Kim Davis Is Winning

hmmm, KG finds Christians use terms like faggot. hmmmm.
Every time she says that, a christian bigot gets his wings.

I thought it was his horns (and pitchfork) ...

Well, she is doing this much. J. Roberts correctly anticipated a backlash amongst fundamentalist types. (Which further increases my suspicion he knew all along what Citizens Untied (-: would unleash, but that's another issue)

But, Davis blatant bigotry and refusal to accept even accommodation of her hypocritical religious beliefs will eventually marginalize the fundamenatlists even more in public opinion. Of course, that may make them more reactionary.
She hasn't been offered any accommodation. Telling clerks to illegally issue licenses in her name is criminal...and not an accommodation.
The accommodation is she can stay out of jail is she stays out of her deputies issuing licenses in accordance with the law.
It's not in accordance with the law. That's where your ignorance is exposed. The amazing thing is not only are you ignorant about what a court admins position entails...but you also seem to think judges are authorized to change the law arbitrarily. What a statist lemming you are.

You hate Christians with venom drooling from you. In thes "links" you condemn Christians, with a passing nod to "Islam does it too."

Nowhere do you actually condemn Islam or spew the kind of hatred you regularly spew at Christians.

The closest you got was with;

Assholes.....terrified of the modern world. And of their own people becoming educated. About as ultra-conservative in their culture as they can get.

About Muzzie Beasts throwing acid in the faces of girls, and even here you had to couch it in a slam against conservatism. Even with something that horrific you couldn't straight out admit that Islam is a brutal religion that engages in routine violence. you will ignore my posts. I'm not surprised at all. Islam and Christianity are two sides of the same religious coin. You cry I insult Christianity yet when I use the same language for Islam, you accuse me of "supporting" it. You must be bi-polar.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

Problem is the decision after L v V was righteous.

This latest decision had an obviously flawed purpose......And even worse eventual outcome.

The ends don't always justify the means.

Marriage isn't the magical answer to the Gay agenda that has been advertised. It's only the beginning. As with the election of the first black doesn't erase the deep-rooted problems that exist.

Oh..."forcing" interracial marriage on a population 80% against it was good but "forcing" gay marriage on a population over 60% in support is bad.

Why exactly?
Because History is giving Birther 20/20 vision on whether interracial marriage is good or not (plus a little personal interest).
Well, she's definitely winning in a couple of ways.

First, the way our culture is now, she could quit her job tomorrow, go on a speaking tour and make Palinesque money.

Second, she's got "the base" all fired up, so she'll always have her fans and jobs if she needs them.

At this point, I don't think she's winning. Too many people view her as a hypocrite and a country bumpkin. An adulteress on her fourth marriage should not be casting stones at others. She'll probably be less successful than "Joe the Plumber".
How many saw that husband standing up there and went "holy moley!"
Who is the boss over the County Clerks, the governor?

Can the governor have his legislature return from break to address modifying their laws?

Has anyone at all from the Kentucky Legislature, the Senate or the House spoken up about what has been going on?
Who is the boss over the County Clerks, the governor?

Can the governor have his legislature return from break to address modifying their laws?

Has anyone at all from the Kentucky Legislature, the Senate or the House spoken up about what has been going on?
The governor is a Catholic, he is trying to annul Kim Davis's 2nd, 3rd and 4th marriages because, based on his Catholic teaching, the divorce from the first husband is not recognized.
Also many in Kentucky are trying to have Kim Davis impeached because she fornicated while not married. She even became pregnant by a man that was not her husband.
There is a Go fund Me account to send Kim Davis to the same sinners rehab that Josh Duggar is at.
Who is the boss over the County Clerks, the governor?

In a way yes.

Can the governor have his legislature return from break to address modifying their laws?

Yes, but it incurs great expense to call the Legislature back into session and he decided not to do so.

Has anyone at all from the Kentucky Legislature, the Senate or the House spoken up about what has been going on?


IIRC the President of the State Senate submitted a request to the Federal Judge to delay action until next year for the Legislature to meet. The Judge said no since citizens were being denied now.

But since they are not in session there can't pass any new law.

It's not in accordance with the law. That's where your ignorance is exposed. The amazing thing is not only are you ignorant about what a court admins position entails...but you also seem to think judges are authorized to change the law arbitrarily. What a statist lemming you are.

yargif.gif you will ignore my posts.

And by "ignore" you mean quote and analyze...


