Kim Kardashian's giant ass selling Confederate flag merchandise

Of course it went over my head. I cant read your mind. For example should I think you are claiming Kanye is a beast of burden like a donkey or do you mean he is rude?

Everyone knows Kanye is an ass extrodinaire.
This kind of ass....


or this kind of ass?


I believe in fact that even Obama referred to him as a 'Jackass'.
I was asking your definition not Obamas

I agree with Obama.

He may be the current narcistic king as well. Jumping up on stage to take the limelight away from others is the height of disrespect. If it were me, I would have shoved him off the stage.
So you think Kanye is like Donald Trump. I agree.
Everyone knows Kanye is an ass extrodinaire.
This kind of ass....


or this kind of ass?


I believe in fact that even Obama referred to him as a 'Jackass'.
I was asking your definition not Obamas

I agree with Obama.

He may be the current narcistic king as well. Jumping up on stage to take the limelight away from others is the height of disrespect. If it were me, I would have shoved him off the stage.
So you think Kanye is like Donald Trump. I agree.

Trump can be very caustic, but I agree with him on illegals.

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