Kiling live pigeons for sport.

I hear the people in Iowa are good corn haulers too.:razz:

We were good...if you can knock ANY bird out of the air with a corn cob you were a capable athlete.

But I digress....

I am still thinking of picking bird shot from your rear.

:(You people are going to hell!:evil:
The commentator invented a story. Then he took pictures to go along with his story. His story was about (1) authority hatred (2) vegetarianism good (it isn't) (3) hatred of the second amendment, and (4) hatred of people in a specific county in South Carolina. He fashioned it around killing helpless animals and a tradition he mayn't understand since it likely was about survival at a point in history so long ago it is dissed as hearsay or - heaven forbid - word of mouth.

The only problem was I didn't buy his farce devoid of the other side of the story.

I do not believe that the country people of South Carolina are all bad people. I am simply not buying the farm that guy paints. He omitted too many details.

i take it you actually watched the video

freedombecki is one of the most ignorant dingbats on this board.

Like, 'if you hate torturing pigeons, it means you're against the second amendment'? Now THAT is really dumb.

And, 'vegetarianism' is bad'? Wrong again.

And, she never posts a link to the crap she posts.
^ I am fervent supporter of gun rights. However, I have no respect for those who torture, maim and shoot innocent creatures for fun. Any human who is capable of doing this adds to the misery of this world.
Deer annoy me. What annoys me more is when uninvited trespassers set up blinds in my upper fields. Apparently, Cleatus and his brothers Jasper and Darrell can't read. Apparently, they missed the fact that I'm well armed, pissed off, and 6-8.

I tear the blinds up sometimes putting the expensive ones at the bottom of the drive with a for sale sign on them. Typically, after that what occurs can only be described as redneck revenge. Bubba and his inbred kin shoot up my mailbox. Wow, I'm so scared. Rednecks love shooting signs an mailboxes. It's as normal as tipping cows.

Of course, before I go up there to confront the mother humping, toothless, inbred white trash I bring the K bar, the body armor and my fully equipped AR. The worst they have is a stupid bolt action deer rifle. Rednecks please.

They always seem to magically disappear before I get close enough. Sucks for them because I don't back down to confrontations.

Put on your gloves.
Gather some cat shit from the litter box.
Smear it on the walls of the blind.

Smile cuz you know Bubba and his buds are pissed.

I'll take the deer over the hunters any day.

But, thing is, I don't object to hunting. Its the fucking, lazy ass hunters that piss me off. You wanna feed your family? Are you a subsistence poacher? Even though eating meat is bad for you, I don't object to you taking a deer every year.

But, hunters are scum. They haven't even looked at their rifles all year. Then, they clean them and buy a couple of cases of Bud and head for MY forest. The idiots can't read the NO HUNTING YOU STUPID ASSHOLES signs and they leave their beer cans all over the place along with their trash.

Do the world a favor. Pay up your life insurance and harvest each other.
Luddly sez: "But, hunters are scum."

They are not.

Well don't move to the South!

DD and I were talking about that today. We're not used to the hunting seasons they have here. DD said, "I can't believe the animals they eat here: squirrel, frog, alligator, snake! Some animals just shouldn't be eaten. Yuck." I had to laugh. Dove season will be upon us soon.

Well then you would just love the fool at Home Depot who was helping us choose a squirrel proof bird feeder. His name tag really did read "Bubba". He showed us one that actually decapitates the squirrel and then he said, and I SWEAR this is true:

"That way you eat, the birds eat, everybody's happy".

Drive the roads around my place at the lake and I swear, you can hear the banjos playing.

Dove season? Disgusting how the hunt 'n' grunt types shoot at anything that moves, shoots from their trucks and cars, shoots from right under a "no hunting" sign. Just be sure you kill them with that first shot cuz I hear they charge when wounded. And, pardon me if I hope you break a tooth on your own buckshot.

(A while back, at a big dinner, one of the big brave hunters was complaining that he had done just that. I was surprised as how many of our fellow diners applauded the dove.)

I didn't watch the op video but if it's the Hegins slaughter, that blood bath has been an annual event for a long time. Why anyone thinks a canned hunt is "sportsman-like" is beyond me. Its just plain cowardly, as is hunting in general.

In general, hunters do a lot more damage than they're puny taxes ever pay for. Frankly, I wish they'd "harvest" each other.

(No, I don't eat meat.)

Don't work yourself into a tither just go get yourself a mani/pedi and a facial and you'll feel right as rain.
Actually live pigeon shooting was once a respected organized sport and was the forefather of skeet and trap shooting back in the day before it was fashionable to be a sissy.

Discontinued Olympic Sports Events > Olympics >
Discontinued Olympic Sports

Events > Olympics > Discontinued > Sports > Shooting > Pigeon Shooting

Live Pigeon Shooting

Live Pigeon Shooting was held only once in Olympic history, in 1900. The object of this event was to shoot and kill as many birds as possible. This was the first and only time in Olympic history when animals were killed on purpose. The birds were released in front of a participant and the winner was the competitor who shot down the most birds from the sky. The participant was eliminated once they missed two birds. Nearly 300 birds were killed. The event turned out to be quite messy in the end with dead or injured birds on the ground and blood and feathers all over the place. An award of 20,000 Francs was the prize for the winner, though the top four finishers agreed to split the winnings.
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We were good...if you can knock ANY bird out of the air with a corn cob you were a capable athlete.

