Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship

"I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard."
"She was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me," Trump said.

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Stop using McCain, after you guys said he was a rich, racist, misogynist you do every fuck off..
Did we? I remember mostly ignoring him since Dubya gift-wrapped the 2008 election like no election has ever been gift-wrapped before.

Anyways isn't that what you guys have been saying about McCain for 10 years now?

Gook: John McCain's Racism and Why It Matters

yeah you guys do it every fucking election and either you're clueless or a liar.
Oh you found some random dumbass weirdo trying to make a buck off of an election year. Like your secret service clowns who released books this year.

Don't make me laugh.
So NOW you diminish the worth of the Secret ARE one fucking piece of shit! I'm sure the fellow that took the bullet for Reagan would agree with you...OldSickFool!
The "authors" are the ones diminished the worth of the Secret Service.
The same thing Billy C had?

The last time I checked, military service isn't a requirement to run for president, nor is serving in an undeclared war.
Of course not. Now when you're a fortunate son who dodged the draft, and then you insult soldiers and their families... well that just doesn't look very good does it?

Do you Kahn agrees with Hillary that women have always been the primary victims of war?
The United Nation Security Council repeated this assertion in 2008 when it adopted Resolution 1325, which stated in its introduction that rape and sexual assault were considered tactics of war:

[C]ivilians account for the vast majority of those adversely affected by armed conflict; women and girls are particularly targeted by the use of sexual violence, including as a tactic of war to humiliate, dominate, instill fear in, disperse and/or forcibly relocate civilian members of a community or ethnic group; and sexual violence perpetrated in this manner may in some instances persist after the cessation of hostilities.

[We] condemn in the strongest terms all sexual and other forms of violence committed against civilians in armed conflict, in particular women and children.

[We] reiterate deep concern that, despite its repeated condemnation of violence against women and children in situations of armed conflict, including sexual violence in situations of armed conflict, and despite its calls addressed to all parties to armed conflict for the cessation of such acts with immediate effect, such acts continue to occur, and in some situations have become systematic and widespread, reaching appalling levels of brutality.

Hillary Clinton and the Victims of War
Is he doing anything illegal?.......Nope

Do other ethnic/religious groups have access to the same program and use it?.......Yes

So what's the problem? ........ :dunno:
The problem is the man has a vested interest in defeating Trump and it was not put up front, but was hidden.

He was not merely speaking as the father of a dead hero, but as a lawyer who stands to lose a whole lot of wealth if Trump wins.
He is lawyer, so honor was never at issue. Profiteering off a dead son, awesome.
So if your son had sacrificed his life for the country, and Hillary came out and said people of your son's background don't deserve to be here and want to destroy the country, you would be okay with that?

Thanks for showing us your true character.

So please let us know who said that with a link
Asked during the Republican debate if he meant that all 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide hate the United States, Mr. Trump replied, “I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them. There’s tremendous hatred, and I will stick with exactly what I said.”

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida criticized Mr. Trump, saying his comment has “a real impact” with Muslims worldwide and pointing out that Muslims serve in the U.S. military.

“They love America,” Mr. Rubio said. “As far as I know, no one on this stage has served in uniform in the United States military.”

Mr. Trump retorted, “Marco talks about consequences. Well we’ve had a lot of consequences including airplanes flying into the World Trade Center. I don’t want to be so politically correct. I like to solve problems. There is tremendous hate. Large portions [of the Muslim world] want to use very, very harsh means.”

Donald Trump doubles down on ‘Islam hates America’ claim

The next day, an MSNBC reporter asked Trump, "Should there be a database or system that tracks Muslims in this country?"

"There should be a lot of systems," Trump responded. "Beyond databases. I mean, we should have a lot of systems."

"But that’s something your White House would like to implement."

"I would certainly implement that. Absolutely," Trump said.

Trump said, "It would just be good management."

Finally, the reporter asked if Muslims would legally have to be part of the database.

"They have to be — they have to be," Trump said. "Let me just tell you: The key is people can come to the country, but they have to come legally."

Muslims Expected 100,000 to Attend Anti-Terror Rally in DC – Only a Couple Dozen Show Up ^

Muslims Expected 100,000 to Attend Anti-Terror Rally in DC – Only a Couple Dozen Show Up

Kristinn Taylor Jul 30th, 2016 11:05 pm 11 Comments Muslims against terror rally DC 07232016 State Dept 2

A rally organized by Muslim groups held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on July 23 was planned with the goal of drawing 100,000 attendees. Only dozens showed up according to media reports.

Al Jazeera reported on the planning for the rally for 100,000 that was initially planned as being anti-ISIS but was also billed as anti-Trump.

