Kim Davis Is Winning

Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
All she is doing is making a fool out of herself! Most conservatives who are against gay marriage say she needs to obey the law or step down. She hasn't stopped gay marriage in the least and has made the conservative movement look bigoted..

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Then they aren't conservatives they are RINO's like Trump/Bush/Rubio etc.
Well, she is doing this much. J. Roberts correctly anticipated a backlash amongst fundamentalist types. (Which further increases my suspicion he knew all along what Citizens Untied (-: would unleash, but that's another issue)

But, Davis blatant bigotry and refusal to accept even accommodation of her hypocritical religious beliefs will eventually marginalize the fundamenatlists even more in public opinion. Of course, that may make them more reactionary.
She hasn't been offered any accommodation. Telling clerks to illegally issue licenses in her name is criminal...and not an accommodation.
The accommodation is she can stay out of jail is she stays out of her deputies issuing licenses in accordance with the law.
And that's more than fair, considering.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

Problem is the decision after L v V was righteous.

This latest decision had an obviously flawed purpose......And even worse eventual outcome.

The ends don't always justify the means.

Marriage isn't the magical answer to the Gay agenda that has been advertised. It's only the beginning. As with the election of the first black doesn't erase the deep-rooted problems that exist.
In Loving, by 1967 the nation as a whole was disgusted with legal segregation and Miscegenation, but without the decision and the civil rights act, the laws probably would have remained for decades if not even today, because of racists running state govts.

Even without the court decision, same sex marriage was inevitable.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

Problem is the decision after L v V was righteous.

This latest decision had an obviously flawed purpose......And even worse eventual outcome.

The ends don't always justify the means.

Marriage isn't the magical answer to the Gay agenda that has been advertised. It's only the beginning. As with the election of the first black doesn't erase the deep-rooted problems that exist.
In Loving, by 1967 the nation as a whole was disgusted with legal segregation and Miscegenation, but without the decision and the civil rights act, the laws probably would have remained for decades if not even today, because of racists running state govts.

Even without the court decision, same sex marriage was inevitable.

Yup......The slow slide into degradation and mediocrity.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

Problem is the decision after L v V was righteous.

This latest decision had an obviously flawed purpose......And even worse eventual outcome.

The ends don't always justify the means.

Marriage isn't the magical answer to the Gay agenda that has been advertised. It's only the beginning. As with the election of the first black doesn't erase the deep-rooted problems that exist.
In Loving, by 1967 the nation as a whole was disgusted with legal segregation and Miscegenation, but without the decision and the civil rights act, the laws probably would have remained for decades if not even today, because of racists running state govts.

Even without the court decision, same sex marriage was inevitable.

Yup......The slow slide into degradation and mediocrity.
Nah, blacks and whites and such marrying has not been a negative, and there's no way to tie that a rise in divorce. Gays aren't going to bother anyone. But, the Court did not need to engage in social justice because the political system was not broken.
The gays of Rowan County are getting married. The war is over, but you bigots don't know it yet. You are so retarded, you are claiming victory! BWA-HA-HA-HA!


I still think the best way for you leftists to send a message is to shoot her down in the streets, as warning to others who might not obey without question.

The issue has nothing to do with "obeying without question," it has to do with following the law as an elected official, or resigning if unwilling to do so.
The gays of Rowan County are getting married. The war is over, but you bigots don't know it yet. You are so retarded, you are claiming victory! BWA-HA-HA-HA!


I still think the best way for you leftists to send a message is to shoot her down in the streets, as warning to others who might not obey without question.

The issue has nothing to do with "obeying without question," it has to do with following the law as an elected official, or resigning if unwilling to do so.
Or, how do we find a way to have a govt office function in compliance with law, while at the same time find a way to accommodate a sincere, albeit hypocritical, religious belief?
right now, it is written as a he/she application....the female shall apply for the license in her own county if under 18....type stuff..... well what if it is 2 females or two males how should the rules read?

The format for marriage licenses are issued by the Department for Libraries and Archives, they updated the form to "First Party" and "Second Party" right after the SCOTUS ruling.

Here is Ted getting blocked from the stage by Huckabee's aid. :lol:

The gist of the moronic article concerns 'winning' the Culture Wars, where the social right and Christian fundamentalists, as a consequence of their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and the rule of law, believe they've won a 'moral victory,' leading to a Constitutional 'amendment' rendering Obergefell void, or electing a republican as president who will then pack the Supreme Court with reactionary rightwing ideologues hostile to 14th Amendment jurisprudence, where Obergefell is 'overturned.'

I agree it's a moronic article.

If the dismal reports of the donations to Kim Davis's three accounts on crowdfunding sites reflect public sentiment, then the fundies are losing. There is no indication that her alleged supporters are reaching into their pockets to reward her unlawful activities.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

Problem is the decision after L v V was righteous.

This latest decision had an obviously flawed purpose......And even worse eventual outcome.

The ends don't always justify the means.

Marriage isn't the magical answer to the Gay agenda that has been advertised. It's only the beginning. As with the election of the first black doesn't erase the deep-rooted problems that exist.

Oh..."forcing" interracial marriage on a population 80% against it was good but "forcing" gay marriage on a population over 60% in support is bad.

Why exactly?
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

Problem is the decision after L v V was righteous.

