Keystone takes the next step

Another guy who thinks puting fact at the end of sentence means it is true...

How many people got killed and how much money did cost for the GOP wars, FACT.

What does that have to do with a thread on the Keystone pipeline? Did you just have a BOOOOOOOOOOSH you needed to get out? lol

I is just a common trait of the Hard Right here...

I don't think they know what a fact is.

Since the don't know what a fact is, then it is quite hard to have a discussion.
What facts are we getting wrong, oh wise one?

"Liberals lie, fact. If and when they stop lying then maybe I will consider what they have to say."

Now does he know every Liberal in the world?
Could you highlight the word "all" in his post?

Not all liberals are liars, some are just lying liberal collaborators.
Liberals lie, fact. If and when they stop lying then maybe I will consider what they have to say.

Another guy who thinks puting fact at the end of sentence means it is true...

How many people got killed and how much money did cost for the GOP wars, FACT.

What does that have to do with a thread on the Keystone pipeline? Did you just have a BOOOOOOOOOOSH you needed to get out? lol

I is just a common trait of the Hard Right here...

I don't think they know what a fact is.

Since the don't know what a fact is, then it is quite hard to have a discussion.

Do you deny Obama is a repeated liar? Do you deny many lying Democratic party leaders mocked "drill baby drill" including Obama? Of course you don't because you know their lies are documented on video in their own words. I'm sure this is difficult for the left to choke on but you deserve it.

Are you asking do Democrats lie or do politicians lie?

Politifact has shown that GOP and the Right in General is a lot looser with the truth than the other side.

A liberal cowboy?

That's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one.

Cowboys stand for individualism, personal responsibility, God and country. Things liberals are typically against. Cowboys tend to live in rural areas which is known to be ideological strongholds for conservative values. Cowboys don't much like government and has little need for them, another conservative tenet.
The Senate has passed the House's Pipeline bill with 10 Democrats voting in favor.
Yet Obama still threatens Veto

Why do we need a pipeline through our country to help Canada sell to the rest of the world?
This is a fallacious argument.

Do you think the US will lose money on the deal? If the US will make money on the deal, explain how Canada also making money on the deal is a bad thing.

All commodities are fungible and therefore your complaint could be applied to any of them. Wheat, oil, coal, Taylor Swift...

Every single piece of infrastructure gets a commodity from one place to another. That is the whole point! The more infrastructure we have to move commodities around the world, the cheaper they become for everyone, including right here in the US.

That is a good thing.
The Senate has passed the House's Pipeline bill with 10 Democrats voting in favor.
Yet Obama still threatens Veto

Why do we need a pipeline through our country to help Canada sell to the rest of the world?
This is a fallacious argument.

Do you think the US will lose money on the deal? If the US will make money on the deal, explain how Canada also making money on the deal is a bad thing.

All commodities are fungible and therefore your complaint could be applied to any of them. Wheat, oil, coal, Taylor Swift...

Every single piece of infrastructure gets a commodity from one place to another. That is the whole point! The more infrastructure we have to move commodities around the world, the cheaper they become for everyone, including right here in the US.

That is a good thing.

a pipeline buried underground doing nothing but sending oil to a Saudi refinery in Tx is infrastructure?

who knew?

infrastructure; The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons.

Keystone isn't needed for the country to function.
The Senate has passed the House's Pipeline bill with 10 Democrats voting in favor.
Yet Obama still threatens Veto

Why do we need a pipeline through our country to help Canada sell to the rest of the world?
This is a fallacious argument.

Do you think the US will lose money on the deal? If the US will make money on the deal, explain how Canada also making money on the deal is a bad thing.

All commodities are fungible and therefore your complaint could be applied to any of them. Wheat, oil, coal, Taylor Swift...

Every single piece of infrastructure gets a commodity from one place to another. That is the whole point! The more infrastructure we have to move commodities around the world, the cheaper they become for everyone, including right here in the US.

That is a good thing.

a pipeline buried underground doing nothing but sending oil to a Saudi refinery in Tx is infrastructure?

who knew?

infrastructure; The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons.

Keystone isn't needed for the country to function.

Your oil producers and refineries love love love the Keystone! This leg from Cushing to Texas has been rocking for a year now.

I don't think that they give a shit what you think.

