King trump wants to fire the Fed Chief

I think the Fed fucked up raising rates so fast with no sign of inflation. The Feds' unwinding of the $4T of QE on its books at $50b a month in addition to raising interest rates was probably too aggressive considering the frailness of the world economies. I hope Jerome walks back his prediction for 2 rate hikes in 2019.
Federal Reserve Board - Recent balance sheet trends
You know inflation has tripled since Trump took office.
Abolish the Fed

I don't no anything about it but if Trump wants it then it's all good!

So if the Fed is “privately owned”, but Congress can control and change the Laws governing Fed operations by passing legislation or rules changes — and has, over 200 times —

I am and Trump is doing a great job in spite of you traitors. You know when he declares marshall law you are going down don't you?

Your economics degree is from where?

Trump wants to blame the Fed, when in real life his trade war is the real reason for the slow done with the economy.

The tariffs are hurting many. The debt is staggering and beginning to hurt. Inflation is slowly creeping up. The stock markets is crashing.

King Trump..

being president is not the same as being a private business owner

However, the basic problem is our Fiat money. It allows politics to control monetary worth

The FED is the Swamp's Plan C (or whatever) and they have done it many times before if you do your research. There is ZERO rationale for The Fed to raise rates except to fuck up the economy and crash the Stock Market which attacks American citizens who invest for the future and undermines our democracy and our President who won in a landslide. Notice the FED lowered rates for the Kenyan creep and jacked them for the American!

The man is a Lunatic....
The good news is that Trump does have adequate guard rails. Regarding the Fed, its not Trump's, it's Congress'. Trump can't fire Powell any more than he can fire a Supreme. I love that Trump is a bull in a China Shop and is battling the swamp creatures and getting good stuff done. I hope Mueller doesn't find anything serious. I hope Trump wins in 2020 and replaces Ruthie with Barrett and the dems go even more bat shit crazy.
The futures look bad for Monday morning, buckle up, the stock market is going down....again...
I say fire him. I don't no anything about it but if Trump wants it then it's all good!
Spoken like a true member of the Trump cult.
I am and Trump is doing a great job in spite of you traitors. You know when he declares marshall law you are going down don't you?

Mueller's report will tell us who the Traitor is.....
Still won't know though because it'll be bullshit.
He gonna and with my blessing! What ever trump wants is cool! HE can do anything he wants.

Your ignorance and acquiescence is duly noted. There is that small problem of laws however
The good news is that Trump does have adequate guard rails. Regarding the Fed, its not Trump's, it's Congress'. Trump can't fire Powell any more than he can fire a Supreme. I love that Trump is a bull in a China Shop and is battling the swamp creatures and getting good stuff done. I hope Mueller doesn't find anything serious. I hope Trump wins in 2020 and replaces Ruthie with Barrett and the dems go even more bat shit crazy.
The futures look bad for Monday morning, buckle up, the stock market is going down....again...

Just in case you haven't noticed...the swamp has become an open sewer and the only creatures that the coward trump is fighting is anyone who disagrees with him and his delusional decisions. Now he is pushing a real American hero...Mattis out early. He is a DICK!

The Fed is “privately owned” in the sense that member banks that join the Fed umbrella are required by Law to put up money to purchase an amount of shares of the Fed.

Those are non-voting shares. Shares cannot be sold or traded. Dividends are fixed at 6% by Law.

The reality is more like the “owners” are owning the equivalent of a “security deposit” such as when a firm leases a warehouse or retail space to conduct business, they will likely have to put up a security deposit.

So if the Fed is “privately owned”, but Congress can control and change the Laws governing Fed operations by passing legislation or rules changes — and has, over 200 times — and the President gets to appoint (but not fire) the Chairman and Board of Governors, with confirmation by the Senate ..

So you no have issue with the interest being charged for "borrowing" the money for your programs at interest?

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