Kid With Fake Gun Killed By Cops

I had to learn this stuff and I did. I learned that its goddamned fucking easy to get all kinds of info online and




I have offered to tell 9thIDdoc why and how this is a stupid thing to do but I won't post it on the open board.

What I will say is that back in the 90s, I had a pretty active message board. I was always surprised at the number of "lurkers".

Its not the enemy you can see that you should be afraid of.

Stop working so hard at being an ass and THINK.

I work in IT dip shit. You're completely over reacting.

Take your balls out of your wife's purse and stop being such an emasculated sissy.

You WORK in "it" and you don't see what I do?

Name calling really doesn't get us anywhere. How about you act like a grownup for a few minutes.

Protecting oneself on line is not "sissy". Its smart.

And, that's a minor child in that photo.

You fools are so bent on being the big tuff guys you just can't imagine how wrong you are.

There's nothing I can say because its not my kid, not my info that is right there for anyone who wants it.

Take it up with 9thIDdoc.
I had to learn this stuff and I did. I learned that its goddamned fucking easy to get all kinds of info online and




I have offered to tell 9thIDdoc why and how this is a stupid thing to do but I won't post it on the open board.

What I will say is that back in the 90s, I had a pretty active message board. I was always surprised at the number of "lurkers".

Its not the enemy you can see that you should be afraid of.

Stop working so hard at being an ass and THINK.

I work in IT dip shit. You're completely over reacting.

Take your balls out of your wife's purse and stop being such an emasculated sissy.

My background is in IT as well. If you are in IT then you must understand the concept of social engineering. Every little piece counts. Luddly is right. Not smart to put up a pic and relate it to something someone may already know. Maybe nothing will ever happen but why take the chance?
There's a lot more than that with a photo.

I just can't believe that people do this. What ever happened to thinking about being/staying anonymous on line?

With my nickname, I should be the one who doesn't get the obvious.
Politico said:
Sadly unless someone witnessed what happened we'll never get the whole story.
Its really sad AND SCARY all the cops that are OUT OF CONTROL in this country,IT TRULY IS!!
Obviously there is no adult in charge. Or anyone who knows anything about guns.

Second photo - rifle pointed at a child's gut.


Not to mention that the child's grandfather is an idiot for posting these photos on a public message board. Apparently, you have no friggen clue but, I'm sure as hell not going to educate you.

First off, the gun is not pointing at the kid. Get your eyes uncrossed, Dudley.

Second, what's the problem posting those pictures? Nobody knows who he is. There are 6 billion people in the world. Good luck figuring out which one this kid happens to be.

We're not all paranoid bed wetting wimps like you Dudley who are afraid to leave our houses because some big bad bully might get us. Grow a fucking set already.

I had to learn this stuff and I did. I learned that its goddamned fucking easy to get all kinds of info online and




I have offered to tell 9thIDdoc why and how this is a stupid thing to do but I won't post it on the open board.

What I will say is that back in the 90s, I had a pretty active message board. I was always surprised at the number of "lurkers".

Its not the enemy you can see that you should be afraid of.

Stop working so hard at being an ass and THINK.

you won't post it on the board? :lol:

IOW, you don't want your likely bullshit countered by people who actually know what they are talking about.
I had to learn this stuff and I did. I learned that its goddamned fucking easy to get all kinds of info online and




I have offered to tell 9thIDdoc why and how this is a stupid thing to do but I won't post it on the open board.

What I will say is that back in the 90s, I had a pretty active message board. I was always surprised at the number of "lurkers".

Its not the enemy you can see that you should be afraid of.

Stop working so hard at being an ass and THINK.

I work in IT dip shit. You're completely over reacting.

Take your balls out of your wife's purse and stop being such an emasculated sissy.

PM Missourian.

He's smart enough to catch on and act on it.

Go ahead. I dare you.

I know you don't have the balls to admit it but at least you can

i disagree. you may not know it, but one can certainly understand and empathize with something they have never experienced. it certainly is not the same as living through it, but you can certainly understand it. that is what empathy is all about.

Sympathy, empathy - its not the same.

After the Travon Martin murder, blacks talked about teaching their children not to run.

Every woman is afraid when she walks across an underground garage to her car.

There are a gazillion more examples but really - none of can know the intimate details until and unless we walk in their shoes.

never said anything about sympathy. do you even know what empathy means? it is the ability to understand the feelings of another. hence, i can understand the feelings of another. and i was clear i said i couldn't know, but can understand through empathy.

you really need to learn the meaning of words luddly.

luddly doesn't even know what empathy means and he expects us to believe he is educated?

i see luddly is running the fact he didn't know what empathy means and thus his statement is wrong

why do you have to PM the info luddly, it is not private how one can search social media to find someone. explain it, me thinks you have spent all afternoon googling it and can't post squat without people finding you copied it from an online source.
i see luddly is running the fact he didn't know what empathy means and thus his statement is wrong

why do you have to PM the info luddly, it is not private how one can search social media to find someone. explain it, me thinks you have spent all afternoon googling it and can't post squat without people finding you copied it from an online source.

I've just sent you a PM
You buy your child a weapon like that and don't teach him how to handle it responsibly you are responsible for what happened to him
I agree, but there is always the chance that the boy's parents did not know that their boy had such a thing in his possession.

God bless you always!!!

i see luddly is running the fact he didn't know what empathy means and thus his statement is wrong

why do you have to PM the info luddly, it is not private how one can search social media to find someone. explain it, me thinks you have spent all afternoon googling it and can't post squat without people finding you copied it from an online source.

I've just sent you a PM

luddly knows what he is talking about. i stand corrected.
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Whites can never know or understand what people of color face every single day.

People of color can never know the world that whites take for granted.