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The Senate has passed the House's Pipeline bill with 10 Democrats voting in favor.
Yet Obama still threatens Veto

Why do we need a pipeline through our country to help Canada sell to the rest of the world?
This is a fallacious argument.

Do you think the US will lose money on the deal? If the US will make money on the deal, explain how Canada also making money on the deal is a bad thing.

All commodities are fungible and therefore your complaint could be applied to any of them. Wheat, oil, coal, Taylor Swift...

Every single piece of infrastructure gets a commodity from one place to another. That is the whole point! The more infrastructure we have to move commodities around the world, the cheaper they become for everyone, including right here in the US.

That is a good thing.

a pipeline buried underground doing nothing but sending oil to a Saudi refinery in Tx is infrastructure?

who knew?

infrastructure; The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons.

Keystone isn't needed for the country to function.

Your oil producers and refineries love love love the Keystone! This leg from Cushing to Texas has been rocking for a year now.

I don't they give a shit what you think.



same way I feel about you.

The Senate has passed the House's Pipeline bill with 10 Democrats voting in favor.
Yet Obama still threatens Veto

Why do we need a pipeline through our country to help Canada sell to the rest of the world?

The will of the American people was acted upon by their duly elected congress critters. Obama plans to stand in defiance of the American people with his veto pen

So you oppose the President who has used his veto less than almost any other president in history.

The President got almost twice as many votes than GOP Congress members.
You're god damn right I oppose the dipshit in the Oval Office
The will of the American people was acted upon by their duly elected congress critters. Obama plans to stand in defiance of the American people with his veto pen

Do you oppose all Presidential vetos?
You do remember all of obozos policies were on the table the last election and the people rejected them

Nope. Often congress will pass legislation that is against the will of the people & that is what the pen is for. But as per usual our politicians have bastardized everything that used to have a logical purpose.
After the last batch of liberal LIES have been debunked I await the new batch of liberal LIES opposing the pipeline. I don't know why anyone would listen to lying liberals at this point, they are the bunch of dumb assed who mocked 'drill baby drill' claiming it would have no effect on gas prices. Here we are only a few years later and what's the price of gas down to? Yes the $2 range they claimed was impossible. Its time for lying liberals to shut up and get out of the way.

Hmm, I don't see the need for anymore of the Keystone Program. And I already stated gas would go below 2 bucks per gallon (it's right at about 1.80 right now here) and you morons laughed when I stated it would be soon be down to no more than 50 a barrel. And do you know the reason why? Give you a hint, OPEC stated why they aren't cutting production and won't anytime soon. It has nothing to do with the Tar Sands. It has to do with the recovery from Shale. By keeping the prices low, shale is not a viable venture. And the Western US has the largest deposits of Shale. Hell, it's all over the place around here. They opened up a Shale Oil test site not far from here. But when the oils pricing went so low, they shut it down. The viability of Shale is about the same as Tar Sands recovery. Just how many jobs is that costing us every day. In the end, it will harm the OPEC nations but it will take decades. We have a backup to our oil that is even more plentiful than OPEC and will later on become a major exporter to the rest of the world.

Both the Tar Sands and Shale Oil becomes cost affective at just over 80 bucks a barrel. And it's going to be at least a couple of years before it reaches that again.

It's about economics. And I just wonder why in the hell Congress is involved in this in the first place. This is another of their "Look at the Good We are doing for the American Public". In reality, it is designed to make you not notice that they are doing nothing.

Look Over There
The far left was screaming for infrastructure jobs and here it is and now they suddenly oppose it..
From what I read, some of the Democrats are voting on Keystone.

They are. Two reasons.

1. They are trying to stay in office and think that will keep them in office.

2, Oil Companies line their pockets as well as the Reps. I hope that the Dems that vote for are all kicked out on their asses in 2016. Some already went in 2014. It only shows they are on the take.
I don't see anything in it for us. I don't think it is the end of the environment as we know it either.

It's just a fairly mundane project that has been politicized to the point of lunacy.
After the last batch of liberal LIES have been debunked I await the new batch of liberal LIES opposing the pipeline. I don't know why anyone would listen to lying liberals at this point, they are the bunch of dumb assed who mocked 'drill baby drill' claiming it would have no effect on gas prices. Here we are only a few years later and what's the price of gas down to? Yes the $2 range they claimed was impossible. Its time for lying liberals to shut up and get out of the way.

