on one with him... like Tip O'neil with pres. Reagan...

We have such useless Congress Critters...they have no idea how to get anything done and spend entirely too much of my tax dollars on this kind of crud that is merely a CYA posturing move that will waste time and money....ONCE AGAIN.

nuff said...
Oh sweet Lord Care4All you have other Keystone pipelines bringing Alberta crude to the US. Obama's own State Department has found 5 freaking times that this section of the pipeline will NOT hurt the environment or impact climate change.

This is bullshit.
Why is there even a battle over Keystone? Just a couple of years ago Obama didn't have a problem with authorizing the Alberta Clipper pipeline.

No one protested the Alberta Clipper. I think it just wrapped up being built last year. No protests. No Darryl Hannah or Niel Young. Nothing. Zip. Nada.

Oh and it's not like there aren't thousands of miles of pipelines criss crossing North America.

The Senate has passed the House's Pipeline bill with 10 Democrats voting in favor.
Yet Obama still threatens Veto
As he should. They need 67 votes dummy, and they know Obama will veto it so they can be for it before they were against it.
It'll only take a few more dollars to convince 5 more
It could have gotten 100 votes. You don't get it dummy, Obama is going to veto it. They are safe to say back home, Well, I voted for but Obama vetoed it, and it never comes back after that. Their asses are covered, a very nice thing in politics.

Heidi (D) North Dakota thinks the President is an idiot for hurting her state.
Who the fuck cares. That's not even in the flyover zone, that's the "people actually live there?" zone.
The Senate has passed the House's Pipeline bill with 10 Democrats voting in favor.
Yet Obama still threatens Veto
As he should. They need 67 votes dummy, and they know Obama will veto it so they can be for it before they were against it.
It'll only take a few more dollars to convince 5 more
It could have gotten 100 votes. You don't get it dummy, Obama is going to veto it. They are safe to say back home, Well, I voted for but Obama vetoed it, and it never comes back after that. Their asses are covered, a very nice thing in politics.

Heidi (D) North Dakota thinks the President is an idiot for hurting her state.
Who the fuck cares. That's not even in the flyover zone, that's the "people actually live there?" zone.

Her state just happens to be right up there driving the economy with the Bakken. They are in a mega oil boom right now. The Keystone's northern leg would pick up Bakken crude to ship to the Gulf refineries.
As he should. They need 67 votes dummy, and they know Obama will veto it so they can be for it before they were against it.
It'll only take a few more dollars to convince 5 more
It could have gotten 100 votes. You don't get it dummy, Obama is going to veto it. They are safe to say back home, Well, I voted for but Obama vetoed it, and it never comes back after that. Their asses are covered, a very nice thing in politics.

Heidi (D) North Dakota thinks the President is an idiot for hurting her state.
Who the fuck cares. That's not even in the flyover zone, that's the "people actually live there?" zone.

Her state just happens to be right up there driving the economy with the Bakken. They are in a mega oil boom right now. The Keystone's northern leg would pick up Bakken crude to ship to the Gulf refineries.
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.
It'll only take a few more dollars to convince 5 more
It could have gotten 100 votes. You don't get it dummy, Obama is going to veto it. They are safe to say back home, Well, I voted for but Obama vetoed it, and it never comes back after that. Their asses are covered, a very nice thing in politics.

Heidi (D) North Dakota thinks the President is an idiot for hurting her state.
Who the fuck cares. That's not even in the flyover zone, that's the "people actually live there?" zone.

Her state just happens to be right up there driving the economy with the Bakken. They are in a mega oil boom right now. The Keystone's northern leg would pick up Bakken crude to ship to the Gulf refineries.
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.

Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
It could have gotten 100 votes. You don't get it dummy, Obama is going to veto it. They are safe to say back home, Well, I voted for but Obama vetoed it, and it never comes back after that. Their asses are covered, a very nice thing in politics.

Heidi (D) North Dakota thinks the President is an idiot for hurting her state.
Who the fuck cares. That's not even in the flyover zone, that's the "people actually live there?" zone.

Her state just happens to be right up there driving the economy with the Bakken. They are in a mega oil boom right now. The Keystone's northern leg would pick up Bakken crude to ship to the Gulf refineries.
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.

Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.
Heidi (D) North Dakota thinks the President is an idiot for hurting her state.
Who the fuck cares. That's not even in the flyover zone, that's the "people actually live there?" zone.

Her state just happens to be right up there driving the economy with the Bakken. They are in a mega oil boom right now. The Keystone's northern leg would pick up Bakken crude to ship to the Gulf refineries.
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.

Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a heavy crude oil spill.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
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Who the fuck cares. That's not even in the flyover zone, that's the "people actually live there?" zone.

Her state just happens to be right up there driving the economy with the Bakken. They are in a mega oil boom right now. The Keystone's northern leg would pick up Bakken crude to ship to the Gulf refineries.
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.

Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a spill with heavy crude.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
This oil isn't for America. If it was it would stop in the Midwest, not head to the Gulf where the ships are. This was always for export, period.

