Kim Davis Is Winning

You can get married in your Church and you can ban gays from getting married in your Church.

What do you need the state's approval of your marriage for?

You need it for the state's cash and prizes they give out to marriages. And that has NOTHING to do with religion.

Your hypocrisy has done a total mind fuck on yourselves. You had to normalize adultery so you could keep getting those State cash and prizes after you left the Bible's reservation.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
That's the thing that sort of occurred to me. Davis may not be so bigoted that she thinks marriage by a liberal episcopal church or a catholic church would be invalid. But there are wiccans, for example, who are ordained

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It's like forging a check to issue them in her name despite her assertion that she refuses to endorse sacrilege.
The hypocrite has been endorsing sacrilege every single day for years.

Looks like her first three husbands might be in the clear?

She is not in the clear for signing the marriage licenses of people who have been divorced. She is literally endorsing adultery, a Top Ten sin, every day.

Every single day.
But she doesn't view that as sacrilege. See your twisted understanding means nothing. You don't get to dictate religion to others. Which is where this begins and ends.
There is nothing twisted in my understanding. The language is quite plain.

I'm sorry to shove your hypocrisy, and Kim Davis's, so forcefully into your face.

You don't get to pick which parts of Jesus's teaching you will follow and which you will ignore. He sure as shit isn't going to see it that way.
And what did Jesus himself say:

Mark 10:10In the house the disciples began questioning Him about this again. 11And He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her; 12and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery."

Poor Kim, the three-time adulterer, and that was just during the wedding vows...
It's legal to not endorse sacrilege.

Then why does she literally endorse adultery?
She obviously doesn't view it as sacrilege. Though honestly, if you're implying that the fact that she's been married repeatedly means she endorses adultery, you're way off. Many Christians come to Jesus late in life. That doesn't mean they must commit sacrilege when faggots target them.

I read that she was a Baptist before her switch over to this Apostolic Christian Church. Are Baptist also Cafeteria "pick-n-choose" Christians?

And it's all she asked for from the beginning. Reasonable accommodation.
No, her position is still that no licenses issue without her signature, and she says she only signs for adulters and not sodomizers. If she continues with that, I figure she goes back to the pokey.
Actually, you are wrong. She has said consistently that all she wants is her name off the license. Having her name on the license but issued by other people against her wishes is not only illegal (though offered by the activist judge as a solution) also means the licenses aren't valid.
Why then is she saying licenses not bearing her signature are invalid?

Davis, who plans to return to work on Monday, said any marriage licenses issued without her authority are not valid. Deputy Clerk Brian Mason said Wednesday that if he has to, he will disobey his boss and continue issuing licenses rather than refuse the orders of U.S. District Judge David Bunning.

In Kentucky, a clerk disrupts an unspoken agreement
They aren't valid because her name on them establishes that she endorses them. She does not endorse them. So her name needs to be removed.
No, she is saying any licenses authorized without her consent are invalid. It's in the OP link, for God's sake! (-: And if she sticks with that, she goes back to jail.
She's saying any license BEARING HER NAME and issued without her consent is invalid. Which they are.
No, her position is still that no licenses issue without her signature, and she says she only signs for adulters and not sodomizers. If she continues with that, I figure she goes back to the pokey.
Actually, you are wrong. She has said consistently that all she wants is her name off the license. Having her name on the license but issued by other people against her wishes is not only illegal (though offered by the activist judge as a solution) also means the licenses aren't valid.
Why then is she saying licenses not bearing her signature are invalid?

Davis, who plans to return to work on Monday, said any marriage licenses issued without her authority are not valid. Deputy Clerk Brian Mason said Wednesday that if he has to, he will disobey his boss and continue issuing licenses rather than refuse the orders of U.S. District Judge David Bunning.

In Kentucky, a clerk disrupts an unspoken agreement
They aren't valid because her name on them establishes that she endorses them. She does not endorse them. So her name needs to be removed.
No, she is saying any licenses authorized without her consent are invalid. It's in the OP link, for God's sake! (-: And if she sticks with that, she goes back to jail.
She's saying any license BEARING HER NAME and issued without her consent is invalid. Which they are.
Not the ones when she was in jail. She was out out of the county, so others can do her job. That's the rule, even there.
In the Old Testament, God makes it very plain his opposition to divorce is total. Absolute. He will not tolerate it, period.

Moses eventually manages to wheedle God into allowing a divorce if your wife cheats on you.

