Keystone takes the next step

My question is, why should Congress be passing anything? This is a state by state issue and not a federal one. The Feds can pass things until the cows come home but Nebraska is still saying no and all it takes is one state to say no to stop the whole thing.
My question is, why should Congress be passing anything? This is a state by state issue and not a federal one. The Feds can pass things until the cows come home but Nebraska is still saying no and all it takes is one state to say no to stop the whole thing.

Nebraska has sided with Keystone.

From this article. Rest at link

Nebraska court approves Keystone XL pipeline route
Cecilia Jamasmie | January 9, 2015

"The ruling means the final decision now rests in U.S. President Barack Obama's hands, as it allows the State Department to decide whether carrying Canadian oil sands fuel through the pipeline would be in the national interest, a necessary step for the cross-border energy project."

Nebraska court approves Keystone XL pipeline route
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My question is, why should Congress be passing anything? This is a state by state issue and not a federal one. The Feds can pass things until the cows come home but Nebraska is still saying no and all it takes is one state to say no to stop the whole thing.

Nebraska has sided with Keystone.

From this article. Rest at link

Nebraska court approves Keystone XL pipeline route
Cecilia Jamasmie | January 9, 2015

"The ruling means the final decision now rests in U.S. President Barack Obama's hands, as it allows the State Department to decide whether carrying Canadian oil sands fuel through the pipeline would be in the national interest, a necessary step for the cross-border energy project."

Nebraska court approves Keystone XL pipeline route

Wrong. A Federal Court ruled overriding a state court. And the reasons given are not applicable. Here is what one person of interest said
“Our position on Keystone remains the same: we believe the project should be approved,” said Minister of Natural Resources Greg Rickford. “ It will create jobs for American and Canadian workers, it has the support of the Canadian and American people, and the State Department itself has indicated it can be developed in an environmentally sustainable manner.”

This reasoning is just a lie. It will go to a bidder who will use the same people from start to finish. After it's built, there will only a handful of jobs that remain. All the rest go by the way. And it won't go much past Nebraska since it will primarily be used for Asphalt and Tar. Right now, Koch Industries must purchase this for their Nebraska Plants. With it, Koch Industries will no longer utilize US Heavy Crude. It will cost jobs in the long run.

Until oil goes to 80 bucks a barrel, this program is a bust and will only be built if tax dollars are used to build it. Trans-Can and Koch Industries won't start building it until oil is at least 80 bucks a barrel. And with the announcement from OPEC yesterday, oil will continue to go down.
My question is, why should Congress be passing anything? This is a state by state issue and not a federal one. The Feds can pass things until the cows come home but Nebraska is still saying no and all it takes is one state to say no to stop the whole thing.

Nebraska has sided with Keystone.

From this article. Rest at link

Nebraska court approves Keystone XL pipeline route
Cecilia Jamasmie | January 9, 2015

"The ruling means the final decision now rests in U.S. President Barack Obama's hands, as it allows the State Department to decide whether carrying Canadian oil sands fuel through the pipeline would be in the national interest, a necessary step for the cross-border energy project."

Nebraska court approves Keystone XL pipeline route

Wrong. A Federal Court ruled overriding a state court. And the reasons given are not applicable. Here is what one person of interest said
“Our position on Keystone remains the same: we believe the project should be approved,” said Minister of Natural Resources Greg Rickford. “ It will create jobs for American and Canadian workers, it has the support of the Canadian and American people, and the State Department itself has indicated it can be developed in an environmentally sustainable manner.”
This reasoning is just a lie. It will go to a bidder who will use the same people from start to finish. After it's built, there will only a handful of jobs that remain. All the rest go by the way. And it won't go much past Nebraska since it will primarily be used for Asphalt and Tar. Right now, Koch Industries must purchase this for their Nebraska Plants. With it, Koch Industries will no longer utilize US Heavy Crude. It will cost jobs in the long run.

Until oil goes to 80 bucks a barrel, this program is a bust and will only be built if tax dollars are used to build it. Trans-Can and Koch Industries won't start building it until oil is at least 80 bucks a barrel. And with the announcement from OPEC yesterday, oil will continue to go down.


OMG I don't even know where to begin with your lunatic post. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

You're late to the party Sparky. Almost all of Keystone has been built and is operational.

Only in a left wing looney world could construction jobs be dissed as "temporary".

By this logic America shouldn't have built the Hoover Dam because construction jobs are only "temporary".

By this left wing looney logic no highways should be built because those construction jobs are only "temporary".

Hell's bells nothing should ever have been built and everyone should still be in log cabins because construction jobs are only "temporary".

