Kids and masks, a simple reminder

Think about it.

All I think honestly is "oh boy. Another thread where someone just says a random sentence that doesn't really say or mean much after dropping some random tweet"

You're post doesn't really say anything compelling, doesn't have anything new to say, and doesn't actually provide any real information.

We have a dozen posts like this day. One more isn't going to do a thing.

And you're forgetting the fact that the overwhelming majority of covid deaths were in older adults to seniors that when they died they didn't leave behind children, they left behind 30 year old children. So your angle of "the poor children" doesn't work on the context you want it to. Why? Because thst tweet is the for the knee jerk reaction people who don't actually think. It's only meant to charge the ignorant and emotional.
But many of you idiots won't get it.

So those who do get it are 100% not going to died or even need to go to the hospital, and if kids whose parents didn't get the JAB die you guys can blame the kids for not doing more to shame their parents to obey.
Only 30k people died in the US under the age 50 95% of those individuals had an average of 4 comorbidities. That's not saying that they would have died had COVID not existed but they weren't otherwise healthy. The vast majority of that 95% were obese a completely preventable health issue that leaves people vulnerable to all sorts of ailments to include COVID. That likely has something to do with their lack of cardio vascular fitness.

I know there are some but it's relatively rare that someone over the age of 50 has a school aged kid. You cant claim that a kid lost his 80 y/o grandma who watched him in the summer time lost a primary care provider to COVID.

Think about it.

Yeah we have-----think the forcing on masks especially on children is more about messing with theirs and everyone elses heads in order to manipulate and mold them rather than stopping the virus spread.

The Virus isn't leaving--IF YOU ACTUALLY GAVE A FUCK ABOUT THE KIDS, telling them that obesity and not eating a balanced diet with fresh air and exercise is likely to make them bigger targets for the virus whether it be now or in several years would be more helpful.
But many of you idiots won't get it.
Apparently it does not work . one or two shots are now not enough
a third booster shot is right around the corner along with pills that you have to take twice a day to protect you from a virus with a 99.7% survival rate. Ill take my chances
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So those who do get it are 100% not going to died or even need to go to the hospital, and if kids whose parents didn't get the JAB die you guys can blame the kids for not doing more to shame their parents to obey.
Don't be stupider than you have to be. We all know nothing is 100%. Your chances of those things happening will be drastically reduced.
We have been numbed down by the endless propaganda of media induced political Pravda promoted disdain. On the Covid issue, children are now be used as a propaganda tool.
That tends to be a problem among the smooth brained.
Yeah we have-----think the forcing on masks especially on children is more about messing with theirs and everyone elses heads in order to manipulate and mold them rather than stopping the virus spread.

The Virus isn't leaving--IF YOU ACTUALLY GAVE A FUCK ABOUT THE KIDS, telling them that obesity and not eating a balanced diet with fresh air and exercise is likely to make them bigger targets for the virus whether it be now or in several years would be more helpful.
Messing with their heads and manipulating them? For what purpose? To what end?
But for the vast vast majority the risk is already ridiculously low so even a high percentage reduction isn’t that significant
Not so. Nearly 2 people in 1,000 have died of COVID-19 in the US. That's not of positive cases, that's of the total population. So many people have died of COVID-19 that it lowered the average life expectancy by 3 years.

COVID deaths per 100,000 = 200 people. Here's a chart from 2019 for comparison.

Yes, think about. Kids are not Covid carriers, so if their primary caregiver died of Covid, the kid not wearing a mask had nothing to do with it.

COVID-19 among children and adolescents​

Children and adolescents can be infected with SARS-CoV-2, can get sick with COVID-19, and can spread the virus to others.


Think about it.

Masks don't work.

Kids rarely get COVID or transmit it.

Wearing masks is detrimental to the social and emotional development of our children.

Your scary number includes grandparents and covers 14 months...

1.1 million people is only 0.3% of the population. Yes, people get sick and die. There is zero proof that masks would prevent any of these deaths. About 1% of the population dies annually.

Just think of all the caregivers children lost due to nutty unemployment benefits, stimulus checks and the eviction moratorium.

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