OPEC is responsible for lower oil prices you trash mouth moron. Type in English or don't bother typing.

Ahaha and here we have an example ^^^

exactly, an example of you, a moron that has no idea wtf is taking place in the oil industry.

I think your rage is misdirected, its not my fault the lefts lies have come home to roost and Sarah Palin proved you all wrong on drill baby drill. Man that's gonna leave a mark.

I don't see anything in it for us. I don't think it is the end of the environment as we know it either.

It's just a fairly mundane project that has been politicized to the point of lunacy.

Your oil producers and your refinery owners would beg to differ with you.

You see Canada is your number one supplier of oil. It's coming to your refineries whether it is by pipeline, rail or transport truck.

There is already a Keystone I and II and III's southern leg from Cushing Oklahoma to Port Arthur Texas that are completed. A lateral Keystone is scheduled to be completed this year to Houston.

Keystone is simply a delivery system for crude from Alberta and from your own producers. This is much to do about nothing.

The protests are total and utter bullshit.

But make no mistake about it. Your oil producers in the Bakken in North Dakota are desperate for this mode of getting their crude to refineries on the Gulf. And because of the southern leg of the Keystone III it has reduced the pressure on Cushing.
"Your oil producers and your refinery owners would beg to differ with you. "

Of course they would - they are the ones who are going to make money from the export of this oil to other countries.

But the rest of us .... nothing in it for us.
"Your oil producers and your refinery owners would beg to differ with you. "

Of course they would - they are the ones who are going to make money from the export of this oil to other countries.

But the rest of us .... nothing in it for us.

Tell that to the people of North Dakota and other states that are experiencing an oil boom and their economies are just rocking.

Or on a simpler note, do lower gas prices mean nothing to you? I personally love the fact there's a glut on the market and every time we gas up I'm a happy camper.

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After the last batch of liberal LIES have been debunked I await the new batch of liberal LIES opposing the pipeline. I don't know why anyone would listen to lying liberals at this point, they are the bunch of dumb assed who mocked 'drill baby drill' claiming it would have no effect on gas prices. Here we are only a few years later and what's the price of gas down to? Yes the $2 range they claimed was impossible. Its time for lying liberals to shut up and get out of the way.

Hmm, I don't see the need for anymore of the Keystone Program. And I already stated gas would go below 2 bucks per gallon (it's right at about 1.80 right now here) and you morons laughed when I stated it would be soon be down to no more than 50 a barrel. And do you know the reason why? Give you a hint, OPEC stated why they aren't cutting production and won't anytime soon. It has nothing to do with the Tar Sands. It has to do with the recovery from Shale. By keeping the prices low, shale is not a viable venture. And the Western US has the largest deposits of Shale. Hell, it's all over the place around here. They opened up a Shale Oil test site not far from here. But when the oils pricing went so low, they shut it down. The viability of Shale is about the same as Tar Sands recovery. Just how many jobs is that costing us every day. In the end, it will harm the OPEC nations but it will take decades. We have a backup to our oil that is even more plentiful than OPEC and will later on become a major exporter to the rest of the world.

Both the Tar Sands and Shale Oil becomes cost affective at just over 80 bucks a barrel. And it's going to be at least a couple of years before it reaches that again.

It's about economics. And I just wonder why in the hell Congress is involved in this in the first place. This is another of their "Look at the Good We are doing for the American Public". In reality, it is designed to make you not notice that they are doing nothing.

Look Over There

You have a rather narrow and rigid way of looking at the issue, are you a liberal I'm curious?
After the last batch of liberal LIES have been debunked I await the new batch of liberal LIES opposing the pipeline. I don't know why anyone would listen to lying liberals at this point, they are the bunch of dumb assed who mocked 'drill baby drill' claiming it would have no effect on gas prices. Here we are only a few years later and what's the price of gas down to? Yes the $2 range they claimed was impossible. Its time for lying liberals to shut up and get out of the way.

OPEC is responsible for lower oil prices you trash mouth moron. Type in English or don't bother typing.

Ahaha and here we have an example ^^^

exactly, an example of you, a moron that has no idea wtf is taking place in the oil industry.

