Kidnapped schoolgirls says she was raped 15 times a day by Boko Harma jihadists

silent no, I hope that they offer this brutalized child an abortion if she is pregnant.

Oh that's just classic. The one "good" thing that can come from rapes [/QUOTE [MENTION=2921]theHawk[/MENTION] you need not extrapolate :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Ps you would deny any rape victim made pregnant by her attacker(s) her right to choose an abortion if legal?

How about we abort these jihadis? how can they do this when they are suppossed to be praying 5 times a day?
put a bullet through the head of everyone in the name of Allah
It's pretty fucking bad when someone finds fault that a young girl that has been raped MANY times, be offered an abortion. Of course she should have one if that is what she wants. Why force her to carry a child she didn't ask many MANY men? She should also have every shot under the sun for any diseases passed on to her.
Oh that's just classic. The one "good" thing that can come from rapes [/QUOTE [MENTION=2921]theHawk[/MENTION] you need not extrapolate :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Ps you would deny any rape victim made pregnant by her attacker(s) her right to choose an abortion if legal?

How about we abort these jihadis? how can they do this when they are suppossed to be praying 5 times a day?
@Yarddog, I don't know, maybe you should ask a Catholic priest they seem to manage.
Chibok Christian Girls Gang-raped 1500 times |

The abducted Christian school girls aged between 13 and 18 must have been raped 1500 times by 1500 different Islamic Jihadists in the name of Allah since the 90 days they have been in abduction. Going by the testimony of one of the escapees from their camp currently receiving emotional therapy from groups of Christian Counsellor the abduction are raped 15 times daily. A Christian councellor by name Oladimeji Thomas had told the press that one of the escaped abductees said she was raped 15 times daily by 15 different men daily.

So...what does Mooochelle think of her Hashtag PhotoOp? And what's KidRocks got to say?

A couple of SpecOps teams probably could've saved these girls in a few days.
Chibok Christian Girls Gang-raped 1500 times |

The abducted Christian school girls aged between 13 and 18 must have been raped 1500 times by 1500 different Islamic Jihadists in the name of Allah since the 90 days they have been in abduction. Going by the testimony of one of the escapees from their camp currently receiving emotional therapy from groups of Christian Counsellor the abduction are raped 15 times daily. A Christian councellor by name Oladimeji Thomas had told the press that one of the escaped abductees said she was raped 15 times daily by 15 different men daily.

So...what does Mooochelle think of her Hashtag PhotoOp? And what's KidRocks got to say?

A couple of SpecOps teams probably could've saved these girls in a few days.
Nah they learned their lesson in Mali.
Yarddog[/MENTION], I don't know, maybe you should ask a Catholic priest they seem to manage.

Any oportunity to stick it to the catholics i guess huh? But this thread wasnt about catholic priests was it ? They are running amok in Nigeria? did i miss something?
Catholic, no not particularly. I think all religion is a load of dangerous bollocks.This guy did not specify a branch of Christianity as the Nuns forbid him to speak with his mouth full. [MENTION=49527]Yarddog[/MENTION]
'Mad Dog' the cannibal pictured eating SECOND Muslim in Central African Republic | Mail Online
Last edited:
Any oportunity to stick it to the catholics i guess huh? But this thread wasnt about catholic priests was it ? They are running amok in Nigeria? did i miss something?
Catholic, no not particularly. I think all religion is a load of dangerous bollocks.This guy did not specify a branch of Christianity as the Nuns forbid him to speak with his mouth full. [MENTION=49527]Yarddog[/MENTION]
'Mad Dog' the cannibal pictured eating SECOND Muslim in Central African Republic | Mail Online

The reprisals going on in central africa is quite a bit different than the group Boko Haram in Nigeria. Boko Haram members are controled by their clerics who know whatthe hell they are doing. These Mobs in the congo are quite a different story I think, its an eye for an eye, too bad.
Catholic, no not particularly. I think all religion is a load of dangerous bollocks.This guy did not specify a branch of Christianity as the Nuns forbid him to speak with his mouth full. [MENTION=49527]Yarddog[/MENTION]
'Mad Dog' the cannibal pictured eating SECOND Muslim in Central African Republic | Mail Online

The reprisals going on in central africa is quite a bit different than the group Boko Haram in Nigeria. Boko Haram members are controled by their clerics who know whatthe hell they are doing. These Mobs in the congo are quite a different story I think, its an eye for an eye, too bad.
religious murder in Africa is a national sport.
Hundreds dead after Christian and Muslim gangs clash in Nigeria | World news | The Observer
Boko Haram captures hometown of kidnapped schoolgirls...