In the New Testament, Jesus also makes it plain he and God are against divorce. Jesus reminds people that the exception for fucking around was only because of the people's whining, and if God had his druthers, he wouldn't even allow divorce for that.

Jesus also makes it plain that if you do get a divorce anyway, you cannot remarry, PERIOD. If you do, you are committing adultery.

The language is plain. It is unequivocal.

When Kim Davis signs a marriage license for someone who has been divorced, she is endorsing a direct violation of Matthew 19:9.

No ifs, ands, or buts.

The hypocrite has been endorsing sacrilege every single day for years.

Looks like her first three husbands might be in the clear?

She is not in the clear for signing the marriage licenses of people who have been divorced. She is literally endorsing adultery, a Top Ten sin, every day.

Every single day.
But she doesn't view that as sacrilege. See your twisted understanding means nothing. You don't get to dictate religion to others. Which is where this begins and ends.
There is nothing twisted in my understanding. The language is quite plain.

I'm sorry to shove your hypocrisy, and Kim Davis's, so forcefully into your face.

You don't get to pick which parts of Jesus's teaching you will follow and which you will ignore. He sure as shit isn't going to see it that way.
And what did Jesus himself say:

Mark 10:10In the house the disciples began questioning Him about this again. 11And He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her; 12and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery."

Poor Kim, the three-time adulterer, and that was just during the wedding vows...
Not your call. All good nazis believe sta
It's legal to not endorse sacrilege.

Then why does she literally endorse adultery?
She obviously doesn't view it as sacrilege. Though honestly, if you're implying that the fact that she's been married repeatedly means she endorses adultery, you're way off. Many Christians come to Jesus late in life. That doesn't mean they must commit sacrilege when faggots target them.

I read that she was a Baptist before her switch over to this Apostolic Christian Church. Are Baptist also Cafeteria "pick-n-choose" Christians?

You loons should start up a thread about that. And by all means, join Westboro Baptist if you agree with them.
The hypocrite has been endorsing sacrilege every single day for years.

Looks like her first three husbands might be in the clear?

She is not in the clear for signing the marriage licenses of people who have been divorced. She is literally endorsing adultery, a Top Ten sin, every day.

Every single day.
But she doesn't view that as sacrilege. See your twisted understanding means nothing. You don't get to dictate religion to others. Which is where this begins and ends.
There is nothing twisted in my understanding. The language is quite plain.

I'm sorry to shove your hypocrisy, and Kim Davis's, so forcefully into your face.

You don't get to pick which parts of Jesus's teaching you will follow and which you will ignore. He sure as shit isn't going to see it that way.
And what did Jesus himself say:

Mark 10:10In the house the disciples began questioning Him about this again. 11And He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her; 12and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery."

Poor Kim, the three-time adulterer, and that was just during the wedding vows...
Kim has the morals of this one, who also couldn't keep her legs crossed...
Kim Davis violates the law of God every time she endorses adultery, and she violated man's laws.

A twofer.

She actually ran for an office where she gets paid to endorse adultery!

And this is who "Christians" adore? Really?
Looks like her first three husbands might be in the clear?

She is not in the clear for signing the marriage licenses of people who have been divorced. She is literally endorsing adultery, a Top Ten sin, every day.

Every single day.
But she doesn't view that as sacrilege. See your twisted understanding means nothing. You don't get to dictate religion to others. Which is where this begins and ends.
There is nothing twisted in my understanding. The language is quite plain.

I'm sorry to shove your hypocrisy, and Kim Davis's, so forcefully into your face.

You don't get to pick which parts of Jesus's teaching you will follow and which you will ignore. He sure as shit isn't going to see it that way.
And what did Jesus himself say:

Mark 10:10In the house the disciples began questioning Him about this again. 11And He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her; 12and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery."

Poor Kim, the three-time adulterer, and that was just during the wedding vows...
Not your call. All good nazis believe sta
It's legal to not endorse sacrilege.

Then why does she literally endorse adultery?
She obviously doesn't view it as sacrilege. Though honestly, if you're implying that the fact that she's been married repeatedly means she endorses adultery, you're way off. Many Christians come to Jesus late in life. That doesn't mean they must commit sacrilege when faggots target them.

I read that she was a Baptist before her switch over to this Apostolic Christian Church. Are Baptist also Cafeteria "pick-n-choose" Christians?