I'm not surprised at all. Islam and Christianity are two sides of the same religious coin. You cry I insult Christianity yet when I use the same language for Islam, you accuse me of "supporting" it. You must be bi-polar.


First off, Christianity a thousand years ago was where Islam is today. But the fact remains that you DON'T use the "same language." You are not quite Guano, but can get pretty close with your anti-Christian bigotry.
Who is the boss over the County Clerks, the governor?

Can the governor have his legislature return from break to address modifying their laws?

Has anyone at all from the Kentucky Legislature, the Senate or the House spoken up about what has been going on?

I would think it would be the county board of supervisors.

I suspect that the reason they don't get involved is simply because the voters support Davis. If they go after her, they will be voted out the next election.
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.

She went to jail. Nothing has changed. How is she winning?

Quote: "This is not a total victory for Davis—the order comes with pretty specific requirements for the clerk and her employees. For one thing, people have to be able to get a marriage licenses from the Rowan County Clerk’s Office: “Davisshall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples,”"

So..... she's done NOTHING other than take her money for turning a blind eye to something she CLAIMS is against her religion. Wow, winnaaaahhhh.

"Lawyers representing the Clerk’s Office have to file a status report every two weeks for the foreseeable future, ensuring that five of the six deputy clerks of Rowan County are complying with the law."

So, not only that, but she has lawyers breathing down her neck.

"Davis’s lawyers, however, have said she’s not satisfied with this arrangement; she claims that any marriage license that carries either her name or the name of her office would be a burden on her religious exercise. So, unless marriage licenses start carrying the name of another office, like the county executive, Davis will still have objections."

So, marriage licenses are being issued, she's not happy, she went to jail. The only "win" she's got is that she's become a minor celebrity for ignorant, bigoted people. Wow......

If you say so.

Keep proving to everyone how nasty you are and you justify their beliefs.

This issue is going to boil to the surface all over the country.....and the right just may not go quietly into that goodnight.

How nasty I am?

Every American stands by the Constitution. They have to. It's the law of the land. Human Rights are enshrined within this.

It's not MY FAULT that people don't understand Human Rights.

Here's the deal. You can do whatever you like as long as it doesn't harm other people. Her stopping people from getting married is harming them. It was harming then BEFORE the Supreme Court decision and it is now (except she's unable to stop people now).

The government has restrictions placed upon it. These restrictions are set out in the Constitution. They CANNOT prevent people, before due process, from owning arms, for example. Now, if she tried to stop people from owning weapons, they'd be an absolutely massive uproar from the right.
Equality of the law means the govt has to treat all people equally under the law. Gay marriage is a part of marriage and gay people are entitled to the same protections. This means the US govt CANNOT prevent individuals from marrying.

This woman is acting on behalf of the US govt. The US govt can't do this, therefore she can't.

Here's the other thing. I'm a vegetarian. If I worked for the US govt and they told me to eat meat, I'd quit my job. It's my freedom to do so. It's my choice to put my beliefs above my job. This woman can quit her job. No one is FORCING her to issue marriage licenses to gay people. She can go work in Walmart and sell condoms instead, then quit that because it goes against her beliefs.

But seeing as she's been working for a government which has been allowing people to divorce

"Luke 16:18 - Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from [her] husband committeth adultery."

"1 Corinthians 7:10-11 - And unto the married I command, [yet] not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from [her] husband: "

"If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)"

So, divorce is adultery, adultery is punishable by death. This is the book she follows. And yet she had no problem issuing marriage licenses with a divorce rate of 50%, she had no problem issuing them to people who were divorced.

No, she's picking and choosing what she deems acceptable. This isn't about religion, this is about bigotry.
"If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)"...So, divorce is adultery, adultery is punishable by death. This is the book she follows...

Leviticus is the Old Testament. Jesus's New Testament corrected that. Remember the stoning? "He who is without sin cast the first stone"?

Kim Davis is a Christian. Christians follow the New Testament. The Old Testament is a reference guide only. And sometimes that reference is to how Jesus changed things. But oddly, the punishment of death is less of a sentence than eternal damnation. Upon death there is a chance at redemption. But not so for the Christian who aids and abets the spread of homosexuality as a culture. Yet in the "hate the sin, not the sinner" theme Jesus sticks with, Jude 1 also teaches to reach out to INDIVIDUAL homosexuals in compassion "making a difference". While promoting the sin as a cultural trait gets a Christian a fate worse than death.

You have to first understand that Christians follow the New Testament. That's where you would begin talking about Christianity & Kim Davis.
"If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)"...So, divorce is adultery, adultery is punishable by death. This is the book she follows...

