Kiling live pigeons for sport.

Well don't move to the South!

DD and I were talking about that today. We're not used to the hunting seasons they have here. DD said, "I can't believe the animals they eat here: squirrel, frog, alligator, snake! Some animals just shouldn't be eaten. Yuck." I had to laugh. Dove season will be upon us soon.

i have ate everything you posted and more much more
People have to eat. The rural south has it's traditions. It's not the burbs. People are bred to kill and we know how to live off the land. It's not pretty and I'd never kill an animal for sport but some do and I despise them enough that I'm more than willing to go bare knuckles with them.

I once knew a trainer in sniper school that told me that the bumpkins were much more efficient with precision, accuracy, and concealment than their urban counterparts. You can even go to the civil war archives to find that truth. We're a gun culture.
Let's back up a bit. I have ZERO problem killing feral animals that become a nuisance. I try not to but sometimes you have no choice.

What I do have a problem with is taking animals as trophies. Fish might be an exception but it's the same thing.

If your going to shoot it, eat it.

If you want to mount it's damn head on wall, OK, but at least eat it.

This is the number 1 reason I despise the likes of the former Teddy R. Fat, murdering pig.

I might be wrong...but I doubt you would have been a very good combat soldier.
Let's back up a bit. I have ZERO problem killing feral animals that become a nuisance. I try not to but sometimes you have no choice.

What I do have a problem with is taking animals as trophies. Fish might be an exception but it's the same thing.

If your going to shoot it, eat it.

If you want to mount it's damn head on wall, OK, but at least eat it.

This is the number 1 reason I despise the likes of the former Teddy R. Fat, murdering pig.

I might be wrong...but I doubt you would have been a very good combat soldier.

What makes a "good" combat soldier?
Let's back up a bit. I have ZERO problem killing feral animals that become a nuisance. I try not to but sometimes you have no choice.

What I do have a problem with is taking animals as trophies. Fish might be an exception but it's the same thing.

If your going to shoot it, eat it.

If you want to mount it's damn head on wall, OK, but at least eat it.

This is the number 1 reason I despise the likes of the former Teddy R. Fat, murdering pig.

I might be wrong...but I doubt you would have been a very good combat soldier.

I'm really not concerned about what you think. I don't have any empathy for most vile humans, but I like animals. If you don't, and I'm not suggesting that do not, then you're just a twisted freak with too much hate and personal baggage.

Personally, I don't have any remorse whatsoever about murdering a human scumbag whether that be a ped, a rapist, a gang banger or any other member of the the seriously dysfunctional filth that inhabit this stupid countries streets.
This story made me sick. It seems some folks in SC are shooting live pigeons instead of skeets.

The "cop whores" are protecting them.

Hell yes pussy face! I shoot all the barn pigeons I can. They crap all over our farm, equipment, you name it they are nothing but free loading crappers with wings. Don't like it well then F*** yourself some more. Ever been to the big city? well take a look at the parks and buildings, pigeon crap everywhere. I had the opportunity to meet a hawk trainer that is paid major bucks to turn his hawks loose on those sweet little winged crappers at resorts and hotels in Las Angeles. Dam ,nothing left but a pile of feathers floating to the ground after one of his hawks hit them in the air. Don't like hunting, then stay in your filthy city, eat your veggies and smoke some more hemp. Oh by the way these are not wild but domesticated pigeons living in the wild, like those dogs and cats city pukes get tired of and dump in the country.

True story :)

Growing up on the Farm in Iowa (I know, I know, but its true) we would wait until just before dusk....the pidgeons would fly into the barn for the night.....we would close all of the doors and then throw corn cobs at them and knock them from the made us very good ball players.

we used to catch them by shining a flashlight in their eyes

take them alive to a little

oriental restaurant who would give a quarter a bird

that was in the late 60s early 70s
Pigeons are Rats with Wings or Cockroaches with Wings, take yer pick. Their droppings, especially when dry, are very toxic too.

Their droppings,

are a problem for farmers

it spreads a lot of disease from farm to farm

I believe you could say that about all birds.

I think pigeon shit could be converted to energy.

Feel free to eat as much as you want.

Meanwhile, in the real world, pigeons are introduced and verminous animals whose population requires controlling by..yup, humans.

Nothing wrong with shooting pigeons.

Now put your nummy back in your mouth and toddle off...I think it's nap time.
True story :)

Growing up on the Farm in Iowa (I know, I know, but its true) we would wait until just before dusk....the pidgeons would fly into the barn for the night.....we would close all of the doors and then throw corn cobs at them and knock them from the made us very good ball players.

I hear the people in Iowa are good corn haulers too.:razz:

We were good...if you can knock ANY bird out of the air with a corn cob you were a capable athlete.

But I digress....

I am still thinking of picking bird shot from your rear.

:(You people are going to hell!:evil:
The commentator invented a story. Then he took pictures to go along with his story. His story was about (1) authority hatred (2) vegetarianism good (it isn't) (3) hatred of the second amendment, and (4) hatred of people in a specific county in South Carolina. He fashioned it around killing helpless animals and a tradition he mayn't understand since it likely was about survival at a point in history so long ago it is dissed as hearsay or - heaven forbid - word of mouth.

The only problem was I didn't buy his farce devoid of the other side of the story.