Militants seize hometown of kidnapped schoolgirls
Nov 14,`14 -- Islamic extremists in Nigeria have seized Chibok, forcing thousands of people to flee the town where insurgents kidnapped nearly 300 schoolgirls in April, a local official said Friday.
The Boko Haram insurgents entered the town Thursday, shooting from pickup trucks and motorcycles, Bana Lawan, chairman of the Chibok local government, told The Associated Press. "Nobody can tell you what is happening there today because everybody is just trying to escape with their lives," he said. In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the U.S. is closely monitoring the situation in Chibok. " We condemn these attacks in Chibok, a community that has already suffered too much. ... We remain committed to helping the government of Nigeria address the threat posed by extremist organizations, Psaki told reporters.

In a separate development, a bomb exploded Friday night in northern Kano city, the second largest population center in Nigeria, killing six people including three police officers, according to the police. Resident Aliyu Yusuf Hotoro said many buildings shook from the force of the explosion from a car bomb in a gas station on a main road leading to Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state. Soldiers, police and emergency rescue operations workers cordoned off the area. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bomb, but Boko Haram extremists have detonated them in Kano in the past.

Meanwhile, attempts to call the cellphones of some of the kidnapped girls' parents living in Chibok failed. Boko Haram extremists often destroy cellphone towers, and the military often cuts communications to areas under attack. Dozens of the kidnapped girls escaped in the first couple of days after their capture from a boarding school just outside the town, but 219 are still missing. Community leader Hussain Monguno said none of the escapees was in Chibok at the time of the attack. They have all been given scholarships to other schools in northern Nigeria. Nigeria's military chief announced on Oct. 17 that the country's homegrown Boko Haram extremist group had agreed to an immediate cease-fire. Government officials said the truce would lead to the girls' speedy release.


This file image taken from video by Nigeria's Boko Haram terrorist network, shows the alleged missing girls abducted from the northeastern town of Chibok. Islamic extremists in Nigeria have seized Chibok, forcing thousands of residents to flee the northeastern town from which the insurgents kidnapped nearly 300 schoolgirls in April, a local official said

But Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau in a video released last month said the girls were "an old story," that they all had converted to Islam and been married off to his fighters. Chibok is an enclave of mainly Christian families, some involved in translating the Bible into local languages, in the mainly Muslim north of Nigeria. At least seven of the girls' parents have died since their abductions, from causes such as heart attacks that residents blame on the trauma, according to Monguno, head of the Borno-Yobe People's Forum.

Since the apparent cease-fire announcement, the insurgents have taken control of several more towns and villages where they have declared an Islamic caliphate along the lines of the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. In an area covering about 20,000 square kilometers (7,700 square miles), residents caught behind the militants' lines say they have set up courts upholding a strict version of Shariah law, publicly amputating the hands of alleged looters and whipping people for infractions such as smoking cigarettes.

News from The Associated Press
Not a single one of these girls will get an abortion. Children increase the numbers of jihadists.
First investigation bogged down...

Chibok girls kidnap: Nigerian president orders new investigation
14 Jan.`16 - Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has approved a new investigation into the kidnap of about 200 schoolgirls from the town of Chibok by the Islamist Boko Haram group in April 2014.
Earlier on Thursday the parents of some of the girls had met Mr Buhari after marching through the capital Abuja. The military has freed hundreds of Boko Haram captives in recent months, but none of the Chibok girls. The government has faced criticism for the lack of progress in finding them. "I assure you that I go to bed and wake up every day with the Chibok girls on my mind," Mr Buhari told the parents who visited him, according to a statement from his office.