I think your rage is misdirected, its not my fault the lefts lies have come home to roost and Sarah Palin proved you all wrong on drill baby drill. Man that's gonna leave a mark.

Well that answers my previous question, just another rage filled ignorant liberal.
After the last batch of liberal LIES have been debunked I await the new batch of liberal LIES opposing the pipeline. I don't know why anyone would listen to lying liberals at this point, they are the bunch of dumb assed who mocked 'drill baby drill' claiming it would have no effect on gas prices. Here we are only a few years later and what's the price of gas down to? Yes the $2 range they claimed was impossible. Its time for lying liberals to shut up and get out of the way.

Hmm, I don't see the need for anymore of the Keystone Program. And I already stated gas would go below 2 bucks per gallon (it's right at about 1.80 right now here) and you morons laughed when I stated it would be soon be down to no more than 50 a barrel. And do you know the reason why? Give you a hint, OPEC stated why they aren't cutting production and won't anytime soon. It has nothing to do with the Tar Sands. It has to do with the recovery from Shale. By keeping the prices low, shale is not a viable venture. And the Western US has the largest deposits of Shale. Hell, it's all over the place around here. They opened up a Shale Oil test site not far from here. But when the oils pricing went so low, they shut it down. The viability of Shale is about the same as Tar Sands recovery. Just how many jobs is that costing us every day. In the end, it will harm the OPEC nations but it will take decades. We have a backup to our oil that is even more plentiful than OPEC and will later on become a major exporter to the rest of the world.

Both the Tar Sands and Shale Oil becomes cost affective at just over 80 bucks a barrel. And it's going to be at least a couple of years before it reaches that again.

It's about economics. And I just wonder why in the hell Congress is involved in this in the first place. This is another of their "Look at the Good We are doing for the American Public". In reality, it is designed to make you not notice that they are doing nothing.

Look Over There

You really don't get it do you? Despite your increase in production you use more than you produce.

Consequently you have to import crude. This is just a fact. And crude is being imported to your refineries via Keystone I, II, III (southern leg) to various refineries in the mid west and now to the Gulf. Canada is your number one energy provider.

There's so much oil being imported its coming by rail and transport as well.

The Keystone is just a pipeline. Nothing more; nothing less. Just a means of transporting crude.

The benefit of the northern leg of the Keystone is that it not only links Alberta to the Gulf but will transport your homegrown production out of Montana and North Dakota from the oil fields.

The crude has to get to refineries. Pick your poison. Pipeline, rail or truck from Canada and your domestic oil fields.

You need the oil. And drilling is not going to stop despite the temporary decrease in the per barrel price.

And you're wrong on your break even numbers.

"As the experience and technology in producing hydrocarbons from oil sands matures, the cost of extraction falls.

While previously more expensive than U.S. tight oil production, oil from oil sands in Alberta is now more competitive with U.S. tight oil production costs.

In-situ projects in Alberta are estimated to break even at an average of $64 and mining projects between $60-$65 per barrel, whereas tight oil from the Permian Basin has an estimated cost of $81 per barrel, Bakken $69 per barrel, and Eagle Ford about $64 per barrel."

Canada - Analysis - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA
I don't see anything in it for us. I don't think it is the end of the environment as we know it either.

It's just a fairly mundane project that has been politicized to the point of lunacy.

Your oil producers and your refinery owners would beg to differ with you.

You see Canada is your number one supplier of oil. It's coming to your refineries whether it is by pipeline, rail or transport truck.

There is already a Keystone I and II and III's southern leg from Cushing Oklahoma to Port Arthur Texas that are completed. A lateral Keystone is scheduled to be completed this year to Houston.

Keystone is simply a delivery system for crude from Alberta and from your own producers. This is much to do about nothing.

The protests are total and utter bullshit.

But make no mistake about it. Your oil producers in the Bakken in North Dakota are desperate for this mode of getting their crude to refineries on the Gulf. And because of the southern leg of the Keystone III it has reduced the pressure on Cushing.

why would American oil producers laud their competition ? So they can wait in line at the refineries?

speaking of refinery ... are you refering to the 10 $ billion dollar refinery Saudi built in Texas City ... then sure Saudi wants our money and Canadian oil.

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