Kim Potter Found Guilty

Negative......Blacks seem to think they are the ones owed something because of the color of their skin...Agian Apartheid in reverse.....The whole landscape has changed and its now become the question of how long do you live in the US before your skin turns black? Not an issue of cop vs black with me I do not care,,Any cop in the country should resign now because if they even look at some one with a different skin color the wrong way

Boo fucking Who Cares! History will get your ass believe me! And if Jesse Jackson had bother telling you the truth this would be a non issue..YOur own fucking people sold your ass down the river!
The problem with your bullshit racist, is that we are owed for human rights violation committed against us continually for the last 245 years.

Stop whining. Because what you're crying about doesn't exist.
Negative......Blacks seem to think they are the ones owed something because of the color of their skin...Agian Apartheid in reverse.....The whole landscape has changed and its now become the question of how long do you live in the US before your skin turns black? Not an issue of cop vs black with me I do not care,,Any cop in the country should resign now because if they even look at some one with a different skin color the wrong way they go to jail.....
They should. Racist cuck whites should give up law enforcement. That's not a job for them anymore. We're the authority now little bitch.
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They should. Racist cuck whites should give up law enforcement. That's not a job for them anymore. We're the authority now little bitch.
Yeah thats what Hitler and other psychotic leaders of their day thought too, see what happened to them....And oh by the way motherfucker I got your bitch hanging! But all that said I have no problem with people of color was brought up having people of color around they are the same as everyone else....My problem I have is when a select few think they are owed something because of a different skin color be it black Mexican , white or yellow....Like the last two posters who have replied to my post they are a typical example of I AM OWED IT!
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He didnt have to be shooting anybody to be legitimately shot by police.
Our insuffient education system (run by ignorant liberals) does not instruct us about guns and law enforcement. Consequently, guys like Jacob Blake, Laquan McDonald, Terrence Crutcher, and Daunte Wright, unaware that they must keep their hands empty & visible to the police (and certainly dont jump into a car), get themselves shot.

In every police academy in America, recruits are trained to shoot immediately if/when suspect's hand(s) disappear from view. To not do that, is risking receiving a bullet, in the span of 1/2 second, with police having zero chance to defend themselves.

Looking at the video, it's apparent that in his ignorance, Wright created a scenario in which Potter had no choice but to shoot him, WITH A GUN. Shooting him was in accord with normal police protocol/training. Potter never should have been charged.
None of this has anything to do with race,

You are disingenuous. But you racists do this all the time.
That's nuts. A cop isn't justified in killing just because he can't see a person's hands unless he has already determined a viable threat. If they are being trained that it is, they are being trained wrong.
That's nuts. A cop isn't justified in killing just because he can't see a person's hands unless he has already determined a viable threat. If they are being trained that it is, they are being trained wrong.
You are simply 100% wrong, and the reason why, is because the liberal MISeducation system is run by liberals who are clueless about guns & law enforcement, and then pass that cluelessness on to you, who then display it here.

Not only are police trained self-defense in their academies, to immediately shoot when a suspect's hands disappear from sight (an absolute viable threat), but I myself was trained this also, when I was in the National Guard 57 years ago.

You are so ignorant that you don't even realize the clear rationale behind this rule. I have posted it 100 times in this forum - where have you been ? It takes 1/2 second for a hidden hand to produce a gun and fire it at a cop. The cop has NO CHANCE to defend him/her self. Thus, the only self-defense is to shoot the suspect when the hand(s) disappear. This has been fundamental police protocol for 100 years. All you've done here is show off your cluelessness.

See how clueless liberals are about police confrontations. These same clueless libs are who is running "our" schools, with zero education about police confrontation - one of the top reasons why people are getting shot by cops.
They should. Racist cuck whites should give up law enforcement. That's not a job for them anymore. We're the authority now little bitch.
You are nothing, but a :lame2: fool, spouting off your racism, ignorance , and stupidity.
You are simply 100% wrong, and the reason why, is because the liberal MISeducation system is run by liberals who are clueless about guns & law enforcement, and then pass that cluelessness on to you, who then display it here.

Not only are police trained self-defense in their academies, to immediately shoot when a suspect's hands disappear from sight (an absolute viable threat), but I myself was trained this also, when I was in the National Guard 57 years ago.

