Kiling live pigeons for sport.

Well don't move to the South!

DD and I were talking about that today. We're not used to the hunting seasons they have here. DD said, "I can't believe the animals they eat here: squirrel, frog, alligator, snake! Some animals just shouldn't be eaten. Yuck." I had to laugh. Dove season will be upon us soon.

i have ate everything you posted and more much more

Aren't you one of the ignernt crackers who criticized Rachal Jeantal?

Its "eaten". NOT "ate".

And, being willing to put any ole dead animal in your mouth ain't nuthin' to brag about.
Jarlaxel lives in the fantasy world of NRA lies and propaganda. If he didn't, he would object to the canned hunt aspect of these horrendous pigeon "hunts". True sportsmen would never participate in such a blood bath. But then, most hunters don't have balls of their own either.

Saying hunting is "conservation" is a flat out lie. Back in my day, a saying common to Vietnam vets was that killing for peace is like fucking for chastity. Same thing with hunting. And, RCChristian needs to ask himself why there are so many deer now. Hint: You don't "manage" for a higher birth rate and then kill for conservation. Even a hunter should know that. Google "deer farms" for a sample.
freedombecki is one of the most ignorant dingbats on this board.

Like, 'if you hate torturing pigeons, it means you're against the second amendment'? Now THAT is really dumb.

And, 'vegetarianism' is bad'? Wrong again.

And, she never posts a link to the crap she posts.
freedombecki is one of the most ignorant dingbats on this board.

If you were, I'd be too polite to say so.

And, 'vegetarianism' is bad'? Wrong again.

Nutritionally, it is worse than bad. It's so bad, vegans often die young of kwashiorkor when they cannot balance their amino acids properly. They also can get hideous skin problems if they fail to become educated on balancing amino acids. Leaving just one of the 16 basic amino acids means a protein molecule is incomplete and will not be complete without the missing amino acid, period. Eating eggs helps, but that too can cause an early death due to high cholesterol and stroke from blood clots.

Vegetarianism is bad for the ecosystem. It forces the land to raise crops with no animals. It turns arable lands into desert. It isn't bad, it's horrible, Mr. Neddite. If you don't believe me, here's a scientist that discusses the issue of failure to keep animals in a crop-growing region and the world problem it caused when arable lands got to be an extension of dry lands in Africa:

Allan Savory on desertification:

[ame=]Allan Savory: How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change - YouTube[/ame]

You may be too polite, but I'm not.

Cover your virgin eyes Becks.:eusa_angel:

Nerdly, in my humble opinion, is 50 pounds of steaming shit poured into a 10 pound sack.

And everyone here knows it.

Snookie has positive rep, Sallow has mega rep, Jake Starkey has super rep, Jillian, Ravi, Doc Is In...all on then left, all way up in the positive...

So why is Nerdly's rep turned off?

Because he is an asshole of the first magnitude.

Worthless, hopeless, blathering baffoon.

A waste of skin.

Your post is just childish name calling and means nothing.

freedombecki is wrong.

Eat whatever you want to but don't lie about other people's choices. Just because you cannot justify your choices doesn't mean you have to lie about it.
Nope it's on the list

Frank James is not though

Neither is a distant relative Cole Younger, who was always ticked that the gang was named after the James boys instead of him and his brothers. :lol:


I've often heard it called the "James-Younger gang".
Deer annoy me. What annoys me more is when uninvited trespassers set up blinds in my upper fields. Apparently, Cleatus and his brothers Jasper and Darrell can't read. Apparently, they missed the fact that I'm well armed, pissed off, and 6-8.

I tear the blinds up sometimes putting the expensive ones at the bottom of the drive with a for sale sign on them. Typically, after that what occurs can only be described as redneck revenge. Bubba and his inbred kin shoot up my mailbox. Wow, I'm so scared. Rednecks love shooting signs an mailboxes. It's as normal as tipping cows.

Of course, before I go up there to confront the mother humping, toothless, inbred white trash I bring the K bar, the body armor and my fully equipped AR. The worst they have is a stupid bolt action deer rifle. Rednecks please.

They always seem to magically disappear before I get close enough. Sucks for them because I don't back down to confrontations.

You DO know a shot from a deer rifle will go through that "body armor" like paper, right? Heck, a softpoint from a little .243 will punch through a 1/2" steel plate, which is a hell of a lot tougher than any vest I've ever seen! Even a "rifle-rated" vest won't stop a shot from an elk or moose rifle.

I hope the next guy you "confront" has a .22-250 and puts a shot from it dead-center on your "body armor".
Well don't move to the South!

DD and I were talking about that today. We're not used to the hunting seasons they have here. DD said, "I can't believe the animals they eat here: squirrel, frog, alligator, snake! Some animals just shouldn't be eaten. Yuck." I had to laugh. Dove season will be upon us soon.

i have ate everything you posted and more much more

Aren't you one of the ignernt crackers who criticized Rachal Jeantal?

Its "eaten". NOT "ate".

And, being willing to put any ole dead animal in your mouth ain't nuthin' to brag about.

