Kim Davis Is Winning

You realize that the people who are passively resisting bad law

No. Davis is "resisting" the obligations of her role as a government official, because she hates the fact that some people have a constitutionally protected right to marry. She is refusing to honor people's constitutionally protected rights.
There's no constitutional right that states fags can force Christians to endorse sacrilege. All she wants is her name removed. Fags won't win this one. Though it looks like winterfag and some of the others are going to join the Westboro Baptists. That would be all sorts of entertaining.

Gay people have a right to get married. Straight people have a right to get married. Nobody is forcing anyone else to "endorse" any of it. But the government does not have a right to prevent gay people from getting married, nor a right to prevent straight people from getting married simply out of spite for gay people having that same right. Nobody is forcing Kim Davis to endorse anything. She is expected to issue the legal paperwork, and nothing more. If she finds that impossible, she can resign. Being county clerk is not a constitutionally protected right.

It's kinda like you being alive. I don't endorse it. But I don't have a right to stop it either, even though my personal religious beliefs are that stupidity is a sacrilege.
When you put people in jail because they want their name removed from a license....that's force. Obviously you're too stupid to engage in this conversation.
You realize that the people who are passively resisting bad law

No. Davis is "resisting" the obligations of her role as a government official, because she hates the fact that some people have a constitutionally protected right to marry. She is refusing to honor people's constitutionally protected rights.
There's no constitutional right that states fags can force Christians to endorse sacrilege. All she wants is her name removed. Fags won't win this one. Though it looks like winterfag and some of the others are going to join the Westboro Baptists. That would be all sorts of entertaining.

I have stated from the beginning I think they should remove her name from the licences. I find it hysterical she believes that her name on that licence is somehow an endorsement though. Using her standard, she has endorsed every single marriage/divorce that has come through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. She is just some full of shit wannabe martyr with an ax to grind when it comes to gays, just like you.
No, she believes homo marriage is sacrilege. Whether you agree and what you believe is immaterial.

You have it twisted again, what she believes is immaterial to the law. She still has endorsed every single marriage and divorce that comes through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. Apparently those are cool but when it is the queers...

Please. She is a Charlatan and nothing more.
The legislature should have rewritten their marriage license laws....
they neglected to do such after the Supreme court Ruling....

right now, it is written as a he/she application....the female shall apply for the license in her own county if under 18....type stuff..... well what if it is 2 females or two males how should the rules read?

the Kentucky legislature had time before they left for vacation to correct these rules and instructions for the county clerks, but they CHOSE not to, and high tailed it out of town....

so in my opinion, the legislature put Kim or any county clerk in her position where she or he religiously objected, in this position.

she could have been accommodated, and those wanting licenses could have been too with a few minor rule changes by the legislature.
You realize that the people who are passively resisting bad law

No. Davis is "resisting" the obligations of her role as a government official, because she hates the fact that some people have a constitutionally protected right to marry. She is refusing to honor people's constitutionally protected rights.
There's no constitutional right that states fags can force Christians to endorse sacrilege. All she wants is her name removed. Fags won't win this one. Though it looks like winterfag and some of the others are going to join the Westboro Baptists. That would be all sorts of entertaining.

I have stated from the beginning I think they should remove her name from the licences. I find it hysterical she believes that her name on that licence is somehow an endorsement though. Using her standard, she has endorsed every single marriage/divorce that has come through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. She is just some full of shit wannabe martyr with an ax to grind when it comes to gays, just like you.
No, she believes homo marriage is sacrilege. Whether you agree and what you believe is immaterial.

You have it twisted again, what she believes is immaterial to the law. She still has endorsed every single marriage and divorce that comes through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. Apparently those are cool but when it is the queers...

Please. She is a Charlatan and nothing more.
She's the court administrator. Again, your ignorance of the law, the constitution and court administration are really apparent and you sound like an idiot on this subject because of it.
And licenses issued in her name when she has established they are done without her authorization are, indeed, invalid. This is where the rubber meets the road for fascist know-nothings. Read up on administrative law. Educate yourself.

LOL Gayper marriage is pretty much invalid anyway, pretend is all
I bet you were hoping I didn't see you telling me I was stupid for thinking those Nazis and rednecks were Christians before you deleted your retarded post, weren't you.