I do not believe that the country people of South Carolina are all bad people. I am simply not buying the farm that guy paints. He omitted too many details.

i take it you actually watched the video
Let's back up a bit. I have ZERO problem killing feral animals that become a nuisance. I try not to but sometimes you have no choice.

What I do have a problem with is taking animals as trophies. Fish might be an exception but it's the same thing.

If your going to shoot it, eat it.

If you want to mount it's damn head on wall, OK, but at least eat it.

This is the number 1 reason I despise the likes of the former Teddy R. Fat, murdering pig.

I might be wrong...but I doubt you would have been a very good combat soldier.

What makes a "good" combat soldier?

I don't claim to be an expert but I'm pretty sure it doesn't include eating everything you kill.
I feel I have to put a good word for the pigeons here ... they are intelligent and brave birds

"Pigeons have long played an important role in war. Due to their homing ability, speed, and altitude, they were often used as military messengers. They ceased being used as of 1957.

They were used extensively during World War I. In 1914 during the First Battle of the Marne, the French army advanced 72 pigeon lofts with the troops.

The US Army Signal Corps used 600 pigeons in France alone.

One of their homing pigeons, a Black Check cock named Cher Ami, was awarded the French "Croix de Guerre with Palm" for heroic service delivering 12 important messages during the Battle of Verdun. On his final mission in October 1918, he delivered a message despite having been shot through the breast or wing. The crucial message, found in the capsule hanging from a ligament of his shattered leg, saved about 200 US soldiers of the 77th Infantry Division's "Lost Battalion".

During World War II, the United Kingdom used about 250,000 homing pigeons. The Dickin Medal, the highest possible decoration for valor given to non-human animals, was awarded to 32 pigeons, including the United States Army Pigeon Service's G.I. Joe and the Irish pigeon Paddy."
Deer annoy me. What annoys me more is when uninvited trespassers set up blinds in my upper fields. Apparently, Cleatus and his brothers Jasper and Darrell can't read. Apparently, they missed the fact that I'm well armed, pissed off, and 6-8.

I tear the blinds up sometimes putting the expensive ones at the bottom of the drive with a for sale sign on them. Typically, after that what occurs can only be described as redneck revenge. Bubba and his inbred kin shoot up my mailbox. Wow, I'm so scared. Rednecks love shooting signs an mailboxes. It's as normal as tipping cows.

Of course, before I go up there to confront the mother humping, toothless, inbred white trash I bring the K bar, the body armor and my fully equipped AR. The worst they have is a stupid bolt action deer rifle. Rednecks please.

They always seem to magically disappear before I get close enough. Sucks for them because I don't back down to confrontations.

Put on your gloves.
Gather some cat shit from the litter box.
Smear it on the walls of the blind.

Smile cuz you know Bubba and his buds are pissed.

I'll take the deer over the hunters any day.

But, thing is, I don't object to hunting. Its the fucking, lazy ass hunters that piss me off. You wanna feed your family? Are you a subsistence poacher? Even though eating meat is bad for you, I don't object to you taking a deer every year.

But, hunters are scum. They haven't even looked at their rifles all year. Then, they clean them and buy a couple of cases of Bud and head for MY forest. The idiots can't read the NO HUNTING YOU STUPID ASSHOLES signs and they leave their beer cans all over the place along with their trash.

Do the world a favor. Pay up your life insurance and harvest each other.
Stop you're making too much sense! Holy shit, a pigeon shit on my car, must kill!

You're trying to reason with retards who belong on the Springer show. You realize this right?
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Deer annoy me. What annoys me more is when uninvited trespassers set up blinds in my upper fields. Apparently, Cleatus and his brothers Jasper and Darrell can't read. Apparently, they missed the fact that I'm well armed, pissed off, and 6-8.

I tear the blinds up sometimes putting the expensive ones at the bottom of the drive with a for sale sign on them. Typically, after that what occurs can only be described as redneck revenge. Bubba and his inbred kin shoot up my mailbox. Wow, I'm so scared. Rednecks love shooting signs an mailboxes. It's as normal as tipping cows.

Of course, before I go up there to confront the mother humping, toothless, inbred white trash I bring the K bar, the body armor and my fully equipped AR. The worst they have is a stupid bolt action deer rifle. Rednecks please.

They always seem to magically disappear before I get close enough. Sucks for them because I don't back down to confrontations.

Put on your gloves.
Gather some cat shit from the litter box.
Smear it on the walls of the blind.

Smile cuz you know Bubba and his buds are pissed.

I'll take the deer over the hunters any day.

But, thing is, I don't object to hunting. Its the fucking, lazy ass hunters that piss me off. You wanna feed your family? Are you a subsistence poacher? Even though eating meat is bad for you, I don't object to you taking a deer every year.

But, hunters are scum. They haven't even looked at their rifles all year. Then, they clean them and buy a couple of cases of Bud and head for MY forest. The idiots can't read the NO HUNTING YOU STUPID ASSHOLES signs and they leave their beer cans all over the place along with their trash.

Do the world a favor. Pay up your life insurance and harvest each other.

This is almost one of the most reasonable posts you've ever made, except for your disdain for hunters in general. Granted, poachers and trespassers piss me off as well. The difference is, I won't treat them with kid gloves. It's personal.

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