You loons should start up a thread about that. And by all means, join Westboro Baptist if you agree with them.
I didn't call it, your Lord and Savior did. Now what?

He also said this:

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Luke 16:13
The only thing Kim Davis is winning is a special place in hell.
Kim Davis violates the law of God every time she endorses adultery, and she violated man's laws.

A twofer.

She actually ran for an office where she gets paid to endorse adultery!

And this is who "Christians" adore? Really?
The American Taliban like Kosher loves her, but no real Christian would. That's impossible. She's the Ashley Madison of living a Christian life...
You realize that the people who are passively resisting bad law

No. Davis is "resisting" the obligations of her role as a government official, because she hates the fact that some people have a constitutionally protected right to marry. She is refusing to honor people's constitutionally protected rights.
There's no constitutional right that states fags can force Christians to endorse sacrilege. All she wants is her name removed. Fags won't win this one. Though it looks like winterfag and some of the others are going to join the Westboro Baptists. That would be all sorts of entertaining.
Looks like her first three husbands might be in the clear?

She is not in the clear for signing the marriage licenses of people who have been divorced. She is literally endorsing adultery, a Top Ten sin, every day.

Every single day.
But she doesn't view that as sacrilege. See your twisted understanding means nothing. You don't get to dictate religion to others. Which is where this begins and ends.
There is nothing twisted in my understanding. The language is quite plain.

I'm sorry to shove your hypocrisy, and Kim Davis's, so forcefully into your face.

You don't get to pick which parts of Jesus's teaching you will follow and which you will ignore. He sure as shit isn't going to see it that way.
And what did Jesus himself say:

Mark 10:10In the house the disciples began questioning Him about this again. 11And He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her; 12and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery."

Poor Kim, the three-time adulterer, and that was just during the wedding vows...
Not your call. All good nazis believe sta
It's legal to not endorse sacrilege.

Then why does she literally endorse adultery?
She obviously doesn't view it as sacrilege. Though honestly, if you're implying that the fact that she's been married repeatedly means she endorses adultery, you're way off. Many Christians come to Jesus late in life. That doesn't mean they must commit sacrilege when faggots target them.

I read that she was a Baptist before her switch over to this Apostolic Christian Church. Are Baptist also Cafeteria "pick-n-choose" Christians?

You loons should start up a thread about that. And by all means, join Westboro Baptist if you agree with them.

I think it's hilarious that even Westboro sees her hypocrisy.
You realize that the people who are passively resisting bad law

No. Davis is "resisting" the obligations of her role as a government official, because she hates the fact that some people have a constitutionally protected right to marry. She is refusing to honor people's constitutionally protected rights.
There's no constitutional right that states fags can force Christians to endorse sacrilege. All she wants is her name removed. Fags won't win this one. Though it looks like winterfag and some of the others are going to join the Westboro Baptists. That would be all sorts of entertaining.
By law, the state doesn't care what is sacred or not. We are, in your mind, the devil then and she works for us. You need to move to a country that does care about what is sacred, like Saudi Arabia...
Well, she is doing this much. J. Roberts correctly anticipated a backlash amongst fundamentalist types. (Which further increases my suspicion he knew all along what Citizens Untied (-: would unleash, but that's another issue)

But, Davis blatant bigotry and refusal to accept even accommodation of her hypocritical religious beliefs will eventually marginalize the fundamenatlists even more in public opinion. Of course, that may make them more reactionary.
Well, she is doing this much. J. Roberts correctly anticipated a backlash amongst fundamentalist types. (Which further increases my suspicion he knew all along what Citizens Untied (-: would unleash, but that's another issue)

But, Davis blatant bigotry and refusal to accept even accommodation of her hypocritical religious beliefs will eventually marginalize the fundamenatlists even more in public opinion. Of course, that may make them more reactionary.
They are welcome to a state or two, that we will then wall off to keep the rest of us safe from them...
Well, she is doing this much. J. Roberts correctly anticipated a backlash amongst fundamentalist types. (Which further increases my suspicion he knew all along what Citizens Untied (-: would unleash, but that's another issue)

But, Davis blatant bigotry and refusal to accept even accommodation of her hypocritical religious beliefs will eventually marginalize the fundamenatlists even more in public opinion. Of course, that may make them more reactionary.
She hasn't been offered any accommodation. Telling clerks to illegally issue licenses in her name is criminal...and not an accommodation.

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