I guess you finally noticed those crosses they carry and wear. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

That's the kind of people you are running with. That should tell you something, little miss "gayper marriage".
You realize that the people who are passively resisting bad law

No. Davis is "resisting" the obligations of her role as a government official, because she hates the fact that some people have a constitutionally protected right to marry. She is refusing to honor people's constitutionally protected rights.
There's no constitutional right that states fags can force Christians to endorse sacrilege. All she wants is her name removed. Fags won't win this one. Though it looks like winterfag and some of the others are going to join the Westboro Baptists. That would be all sorts of entertaining.

Gay people have a right to get married. Straight people have a right to get married. Nobody is forcing anyone else to "endorse" any of it. But the government does not have a right to prevent gay people from getting married, nor a right to prevent straight people from getting married simply out of spite for gay people having that same right. Nobody is forcing Kim Davis to endorse anything. She is expected to issue the legal paperwork, and nothing more. If she finds that impossible, she can resign. Being county clerk is not a constitutionally protected right.

It's kinda like you being alive. I don't endorse it. But I don't have a right to stop it either, even though my personal religious beliefs are that stupidity is a sacrilege.
When you put people in jail because they want their name removed from a license....that's force. Obviously you're too stupid to engage in this conversation. don't get to change the historical facts. She refused to hand out licenses and threatened her workers with being fired if they issued them. Why are you lying about what really happened? She's not the victim, except maybe of her own mis-guided beliefs.....that she forced onto others.
Kim Davis will gladly endorse your adultery in exchange for a paycheck.

You pseudo-Christians really, really don't want to think about that, do you.

Willfully blind monkeys.

And licenses issued in her name when she has established they are done without her authorization are, indeed, invalid. This is where the rubber meets the road for fascist know-nothings. Read up on administrative law. Educate yourself.

As someone so educated, I can assure you that they are valid. As County Clerk, she has deputies who are authorized to conduct official duties in her absence. This authorization is not micro-manageable. That is to say, once they are deputized those individuals have the authority to exercise those official duties without requiring direct approval for individual situations. Inasmuch as the issuance of the license constitutes a legal action by the office of the County Clerk, the issuance of such licenses by Davis' deputies are lawful.

That Davis became incapacitated to perform her duties as County Clerk (due to being incarcerated for contempt of court) at the time the licenses were issued lends further support for the legality of her deputies issuing the licenses. The obligations of the office would naturally and necessarily fall to her deputies in her absence.
No. Davis is "resisting" the obligations of her role as a government official, because she hates the fact that some people have a constitutionally protected right to marry. She is refusing to honor people's constitutionally protected rights.
There's no constitutional right that states fags can force Christians to endorse sacrilege. All she wants is her name removed. Fags won't win this one. Though it looks like winterfag and some of the others are going to join the Westboro Baptists. That would be all sorts of entertaining.

I have stated from the beginning I think they should remove her name from the licences. I find it hysterical she believes that her name on that licence is somehow an endorsement though. Using her standard, she has endorsed every single marriage/divorce that has come through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. She is just some full of shit wannabe martyr with an ax to grind when it comes to gays, just like you.
No, she believes homo marriage is sacrilege. Whether you agree and what you believe is immaterial.

You have it twisted again, what she believes is immaterial to the law. She still has endorsed every single marriage and divorce that comes through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. Apparently those are cool but when it is the queers...

Please. She is a Charlatan and nothing more.
She's the court administrator. Again, your ignorance of the law, the constitution and court administration are really apparent and you sound like an idiot on this subject because of it.


I do enjoy the sweeter ironies in life.
There's no constitutional right that states fags can force Christians to endorse sacrilege. All she wants is her name removed. Fags won't win this one. Though it looks like winterfag and some of the others are going to join the Westboro Baptists. That would be all sorts of entertaining.

I have stated from the beginning I think they should remove her name from the licences. I find it hysterical she believes that her name on that licence is somehow an endorsement though. Using her standard, she has endorsed every single marriage/divorce that has come through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. She is just some full of shit wannabe martyr with an ax to grind when it comes to gays, just like you.
No, she believes homo marriage is sacrilege. Whether you agree and what you believe is immaterial.

You have it twisted again, what she believes is immaterial to the law. She still has endorsed every single marriage and divorce that comes through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. Apparently those are cool but when it is the queers...

