Kim Potter Found Guilty

I didn't ask you AND it doesn't answer the question.

Double fail.
The point is she shot him with her gun. The first rule with a gun is to never point it at something you don't intend to shoot. She didn't bother to follow the first, simplest rule. If she has so little respect for gun safety, there is no reason to believe she takes her job seriously enough to stay within all the other rules she is supposed to follow. If a person "accidentally" drives through a school zone at 75mph, and runs over a kid, the courts wouldn't say "oh well, they accidentally forgot to look at the speedometer"
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Wright wasn't shooting anybody when he was shot by police.

You are disingenuous. But you racists do this all the time.
He didnt have to be shooting anybody to be legitimately shot by police.
Our insuffient education system (run by ignorant liberals) does not instruct us about guns and law enforcement. Consequently, guys like Jacob Blake, Laquan McDonald, Terrence Crutcher, and Daunte Wright, unaware that they must keep their hands empty & visible to the police (and certainly dont jump into a car), get themselves shot.

In every police academy in America, recruits are trained to shoot immediately if/when suspect's hand(s) disappear from view. To not do that, is risking receiving a bullet, in the span of 1/2 second, with police having zero chance to defend themselves.

Looking at the video, it's apparent that in his ignorance, Wright created a scenario in which Potter had no choice but to shoot him, WITH A GUN. Shooting him was in accord with normal police protocol/training. Potter never should have been charged.
None of this has anything to do with race,

You are disingenuous. But you racists do this all the time.
What liberal politicians have done to the black population should be considered a crime.

Prior to the Democrat’s creation of the welfare state the black family structure was as strong if not stronger than white families. That’s how they survived the era of slavery and Jim Crow.

Well, that's not true. Even before the 1960's, the out of wedlock birthrate for African Americans was 25% compared to 5% for the general population. Today those numbers are 65% for blacks and 35% for the general population. Marriage just isn't important to society as a whole.

Just a single generation of welfare has destroyed the black family unit. That was by design.

Slavery and and Jim Crow couldn’t destroy the black family structure, but just one generation of the liberal welfare state did.

Actually slavery had a big impact, as your wife or daughter could be raped by the master at any time, and your kids could be sold off when they hit puberty.
He didnt have to be shooting anybody to be legitimately shot by police.
Our insuffient education system (run by ignorant liberals) does not instruct us about guns and law enforcement. Consequently, guys like Jacob Blake, Laquan McDonald, Terrence Crutcher, and Daunte Wright, unaware that they must keep their hands empty & visible to the police (and certainly dont jump into a car), get themselves shot.

I'm not sure if those are good examples, as two of them the police officers were convicted and went to jail. A third the police officer was charged but found not guilty by a Klan jury...

It would seem the lesson that should be learned is, "Make sure what you are shooting at."
In every police academy in America, recruits are trained to shoot immediately if/when suspect's hand(s) disappear from view. To not do that, is risking receiving a bullet, in the span of 1/2 second, with police having zero chance to defend themselves.

Ah, the old "I was only following my training" excuse. That goes up there with "I was only following orders", and you should ask the Nazis at Nuremburg how well that one works out.
Her first Christmas in prison must be hell. I hope that if she's in protective custody, someone on the staff will give her a much-needed hug and a gift -- something encouraging to read maybe.

Or they could treat her like Sandra Bland when she was arrested by a racist cop for a fake assault violation. (Later proven to be a lie, but not before the poor girl killed herself in prison.)
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I'm black, you are completely wrong.

You have been shown facts.

Accept your mistake.
21st Century Apartheid in the United States.. Except in this case instead of it being segregation against Blacks its relegating the Non Black to the back of the bus so to speak....You cannot have everything you want because you think it's owed to you because of the color of some ones skin!
I don't care. The stop should never have been made.

I pointed this out before. Minnesota passes a law where you can get stopped for having an air freshener hanging from your rear view mirror. This is nothing more than the state providing the means for cops to go on fishing expeditions.

Many who will defend this are the very same people who pretend to be against an ever growing government.

If they wanted this guy, do the work. Get out in the neighborhoods, you'll find him. It doesn't appear he was hiding. Instead they pass a law where the cops can harass who knows how many people in the hopes that one stop might find something.

Minnesota, the state that gave us Derek Chauvin, cops that pulls people over for having wide spread noses and blows people away for tapping on the cop cars window.
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I pointed this out before. Minnesota passes a law where you can get stopped for having an air freshener hanging from your rear view mirror. This is nothing more than the state providing the means for cops to go on fishing expeditions.

Many who will defend this are the very same people who pretend to be against an ever growing government.