A group of American Muslims, joined by interfaith leaders, have launched an initiative to get thousands of Americans to take part in a march in Washington DC on July 23, in what they call a stand against bigotry, “extremism”, and gun violence.

The American Muslim March will take place at the National Mall – home to various large-scale historical gatherings – to also condemn “terrorism” and vocally eschew the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS), organisers said.

Rally sponsors include more than 20 organisations representing the three monotheistic regions, as well as the Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu, and Bahai communities.

The initiative comes at a time when anti-Muslim sentiment is high, in part driven by the rhetoric of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has called for the banning of foreign Muslims from the United States.

Trump has made his Muslim ban a centrepiece of his candidacy: he recently reiterated his proposal following an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, which left 49 people dead. He also suggested profiling Muslims, citing Israel as an example, and implied that US President Barack Obama was complicit or sympathetic to radicalised Muslims.

Some Muslim groups have been more vocal about terrorism, gun violence and Islamophobia, since a married couple, inspired by ISIL ideology, killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California.

“We were motivated to take action after San Bernardino,” said Khaled al-Mufti, a member of the rally organising committee. “We wanted to denounce ISIS as an ideology that claims to be representative of Islam, but it’s not. That’s not the religion we practise. We want to make it loud and clear to all the world: This is not Islam.”

The rally is being organised by the Islamic Society of Central Florida, and the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) in Washington DC, which recently hosted Secretary of State John Kerry and Hollywood actress and activist Angelina Jolie with Syrian refugees in recognition of World Refugee Day.

For the event, organisers are reaching out to renowned Muslims such as Yousef Islam, previously known as Cat Stevens, retired basketball legend Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and influential Islamic scholar Hamza Yusuf. They are hoping to attract about 100,000 people from the Muslim and immigrant communities and anybody “affected by the recent surge in hostility towards minorities”, Mufti told Al Jazeera.

“The rhetoric going on in the presidential campaigns is creating an atmosphere of bigotry,” he said. “This is not only towards Muslim, but also towards immigrant communities. We therefore wanted to provide a platform for everyone to speak about those issues…”

The Eventbrite page for the rally listed almost as many sponsors as attendees. One of the sponsors, ISNA was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terror funding case, according to Wikipedia.

“In the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing case, the United States Department of Justice named ISNA, along with Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the North American Islamic Trust, as an unindicted co-conspirator and one of a number of “entities who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood.”[18][19][20] ISNA, along with NAIT and CAIR, filed motions seeking to be removed from the UCC listing, and the District Judge found that the government had violated the organizations’ rights by listing them as Unindicted Co-Conspirators.[21] Judge Solis, as affirmed by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, held that the government should not have listed CAIR and ISNA, but that “the government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas”.[22]”


He is lawyer, so honor was never at issue. Profiteering off a dead son, awesome.
So if your son had sacrificed his life for the country, and Hillary came out and said people of your son's background don't deserve to be here and want to destroy the country, you would be okay with that?

Thanks for showing us your true character.

When Hillary was "co-president" they denied the Rangers and Delta Force in Somalia heavy armor, even after the task force commander begged for it. Which is the worse crime?
So Mr. Kahn is an immigration lawyer who has decided to specialize in handling cases involving the government EB-5 program. His national, cultural and likely linguistic background makes him sought by similar individuals. The issue is, what exactly?
That you are an idiot?
He is lawyer, so honor was never at issue. Profiteering off a dead son, awesome.
So if your son had sacrificed his life for the country, and Hillary came out and said people of your son's background don't deserve to be here and want to destroy the country, you would be okay with that?

Thanks for showing us your true character.

When Hillary was "co-president" they denied the Rangers and Delta Force in Somalia heavy armor, even after the task force commander begged for it. Which is the worse crime?
Being a Republican and opposing the Marxist transformation of America.
He is lawyer, so honor was never at issue. Profiteering off a dead son, awesome.
So if your son had sacrificed his life for the country, and Hillary came out and said people of your son's background don't deserve to be here and want to destroy the country, you would be okay with that?

Thanks for showing us your true character.

When Hillary was "co-president" they denied the Rangers and Delta Force in Somalia heavy armor, even after the task force commander begged for it. Which is the worse crime?
During all of Dubya's Presidency, when asked how many more soldiers needed to be sent to die without enough armor, republicans responded with more, more, more
The same thing Billy C had?

The last time I checked, military service isn't a requirement to run for president, nor is serving in an undeclared war.
Of course not. Now when you're a fortunate son who dodged the draft, and then you insult soldiers and their families... well that just doesn't look very good does it?