For that matter, women of all colors live in a very different world than men of all colors do.

Want a little cheese with your whine?
Always someone else's fault.

Where did I "blame" anyone for anything.

Your time in Vietnam ... No one can ever really know what your experience was like until and unless they experience it for themselves. You can tell them. You can show them your photos. But, only you know what it smelled like, what the godawful food tasted like, what the people looked like, the little kids, the beautiful young women and skinny old men. Remember the huge spider webs you ran into? The "fuck you" lizard" The oppressive humidity, the crotch rot, the way your feet smelled while you waited and waited and waited and your dead friends. Some coming home in wheelchairs, never have normal sex again, never again go someplace without first checking out the ramps and there is no one who really understands. And, you can't say the words anyway.

You just had to be there.

Am I right?

About your last you are largely correct although you might note that I was NOT the only one there and many of my friends were there also and had experiences not much different than my own. I don't have to tell them anything because they already know. Those folks who don't know are positive that they do and usually refuse to believe anything but their own preconceptions anyway. So why bother?
I may not be the brightest bulb in the pack but I do know that in real life you have to play the hand you're dealt; not the one you think you shoulda/coulda had. Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself serves no useful purpose and just burns up time that should be spent living. And there is nothing more precious than life even if it's unfair.

I am entirely clueless as to your response to my post. Why should I care about being anonymous? I'm not ashamed of who and what I am nor of my grandson. All game in the pictures was taken by him legally and under fair-chase conditions. My Son was with him and took the pictures. Why should I be anything other than proud of them both?
i see luddly is running the fact he didn't know what empathy means and thus his statement is wrong

why do you have to PM the info luddly, it is not private how one can search social media to find someone. explain it, me thinks you have spent all afternoon googling it and can't post squat without people finding you copied it from an online source.

I've just sent you a PM

luddly knows what he is talking he is talking. i stand corrected.

Thank you Yurt.

We all need to be safe on line and never take that for granted.
My background is in IT as well. If you are in IT then you must understand the concept of social engineering. Every little piece counts. Luddly is right. Not smart to put up a pic and relate it to something someone may already know. Maybe nothing will ever happen but why take the chance?

The risk is minimal.
My background is in IT as well. If you are in IT then you must understand the concept of social engineering. Every little piece counts. Luddly is right. Not smart to put up a pic and relate it to something someone may already know. Maybe nothing will ever happen but why take the chance?

The risk is minimal.

Boy, you could not be more wrong.
He shouldn't have even been bothered in the first place. In a free society, the right to keep and bear arms would be respected.
Not if you're a minor

as a former minor, i bought guns, bought ammo for them, shot them, sold them and carried them publicly...., but that was way back when America was a free country without all the anti gun liberal bullshit laws.

that kid was murdered for no reason at all, where did common sense go ?? why couldn't the fucking gestapo just walk up to him and ask, what kind of gun is that ? BUT NO !! murdering him was a whole lot easier !! :evil: ........... :up:
He shouldn't have even been bothered in the first place. In a free society, the right to keep and bear arms would be respected.
Not if you're a minor

as a former minor, i bought guns, bought ammo for them, shot them, sold them and carried them publicly...., but that was way back when America was a free country without all the anti gun liberal bullshit laws.

that kid was murdered for no reason at all, where did common sense go ?? why couldn't the fucking gestapo just walk up to him and ask, what kind of gun is that ? BUT NO !! murdering him was a whole lot easier !! :evil: ........... :up:

chill out, i didn't see the first time you asked. it is in every story i've read. it is even in the OP link. did you actually any links? since you asked, here is a link:

Two sheriff's deputies roll up behind him in a squad car, spot the authentic-looking gun and confront him. As the boy turns, one of the officers fires several rounds, killing the boy.

Friends question killing of boy who had fake rifle - SFGate

Thanks and the link proves you to be somewhat of a liar.

You stated, "the police said he began to turn around, thus indicating he was not looking in the direction of the police".

The police actually said, " One of the deputies described that as the subject was turning toward him the barrel of the assault rifle was rising up and turning in his direction," he said. "The deputy feared for his safety, the safety of his partner and the safety of the community members in the area."

Witnesses heard a siren briefly, Henry said, as both deputies got out of the car and took cover behind open doors. Henry said witnesses heard a deputy shout twice, "Put the gun down,"

first off, you obviously don't know what "indicate" means. it means, it is my OPINION of what happened. when you come up behind someone, doesn't that usually mean you are coming up on their back? then when you turn towards someone, doesn't that usually mean you are NOT facing them? kindly answer these questions and you will see there is not a hint that i lied.

seriously, wtf is your problem? i've said i don't know what actually happened, i'm just guessing and you're acting as if i'm taking factually and then saying i'm somewhat of a liar for giving my opinion as to what the news is saying happened.

lighten up dude.

according to the police, i was correct lonestar:

His back was turned toward the deputies, and they did not realize he was a boy.

Calif. Community Questions Shooting of 13-Year-Old - ABC News

now what do you have to say?
California cops have a reputation for being shady.

I am not sure why they needed to shoot the kid several times over a toy gun.

I am not sure why the kid wouldn't put the toy gun down or shout out it's just a toy.

The whole thing is weird. :dunno:

I have guns but keep air tasers for self defense.

Why doesn't every single cop in the US have the choice to use a taser?

A taser gives you time to make a rational decision about whether or not you want to blast the life out of somebody.

If this cop is a human being, he will carry the scar of having gunned down a child for the rest of his life.

Why don't the nutters understand that guns don't kill just one person?

When you're responsible for the death of another human being, that stays with you for the rest of your life.

and, yes, I speak from experience.

You dont bring a tazer to a gun fight.

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