Aye carumba!
My question is, why should Congress be passing anything? This is a state by state issue and not a federal one. The Feds can pass things until the cows come home but Nebraska is still saying no and all it takes is one state to say no to stop the whole thing.

Nebraska has sided with Keystone.

From this article. Rest at link

Nebraska court approves Keystone XL pipeline route
Cecilia Jamasmie | January 9, 2015

"The ruling means the final decision now rests in U.S. President Barack Obama's hands, as it allows the State Department to decide whether carrying Canadian oil sands fuel through the pipeline would be in the national interest, a necessary step for the cross-border energy project."

Nebraska court approves Keystone XL pipeline route

Wrong. A Federal Court ruled overriding a state court. And the reasons given are not applicable. Here is what one person of interest said
“Our position on Keystone remains the same: we believe the project should be approved,” said Minister of Natural Resources Greg Rickford. “ It will create jobs for American and Canadian workers, it has the support of the Canadian and American people, and the State Department itself has indicated it can be developed in an environmentally sustainable manner.”
This reasoning is just a lie. It will go to a bidder who will use the same people from start to finish. After it's built, there will only a handful of jobs that remain. All the rest go by the way. And it won't go much past Nebraska since it will primarily be used for Asphalt and Tar. Right now, Koch Industries must purchase this for their Nebraska Plants. With it, Koch Industries will no longer utilize US Heavy Crude. It will cost jobs in the long run.

Until oil goes to 80 bucks a barrel, this program is a bust and will only be built if tax dollars are used to build it. Trans-Can and Koch Industries won't start building it until oil is at least 80 bucks a barrel. And with the announcement from OPEC yesterday, oil will continue to go down.

This judgement was handed down by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

"Nebraska’s highest court handed a small, but key victory to TransCanada Corp.’s (TSX, NYSE:TRP) Keystone XL Friday as it approved the route for the controversial oil pipeline, reversing a lower court that had blocked the proposal and clearing the way for a U.S. State Department ruling on the plan."

Nebraska court approves Keystone XL pipeline route
so finish Keystone. When its done and the price of GLOBAL oil isn't effected and the job count becomes a moot factor, the RW will have completed another pointless task at the expense of American land owners. Who cares if a family has paid taxes on their property for generations, Canada needs the land and RW's are MORE THAN HAPPY to hand over American land to a FOERIGN country.

Bottom line ... we don't need the oil Canada needs our dirt. The new 10 Billion $$ SAUDI built refinery in Texas City needs the oil. UNIONS WANT the jobs.

what the hell is wrong with that picture ?
The pipeline is to transport Canadian crude to American refineries! Benefit to USA.
Canadian crude is already being piped to Midwest refineries which can only be sold in the US. There is still plenty of capacity in the Midwest pipeline, so the only reason to divert the crude to the Gulf is to sell it overseas at a higher price. If America wants to buy the refined Gulf products she will have to pay more than the same products produced in the Midwest.
Benefit to Canada, liability to USA.
so finish Keystone. When its done and the price of GLOBAL oil isn't effected and the job count becomes a moot factor, the RW will have completed another pointless task at the expense of American land owners. Who cares if a family has paid taxes on their property for generations, Canada needs the land and RW's are MORE THAN HAPPY to hand over American land to a FOERIGN country.

Bottom line ... we don't need the oil Canada needs our dirt. The new 10 Billion $$ SAUDI built refinery in Texas City needs the oil. UNIONS WANT the jobs.

what the hell is wrong with that picture ?


You can't stop the crude. It's coming to the Gulf no matter what you want.

Deal with it. Buy Extra Strength Immodium AD so you can make it through the day.
so finish Keystone. When its done and the price of GLOBAL oil isn't effected and the job count becomes a moot factor, the RW will have completed another pointless task at the expense of American land owners. Who cares if a family has paid taxes on their property for generations, Canada needs the land and RW's are MORE THAN HAPPY to hand over American land to a FOERIGN country.

Bottom line ... we don't need the oil Canada needs our dirt. The new 10 Billion $$ SAUDI built refinery in Texas City needs the oil. UNIONS WANT the jobs.

what the hell is wrong with that picture ?


You can't stop the crude. It's coming to the Gulf no matter what you want.

Deal with it. Buy Extra Strength Immodium AD so you can make it through the day.

its not crude oil ...


sooner or later this country will figure out when RW's lead the charge on ANYTHING is some F'd up pet project of theirs and other people are going to suffer.
They argue that some 90 per cent of the tar sands projects need $95 / barrel to make economic sense and so many projects could be heading for trouble if the oil price continues to stay low or does not rebound.