Many of the parents were overcome with emotion during the audience with President Muhammadu Buhari​

He pointed to the sacking of the heads of Nigeria's army, navy and air force in July 2015 as proof of his determination to have the girls found. "In spite of the dire financial straits that we found the country in, I continue to do my best to support their efforts in that regard," he added. The new probe will be led by a panel appointed by the Nigeria's national security adviser and will look into the circumstances of the kidnapping and the government's response. The government says it does not know where the girls are or if they are alive.


Boko Haram has sworn allegiance to Islamic State and often displays its trademark black flag​

The teenagers were seized from their dormitories in the north-eastern town of Chibok. In December Mr Buhari said he was prepared to negotiate with Boko Haram militants to secure the release of the girls. The militants regard the girls as their most invaluable captives and their leader, Abubakar Shekau, said last year that most of them had converted to Islam and had been married off. Although Boko Haram has been driven out from most of the areas it controlled in north-eastern Nigeria, it has continued to carry out suicide bombings and raids into neighbouring Cameroon, Chad and Niger.

Boko Haram at a glance:

In response by the terrorists to this tough response by the white house of the hundreds of girls kidnapped and used as sex slaves or murdered or both......

Chibok parents not happy with Buhari...

Nigeria: Chibok Girls Parents Unhappy After Meeting Buhari
January 15, 2016 - A spokeswoman for the Bring Back Our Girls movement in Nigeria has again said it is the duty of the Nigerian government to rescue the Chibok girls from Boko Haram captivity, regardless which political party is in power.
Aisha Yesufu said liberating the girls is not a privilege but a constitutional right that the Nigerian government must fulfill. The Islamist extremist group kidnapped more than 270 girls from a boarding school in Chibok, northern Nigeria in April 2014. On Thursday, President Muhammadu Buhari met with about 300 parents and sympathizers of the girls, and promised he will launch a new inquiry into the circumstances leading to the kidnapping. But the parents left the meeting feeling less optimistic that the government would do whatever is necessary to liberate the girls, Yesufu said. “First of all, the president failed to make any connection with the parents of the girls who today have spent 21 months since they were abducted. There was no personal connection. The president finished his talk at the microphone and walked out. That was an opportunity for us as a nation to connect with the parents and after that apologize to them for what has happened and make them feel that they are not alone in this whole tragedy that has befallen them,” she said.

Yesufu said Buhari basically reiterate what he had said earlier, that he had no credible intelligence on the whereabouts of the Chibok girls and that he is still waiting for the credible leadership of the Boko Haram group to come meet him and negotiate their release. “Also, there were so many things that he did mention, the fact that the fight against terrorism that he has embarked on should be appreciated; and also that the Chibok girls were not abducted during his regime. They were abducted during the previous regime,” she said.


Parents of the Chibok girls attend a meeting with Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari at the presidential villa in Abuja, Nigeria​

But Yesufu said whoever is president of Nigeria is responsible for rescuing the Chibok girls. “First of all, there is no vacuum in the governance irrespective of during whose administration the girls were abducted. It is the duty of the Nigerian government to ensure that the Chibok girls are rescued, and whoever is head of the Nigerian government is responsible for the rescue of the Chibok girls,” Yesufu said. She said Buhari also told the parents that his government is fighting a war on corruption, and that a lot of money that was supposed to be used to arm the military in the fight against Boko Haram went into the hands of individuals and that his government is trying to recover the stolen money.

Yesufu said the Bring Back Our Girls movement will continue to agitate until the girls are released. “We will not allow Nigerians, we will not allow the government to forget the girls or treat the demand for their release as an irritating issue. We will focus on it, and we will keep calling on the government to ensure that the girls are brought back home. It doesn’t matter during what administration the Chibok girls were abducted. All that matters is that the Nigerian government must rescue the girls, and in doing so must realize that they are not doing the Chibok girls a privilege by rescuing them,” she said.