Do you Kahn agrees with Hillary that women have always been the primary victims of war?
The United Nation Security Council repeated this assertion in 2008 when it adopted Resolution 1325, which stated in its introduction that rape and sexual assault were considered tactics of war:

[C]ivilians account for the vast majority of those adversely affected by armed conflict; women and girls are particularly targeted by the use of sexual violence, including as a tactic of war to humiliate, dominate, instill fear in, disperse and/or forcibly relocate civilian members of a community or ethnic group; and sexual violence perpetrated in this manner may in some instances persist after the cessation of hostilities.

[We] condemn in the strongest terms all sexual and other forms of violence committed against civilians in armed conflict, in particular women and children.

[We] reiterate deep concern that, despite its repeated condemnation of violence against women and children in situations of armed conflict, including sexual violence in situations of armed conflict, and despite its calls addressed to all parties to armed conflict for the cessation of such acts with immediate effect, such acts continue to occur, and in some situations have become systematic and widespread, reaching appalling levels of brutality.

Hillary Clinton and the Victims of War

Sure my son was laying there with a sucking chest wound and bleeding to death, but really I'm the victim in all this.
Stop using McCain, after you guys said he was a rich, racist, misogynist you do every fuck off..
Did we? I remember mostly ignoring him since Dubya gift-wrapped the 2008 election like no election has ever been gift-wrapped before.

Anyways isn't that what you guys have been saying about McCain for 10 years now?

Gook: John McCain's Racism and Why It Matters

yeah you guys do it every fucking election and either you're clueless or a liar.
Oh you found some random dumbass weirdo trying to make a buck off of an election year. Like your secret service clowns who released books this year.

Don't make me laugh.
So NOW you diminish the worth of the Secret ARE one fucking piece of shit! I'm sure the fellow that took the bullet for Reagan would agree with you...OldSickFool!
The "authors" are the ones diminished the worth of the Secret Service.

Yes ALL those men are Just want the Hildebeast to look are getting sicker and dumber by the minute!
And from social media....

How many Americans have lost their lives in service to their country? How many Americans have lost their lives in service to there country fighting radical Islam?

The reason I ask is what is Mr.and Mrs. Kahn opinion on Donald Trump have any more merit than any other Gold Star Family?

With the thousands and thousands of American families that have lost loved ones in the war on terror alone.. I imagine you'll find every political opinion under the sun so why does mr. Khan's lost somehow give his opinion having greater weight?

How is mr. Khan's opinion on Donald Trump even relevant to the fact that he lost a son in 2004? Trump had no involvement in that At least the Benghazi mothers are directing their opinion Hillary based on Hillary having something to do with the death of their sons... Trump has zero to do with the death of Mr. Khan son

Is mr. Khan's son's death relevant to his political opinion on Donald Trump?... why is Mr.Kahn political opinion Donald any more relevant than any other mother our father that has lost a child in these wars with Islam?

If you are a gold star mother or father .. your opinion on Donald Trump or Hillary carries just as much weight as Mr. or Mrs Kahns so speak up

And if your family that has lost a loved one to Islamic Terror here.. as a civilian in your own country .

if you lost a loved one in Fort Hood, if you have lost a loved one in San Bernardino, if you lost a loved one in Orlando or if you even lost a loved one in 9/11 or in any other Act of Islamic terrorism in this country your opinion on Trump or Hillery carry as much weight as Mr. Khan's because you also suffered.. . So speak up because your opinion also matters, just as much as mr. Khan and you know there's different opinions than just his.

So make your voice matter and don't let one man and the DNC try and hijack the moral authority of all your losses.

Why doesn't Trump have the families of the people slaughtered in Orlando by a muzzie savage tell what they think about Mr. Khan?
Always fighting the good fight, hey sunni? :rolleyes-41:
I live in a large city with tons of immigrants for everywhere.

There are Russian immigration lawyers, Spanish immigration lawyers, African immigration lawyers, Asian immigration lawyers, Indian immigration lawyers, etc.

They are all playing the green card game. ....... :cool:
Did we? I remember mostly ignoring him since Dubya gift-wrapped the 2008 election like no election has ever been gift-wrapped before.

Anyways isn't that what you guys have been saying about McCain for 10 years now?

Gook: John McCain's Racism and Why It Matters

yeah you guys do it every fucking election and either you're clueless or a liar.
Oh you found some random dumbass weirdo trying to make a buck off of an election year. Like your secret service clowns who released books this year.

Don't make me laugh.
So NOW you diminish the worth of the Secret ARE one fucking piece of shit! I'm sure the fellow that took the bullet for Reagan would agree with you...OldSickFool!
The "authors" are the ones diminished the worth of the Secret Service.

