"Kill the police!"

This is the buzz.

Eighteen year old Mike Brown was observed by the staff of the QuikTrip shoplifting.

QuikTrip management called the police...this was the reason the Ferguson Police officer initially made contact with Brown.

If this is true, it would make a lot more sense as to why the officer would attempt to detain Brown in the first place.

This is also why the QuikTrip was ground zero of the riot, the first to be looted and burned. Evidently they are culpable for the shooting because they reported the crime to the police.
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Nothing like rioting and stealing to show displeasure of a death of a black guy. I know I know..hauling those tires out of the broken window of the tire store HELPS one deal with the sadness of it all. And that tv set will assist when depression hits of....(what was his name again?)...the death of such a promising young man. Let's take the kids out and show them how to express emotions..find a big picture window made of glass, have a brick in yer hand, locate a really cool store! And if the store owner happens to be black? Meh. Not our problem. LOOT IT.

Eye roll.
Robbing the quick trip...that would be a shocking development....if so the poor, innocent little tyke was lucky the owner/mgr didn't shoot it...
Won't be long now, and ANARCHY will rule this country.

Thanks, Barack.

Just like the poor white trash after the Civil War -- it was all the black man's fault, eh?

Only this time, you can't dress up in sheets, ride over to his house and drag him outside... because the sharpshooters on top of his White House would take you out before you crossed the lawn.

Sucks to be you.
This is the buzz.

Eighteen year old Mike Brown was observed by the staff of the QuikTrip shoplifting.

QuikTrip management called the police...this was the reason the Ferguson Police officer initially made contact with Brown.

If this is true, it would make a lot more sense as to why the officer would attempt to detain Brown in the first place.

This is also why the QuikTrip was ground zero of the riot, the first to be looted and burned. Evidently they are culpable for the shooting because they reported the crime to the police.

Yeah. Thus, the reason why law-abiding Americans need to buy themselves a gun.
Won't be long now, and ANARCHY will rule this country.

Thanks, Barack.

Just like the poor white trash after the Civil War -- it was all the black man's fault, eh?

Only this time, you can't dress up in sheets, ride over to his house and drag him outside... because the sharpshooters on top of his White House would take you out before you crossed the lawn.

Sucks to be you.

Hate to say it but the actions of these inner city ganstas keep the "white sheeters" alive and well.
We really don't know what happened. I hope the black folks are right though because the Polizei in this country are increasingly out of control.

No cameras in the police car? What is this Mayberry?
Won't be long now, and ANARCHY will rule this country.

Thanks, Barack.

Just like the poor white trash after the Civil War -- it was all the black man's fault, eh?

Only this time, you can't dress up in sheets, ride over to his house and drag him outside... because the sharpshooters on top of his White House would take you out before you crossed the lawn.

Sucks to be you.

You really are stupid.
I will bet everything I own that the manpig shooter was white, and his vyctym was African-American. This is almost certainly an act of extreme racist violence by whites against African-Americans.

It's the Trayvonocaust all over again. Hopefully this time, justice will be served to the perpetrator.

But it wouldn't have been "racist" if the white cop had allowed the black criminal to kill him?

Correct! There's hope for you after all, conservatard. Maybe some day you'll become an enlightened lybyryl dedicated to equality, just like me.

:lol:.....oh geezus... you are even worse than your boyfriend Dean.....
For immediate release

August 11, 2014

Gov. Nixon asks U.S. Department of Justice for an independent investigation of fatal shooting in Ferguson

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Gov. Jay Nixon today announced that he has requested that the U.S. Department of Justice conduct an independent investigation of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, Mo. on Saturday.

“This morning, I notified St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley that I would be making a formal request to the U.S. Department of Justice to conduct an independent investigation into the fatal shooting in Ferguson this past Saturday,” Gov. Nixon said. “It is vital that the facts about this case are gathered in a thorough, transparent and impartial manner, in which the public has complete confidence. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this tragic event, and I ask St. Louis County residents to exercise patience and respect for their neighbors as federal authorities work to get to the bottom of what happened through this comprehensive, independent review.”

Press Release: Gov. Nixon asks U.S. Department of Justice for an independent investigation of fatal shooting in Ferguson - The Missouri Times
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“Snitches Get Stitches” message spray painted on burned-out QuikTrip

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – An employee who was working the Quik Trip that was looted and burned told a terrifying story of survival. The 18 year old man didn’t want to be identified but he did say, “Terrifying very, very, terrifying. Madden says: tell me what was going through your mind. Worker: I thought I was going to die tonight, I really thought I was going to die tonight.

His mother added, “I’m very thankful that he’s alright.”

The worker said he was at the register when the looters rushed the store. He and his two fellow workers locked themselves in a back room. One signaled the company’s alarm system. They got a phone call telling them to stay put, that the police were on the way. But after ten or twenty minutes they decided it was best to escape, fortunately before the fire started.

The workers said, “One of the employees said we can get a way out of here and so we grabbed jackets to cover our uniform and we ran out of there, out the back door.”

He said when he got outside he could see the looters keeping police at bay. He was glad he did not stay put and he was told to do, “If we would have stayed put we would have died.”


?Snitches Get Stitches? message spray painted on burned-out QuikTrip | FOX2now.com

Good video @ link.
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There is absolutely no justification for this riot & looting within hours of the shooting. We are a nation of laws, not mob rule. These idiots destroyed their own neighborhood, harming business that had nothing to do with this shooting. I hope all the video helps convict every looter involved. The county prosecutor says all the faces he saw on the videos were repeat offenders who very familiar to him from the many times he has prosecuted them before. This event will help remove many criminal thugs from the street.
I heard he went for the officer's gun. If so, the officer was within his right to shoot.

Always overreacting.

That is the official report here. Young man went for officers gun. (what a dumb*aa)
There is absolutely no justification for this riot & looting within hours of the shooting. We are a nation of laws, not mob rule. These idiots destroyed their own neighborhood, harming business that had nothing to do with this shooting. I hope all the video helps convict every looter involved. The county prosecutor says all the faces he saw on the videos were repeat offenders who very familiar to him from the many times he has prosecuted them before. This event will help remove many criminal thugs from the street.

Dumb*ss looters, it's going to cost the taxpayers in the end. How's that for economic growth?
I heard he went for the officer's gun. If so, the officer was within his right to shoot.

Always overreacting.

That is the official report here. Young man went for officers gun. (what a dumb*aa)

Did the officer then have the authority to shoot him dead? I am not being sarcastic, I am just asking if he had the authority to do that?
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