If they wanted this guy, do the work. Get out in the neighborhoods, you'll find him. It doesn't appear he was hiding. Instead they pass a law where the cops can harass who knows how many people in the hopes that one stop might find something.

Minnesota, the state that gave us Derek Chauvin, cops that pulls people over for having wide spread noses and blows people away for tapping on the cop cars window.
OK, see what your saying. So because some one's skin color is different they should be able to get away with anything they like, that it? Quote "You cannot change what you don't acknowledge:"Unquote...Dr Phil
I mean fuck down South our Southern Heritage has been destroyed so what the fuck is next? How do you fight a system thats set up to favor anyone whose skin color is different from your's? Thats whats it come too...Apartheid in reverse...I am not racists but there comes a time when you have to step back and say "wait a fucking minute!"
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OK, see what your saying. But because some one's skin color is different they should be able to get away with anything they like that it? I mean hell they have destroyed our Southern heritage in the South the only left now os for those in South to move the hell out!!

I see no benefit in trying to discuss anything with anyone that is upset about their "southern heritage" being ruined. It's not exactly something to protect.
I see no benefit in trying to discuss anything with anyone that is upset about their "southern heritage" being ruined. It's not exactly something to protect.
Go to HELL! How long do we have to live in the US before our skin turns a different color? Yeah you say that you god damn Yankee bastard!
Well, that's not true. Even before the 1960's, the out of wedlock birthrate for African Americans was 25% compared to 5% for the general population. Today those numbers are 65% for blacks and 35% for the general population. Marriage just isn't important to society as a whole.

Actually slavery had a big impact, as your wife or daughter could be raped by the master at any time, and your kids could be sold off when they hit puberty.
That guy is an idiot.
21st Century Apartheid in the United States.. Except in this case instead of it being segregation against Blacks its relegating the Non Black to the back of the bus so to speak....You cannot have everything you want because you think it's owed to you because of the color of some ones skin!
When you are able to accept the truth that whites are the ones running around believing they are entitled to everything because of their skin color we can have a discussion. Right now you're posting psychosis. There is nothing relegating non blacks to the back of jack motherfucking shit.
I pointed this out before. Minnesota passes a law where you can get stopped for having an air freshener hanging from your rear view mirror. This is nothing more than the state providing the means for cops to go on fishing expeditions.

Many who will defend this are the very same people who pretend to be against an ever growing government.

If they wanted this guy, do the work. Get out in the neighborhoods, you'll find him. It doesn't appear he was hiding. Instead they pass a law where the cops can harass who knows how many people in the hopes that one stop might find something.

Minnesota, the state that gave us Derek Chauvin, cops that pulls people over for having wide spread noses and blows people away for tapping on the cop cars window.
OK, see what your saying. So because some one's skin color is different they should be able to get away with anything they like, that it? Quote "You cannot change what you don't acknowledge:"Unquote...Dr Phil
I mean fuck down South our Southern Heritage has been destroyed so what the fuck is next? How do you fight a system thats set up to favor anyone whose skin color is different from your's? Thats whats it come too...Apartheid in reverse...I am not racists but there comes a time when you have to step back and say "wait a fucking minute!"
Fuck "southern heritage." It needed to be ended. You ask this question:

How do you fight a system thats set up to favor anyone whose skin color is different from your's?

We blacks have been asking that since 1619.

The system favors YOU. But you are mad because you can't get everything you think your whiteness entitles you to.
When you are able to accept the truth that whites are the ones running around believing they are entitled to everything because of their skin color we can have a discussion. Right now you're posting psychosis. There is nothing relegating non blacks to the back of jack motherfucking shit.
Negative......Blacks seem to think they are the ones owed something because of the color of their skin...Agian Apartheid in reverse.....The whole landscape has changed and its now become the question of how long do you live in the US before your skin turns black? Not an issue of cop vs black with me I do not care,,Any cop in the country should resign now because if they even look at some one with a different skin color the wrong way they go to jail.....
Fuck "southern heritage." It needed to be ended. You ask this question:

How do you fight a system thats set up to favor anyone whose skin color is different from your's?

We blacks have been asking that since 1619.

The system favors YOU. But you are mad because you can't get everything you think your whiteness entitles you to.
Boo fucking Who Cares! History will get your ass believe me! And if Jesse Jackson had bother telling you the truth this would be a non issue..YOur own fucking people sold your ass down the river!
Not the white kids whose parents are dirt farmers and janitors.

Yet, the children of the Wealthy, like the offspring of Lebron and Obama- do get preference.
If they are intelligent enough, why not? It is not as though they go from the dirt farm to the Ivy League, yes?

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