But I digress....

I am still thinking of picking bird shot from your rear.

The commentator invented a story. Then he took pictures to go along with his story. His story was about (1) authority hatred (2) vegetarianism good (it isn't) (3) hatred of the second amendment, and (4) hatred of people in a specific county in South Carolina. He fashioned it around killing helpless animals and a tradition he mayn't understand since it likely was about survival at a point in history so long ago it is dissed as hearsay or - heaven forbid - word of mouth.

The only problem was I didn't buy his farce devoid of the other side of the story.

I do not believe that the country people of South Carolina are all bad people. I am simply not buying the farm that guy paints. He omitted too many details.

i take it you actually watched the video

freedombecki is one of the most ignorant dingbats on this board.

Like, 'if you hate torturing pigeons, it means you're against the second amendment'? Now THAT is really dumb.

And, 'vegetarianism' is bad'? Wrong again.

And, she never posts a link to the crap she posts.
freedombecki is one of the most ignorant dingbats on this board.

If you were, I'd be too polite to say so.

And, 'vegetarianism' is bad'? Wrong again.

Nutritionally, it is worse than bad. It's so bad, vegans often die young of kwashiorkor when they cannot balance their amino acids properly. They also can get hideous skin problems if they fail to become educated on balancing amino acids. Leaving just one of the 16 basic amino acids means a protein molecule is incomplete and will not be complete without the missing amino acid, period. Eating eggs helps, but that too can cause an early death due to high cholesterol and stroke from blood clots.

Vegetarianism is bad for the ecosystem. It forces the land to raise crops with no animals. It turns arable lands into desert. It isn't bad, it's horrible, Mr. Neddite. If you don't believe me, here's a scientist that discusses the issue of failure to keep animals in a crop-growing region and the world problem it caused when arable lands got to be an extension of dry lands in Africa:

And, she never posts a link to the crap she posts.

No worries. I only post facts, when I am not posting my opinion based on many years of experience and reading scientific journals, which you would know if you improved your reading repertoire from the sources.

Allan Savory on desertification:

[ame=""]Allan Savory: How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change - YouTube[/ame]
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Vegetarian diet is very good for you, provided it is balanced. All my Yoga teachers are vegetarian and super strong. They engage in challenging recreations like rock climbing and white water rafting.
How nice it is to read the fond memories of animal abusers.


Why don't you assholes grow a pair?

cuz you can't.
I killed a pigeon once in the sixth grade with the sling shot I brought to school. I was an instant hero to the other boys. But the girls got really pissed off and ran to the Principle. The principle was hardened WWII Navy vet who was very moral, but stern. I got licks and had to write a thousand sentences on the board for a week for that incident. I thought nothing of it, but the old battle axe was right to be displeased with me. Looks like that corporal punishment worked.
How nice it is to read the fond memories of animal abusers.


Why don't you assholes grow a pair?

cuz you can't.

Can you elaborate on the abuse part sweet cheeks? I assume you're female. I'm just curious about what constitutes abuse in your mind. Don't worry, I won't flame you. Honest question time with 0 flame. Scouts honor.
:(You people are going to hell!:evil:

Do you eat steak or hamburger?

yes but that just appears magically all nicely wrapped in the store


Hunters are the scum of the earth. They talk about "conservation" while they do the opposite but, at least they are willing to kill their own food.

I can't count the times I have heard someone say they could ever kill their own food and yet, like jon bezerk, they're more than willing to let someone else (usually illegals and, these days, mostly from Fiji. Yep, your veggies were picked by Mexicans and your meat slaughtered by Fijians.) kill for them.

You wanna eat charred corpses?

Kill them yourselves.
How nice it is to read the fond memories of animal abusers.


Why don't you assholes grow a pair?

cuz you can't.

Can you elaborate on the abuse part sweet cheeks? I assume you're female. I'm just curious about what constitutes abuse in your mind. Don't worry, I won't flame you. Honest question time with 0 flame. Scouts honor.

Read the thread, sweet cheeks.

Let's back up a bit. I have ZERO problem killing feral animals that become a nuisance. I try not to but sometimes you have no choice.

What I do have a problem with is taking animals as trophies. Fish might be an exception but it's the same thing.

If your going to shoot it, eat it.

If you want to mount it's damn head on wall, OK, but at least eat it.

This is the number 1 reason I despise the likes of the former Teddy R. Fat, murdering pig.
At the pigeon shoots my friend attended, the dead birds were collected and given to people that wanted to cook and eat them. Over the years, I have killed hundreds of dove. I did not leave a single one to rot in the field. I took their breasts and left the rest. I am sure that some hungry animal enjoyed the aftermath.

Many game hunters donate the meat of their kills to their gun bearers and guides. You that generalize about hunters based on your unenlightened speculation about what happens in the field need to go on a hunt and witness it all.

