Kids and masks, a simple reminder

You will continue to find a reason to bitch, no MATTER what schools do.
The first week was great, I responded about kids keeping masks on, which they did.
Remember all of those years you taught school where the flu would run around and take out 20% of students and faculty every Autumn?

Those were the good old days. The days when we were normal humans.

Now, if one kid gets sick, there test to take, quarantines to adhere to, and contact tracing to be performed. Masks to be worn at all times, covering the mouth and the nose too.

What an insane world we have turned into in just one year.

Wouldn't you prefer a return to normalcy?

Gosh how I would love a return to complete normalcy where everyone could make their own medical decisions based upon their own research, unique health status, and advice from their health care providers
You will continue to find a reason to bitch, no MATTER what schools do.
The first week was great, I responded about kids keeping masks on, which they did.
I think bitching is more complaining without reasoning or justification.

I question the status quo with personal deductions and references.
Not so. Nearly 2 people in 1,000 have died of COVID-19 in the US. That's not of positive cases, that's of the total population. So many people have died of COVID-19 that it lowered the average life expectancy by 3 years.

COVID deaths per 100,000 = 200 people. Here's a chart from 2019 for comparison.

View attachment 535346
Not for people under 50 fucktard. If the life expectancy age dropped (which I’d need documentation for) it’s because COVID killed a bunch of people way above the life expectancy not because it was killing droves of young people. 350k of 614k over 75. 480k over 65. COVID is generally only deadly to those who aren’t otherwise is good health.
So what? Who was negatively affected by that news story? Then we have the clueless who think Ivermectin will cure them of COVID after listening to Fox News hacks such as Ingtaham & Hannity.

The story was debunked but your pals on the right are still pushing snake oil to idiots too retarded to know any better.

Ivermectin is being used in japan with great success. Qujt lying and spreading propaganda. We're not listening to that filth.
Not so. Nearly 2 people in 1,000 have died of COVID-19 in the US. That's not of positive cases, that's of the total population. So many people have died of COVID-19 that it lowered the average life expectancy by 3 years.

COVID deaths per 100,000 = 200 people. Here's a chart from 2019 for comparison.

View attachment 535346
You are comparing 1.75 years of COVID deaths with one year of other cause deaths?


For your information, about 1000 deaths occur per 100,000 people in a normal year (~1% chance of dying in any given year).

"In 2020, approximately 3,358,814 deaths† occurred in the United States. From 2019 to 2020, the estimated age-adjusted death rate increased by 15.9%, from 715.2 to 828.7 deaths per 100,000 population. COVID-19 was reported as the underlying cause of death or a contributing cause of death for an estimated 377,883 (11.3%) of those deaths (91.5 deaths per 100,000)."

So, COVID is the leading cause or contributing cause for about 0.1% of the population in 2020.

Whoopdeedoo. What a pandemic.

What the fuck are you babbling about now?
Well look at that. I have to explain it to you, even though it is in such simple terms. Your terms even. But you can't see the hypocrisy which is as clear as day...

You said...

>> Stop posting the lies. You are literally killing people.

I replied...

>You literally killed grandmas your whole life, and now you expect everyone to act like a mask-wearing zombie for two full years because of yet another respiratory virus?

You see, you went around spreading influenza and cold viruses your whole life, but now that you are older and more susceptible, you want to join the Nazi crowd and demand everyone else change their normal way of living to protect you.
Not for people under 50 fucktard. If the life expectancy age dropped (which I’d need documentation for) it’s because COVID killed a bunch of people way above the life expectancy not because it was killing droves of young people. 350k of 614k over 75. 480k over 65. COVID is generally only deadly to those who aren’t otherwise is good health.
It's people under 50 that are dying now.
You are comparing 1.75 years of COVID deaths with one year of other cause deaths?


For your information, about 1000 deaths occur per 100,000 people in a normal year (~1% chance of dying in any given year).

"In 2020, approximately 3,358,814 deaths† occurred in the United States. From 2019 to 2020, the estimated age-adjusted death rate increased by 15.9%, from 715.2 to 828.7 deaths per 100,000 population. COVID-19 was reported as the underlying cause of death or a contributing cause of death for an estimated 377,883 (11.3%) of those deaths (91.5 deaths per 100,000)."

So, COVID is the leading cause or contributing cause for about 0.1% of the population in 2020.

Whoopdeedoo. What a pandemic.
Not this crap again.
I myself have never equated Trump to Hitler. Trump is too stupid and ineffectual to be Hitler.
Trump was the fifth worst president of the century (so far), and must be hated as though he were Satan incarnate!

That's assuming he isn't Satan incarnate!! :eek:

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