Kids and masks, a simple reminder

The Totalitarian measures to "protect" us from Covid are doing far more harm to humanity than the disease. Those promoting the Mask and Vaxx mandates are doing so for political control purposes. Masking and Vaxxing are ineffective at stopping the spread of Covid. Covid is now endemic.

Covid is the "Devil" to the Mask&Vaxx Puritans. Facts and Reality do not intrude into their consciousness. For the rest of us, we can see that Covid is a seasonal respiratory disease that mostly affects the old and the already infirm. Turning our country into a hospital ward is insane.

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Masks don't work.

Kids rarely get COVID or transmit it.

Wearing masks is detrimental to the social and emotional development of our children.

Your scary number includes grandparents and covers 14 months...

1.1 million people is only 0.3% of the population. Yes, people get sick and die. There is zero proof that masks would prevent any of these deaths. About 1% of the population dies annually.

Just think of all the caregivers children lost due to nutty unemployment benefits, stimulus checks and the eviction moratorium.
Stop posting the lies. You are literally killing people.
Stop posting the lies. You are literally killing people.
You literally killed grandmas your whole life, and now you expect everyone to act like a mask-wearing zombie for two full years because of yet another respiratory virus?

You are probably vaccinated and wearing a mask. If either of those things work, ask yourself...

"Why am I worried about how others choose to protect themselves unless I am some kind of a Fascist control freak?"

Think about it.

Probably a flat-out lie, but even if true, your side kills more than that every year via abortion.

You have no credibility in claiming to care about the well-being of children. None whatsoever.

You have no use for children other than to add an emotional bite to your absurd propaganda.
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Try keeping a mask on a kid. It's a fool's errand

Dumbass "DR" is evidently childless
Well, school started last week.
That's what you wanted, correct. Kids back in school 5 days a week.
I have over 130 students walk into my room each day.
They are in my room for 50 minutes.

Do you know how many of those students had an issue with their mask?
Now by 'issue' I mean......Taking it off, wearing it wrong, trading with other kids or arguing about wearing the mask.

The answer is....... ZERO.
Not a single student.
I bet you will call me a liar.
I was there, I know what happened, in my classroom.
Dumb,Creepy. Go listen to NPR or watch BBC, they're dumbing you down
Whereas I have a factual REAL life situation, and there was ZERO issues with students and their masks, while in my classroom.
Well, school started last week.
That's what you wanted, correct. Kids back in school 5 days a week.
I have over 130 students walk into my room each day.
They are in my room for 50 minutes.

Do you know how many of those students had an issue with their mask?
Now by 'issue' I mean......Taking it off, wearing it wrong, trading with other kids or arguing about wearing the mask.

The answer is....... ZERO.
Not a single student.
I bet you will call me a liar.
I was there, I know what happened, in my classroom.

Whereas I have a factual REAL life situation, and there was ZERO issues with students and their masks, while in my classroom.

Count how many times they touch their nasty masks during a day and get back to us. Count for yourself how frequently you touch your own.

Children are easily influenced and most will turn into compliant little zombies who can't think for themselves if that is what we teach them.
Children are easily influenced and most will turn into compliant little zombies who can't think for themselves if that is what we teach them.
You will continue to find a reason to bitch, no MATTER what schools do.
The first week was great, I responded about kids keeping masks on, which they did.

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