Nigeria: Chibok Girls Parents Unhappy After Meeting Buhari


No comment on the horrid atrocity in the OP? :dunno:

It's disgusting and those backwards bastards deserve a painful death.

But thehawk is a dick :cool:

Yea, I'm such a dick for pointing out the truth about liberals and their refusal to acknowledge such atrocities.
To liberals, it's just sex. She's still alive. No harm done. Do not let these unloving women defend themselves. There are plenty of similar racists in Germany.


No comment on the horrid atrocity in the OP? :dunno:

It's disgusting and those backwards bastards deserve a painful death.

But thehawk is a dick :cool:

Yea, I'm such a dick for pointing out the truth about liberals and their refusal to acknowledge such atrocities.
To liberals, it's just sex. She's still alive. No harm done. Do not let these unloving women defend themselves. There are plenty of similar racists in Germany.
Republican stance on rape:

One of the kidnapped Chibok girls found...

Teen in north Cameroon says she is a missing Chibok girl
Mar 26,`16 -- A teenager who surrendered before carrying out a suicide bombing attack in northern Cameroon has told authorities she was one of the 276 girls abducted from a Nigerian boarding school by Islamic extremists nearly two years ago, authorities said Saturday.
If confirmed the development would mark the first news of the missing Chibok girls in many months. It has long been feared that some are being used by their Boko Haram abductors to carry out such attacks given the growing number of young female suicide bombers. The girl is about 15 years old and turned herself in before detonating her explosives, said Idrissou Yacoubou, the leader of a self-defense group in Limani, Cameroon. "The girl looked tired, malnourished and psychologically tortured and could not give us more details about her stay in the forest and how her other mates were treated," he said.

Cameroon has ordered investigations to determine the authenticity of the 15-year-old's declarations, said Midjiyawa Bakari, governor of the Far North region. Cameroonian authorities declined to identify her by name because she is a minor. The office of Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari and Nigeria's military did not immediately respond to questions sent on a public holiday. Authorities said Saturday along with the 15-year-old two other young women came with explosive belts - one was arrested and the other managed to flee back across the border into Nigeria.

In Chibok, a community leader said by telephone that the girl's age could correspond to that of a 14-year-old who was the youngest among 276 girls abducted in the early hours of April 15 from a government boarding school. Dozens of the girls managed to escape on their own within hours, but 219 remain missing. The plight of the abducted girls drew international attention and prompted the #BringBackOurGirls campaign on social media. Dozens of them were last seen in a Boko Haram video with extremist leader Abubakar Shekau who boasted they had converted to Islam and threatening to sell them off or marry them to his fighters.

There have long been suspicions that Nigeria's home-grown Islamic extremist group is using captives as suicide bombers. It is not known how many thousands of other girls, boys and young men and women have been abducted by the group. In recent months Nigeria's military has reported freeing at least 3,000 people held captive by the insurgents. Most recently, the military said it rescued 829 hostages in raids Tuesday on several Boko Haram-held villages in the northeast. At the same time, there are reports of Boko Haram continuing to take dozens of new captives.

News from The Associated Press
Michelle Obama's quest to rescue Nigerian girls...

Michelle Obama’s hashtag quest to rescue Nigerian girls
Wed, 13 Apr 2016 - Michelle Obama drew attention to the plight of schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria two years ago. They're still missing, but their influence remains.
Michelle Obama told Americans - and the world - about schoolgirls abducted by the extremist group Boko Haram in Nigeria. But the first lady's awareness campaign has failed - at least in part. The incident was shocking, even for those who were familiar with stories of extremist violence. Members of a militant organisation, Boko Haram, kidnapped 276 girls from a school in Chibok, Nigeria, on 14 April 2014. Afterwards Michelle Obama posted an image of herself on social media, posing with a white sheet of paper that said: "#BringBackOurGirls".

