"Kill the police!"

Well, I was talking to my dad this morning (retired police officer and detective with Internal Affairs) and he was in his right to do so. The young man was fleeing and to stop suspect after warning to do so, you shoot aiming for buttocks or thigh. The officer shot him and it got him in the back. May not have been the intention to kill but a moving target doesn't make it easy to shoot at designated target.
CaféAuLait;9605608 said:
I saw the one kid interviewed over this. He says they were walking down the middle of the road, the cop stopped told them to get out of the middle of the street and they "even raised their hands in the air and complied" and the cop just opened fire on them for no reason.

Cops state the same about the street, except he was speaking to them by an open car door and they argued with him, cops said 18 yo grabbed cops gun and they ended up in his cruiser, one shot fired inside the cruiser because of the altercation, the kid and him were struggling and the kid got shot outside the car.

I assume there will be some sort of video, I hope there will be. I know there are bad cops, just as there are bad whatever in any occupation, but this sounds a little too much for a cop just to stop and shoot at two guys for doing nothing.
The cop's statements vary significantly from what eyewitnesses have reported.

I believe there's even some discrepancy between the police's own statements on the matter.

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around an alleged shot INSIDE the car ending up with shooting down an unarmed kid 35 feet OUTSIDE the car.

Some fancy footwork or something going on there.

One of the easiest things to prove is whether a shot was fired inside that patrol car.
Yep, I'm wondering if a gunshot inside a car would shatter a glass or two.

If the victim actually went for his gun, did he get his hands on the actual weapon, the holster? Where are his prints?

Even without video or audio of that particular instant there should be able to get to the bottom of that allegation fairly easily.
“Snitches Get Stitches” message spray painted on burned-out QuikTrip

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – An employee who was working the Quik Trip that was looted and burned told a terrifying story of survival. The 18 year old man didn’t want to be identified but he did say, “Terrifying very, very, terrifying. Madden says: tell me what was going through your mind. Worker: I thought I was going to die tonight, I really thought I was going to die tonight.

His mother added, “I’m very thankful that he’s alright.”

The worker said he was at the register when the looters rushed the store. He and his two fellow workers locked themselves in a back room. One signaled the company’s alarm system. They got a phone call telling them to stay put, that the police were on the way. But after ten or twenty minutes they decided it was best to escape, fortunately before the fire started.

The workers said, “One of the employees said we can get a way out of here and so we grabbed jackets to cover our uniform and we ran out of there, out the back door.”

He said when he got outside he could see the looters keeping police at bay. He was glad he did not stay put and he was told to do, “If we would have stayed put we would have died.”


?Snitches Get Stitches? message spray painted on burned-out QuikTrip | FOX2now.com

Good video @ link.

Didn't you say this was the store that turned Brown in for shoplifting? The thugs don't want anyone reporting crimes.
can't shoot for buttocks or with a goal of wounding . If you shoot at a guy the intention is to Kill [STOP]. Just a comment as I don't know who is right or wrong . Just talking about shooting at a human being .
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Nixon is an Obama ass kisser.[/QUOTE]

Hmm you seem to speak Ebonic's fluently R.C.. Where were you last night around 9 pm? Anywhere near a Quik Trip by chance.:eusa_think: J/K
“Snitches Get Stitches” message spray painted on burned-out QuikTrip

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – An employee who was working the Quik Trip that was looted and burned told a terrifying story of survival. The 18 year old man didn’t want to be identified but he did say, “Terrifying very, very, terrifying. Madden says: tell me what was going through your mind. Worker: I thought I was going to die tonight, I really thought I was going to die tonight.

His mother added, “I’m very thankful that he’s alright.”

The worker said he was at the register when the looters rushed the store. He and his two fellow workers locked themselves in a back room. One signaled the company’s alarm system. They got a phone call telling them to stay put, that the police were on the way. But after ten or twenty minutes they decided it was best to escape, fortunately before the fire started.

The workers said, “One of the employees said we can get a way out of here and so we grabbed jackets to cover our uniform and we ran out of there, out the back door.”

He said when he got outside he could see the looters keeping police at bay. He was glad he did not stay put and he was told to do, “If we would have stayed put we would have died.”


?Snitches Get Stitches? message spray painted on burned-out QuikTrip | FOX2now.com

Good video @ link.

Didn't you say this was the store that turned Brown in for shoplifting? The thugs don't want anyone reporting crimes.

Yes, it is.

The reporter interviews an employee in the video at the site, but never asks about the police being called for a suspected shoplifter.

In fact, not a word about shoplifting in the MSM, but it's all over social and alternative media, and it seems like the looters, vandals and arsonists also believe this to be true.

Cover-up or rumor out of control...I don't know.

But if it turns out to be true, a lot of mainstream news sources will have egg on their collective faces.
Weird, there's no photo or name of the police officer. Something tells me, he's BLACK. If so, this would be one of the very rare times when they gave a shit about the real killers of black youth, even without knowing.
If you were really paying attention to the story you'd realize that the cop in question has already been shown on air.

There's raw footage of a cop waking away from the body after covering it up and although its grainy and from a distance...it's not a black guy.