Try an all night frog giggin' (actually we used grabs that did not puncture the frog's skin). Then go home, kill 'em, chop of their legs, fry 'em up with some good Southern batter and eat a passle of what tastes more like chicken than chickens do.

Rest assured, when an animal dies, there's another animal that wants to eat it...including the vultures that eat carrion.

Next thing you know, you bleedin' heart vegetable eaters will be comin' after my Venus Flytrap.
I killed a pigeon once in the sixth grade with the sling shot I brought to school. I was an instant hero to the other boys. But the girls got really pissed off and ran to the Principle. The principle was hardened WWII Navy vet who was very moral, but stern. I got licks and had to write a thousand sentences on the board for a week for that incident. I thought nothing of it, but the old battle axe was right to be displeased with me. Looks like that corporal punishment worked.

Ya want animal abuse?

If that was a clean kill, its NOT abuse.

i take it you actually watched the video

freedombecki is one of the most ignorant dingbats on this board.

Like, 'if you hate torturing pigeons, it means you're against the second amendment'? Now THAT is really dumb.

And, 'vegetarianism' is bad'? Wrong again.

And, she never posts a link to the crap she posts.
freedombecki is one of the most ignorant dingbats on this board.

If you were, I'd be too polite to say so.

And, 'vegetarianism' is bad'? Wrong again.

Nutritionally, it is worse than bad. It's so bad, vegans often die young of kwashiorkor when they cannot balance their amino acids properly. They also can get hideous skin problems if they fail to become educated on balancing amino acids. Leaving just one of the 16 basic amino acids means a protein molecule is incomplete and will not be complete without the missing amino acid, period. Eating eggs helps, but that too can cause an early death due to high cholesterol and stroke from blood clots.

Vegetarianism is bad for the ecosystem. It forces the land to raise crops with no animals. It turns arable lands into desert. It isn't bad, it's horrible, Mr. Neddite. If you don't believe me, here's a scientist that discusses the issue of failure to keep animals in a crop-growing region and the world problem it caused when arable lands got to be an extension of dry lands in Africa:

Allan Savory on desertification:

[ame=]Allan Savory: How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change - YouTube[/ame]

You may be too polite, but I'm not.

Cover your virgin eyes Becks.:eusa_angel:

Nerdly, in my humble opinion, is 50 pounds of steaming shit poured into a 10 pound sack.

And everyone here knows it.

Snookie has positive rep, Sallow has mega rep, Jake Starkey has super rep, Jillian, Ravi, Doc Is In...all on then left, all way up in the positive...

So why is Nerdly's rep turned off?

Because he is an asshole of the first magnitude.

Worthless, hopeless, blathering baffoon.

A waste of skin.
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Bleeding hearts. The same folks who finance the wholesale euthanasia (murder) of innocent dogs and cats by "Humane" organizations. Hypocrites all.
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Do you eat steak or hamburger?

yes but that just appears magically all nicely wrapped in the store


Hunters are the scum of the earth. They talk about "conservation" while they do the opposite but, at least they are willing to kill their own food.

I can't count the times I have heard someone say they could ever kill their own food and yet, like jon bezerk, they're more than willing to let someone else (usually illegals and, these days, mostly from Fiji. Yep, your veggies were picked by Mexicans and your meat slaughtered by Fijians.) kill for them.

You wanna eat charred corpses?

Kill them yourselves.

Home slice, not all hunters are the "scum of the earth". Just like all liberals like you aren't the "scum of the earth".

We kill so many deer around here that we stock charities with their tasty carcasses. That crap is free just like corn and the taters. You don't like charity? Not man trophy hunters around here. They skin the animal andl collect the juicy bits, the hide, the antlers and leave rest for nature. It's a quick death usually, but sometimes if you don't hit it right you have to slit it's throat. That's why any real hunter uses a real bullet and a precision weapon. There is no honor in having it suffer. Death should be as painless and as quick as possible. What the hell do you think liberals in Alaska do to survive? Cruise to starbucks or get sushi at the mall? I suppose they're all scum too. Hell, I suppose anyone in a northern climate fits your stereotype based on the uneducated responses you've plastered on this site all day. Have a good day sweet cheeks.

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Live pigeon shooting is anything but uncle never did it, but he remembers friends of his doing it in the 60's! It still happens...and yeah, pigeons are pretty much rats with wings!
Do you eat steak or hamburger?

yes but that just appears magically all nicely wrapped in the store


Hunters are the scum of the earth. They talk about "conservation" while they do the opposite but, at least they are willing to kill their own food.

Stupid statement. Hunters ARE conservationists. Sorry that doesn't fit in your ignorant little box, but it is true.

I can't count the times I have heard someone say they could ever kill their own food and yet, like jon bezerk, they're more than willing to let someone else (usually illegals and, these days, mostly from Fiji. Yep, your veggies were picked by Mexicans and your meat slaughtered by Fijians.) kill for them.

You wanna eat charred corpses?

Kill them yourselves.

I have...but it's too much hassle.

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