The poison part you got right, it is a black death and the sooner we use it all up the better.

Her state just happens to be right up there driving the economy with the Bakken. They are in a mega oil boom right now. The Keystone's northern leg would pick up Bakken crude to ship to the Gulf refineries.
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.

Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a spill with heavy crude.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
This oil isn't for America. If it was it would stop in the Midwest, not head to the Gulf where the ships are. This was always for export, period.

The poison part you got right, it is a black death and the sooner we use it all up the better.

What part of "American refineries are buying the oil" don't you get?

The pipeline people have nothing to do with where the crude goes once it is refined.

What are you going to do? Legislate that American oil refineries can't sell to other countries?

How commie are you?
Her state just happens to be right up there driving the economy with the Bakken. They are in a mega oil boom right now. The Keystone's northern leg would pick up Bakken crude to ship to the Gulf refineries.
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.

Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a spill with heavy crude.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
This oil isn't for America. If it was it would stop in the Midwest, not head to the Gulf where the ships are. This was always for export, period.

The poison part you got right, it is a black death and the sooner we use it all up the better.

One more time Keystone is not responsible for what American oil refineries do with the finished product.

You buy oil from Canada. The bulk of it stays in the US. Why? Because you fucking need it. :lol:

How many people did the Kalamazoo spill kill? None.

Here's what Bakken crude managed to do to one small town in Canada. Rail disaster.

47 dead.

The pipeline is to transport Canadian crude to American refineries! Benefit to USA.
Canadian crude is already being piped to Midwest refineries which can only be sold in the US. There is still plenty of capacity in the Midwest pipeline, so the only reason to divert the crude to the Gulf is to sell it overseas at a higher price. If America wants to buy the refined Gulf products she will have to pay more than the same products produced in the Midwest.
Benefit to Canada, liability to USA.
My name is Hortysir
Not Futureseer.
One can hope to lower prices but given the unstable ME, who knows

In other words, you are advocating a course of action without any conception of the consequences. That's never a good way of doing things.
Nope. Often congress will pass legislation that is against the will of the people & that is what the pen is for. But as per usual our politicians have bastardized everything that used to have a logical purpose.

Don't the people speak through their representatives?
1 Keystone poses zero environmental danger. the country is already crisscrossed with pipelines and pipelines are the safest way to move oil
2. Keystone will create thousands of american blue collar jobs and put billions in the US treasury
3. more oil in US refineries means more gasoline and lower prices in the US
4. selling gasoline to other countries improves the US balance of trade
5. obama sucks
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.

Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a spill with heavy crude.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
This oil isn't for America. If it was it would stop in the Midwest, not head to the Gulf where the ships are. This was always for export, period.

The poison part you got right, it is a black death and the sooner we use it all up the better.

What part of "American refineries are buying the oil" don't you get?

The pipeline people have nothing to do with where the crude goes once it is refined.

What are you going to do? Legislate that American oil refineries can't sell to other countries?

How commie are you?

Canadian Oil Discount Seen Shrinking on U.S. Re-Exports

By Rebecca Penty and Dan Murtaugh Oct 8, 2014 5:08 PM ET

Canadian oil producers, facing delays on new export pipelines, are poised to reap higher prices in Europe and Asia as growing rail deliveries to the U.S. are sent overseas, according to FirstEnergy Capital Corp.

In two years, 600,000 barrels a day of Canadian oil sent to the U.S may be re-exported to other destinations, up from 25,000 barrels now, Martin King, a commodities analyst at FirstEnergy in Calgary, said in a presentation today.

The re-exports are the best way for rising Canadian light and heavy crude output to approach world prices right now, he said. Growing rail shipments and more U.S. pipeline space will lift Canadian supplies to the Gulf Coast, he said.

Canadian Oil Discount Seen Shrinking on U.S. Re-Exports - Bloomberg
The pipeline is to transport Canadian crude to American refineries! Benefit to USA.
Canadian crude is already being piped to Midwest refineries which can only be sold in the US. There is still plenty of capacity in the Midwest pipeline, so the only reason to divert the crude to the Gulf is to sell it overseas at a higher price. If America wants to buy the refined Gulf products she will have to pay more than the same products produced in the Midwest.
Benefit to Canada, liability to USA.

This northern portion of the Keystone pipeline would pick up millions of barrels of oil from North Dakota to ship to the Gulf. The southern leg from Cushing to the Gulf picks up crude from other depots. The southern portion has been in operation for a year now.

And you have the Houston lateral which also will carry American crude to refineries. This is under construction as we type and is supposed to be up and running this year.

Canadian and US oil flowing to the Gulf. Benefit to both countries. It's a win win.

The Keystone is just a delivery system. This oil is coming to the Gulf no matter what Obama does. So all of this bullshit is just that.

Nope. Often congress will pass legislation that is against the will of the people & that is what the pen is for. But as per usual our politicians have bastardized everything that used to have a logical purpose.

Don't the people speak through their representatives?
Obama doesn't seem to think so, hence the veto threat

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