You are so ignorant that you don't even realize the clear rationale behind this rule. I have posted it 100 times in this forum - where have you been ? It takes 1/2 second for a hidden hand to produce a gun and fire it at a cop. The cop has NO CHANCE to defend him/her self. Thus, the only self-defense is to shoot the suspect when the hand(s) disappear. This has been fundamental police protocol for 100 years. All you've done here is show off your cluelessness.

See how clueless liberals are about police confrontations. These same clueless libs are who is running "our" schools, with zero education about police confrontation - one of the top reasons why people are getting shot by cops.
That's interesting and all, but the courts found her guilty, so fuck you and what ever you are whining about today.
Well, that's not true. Even before the 1960's, the out of wedlock birthrate for African Americans was 25% compared to 5% for the general population. Today those numbers are 65% for blacks and 35% for the general population. Marriage just isn't important to society as a whole.

Actually slavery had a big impact, as your wife or daughter could be raped by the master at any time, and your kids could be sold off when they hit puberty.
Look. The black family structure was solid until it was destroyed through generations of welfare. M
Well, that's not true. Even before the 1960's, the out of wedlock birthrate for African Americans was 25% compared to 5% for the general population. Today those numbers are 65% for blacks and 35% for the general population. Marriage just isn't important to society as a whole.

Actually slavery had a big impact, as your wife or daughter could be raped by the master at any time, and your kids could be sold off when they hit puberty.
Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.
Look. The black family structure was solid until it was destroyed through generations of welfare. M

Um, no, not really. As IM2 pointed out, far more blacks lived in abject poverty before the Great Society than after it.

Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

Uh, guy there was no public housing in the first half of the 20th century. Most people lived in tenements often several people to a room. In the supposed Roaring 20s, 60% of the population of all races lived in poverty. We really didn't get a middle class (for white people) until the New Deal and the Second World War.

After WW2, they created the biggest mistake, which was Public Housing Projects, which were just high-rise slums. They were built cheaply, with a lot of people crowded into small areas. White people moved out to the Burbs, people of color got stuck in these projects which were never well maintained.
Um, no, not really. As IM2 pointed out, far more blacks lived in abject poverty before the Great Society than after it.

Uh, guy there was no public housing in the first half of the 20th century. Most people lived in tenements often several people to a room. In the supposed Roaring 20s, 60% of the population of all races lived in poverty. We really didn't get a middle class (for white people) until the New Deal and the Second World War.

After WW2, they created the biggest mistake, which was Public Housing Projects, which were just high-rise slums. They were built cheaply, with a lot of people crowded into small areas. White people moved out to the Burbs, people of color got stuck in these projects which were never well maintained.
There's no question that the welfare state has destroyed the black family unit. It's not even arguable.
There's no question that the welfare state has destroyed the black family unit. It's not even arguable.

Actually, it's completely arguable.

First, it's not just the black family unit that has changed.. it's also the white family unit.

50% of marriages end in divorce. 40% of births happen outside of wedlock.

Since only 19% of the population is on some kind of public assistance, you really can't put that blame on the evil "welfare state".

White kids are just as likely to live in a shared custody arrangement of blended families as a black father is likely to live in the same home as his 'baby-momma".

And as pointed out above, far more black people lived in poverty before the great society started in 1965 than do today.

Actually, it's completely arguable.

First, it's not just the black family unit that has changed.. it's also the white family unit.

50% of marriages end in divorce. 40% of births happen outside of wedlock.

Since only 19% of the population is on some kind of public assistance, you really can't put that blame on the evil "welfare state".

White kids are just as likely to live in a shared custody arrangement of blended families as a black father is likely to live in the same home as his 'baby-momma".

And as pointed out above, far more black people lived in poverty before the great society started in 1965 than do today.

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The divorce rate with white families isn't because of the welfare state.

Welfare in its early state incentivised fathers to leave the home. I don't know how anyone could argue that generations of welfare did not destroy the black family structure
Actually, it's completely arguable.

First, it's not just the black family unit that has changed.. it's also the white family unit.

50% of marriages end in divorce. 40% of births happen outside of wedlock.

Since only 19% of the population is on some kind of public assistance, you really can't put that blame on the evil "welfare state".

White kids are just as likely to live in a shared custody arrangement of blended families as a black father is likely to live in the same home as his 'baby-momma".

And as pointed out above, far more black people lived in poverty before the great society started in 1965 than do today.

View attachment 580009
You are arguing against points I didn't make

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