More racial slurs! I'm calling the PC cops now. You axed 4 it now u is goings to git it.
Jarlaxel lives in the fantasy world of NRA lies and propaganda. If he didn't, he would object to the canned hunt aspect of these horrendous pigeon "hunts". True sportsmen would never participate in such a blood bath. But then, most hunters don't have balls of their own either.

What in the name of Jesus Christ and a pair of fuzzy dice are you babbling about?! The ONLY thing I said about pigeon hunting is that it's anything but new. I also mentioned my feelings on pigeons.

Saying hunting is "conservation" is a flat out lie. Back in my day, a saying common to Vietnam vets was that killing for peace is like fucking for chastity. Same thing with hunting. And, RCChristian needs to ask himself why there are so many deer now. Hint: You don't "manage" for a higher birth rate and then kill for conservation. Even a hunter should know that. Google "deer farms" for a sample.

You truly are a stupid shit. Kindly sterilize yourself with a rusty spoon.
Deer annoy me. What annoys me more is when uninvited trespassers set up blinds in my upper fields. Apparently, Cleatus and his brothers Jasper and Darrell can't read. Apparently, they missed the fact that I'm well armed, pissed off, and 6-8.

I tear the blinds up sometimes putting the expensive ones at the bottom of the drive with a for sale sign on them. Typically, after that what occurs can only be described as redneck revenge. Bubba and his inbred kin shoot up my mailbox. Wow, I'm so scared. Rednecks love shooting signs an mailboxes. It's as normal as tipping cows.

Of course, before I go up there to confront the mother humping, toothless, inbred white trash I bring the K bar, the body armor and my fully equipped AR. The worst they have is a stupid bolt action deer rifle. Rednecks please.

They always seem to magically disappear before I get close enough. Sucks for them because I don't back down to confrontations.

You DO know a shot from a deer rifle will go through that "body armor" like paper, right? Heck, a softpoint from a little .243 will punch through a 1/2" steel plate, which is a hell of a lot tougher than any vest I've ever seen! Even a "rifle-rated" vest won't stop a shot from an elk or moose rifle.

I hope the next guy you "confront" has a .22-250 and puts a shot from it dead-center on your "body armor".

My body armor is supposed to withstand up to 3.08. Pistol rounds might as well be spit wads, but I believe some long guns in the right caliber could get through. Curiously, the 5.56 put the biggest dent in it. It's spalling that you have worry about.
A .22-250 (4000+fps) will go through it like paper. So would a .375, or a .44-40 moose round. I'd bet a .308FMJ would penetrate, a solid-steel .308 would also go through it like paper. I suspect a .45-70/.444 Marlin, .416 Weatherby, or a .375 Ackley or Weatherby would also penetrate.

My uncle has two pistols, and a shot from either, even with soft-points, will go through it like paper!
Deer annoy me. What annoys me more is when uninvited trespassers set up blinds in my upper fields. Apparently, Cleatus and his brothers Jasper and Darrell can't read. Apparently, they missed the fact that I'm well armed, pissed off, and 6-8.

I tear the blinds up sometimes putting the expensive ones at the bottom of the drive with a for sale sign on them. Typically, after that what occurs can only be described as redneck revenge. Bubba and his inbred kin shoot up my mailbox. Wow, I'm so scared. Rednecks love shooting signs an mailboxes. It's as normal as tipping cows.

Of course, before I go up there to confront the mother humping, toothless, inbred white trash I bring the K bar, the body armor and my fully equipped AR. The worst they have is a stupid bolt action deer rifle. Rednecks please.

They always seem to magically disappear before I get close enough. Sucks for them because I don't back down to confrontations.

You DO know a shot from a deer rifle will go through that "body armor" like paper, right? Heck, a softpoint from a little .243 will punch through a 1/2" steel plate, which is a hell of a lot tougher than any vest I've ever seen! Even a "rifle-rated" vest won't stop a shot from an elk or moose rifle.

I hope the next guy you "confront" has a .22-250 and puts a shot from it dead-center on your "body armor".

My body armor is supposed to withstand up to 3.08. Pistol rounds might as well be spit wads, but I believe some long guns in the right caliber could get through. Curiously, the 5.56 put the biggest dent in it. It's spalling that you have worry about.

I'll admit to not knowing much about body armor.

But I did see a 7mm magnum penetrate an oldsmobile 455 cast iron engine block.
Now here's another true story about doves.

About twenty years ago, my office window on the fifth floor of an older building was directly across a narrow alleyway from a window in an even older building next door. The window across from me had been painted opaque white from the inside. Through the alleyway below was the drive path for a drive-thru teller window in the bank on the ground floor of my building.

One year, a pair of doves nested in the window opposite mine. I glanced at the nest several times each day as they completed it. Anytime that I needed to relax from the tension that often went with my job there, I would look at the doves. I couldn't tell how many eggs there were, but I was aware of about when they were laid from watching as the male brought food to the female as she sat on them.

Weeks went by and I made it a point to look at the nest every morning and several times during the day...if I wasn't out of town. Then one day I noticed both parents flying off in alternating trips to get food for two little beaks that seemed to be gaped open all day long. Later I could see their heads, then their fuzzy little necks and finally, the chicks were standing in the nest and moving around a bit...but never out on the ledge.

