Kim Davis Is Winning

Kim Davis will endorse a man marrying his fourth wife, but won't let a woman marry her first.

Rank hypocrisy.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

A History Lesson for the Kentucky Clerk Refusing to Grant Marriage Licenses | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I missed that thread. Looks like a good one.

Off to go read it.

ETA: Well that didn't take long. Connies avoided the thread like the plague.
Most conservatives aren't interested in facts that conflict with their errant dogma.
The gays of Rowan County are getting married. The war is over, but you bigots don't know it yet. You are so retarded, you are claiming victory! BWA-HA-HA-HA!


I still think the best way for you leftists to send a message is to shoot her down in the streets, as warning to others who might not obey without question.
I'm sure that is your masturbatory fantasy which you have somehow conflated with reality in order to convince yourself that is what gays are like.

But you should know that is just the voices in your head talking.

All they want is a job, a marriage, a roof over their heads, food on the table, and family. Just like everyone else.

Bigots like you have stood in their way for centuries, and now you act all offended at their anger. "SEE? SEE?"

You WANT them to get violent to justify your bigotry and ignorance. You can feel you have lost the war and are projecting your own desire to start lynching people.
No, she is saying any licenses authorized without her consent are invalid. It's in the OP link, for God's sake! (-: And if she sticks with that, she goes back to jail.

I think you should send a squad in rainbow khakis, emblazoned with the Obama logo, to drag her out into the streets and machine gun her.

Let America learn the price of defiance of our homosexual masters. :thup:
This is the second time I've seen you suggest violence against Kim Davis.
I read the Bible every day. You?

Before or after your reading of Che'?

I have read the Bible, but as an agnostic have no desire to read it everyday.

Do you condemn all people who divorce, of only those targeted by the Soros hate sites as enemies of the party?

Oh, are you not a fornicator? Doesn't the Old Testament hold fornication equal to adultery, Mr. Hypocrite?
The gays of Rowan County are getting married. The war is over, but you bigots don't know it yet. You are so retarded, you are claiming victory! BWA-HA-HA-HA!


I still think the best way for you leftists to send a message is to shoot her down in the streets, as warning to others who might not obey without question.
Third time I've seen you suggest violence against Kim Davis.
Here's a lovely couple to really get the bigot blood boiling.

Interracial AND gay!

The gays of Rowan County are getting married. The war is over, but you bigots don't know it yet. You are so retarded, you are claiming victory! BWA-HA-HA-HA!


I still think the best way for you leftists to send a message is to shoot her down in the streets, as warning to others who might not obey without question.
Third time I've seen you suggest violence against Kim Davis.
Yep. He's losing it. As always.
It's like forging a check to issue them in her name despite her assertion that she refuses to endorse sacrilege.
The hypocrite has been endorsing sacrilege every single day for years.

Looks like her first three husbands might be in the clear?

She is not in the clear for signing the marriage licenses of people who have been divorced. She is literally endorsing adultery, a Top Ten sin, every day.

Every single day.
But she doesn't view that as sacrilege. See your twisted understanding means nothing. You don't get to dictate religion to others. Which is where this begins and ends.
So...cafeteria chris
This is the second time I've seen you suggest violence against Kim Davis.

Let your inner Pol Pot out, you know you want to!

You're taking political prisoners now, murder of the opposition is a small step, one you leftists ALWAYS end up taking, so get moving.
Actually you seem to know what I least in your violent fantasies.
Actually you seem to know what I least in your violent fantasies.

Yeah, all that hate you spew doesn't mean anything... :thup:
"All that hate" You've got some examples, I'm sure. I remember you accusing me of never saying anything negative about muslims just the other day....I posted some links and you disappeared. Why is that?

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