It wasn't viewed by many as righteous at the time.

Many of the religious folks used the same arguments to decry the ruling - abomination, immoral, undermining future generations, sin against god, revolting...

Why did it take some 25 years after the ruling for more than half the country to approve of it?

Sometimes, things take time.

In 20 years from now, people will look back at this and realize how bigoted it was to deny gays and lesbians equal rights.

Just like we look back on that time in the 60's and prior.
Many of them were wrong.

We're talking apples and oranges here. Racist behavior isn't a staple of Christianity. It is a condition of all races....especially blacks in America.

When it comes to sin....totally different situation.

You sure? I'll bet at least 75% of the racist segregationists were Christians.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

Problem is the decision after L v V was righteous.

This latest decision had an obviously flawed purpose......And even worse eventual outcome.

The ends don't always justify the means.

Marriage isn't the magical answer to the Gay agenda that has been advertised. It's only the beginning. As with the election of the first black doesn't erase the deep-rooted problems that exist.
In Loving, by 1967 the nation as a whole was disgusted with legal segregation and Miscegenation, but without the decision and the civil rights act, the laws probably would have remained for decades if not even today, because of racists running state govts.

Even without the court decision, same sex marriage was inevitable.

Yup......The slow slide into degradation and mediocrity.

Scott v. Georgia (1869): "The amalgamation of the races is not only unnatural, but is always productive of deplorable results. Our daily observation shows us, that the offspring of these unnatural connections are generally sickly and effeminate [...]They are productive of evil, and evil only, without any corresponding good."

Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1924: The law's stated purpose was to prevent "abominable mixture and spurious issue." It "forbade miscegenation on the grounds that racial mixing was scientifically unsound and would 'pollute' America with mixed-blood offspring."

Senator James R. Doolittle (D-WI), 1863: "By the laws of Massachusetts intermarriages between these races are forbidden as criminal. Why forbidden? Simply because natural instinct revolts at it as wrong."

Scott v. Sandford (1857), Chief Justice Taney: "Intermarriages between white persons and negroes or mulattoes were regarded as unnatural and immoral."

Lonas v. State (1871): Attorneys argued that intermarriage was "distasteful to our people, and unfit to produce the human race in any of the types in which it was created." Tennessee's court agreed, saying that "any effort to intermerge the individuality of the races as a calamity full of the saddest and gloomiest portent to the generations that are to come after us."

From a submitted briefing to the Court on Loving v. Virginia: "I believe that the tendency to classify all persons who oppose [this type of relationship] as 'prejudiced' is in itself a prejudice," a psychologist said. "Nothing of any significance is gained by such a marriage."
Well, she's definitely winning in a couple of ways.

First, the way our culture is now, she could quit her job tomorrow, go on a speaking tour and make Palinesque money.

Second, she's got "the base" all fired up, so she'll always have her fans and jobs if she needs them.

At this point, I don't think she's winning. Too many people view her as a hypocrite and a country bumpkin. An adulteress on her fourth marriage should not be casting stones at others. She'll probably be less successful than "Joe the Plumber".
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
The issue has nothing to do with 'the left,' just as it has nothing to do with 'religious freedom.'
Yes it has EVERYTHING to do with religious freedom.

It has nothing to do with religious freedom because in this case religious freedom doesn't apply.
Yes it does. Her religious rights are being trampled on but I am not going to waste my breathe or time typing to explain it to someone who already has his mind made up.

Why stop now? Just copy and paste something you already typed a thousand times. :)
Well, she's definitely winning in a couple of ways.

First, the way our culture is now, she could quit her job tomorrow, go on a speaking tour and make Palinesque money.

Second, she's got "the base" all fired up, so she'll always have her fans and jobs if she needs them.

At this point, I don't think she's winning. Too many people view her as a hypocrite and a country bumpkin. An adulteress on her fourth marriage should not be casting stones at others. She'll probably be less successful than "Joe the Plumber".
Her whole argument is thin. She could have just allowed a subordinate to perform the services. This is taxpayer money and required public services, not a freakin' cake shop.
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
Are gay people getting married in Rowan County, Kentucky?

They are.

She lost.
Without her signature and since she is the ELECTED OFFICIAL it must have that to be legally recognized even the thug in the robe acknowledged that...

The deputy clerks in that office had her authority to issue the marriage licenses and to record them upon their return to the office after the marriages were solemnized. Her signature is not necessary. She was enjoined by the court from interfering with her deputy clerks. Both the State Attorney General and the County Attorney are on record stating the licenses issued by the deputy clerks are valid. The only people who have standing to challenge the validity of the marriages, which were licensed and recorded, are the parties to the marriage.
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
Are gay people getting married in Rowan County, Kentucky?

They are.

She lost.
Without her signature and since she is the ELECTED OFFICIAL it must have that to be legally recognized even the thug in the robe acknowledged that...
It's all over but the crying.

She lost.
"Later, Mr. Mason said he would continue to issue licenses, even if Ms. Davis ordered him to stop."

That will keep her out of jail, if she leaves him alone, but I doubt she's that smart eh?

We'll see if there's any bite that goes along with her bark. If she bares her teeth even a little, the judge will be informed. She either slinks into obscurity or goes back to jail.

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