Kindergarten teacher stabbed, killed in front of students in France

Pretty lame when you have to use a murdered teacher to push an agenda.

Go back to your precious agenda-free Flame Zone.

Bad dog! :mad:

Pretty lame when you have to use a murdered teacher to push an agenda.

what agenda? and why don't you say the same for the gun threads?

no need to answer, i already know it.
Pretty lame when you have to use a murdered teacher to push an agenda.

what agenda? and why don't you say the same for the gun threads?

no need to answer, i already know it.

Yurt, I'm completely pro-gun.

I've have been a hunter and have owned guns for personal protection since I was very young.

I think what Yurt is saying is that a lot of your Uber-Liberal comrades routinely report gun violence and gun deaths in an effort to sway public emotion against guns thus pushing their "agenda." If we're honest, we all have to agree with Yurt on that point.
Kindergarten teacher stabbed, killed in front of students in France

Teacher killed in front of young students in France -

how tragic. i hope france gets their knife laws under control so this doesn't happen again.

An interesting link from your linked page:

U.S. School Violence Fast Facts -

Seems stabbings are frequent at schools.

An oft under-reported fact concerning the vast majority of these school shootings and stabbings is that the perpetrators were under the influence of mind-altering, antidepressants.

Top psychiatrist: Meds behind school massacres

Time to Face the Truth about Antidepressant Drugs and Gun Violence

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