Today the reports were that the police can't withhold the cop's identity any longer and that the media expects to know his name by tomorrow mid-day the latest.

If you were paying attention to this story, you'd know this.
Just like the poor white trash after the Civil War -- it was all the black man's fault, eh?
History lesson. The KKK was started back after the civil war because of liberal Republicans. It eventually morphed into hating on Blacks, but their main and first target were Republicans.

In the 1870s it was brave WHITE Americans that defeated the KKK and they didn't appear again until the 1910s-1920s!
I also notice some striking parallels.

The NAACP also highlighted the similarities in their press release...

The St. Louis County Police are investigating the shooting. But John Gaskin, a member of the St. Louis County NAACP, said the FBI should get involved “to protect the integrity of the investigation.”​

The police investigating their own conduct has always been laughable to me. An outside entity should always be investigating all allegations of police abuse. Personally, every city, township, etc should have a citizens review board that investigates brutality allegations and shootings. The police simply can't be trusted to do it themselves and that is evident based on the very, very low rate of punishment when they cross the line.

This so much.

The Secretary of Defense is required to be a civilian, and many other countries have a similar requirement for civilian control over the military. The same principle of outsider control should apply to local police forces, especially when it comes to investigating the police for committing crimes themselves.

the mutha fucka went fer the cops gun, he deserved what he got and your bullshit about the cop being a criminal is as stupid as stupid can if stupid can be rated on a 1 to 10.., you are definitely a 10 ! :lmao:
Kill the police.

Didn't we just see the 'Conservatives' advocating just that at the Bundy ranch? And actually see people with war weapons aiming at officers of the law?

Now I don't know the facts of this case, so I am not judging. However, our 'Conservatives' are. Since the victim was black, and the shooter white, their automatic assumption is the kid deserved to be shot. But had the Federal officers shot the people aiming their guns at them, which by law they had every right to do, they would have been crying myrterdoom for the miscreants.

Fucked up double standard.
St Louis citizens are well armed & many shots were fired last night. I am shocked rioters & looters were not shot last night. They are trying to form huge groups again tonight & many more shots have been fired. This is in Jennings/Castle Point, a very high crime thug area. Now they spread out to nicer neighborhoods.
“Snitches Get Stitches” message spray painted on burned-out QuikTrip

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – An employee who was working the Quik Trip that was looted and burned told a terrifying story of survival. The 18 year old man didn’t want to be identified but he did say, “Terrifying very, very, terrifying. Madden says: tell me what was going through your mind. Worker: I thought I was going to die tonight, I really thought I was going to die tonight.

His mother added, “I’m very thankful that he’s alright.”

The worker said he was at the register when the looters rushed the store. He and his two fellow workers locked themselves in a back room. One signaled the company’s alarm system. They got a phone call telling them to stay put, that the police were on the way. But after ten or twenty minutes they decided it was best to escape, fortunately before the fire started.

The workers said, “One of the employees said we can get a way out of here and so we grabbed jackets to cover our uniform and we ran out of there, out the back door.”

He said when he got outside he could see the looters keeping police at bay. He was glad he did not stay put and he was told to do, “If we would have stayed put we would have died.”


?Snitches Get Stitches? message spray painted on burned-out QuikTrip | FOX2now.com

Good video @ link.

Assholes called the cops on a shoplifter! How dare they don't share the wealth!
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- A few thousand people crammed a suburban St. Louis street Sunday night at a vigil for an unarmed black man shot and killed by a police officer, while afterward several car windows were smashed and stores were looted as people carried away armloads of goods.


yupppp !! that is what jungle Bunnies do, you can take the Bunny from the jungle, but you can not take the jungle from the Bunny, what they did was a normal reaction to authority. :up:
now exactly when did the bundy supporters tear down and burn up a quick trip

steal an atm

loot hibbits the auto zone advance auto toys are us
The cop's statements vary significantly from what eyewitnesses have reported.
Are they more creditable in your eyes simply because they are black? You know that's racist, you must make Malcolm X proud!

I believe there's even some discrepancy between the police's own statements on the matter.
You mad a statement based on an assumption without merit! Maybe you should let some facts come out first!

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around an alleged shot INSIDE the car ending up with shooting down an unarmed kid 35 feet OUTSIDE the car.
I will admit that it does sound rather strange, but so did the Trayvon Martin case and that sloppy reporting was the culprit there. I will let the facts come out and story development. My guess is all the shots were fired in the car and he pointed the gun at the suspect outside the vehicle and that is when the little thug collapsed!

Some fancy footwork or something going on there.
Or some choppy journalism trying to stir the racially charged plot!

Yep, I'm wondering if a gunshot inside a car would shatter a glass or two.
Maybe the cop shit upwards and hit the ceiling. He was obviously a great according to reports he fired 20 rounds reloaded and fired 20 more with each hitting the little thug in the chest, oh wait I mean back, as the racist cop scream "die N####R die!:"

If the victim actually went for his gun, did he get his hands on the actual weapon, the holster? Where are his prints?

Even without video or audio of that particular instant there should be able to get to the bottom of that allegation fairly easily.
The facts will come out! They always do in the end. It's just a matter of if they media will report them!

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