Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship

He is lawyer, so honor was never at issue. Profiteering off a dead son, awesome.
So if your son had sacrificed his life for the country, and Hillary came out and said people of your son's background don't deserve to be here and want to destroy the country, you would be okay with that?

Thanks for showing us your true character.

When Hillary was "co-president" they denied the Rangers and Delta Force in Somalia heavy armor, even after the task force commander begged for it. Which is the worse crime?
During all of Dubya's Presidency, when asked how many more soldiers needed to be sent to die without enough armor, republicans responded with more, more, more

Bush is no longer in office, while Hillary is running on her background and judgment.
Hillary was never in that office. I'm sure Clinton would have loved to have your benefit of hindsight. Meanwhile the Dubya supporters, armed with all the hindsight in the world, still want more, more, more

He was warned, jesus, Les Aspin said it was fucked up....but you don't even know who he was do ya?
He is lawyer, so honor was never at issue. Profiteering off a dead son, awesome.
So if your son had sacrificed his life for the country, and Hillary came out and said people of your son's background don't deserve to be here and want to destroy the country, you would be okay with that?

Thanks for showing us your true character.

When Hillary was "co-president" they denied the Rangers and Delta Force in Somalia heavy armor, even after the task force commander begged for it. Which is the worse crime?
During all of Dubya's Presidency, when asked how many more soldiers needed to be sent to die without enough armor, republicans responded with more, more, more

Bush is no longer in office, while Hillary is running on her background and judgment.
Hillary was never in that office. I'm sure Clinton would have loved to have your benefit of hindsight. Meanwhile the Dubya supporters, armed with all the hindsight in the world, still want more, more, more

That's not how it was billed at the time. After all, she was able to get placed at the head of the Health Care Reform committee based on her, well nothing really.

Please. Trump has nothing to do with their son's death. Clinton exploited their son's death. Period.

There are parents whose sons and daughters have been murdered and raped by illegal aliens that are here primarily, and in many cases solely because of the immigration policies of this administration. There are parents whose sons and daughters were murdered due to the decisions Clinton made as Secretary of State. The media ignored those people, and pranced out the Khan's as cheap political fodder.
You know...the Khans have not blamed Drumpf for the death of their son. If you had watched their speech, you would have known that.
— 30 min ago

WHOA: ISIS has message for Muslim father who slammed Trump…

Headlines, social media and the campaign trail all have been dominated for the past several days by Khizr Khan and Donald Trump. (Meanwhile, never mind the new bombshells about Hillary Clinton that have been released, including her and…
Yes thank you. ISIL and Drumpfers have the same exact message.

Don't worry, ISIS still uses the same language as democrats and they hate America almost as much as you leftwingers.

Please. Trump has nothing to do with their son's death. Clinton exploited their son's death. Period.

There are parents whose sons and daughters have been murdered and raped by illegal aliens that are here primarily, and in many cases solely because of the immigration policies of this administration. There are parents whose sons and daughters were murdered due to the decisions Clinton made as Secretary of State. The media ignored those people, and pranced out the Khan's as cheap political fodder.
You know...the Khans have not blamed Drumpf for the death of their son. If you had watched their speech, you would have known that.

Then what the fuck were they doing there? And why is their son used to defend him from criticism?
I have heard enough bullshit about the Reverend Mr Khan by the liberal ass kissing sheeple pukes. Here is the real story about an old Clinton crony who started the shit against Trump.

Clinton Cash: Khizr Khan’s Deep Legal, Financial Connections to Saudi Arabia, Hillary’s Clinton Foundation Tie Terror, Immigration, Email Scandals Together

Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that the mainstream media and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been using to criticize Donald J. Trump, has deep ties to the government of Saudi Arabia—and to international Islamist investors through his own law firm. In addition to those ties to the wealthy Islamist nation, Khan also has ties to controversial immigration programs that wealthy foreigners can use to essentially buy their way into the United States—and has deep ties to the “Clinton Cash” narrative through the Clinton Foundation.
Khan and his wife Ghazala Khan both appeared on stage at the Democratic National Convention to attack, on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s behalf, Donald Trump—the Republican nominee for president. Their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, was killed in Iraq in 2004. Khizr Khan, in his speech to the DNC, lambasted Donald Trump for wanting to temporarily halt Islamic migration to America from countries with a proven history of exporting terrorists.

Since then, Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos—who served as a senior adviser to the president in Bill Clinton’s White House and is a Clinton Foundation donor as well as a host on the ABC network—pushed Trump on the matter in an interview. Trump’s comments in that interview have sparked the same mini-rebellion inside his party, in the media and across the aisle that has happened many times before. The usual suspects inside the GOP, from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to House Speaker Paul Ryan to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to Ohio Gov. John Kasich, have condemned Trump in one way or another. The media condemnation has been swift and Democrats, as well their friends throughout media, are driving the train as fast as they can.

Clinton Cash: Khizr Khan’s Deep Legal, Financial Connections to Saudi Arabia, Hillary’s Clinton Foundation Tie Terror, Immigration, Email Scandals Together - Breitbart

Please feel free to pick this report apart and say, "Breitbart??? You have to be kidding!!"

Please. Trump has nothing to do with their son's death. Clinton exploited their son's death. Period.