The hashtag campaign, designed to bring attention to the kidnappings, had already reached 1 million tweets by the time Obama joined, but her statement still made a splash. She gave a public address several days later, talking about the kidnappings. She said her husband was directing the US government do everything possible to help Nigerians bring the girls back. Many people in the US who hadn't heard about the kidnappings - or weren't aware of Boko Haram - suddenly were. And now that the first lady was involved, calling for their return, the Nigerian schoolgirls seemed to have a better chance at freedom.


On Wednesday, nearly two years after the abductions, Obama spoke about the girls during an event about education at the World Bank in Washington. Before Obama appeared at the podium, the World Bank's president, Jim Yong Kim, announced that the bank group was investing $2.5b (£1.76b) in girls' education projects around the world. Then Obama spoke about her initiative, Let Girls Learn, that promotes education for girls. Prime Minister David Cameron has joined her effort, creating a US-UK partnership that devotes $200m to girls' leadership camps and other programmes.

She's said in the past that she put the Let Girls Learn initiative together in part because she was disturbed by the story of the kidnapped schoolgirls. In her speech, though, she mentioned them only briefly. "Why, two years ago, would terrorists be so threatened by the prospect of girls going to school that they would break into a dormitory in the middle of the night?" she said, describing the crime. Beyond that she didn't say much about the girls - and didn't talk about their fate, either.


See also:

Nigerians march for Chibok girls on kidnapping anniversary
14 Apr.`16 -- Angry over lack of progress to resolve one of the highest-profile mass kidnappings in the world, Nigerians marched in their country's major cities on Thursday to demand the safe return of girls who were abducted by Boko Haram extremists two years ago from a school in Chibok.
Nigerian Vice President Yemi Osinbajo was expected in the northeastern town of Chibok for the anniversary of the kidnappings, said Yakubu Nkeki, leader of a support group of parents of the kidnapped girls. He said the community is angry that their only school remains in ruins. Boko Haram firebombed buildings as they took off with girls. Some 20,000 children in the town and its surroundings have no school to attend, Nkeki said Thursday as parents gathered at the ruins of the school to pray for the safe return of their daughters. "Boko Haram has achieved its aim. They say they don't want us to have Western education and our children don't," Nkeki said.

Two years ago, the Islamic extremists seized 276 girls who had gathered for science exams at the Government Girls Secondary School in the northeast town of Chibok. Some managed to escape, jumping off pickup trucks as the Islamic extremists drove them toward the Sambisa Forest. A total of 219 remain missing. On Wednesday, CNN broadcast parts of a Boko Haram video of girls wearing the Islamic hijab, and CNN also aired its own images of tearful mothers, including one reaching out to a computer screen as she recognized her kidnapped daughter.


Women attend a demonstration in Lagos calling on the government to rescue kidnapped school girls of a government secondary school in Chibok, Nigeria. A school mate says she cried with joy when she saw a Boko Haram video appearing to show some of Nigeria's kidnapped Chibok girls, with images of tearful parents recognizing their daughters, who have not been heard from since the mass abduction by the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram two years ago.​

The video shows 15 of the girls - one with a mischievous grin, one looking uncompromising, downright defiant, and one downcast. One can feel the pain that shows in the eyes of many of them. They give the date of the video as Christmas, Dec. 25, 2015. While Boko Haram is thought to have abducted thousands of people over the years, the mass abduction brought the extremist group to the world's attention. The campaign hashtag #BringBackOurGirls went as far as the White House, used by U.S. first lady Michelle Obama.CNN reported that the video was sent in December to negotiators trying to free the girls. CNN's report included Information Minister Lai Mohammed saying the government is reviewing and assessing the video, which it apparently demanded as "proof of life" from Boko Haram.

Sen. Shehu Sani, who has been involved in past negotiations with Boko Haram about the Chibok girls, told The Associated Press he found the video credible. Nkeki, leader of the support group for parents of the Chibok girls, said he briefly saw part of the CNN video, in between power blackouts frequent in Nigeria, and "those are definitely our girls." There's been no word from the Chibok girls since May 2014, when Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said they had converted to Islam and threatened to sell them into slavery or forced marriage with his fighters.

News from The Associated Press

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