‘Killing Jews Is Worship’ Ad Campaign Rolled Out On SF Muni Buses


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Oh boy, better get that manger scene out of the town square those things are real threats.

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) – A controversy has been re-ignited this week as ten new ads go up on San Francisco Muni buses containing quotes used by terrorists.

“Killing Jews is worship that draws us closer to Allah,” reads one of the ads, which has people debating the line between free speech and hate speech.

?Killing Jews Is Worship? Ad Campaign Rolled Out On SF Muni Buses « CBS San Francisco
This was her last SF MUNI campaign (back bus ad panel):


and this is how SF MUNI dealt with the controversy (front ad panel, same bus):

I don't see anything wrong with those adds. They describe Muslim fanatics perfectly.
Why is it saying Israel? It seems everytime these ad groups do something provocative it is tied to supporting Israel. When will US jews quit bringing this political bigotry to the US public? They always try in the dumbest ways to get support for Israel of course. Their whole demonization campaign is exactly for that. They don't care about Muslims, they care about Israel. I think they should stop whining.
I dont think these ads achieve what those who purchased them intend. It merely draws sympathy to Islam and brings Islamophobia into the public eye.
Why is it saying Israel? It seems everytime these ad groups do something provocative it is tied to supporting Israel. When will US jews quit bringing this political bigotry to the US public? They always try in the dumbest ways to get support for Israel of course. Their whole demonization campaign is exactly for that. They don't care about Muslims, they care about Israel. I think they should stop whining.

Israel will be around until the earth ceases to exist. Deal with it.
I dont think these ads achieve what those who purchased them intend. It merely draws sympathy to Islam and brings Islamophobia into the public eye.

False. The people that are sympathetic to Islam are so regardless of this. All this ad does is speak the truth.
I dont think these ads achieve what those who purchased them intend. It merely draws sympathy to Islam and brings Islamophobia into the public eye.

It's almost cartoonish how explicitly bigoted Pamela Geller is making herself out to be.

And it's revealing that so many anonymous people on message boards tend to eat her shit up.
Why is it saying Israel? It seems everytime these ad groups do something provocative it is tied to supporting Israel. When will US jews quit bringing this political bigotry to the US public? They always try in the dumbest ways to get support for Israel of course. Their whole demonization campaign is exactly for that. They don't care about Muslims, they care about Israel. I think they should stop whining.

Israel will be around until the earth ceases to exist. Deal with it.

Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.
Why is it saying Israel? It seems everytime these ad groups do something provocative it is tied to supporting Israel. When will US jews quit bringing this political bigotry to the US public? They always try in the dumbest ways to get support for Israel of course. Their whole demonization campaign is exactly for that. They don't care about Muslims, they care about Israel. I think they should stop whining.

Israel will be around until the earth ceases to exist. Deal with it.

Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

You'd be making quite a mistake if you think that Pamela Geller is representative of "US Jews" as a whole.
Why is it saying Israel? It seems everytime these ad groups do something provocative it is tied to supporting Israel. When will US jews quit bringing this political bigotry to the US public? They always try in the dumbest ways to get support for Israel of course. Their whole demonization campaign is exactly for that. They don't care about Muslims, they care about Israel. I think they should stop whining.

Israel will be around until the earth ceases to exist. Deal with it.

Where did anyone bring Israel's existence up? You overreacted guy. It's simple. US Jews should start behaving like the rest of the Americans instead of trying to create divisions between them.

Who are you to tell U.S. Jews what causes they can and cannot take up? It's obvious their support for Israel bothers you, but they're not going to stop because you don't like it.
Pamela Geller is not "US Jews" by any sane definition: nor are the people agreeing with the ads necessarily Jewish.

And the insinuation that Jewish citizens are in any way 'different' from the rest of US citizens is not a particularly reasonable one.

Of course I disagree with the ads, very strongly so - but not absolutely and completely. What I mean by that is this: There are bigots and extremists among Israelis and Palestinians, among Jews and Muslims. I object to those extremists. So YES - there indeed are some Palestinians who are 'savages', just as there are Israelis and members of any other group on the planet.

And yes, I object to US extremists most of all - regardless of the 'bent' of their extremism. The act of 'broad-brushing' is an offense against logic and reason, as well as against whatever group it targets.
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I don't see anything wrong with those adds. They describe Muslim fanatics perfectly.

I'm sure the KuKluxKlan would find a melding of minds with you and Pam.
The ancient stories maintain a such grip.


I'll be so glad when the internet is 100 years old.

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