Please. She is a Charlatan and nothing more.
She's the court administrator. Again, your ignorance of the law, the constitution and court administration are really apparent and you sound like an idiot on this subject because of it.


I do enjoy the sweeter ironies in life.
It's too bad she is too stupid to realize how hilarious her posts are.

Dunning–Kruger effect

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein relatively unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate.
No. Davis is "resisting" the obligations of her role as a government official, because she hates the fact that some people have a constitutionally protected right to marry. She is refusing to honor people's constitutionally protected rights.
There's no constitutional right that states fags can force Christians to endorse sacrilege. All she wants is her name removed. Fags won't win this one. Though it looks like winterfag and some of the others are going to join the Westboro Baptists. That would be all sorts of entertaining.

I have stated from the beginning I think they should remove her name from the licences. I find it hysterical she believes that her name on that licence is somehow an endorsement though. Using her standard, she has endorsed every single marriage/divorce that has come through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. She is just some full of shit wannabe martyr with an ax to grind when it comes to gays, just like you.
No, she believes homo marriage is sacrilege. Whether you agree and what you believe is immaterial.

You have it twisted again, what she believes is immaterial to the law. She still has endorsed every single marriage and divorce that comes through office whether it was Biblically sanctioned or not. Apparently those are cool but when it is the queers...

Please. She is a Charlatan and nothing more.
She's the court administrator. Again, your ignorance of the law, the constitution and court administration are really apparent and you sound like an idiot on this subject because of it.
Doesn't matter what you "think" or believe. What you personally think or believe has No bearing on the law of the land, which has been settled. The entire fundy outrage and stunts are just a side show

A tip for Kentucky clerk: Your conscience is your own. Our laws are not

Today's winner of the ass-backward award goes to Roger Gannam, an attorney who represents the Kentucky clerk who was jailed yesterday for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

This case is straightforward. The law on gay marriage is settled. The clerk, Kim Davis of Rowan County, is defying a court order and refusing to follow the law.

Here what Gannam said about the case: "Today, for the first time in history, an American citizen has been incarcerated for having the belief of conscience that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. And she's been ordered to stay there until she's willing to change her mind, until she's willing to change her conscience about what belief is."

Excuse me, but the judge said nothing of the sort. Davis is free to believe whatever she wants in her own heart. She can hate gays. She can hate blacks. She can hate Mexicans. And the judge is not asking her to change her mind one bit.

This is America, after all, a land where you are free to hate anyone you want.

What you are not free to do is to use the machinery of government to impose those hateful beliefs on the rest of us. That is why Davis is in jail.

A tip for Kentucky clerk: Your conscience is your own. Our laws are not. | Moran
When you put people in jail because they want their name removed from a license....that's force.

You're right, that would be force. If that ever happens, we'll talk about it at that time. Right now, we're discussing Kim Davis. She was arrested for contempt of court, for refusing to comply with a court order to stop abusing her government position to infringe on the constitutionally protected rights of the people.
No, she is saying any licenses authorized without her consent are invalid. It's in the OP link, for God's sake! (-: And if she sticks with that, she goes back to jail.

I think you should send a squad in rainbow khakis, emblazoned with the Obama logo, to drag her out into the streets and machine gun her.

Let America learn the price of defiance of our homosexual masters. :thup:
No, she is saying any licenses authorized without her consent are invalid. It's in the OP link, for God's sake! (-: And if she sticks with that, she goes back to jail.

I think you should send a squad in rainbow khakis, emblazoned with the Obama logo, to drag her out into the streets and machine gun her.

Let America learn the price of defiance of our homosexual masters. :thup:
The gays of Rowan County are getting married. The war is over, but you bigots don't know it yet. You are so retarded, you are claiming victory! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

And what did Jesus himself say:

Mark 10:10In the house the disciples began questioning Him about this again. 11And He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her; 12and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery."

Poor Kim, the three-time adulterer, and that was just during the wedding vows...

I see the hate sites have suddenly spawned a bunch of Bible scholars...


You mindless fools all spew the same lines, which you read off of KOS and the other hate sites...
The gays of Rowan County are getting married. The war is over, but you bigots don't know it yet. You are so retarded, you are claiming victory! BWA-HA-HA-HA!


I still think the best way for you leftists to send a message is to shoot her down in the streets, as warning to others who might not obey without question.

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