There are parents whose sons and daughters have been murdered and raped by illegal aliens that are here primarily, and in many cases solely because of the immigration policies of this administration. There are parents whose sons and daughters were murdered due to the decisions Clinton made as Secretary of State. The media ignored those people, and pranced out the Khan's as cheap political fodder.
You know...the Khans have not blamed Drumpf for the death of their son. If you had watched their speech, you would have known that.
They're all telling Republicans to denounce him.

Go fuck yourself Khan is a douche bag.
This one isn't quite as bad as the poster who said the Captain Kahn's death was his own fault,

but it's a contender.
Honestly, I'm secretly holding out for the RW Drumpf minion who speculates that Capt. Khan died in his own terrorist suicide mission gone wrong. I would like to think that that is a bridge too far.....but after the last 24 hours, I'm not so sure.

Please. Trump has nothing to do with their son's death. Clinton exploited their son's death. Period.

There are parents whose sons and daughters have been murdered and raped by illegal aliens that are here primarily, and in many cases solely because of the immigration policies of this administration. There are parents whose sons and daughters were murdered due to the decisions Clinton made as Secretary of State. The media ignored those people, and pranced out the Khan's as cheap political fodder.
You know...the Khans have not blamed Drumpf for the death of their son. If you had watched their speech, you would have known that.
Talk about a subversive and a pervert.... They didn't have to it was implied!
Why doesn't Trump have the families of the people slaughtered in Orlando by a muzzie savage tell what they think about Mr. Khan?

Because that was just about guns and homophobes. It had nothing to do with a religion that said it's totally cool to shoot gays.

Nothing at all.
Their religion and yours has the same views about gays.

Please. Trump has nothing to do with their son's death. Clinton exploited their son's death. Period.

There are parents whose sons and daughters have been murdered and raped by illegal aliens that are here primarily, and in many cases solely because of the immigration policies of this administration. There are parents whose sons and daughters were murdered due to the decisions Clinton made as Secretary of State. The media ignored those people, and pranced out the Khan's as cheap political fodder.
You know...the Khans have not blamed Drumpf for the death of their son. If you had watched their speech, you would have known that.
They're all telling Republicans to denounce him.

Go fuck yourself Khan is a douche bag.
Yeah...I'd tell a party that it's not a good idea to have a Candidate who knows nothing of the U.S. Constitution too. Civic duty.
Why doesn't Trump have the families of the people slaughtered in Orlando by a muzzie savage tell what they think about Mr. Khan?

Because that was just about guns and homophobes. It had nothing to do with a religion that said it's totally cool to shoot gays.

Nothing at all.
Their religion and yours has the same views about gays.

Wow, you have no basis in reality. Talk about a dishonest piece of are are a troll and never have anything to backup your claims.
This one isn't quite as bad as the poster who said the Captain Kahn's death was his own fault,

but it's a contender.
Honestly, I'm secretly holding out for the RW Drumpf minion who speculates that Capt. Khan died in his own terrorist suicide mission gone wrong. I would like to think that that is a bridge too far.....but after the last 24 hours, I'm not so sure.

Capt. Kahn died in the service of his country. It sucks for his family. And Donald Trump is a asshat who rubs everyone the wrong way just by running his mouth. But Trump's tone deaf approach to that really isn't news worthy beyond someone looking for a "gotcha!" moment.

Please. Trump has nothing to do with their son's death. Clinton exploited their son's death. Period.

There are parents whose sons and daughters have been murdered and raped by illegal aliens that are here primarily, and in many cases solely because of the immigration policies of this administration. There are parents whose sons and daughters were murdered due to the decisions Clinton made as Secretary of State. The media ignored those people, and pranced out the Khan's as cheap political fodder.
You know...the Khans have not blamed Drumpf for the death of their son. If you had watched their speech, you would have known that.
They're all telling Republicans to denounce him.

Go fuck yourself Khan is a douche bag.
Yeah...I'd tell a party that it's not a good idea to have a Candidate who knows nothing of the U.S. Constitution too. Civic duty.

Well then democrats should stop fielding one...they believe in a living breathing constitution.

Please. Trump has nothing to do with their son's death. Clinton exploited their son's death. Period.

There are parents whose sons and daughters have been murdered and raped by illegal aliens that are here primarily, and in many cases solely because of the immigration policies of this administration. There are parents whose sons and daughters were murdered due to the decisions Clinton made as Secretary of State. The media ignored those people, and pranced out the Khan's as cheap political fodder.
You know...the Khans have not blamed Drumpf for the death of their son. If you had watched their speech, you would have known that.
They're all telling Republicans to denounce him.

Go fuck yourself Khan is a douche bag.
Yeah...I'd tell a party that it's not a good idea to have a Candidate who knows nothing of the U.S. Constitution too. Civic duty.
Now your ragging on the Obomanation!

Please. Trump has nothing to do with their son's death. Clinton exploited their son's death. Period.

There are parents whose sons and daughters have been murdered and raped by illegal aliens that are here primarily, and in many cases solely because of the immigration policies of this administration. There are parents whose sons and daughters were murdered due to the decisions Clinton made as Secretary of State. The media ignored those people, and pranced out the Khan's as cheap political fodder.
You know...the Khans have not blamed Drumpf for the death of their son. If you had watched their speech, you would have known that.
Talk about a subversive and a pervert.... They didn't have to it was implied! was not implied at all...their son died in haven't watched their speech, have you? You only think it's about what your masters tell you it's about. Good Drumpf minion......but not a good critical thinker.

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