Yes ALL those men are Just want the Hildebeast to look are getting sicker and dumber by the minute!
Yeah like 2 of them with zero evidence of anything in their books.
He is lawyer, so honor was never at issue. Profiteering off a dead son, awesome.
So if your son had sacrificed his life for the country, and Hillary came out and said people of your son's background don't deserve to be here and want to destroy the country, you would be okay with that?

Thanks for showing us your true character.

When Hillary was "co-president" they denied the Rangers and Delta Force in Somalia heavy armor, even after the task force commander begged for it. Which is the worse crime?
During all of Dubya's Presidency, when asked how many more soldiers needed to be sent to die without enough armor, republicans responded with more, more, more

Bush is no longer in office, while Hillary is running on her background and judgment.
He is lawyer, so honor was never at issue. Profiteering off a dead son, awesome.
So if your son had sacrificed his life for the country, and Hillary came out and said people of your son's background don't deserve to be here and want to destroy the country, you would be okay with that?

Thanks for showing us your true character.

When Hillary was "co-president" they denied the Rangers and Delta Force in Somalia heavy armor, even after the task force commander begged for it. Which is the worse crime?
During all of Dubya's Presidency, when asked how many more soldiers needed to be sent to die without enough armor, republicans responded with more, more, more
LIAR! It was the DemoRATS that used our military's deaths to CUT military spending!
And from social media....

How many Americans have lost their lives in service to their country? How many Americans have lost their lives in service to there country fighting radical Islam?

The reason I ask is what is Mr.and Mrs. Kahn opinion on Donald Trump have any more merit than any other Gold Star Family?

With the thousands and thousands of American families that have lost loved ones in the war on terror alone.. I imagine you'll find every political opinion under the sun so why does mr. Khan's lost somehow give his opinion having greater weight?

How is mr. Khan's opinion on Donald Trump even relevant to the fact that he lost a son in 2004? Trump had no involvement in that At least the Benghazi mothers are directing their opinion Hillary based on Hillary having something to do with the death of their sons... Trump has zero to do with the death of Mr. Khan son

Is mr. Khan's son's death relevant to his political opinion on Donald Trump?... why is Mr.Kahn political opinion Donald any more relevant than any other mother our father that has lost a child in these wars with Islam?

If you are a gold star mother or father .. your opinion on Donald Trump or Hillary carries just as much weight as Mr. or Mrs Kahns so speak up

And if your family that has lost a loved one to Islamic Terror here.. as a civilian in your own country .

if you lost a loved one in Fort Hood, if you have lost a loved one in San Bernardino, if you lost a loved one in Orlando or if you even lost a loved one in 9/11 or in any other Act of Islamic terrorism in this country your opinion on Trump or Hillery carry as much weight as Mr. Khan's because you also suffered.. . So speak up because your opinion also matters, just as much as mr. Khan and you know there's different opinions than just his.

So make your voice matter and don't let one man and the DNC try and hijack the moral authority of all your losses.

Why doesn't Trump have the families of the people slaughtered in Orlando by a muzzie savage tell what they think about Mr. Khan?
Probably because all of those people wouldn't be caught dead supporting Drumpf
Gook: John McCain's Racism and Why It Matters

yeah you guys do it every fucking election and either you're clueless or a liar.
Oh you found some random dumbass weirdo trying to make a buck off of an election year. Like your secret service clowns who released books this year.

Don't make me laugh.
So NOW you diminish the worth of the Secret ARE one fucking piece of shit! I'm sure the fellow that took the bullet for Reagan would agree with you...OldSickFool!
The "authors" are the ones diminished the worth of the Secret Service.

Yes ALL those men are Just want the Hildebeast to look are getting sicker and dumber by the minute!
Yeah like 2 of them with zero evidence of anything in their books.

EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS from some of the BRAVEST MEN in government....You are dipping your dick in shit....again!
He is lawyer, so honor was never at issue. Profiteering off a dead son, awesome.
So if your son had sacrificed his life for the country, and Hillary came out and said people of your son's background don't deserve to be here and want to destroy the country, you would be okay with that?

Thanks for showing us your true character.

When Hillary was "co-president" they denied the Rangers and Delta Force in Somalia heavy armor, even after the task force commander begged for it. Which is the worse crime?
During all of Dubya's Presidency, when asked how many more soldiers needed to be sent to die without enough armor, republicans responded with more, more, more

Bush is no longer in office, while Hillary is running on her background and judgment.
Hillary was never in that office. I'm sure Clinton would have loved to have your benefit of hindsight. Meanwhile the Dubya supporters, armed with all the hindsight in the world, still want more, more, more
Why doesn't Trump have the families of the people slaughtered in Orlando by a muzzie savage tell what they think about Mr. Khan?

Because that was just about guns and homophobes. It had nothing to do with a religion that said it's totally cool to shoot gays.

Nothing at all.

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