Then they began to venture out on the ledge when one parent was there. They would exercise their wings but never got really close to the edge. I became more and more interested in the chicks each day.

One day I noticed the parents would fly in short loops right near the nest as the two fledglings stood near the edge flapping their wings. I knew they would fly soon. The next day, around 10AM, one of them did. I was standing near my window and noticed its path of flight appear to curve upward as if it was successful. The second one did not try until the next day around noon and its path appeared to be more or less straight down.

I didn't think much about it except to know that I would miss looking at them the next day, and thereafter. I left work about 6PM that evening and decided to drive through the alleyway. Lo and behold, there was the little dove, shivering (from fright, I suppose) up against the building under the teller's window. I took a paper towel and gently wrapped it up with its head sticking out, placed it on my dashboard facing forward and drove some 26 miles to my home.

(This story is almost over, I promise.)

My home had a very steep front yard, sloping down to the street across from which was about 50 feet of grassy area between the street and the woods homes on that side of the street due to its being a flood plain for the small river about two hundred feet from the street. The front deck was about 12 feet above the ground and there was a huge pine tree not more than two feet in front of the deck. The tree had its first limb at the height of my shoulders as I stood on the deck. I gingerly placed the little dove on the limb (sans towel) and quietly backed away. I stood there for what seemed like a long time but in retrospect only about a minute. The little dove went off flapping, took a path outward and downward, barely missed the hitting the ground about 20 out feet from the deck (recall the ground sloped steeply downward so it was about 20 feet below the limb). It flew upward and across the street and disappeared into the foliage of the trees. I smiled!

The very next year, a pair of doves nested in the rain gutter that went around the top of the bay window of my living room that was below my bedroom. I like to think it was the dove I saved the previous year and its mate...coming HOME! They had three eggs...but I think a snake ate them and they left the scene. Then I had to clean the gutter!

That is the God's truth!:eusa_angel:
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Let's hope the snake didn't eat the dove! :) Great story!
You DO know a shot from a deer rifle will go through that "body armor" like paper, right? Heck, a softpoint from a little .243 will punch through a 1/2" steel plate, which is a hell of a lot tougher than any vest I've ever seen! Even a "rifle-rated" vest won't stop a shot from an elk or moose rifle.

I hope the next guy you "confront" has a .22-250 and puts a shot from it dead-center on your "body armor".

My body armor is supposed to withstand up to 3.08. Pistol rounds might as well be spit wads, but I believe some long guns in the right caliber could get through. Curiously, the 5.56 put the biggest dent in it. It's spalling that you have worry about.

I'll admit to not knowing much about body armor.

But I did see a 7mm magnum penetrate an oldsmobile 455 cast iron engine block.

I've actually built a 455 olds. That is no small accomplishment.

I put in a 1980 Buick and made it a sleeper drag race car. I used to spit mustangs and camaros out like yesterdays lunch. I eventually twisted the crank in half. That was no small feat either.
You DO know a shot from a deer rifle will go through that "body armor" like paper, right? Heck, a softpoint from a little .243 will punch through a 1/2" steel plate, which is a hell of a lot tougher than any vest I've ever seen! Even a "rifle-rated" vest won't stop a shot from an elk or moose rifle.

I hope the next guy you "confront" has a .22-250 and puts a shot from it dead-center on your "body armor".

My body armor is supposed to withstand up to 3.08. Pistol rounds might as well be spit wads, but I believe some long guns in the right caliber could get through. Curiously, the 5.56 put the biggest dent in it. It's spalling that you have worry about.

I'll admit to not knowing much about body armor.

But I did see a 7mm magnum penetrate an oldsmobile 455 cast iron engine block.

I'm certain that my body armor would completely negate a 7mm round and most common rifle rounds. I'm not sure it would thwart a Nagant rifle at 300 yards but it will damn sure defeat any handgun I can think of and common NATO rounds like 5.56. There are videos on the web that attest to this fact. It's heavy though. The armor is cheap but the carrier vest can put you back green. By the time you're done you've added 30 pounds to your torso with the side plates but I only keep it around for damn near apocalyptic style emergencies.
My body armor is supposed to withstand up to 3.08. Pistol rounds might as well be spit wads, but I believe some long guns in the right caliber could get through. Curiously, the 5.56 put the biggest dent in it. It's spalling that you have worry about.

I'll admit to not knowing much about body armor.

But I did see a 7mm magnum penetrate an oldsmobile 455 cast iron engine block.

I'm certain that my body armor would completely negate a 7mm round and most common rifle rounds. I'm not sure it would thwart a Nagant rifle at 300 yards but it will damn sure defeat any handgun I can think of and common NATO rounds like 5.56. There are videos on the web that attest to this fact. It's heavy though. The armor is cheap but the carrier vest can put you back green. By the time you're done you've added 30 pounds to your torso with the side plates but I only keep it around for damn near apocalyptic style emergencies.

Check out the ballistics...

7.62×54mmR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

7mm Remington Magnum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you think the 7.62 x 54r will defeat your vest...
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The pigeons are developing new techniques, as we speak, to stave off those who wish to shoot them


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