Falling Oil Price Changing Whole Dynamic for Tar Sands - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

It's not just Canada's energy sector that is affected with the falling price of oil.

But no matter what you still have to move your home grown crude and it's travelling through the Keystone pipeline already.

Cushing to Port Arthur was finished and crude has been flowing to the Gulf since last January.

AND it's coming via rail and transport truck.
Her state just happens to be right up there driving the economy with the Bakken. They are in a mega oil boom right now. The Keystone's northern leg would pick up Bakken crude to ship to the Gulf refineries.
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.

Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a spill with heavy crude.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
This oil isn't for America. If it was it would stop in the Midwest, not head to the Gulf where the ships are. This was always for export, period.

The poison part you got right, it is a black death and the sooner we use it all up the better.

Gulf Coast refineries are already geared up for Heavy Crude Oil which is not much different than the Bitumen. The refined product is being exported.
They argue that some 90 per cent of the tar sands projects need $95 / barrel to make economic sense and so many projects could be heading for trouble if the oil price continues to stay low or does not rebound.

Falling Oil Price Changing Whole Dynamic for Tar Sands - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

It's not just Canada's energy sector that is affected with the falling price of oil.

But no matter what you still have to move your home grown crude and it's travelling through the Keystone pipeline already.

Cushing to Port Arthur was finished and crude has been flowing to the Gulf since last January.

AND it's coming via rail and transport truck.

I have no problem with Phase 4.
Where it would head off for export. If it was for the US it would stop in the Midwest, not head for the Gulf where the fucking ships are.

Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a spill with heavy crude.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
This oil isn't for America. If it was it would stop in the Midwest, not head to the Gulf where the ships are. This was always for export, period.

The poison part you got right, it is a black death and the sooner we use it all up the better.

Gulf Coast refineries are already geared up for Heavy Crude Oil which is not much different than the Bitumen. The refined product is being exported.

it is bitumen , straight from the tar pit, diluted with a shit load of chemicals so it can flow through a pipeline.
Bakken crude is a North Dakota product heading to US refineries on the Gulf. What's the problem? Right now its heading south via rail and transport truck.

All this crude both Canadian and American is getting shipped to refineries pipeline or not. What your American refineries do with it has nothing to do with the pipelines.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a spill with heavy crude.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
This oil isn't for America. If it was it would stop in the Midwest, not head to the Gulf where the ships are. This was always for export, period.

The poison part you got right, it is a black death and the sooner we use it all up the better.

Gulf Coast refineries are already geared up for Heavy Crude Oil which is not much different than the Bitumen. The refined product is being exported.

it is bitumen , straight from the tar pit, diluted with a shit load of chemicals so it can flow through a pipeline.

Slightly heavier than the Venezuelan heavy crude being refined in the Gulf Coast.
Tar sands is nasty shit that requires chemicals and heat to make it flow, and no one knows how to clean up a spill, and it's for export so we get nothing from it but pollution however Canada makes a buck and China gets oil. What do we get, the mess.

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a spill with heavy crude.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
This oil isn't for America. If it was it would stop in the Midwest, not head to the Gulf where the ships are. This was always for export, period.

The poison part you got right, it is a black death and the sooner we use it all up the better.

Gulf Coast refineries are already geared up for Heavy Crude Oil which is not much different than the Bitumen. The refined product is being exported.

it is bitumen , straight from the tar pit, diluted with a shit load of chemicals so it can flow through a pipeline.

Slightly heavier than the Venezuelan heavy crude being refined in the Gulf Coast.

yeah, I'd say heavier .

Good grief. American refineries are buying the oil. Americans are invested heavily in the Canadian energy sector. Americans benefit on multiple levels.

And I have no idea where you get the bullshit that no one knows how to clean up a spill with heavy crude.

Keystone is only a delivery system. All that crude is heading your way no matter what. America needs and wants the oil.

You really don't get it do you? Pick your poison on how you want it delivered.
This oil isn't for America. If it was it would stop in the Midwest, not head to the Gulf where the ships are. This was always for export, period.

The poison part you got right, it is a black death and the sooner we use it all up the better.

Gulf Coast refineries are already geared up for Heavy Crude Oil which is not much different than the Bitumen. The refined product is being exported.

it is bitumen , straight from the tar pit, diluted with a shit load of chemicals so it can flow through a pipeline.

Slightly heavier than the Venezuelan heavy crude being refined in the Gulf Coast.

yeah, I'd say heavier .

The crude is coming via rail and truck and pipeline.It doesn't matter what Obama does on Phase IV of Keystone.

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