Leviticus is the Old Testament. Jesus's New Testament corrected that. Remember the stoning? "He who is without sin cast the first stone"?

Kim Davis is a Christian. Christians follow the New Testament. The Old Testament is a reference guide only. And sometimes that reference is to how Jesus changed things. But oddly, the punishment of death is less of a sentence than eternal damnation. Upon death there is a chance at redemption. But not so for the Christian who aids and abets the spread of homosexuality as a culture. Yet in the "hate the sin, not the sinner" theme Jesus sticks with, Jude 1 also teaches to reach out to INDIVIDUAL homosexuals in compassion "making a difference". While promoting the sin as a cultural trait gets a Christian a fate worse than death.

You have to first understand that Christians follow the New Testament. That's where you would begin talking about Christianity & Kim Davis.
Tell us, NT fan, did Jesus not say that divorce = adultery, period?
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

A History Lesson for the Kentucky Clerk Refusing to Grant Marriage Licenses | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I missed that thread. Looks like a good one.

Off to go read it.

ETA: Well that didn't take long. Connies avoided the thread like the plague.
Most conservatives aren't interested in facts that conflict with their errant dogma.
Most conservatives believe she is WRONG! Listen to conservative radio, even far right hosts like Joe Walsh are saying she is wrong. So get over yourself. The only loser of the GOP hopefuls that support her are Huckabee. The rest have either ignored her or condemned her.

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If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

A History Lesson for the Kentucky Clerk Refusing to Grant Marriage Licenses | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I missed that thread. Looks like a good one.

Off to go read it.

ETA: Well that didn't take long. Connies avoided the thread like the plague.
Most conservatives aren't interested in facts that conflict with their errant dogma.
Most conservatives believe she is WRONG! Listen to conservative radio, even far right hosts like Joe Walsh are saying she is wrong. So get over yourself. The only loser of the GOP hopefuls that support her are Huckabee. The rest have either ignored her or condemned her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And yet the right side of USMB gives her about 90% support.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

A History Lesson for the Kentucky Clerk Refusing to Grant Marriage Licenses | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I missed that thread. Looks like a good one.

Off to go read it.

ETA: Well that didn't take long. Connies avoided the thread like the plague.
Most conservatives aren't interested in facts that conflict with their errant dogma.
Most conservatives believe she is WRONG! Listen to conservative radio, even far right hosts like Joe Walsh are saying she is wrong. So get over yourself. The only loser of the GOP hopefuls that support her are Huckabee. The rest have either ignored her or condemned her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And yet the right side of USMB gives her about 90% support.

Nope, you are wrong again. The majority have said that she has to comply with the law whether she likes it or not.

The hypocrisy is coming from those lefties like you who denigrate this woman for standing behind her beliefs and praise idiots like OWS, the gay mafia, and black lives matter for rioting in support of their beliefs
"If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)"...So, divorce is adultery, adultery is punishable by death. This is the book she follows...

Leviticus is the Old Testament. Jesus's New Testament corrected that. Remember the stoning? "He who is without sin cast the first stone"?

Kim Davis is a Christian. Christians follow the New Testament. The Old Testament is a reference guide only. And sometimes that reference is to how Jesus changed things. But oddly, the punishment of death is less of a sentence than eternal damnation. Upon death there is a chance at redemption. But not so for the Christian who aids and abets the spread of homosexuality as a culture. Yet in the "hate the sin, not the sinner" theme Jesus sticks with, Jude 1 also teaches to reach out to INDIVIDUAL homosexuals in compassion "making a difference". While promoting the sin as a cultural trait gets a Christian a fate worse than death.

You have to first understand that Christians follow the New Testament. That's where you would begin talking about Christianity & Kim Davis.
Tell us, NT fan, did Jesus not say that divorce = adultery, period?

The fundies have to deny that because it inconveniences THEIR lives.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

A History Lesson for the Kentucky Clerk Refusing to Grant Marriage Licenses | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I missed that thread. Looks like a good one.

Off to go read it.

ETA: Well that didn't take long. Connies avoided the thread like the plague.
Most conservatives aren't interested in facts that conflict with their errant dogma.
Most conservatives believe she is WRONG! Listen to conservative radio, even far right hosts like Joe Walsh are saying she is wrong. So get over yourself. The only loser of the GOP hopefuls that support her are Huckabee. The rest have either ignored her or condemned her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And yet the right side of USMB gives her about 90% support.
That is not true, they state she must comply with the law.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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