King trump wants to fire the Fed Chief

Nope. Trump's shutdown, trillion dollar deficit, and failing tariff war are tanking the market.

His tariff war killed the market the entire year. Long before the 25 basis point hike.

25 basis points and you tards are acting like it's Armageddon while you ignore the fuckwit doubling the federal deficit.

The market is going down because the Fed is hiking interest rates. Those other things are exacerbating the decline, but it's going down primarily because of rising rates.

It's not one specific interest rate rise. It's the cumulative effect. At some point when financial conditions are tightening, markets roll over. That's what's happening now.
The interest rate hike was expected and was already priced into the Dow before it happened.

The Dow is tanking because of Dotard Donny.
These retarded End-the-Fed fuckwits think our politicians should be the ones with their hands on the monetary printing press.

That's a really, really bad idea.

Who wants Nancy Pelosi deciding monetary policy?

Who wants Republicans deciding monetary policy, either? Whenever they get all the power, they INCREASE the deficit and they INCREASE spending.

Republicans are far worse than Democrats when it comes to deficit spending.

Far worse. Just look at Trump and the Republican Congress. Trump just submitted the biggest budget in human history. With a trillion dollar deficit. A deficit the GOP has doubled since taking power.

The idea the GOP is the party of small government is a massive hoax. Yet the stupid rubes actually bleev it, despite the gigantic pile of contrary evidence right in front of their mouth-breathing faces.
Jim you’re the only idiot, you cannot raise rates this fast, I’m in Housing and we are in a down market moron! Housing is crucial to a growing economy and its not working well at the moment. We’ve had sub 5% rates for almost a decade and now we’re north of 5%! Get your head out of your ass moron!

Housing prices rose too high in some markets because mortgage credit was cheap. So now we're going to go through a correction in the housing market just like we are going through a correction in the stock markets.

I work in the investment business, and it's hurting us too. But ultimately, we must unwind all this excess liquidity in the market, and you can't do it without some pain. We can take that pain now because other parts of the economy are strong. Better to do it when the economy is strong than when it's weak.

Yes they did, I run our operations in Austin, in 6 years we’ve seen a $100K price increase, but I’ll still argue the rate increases were too much in a year. Some rate increase was needed, but the market always determines the pace. We will see more mortgage products in the coming months that are problematic for our long term success, it’s inevitable. I’ll hire less in ‘19, get more aggressive pricing and find other ways to cut cost, our UE is below 3% and it’s difficult to find quality staff. The problem is both short and long term for Housing, Immigration needs to be fixed for labor sources, this will lead to higher cost, but it needs to happen. Rates are impacting the buyer mentality due to there almost decade run at sub 5%, I’ve argued there great to get staff to understand, but unfortunately the realty has not matched this simple fact. If you’re buying a $330K home a point cost you roughly $140 to $160 per month, some get it, but not enough...
The interest rate hike was expected and was already priced into the Dow before it happened.

The Dow is tanking because of Dotard Donny.

I work in the investment business, and I can tell you unequivocally that the markets were not pricing in the rate hikes. Most people I know are very surprised that Powell has been this hawkish.

Trump is making things worse - to the point that if he doesn't STFU soon, he might become the cause of a crash. But to this point, it's about tightening liquidity.

This is what it usually looks like at the end of the cycle, except that circumstances unrelated to politics have made it worse.
King ? You really do not understand how the US Government works.

He thinks he is a King and has a Regime...not an Administration.
Riiight. I'm curious what Monarch like actions has Trump taken ?
how many executive orders so far??? What lies has he told to his dotard followers? The man is a pos ,,a bully
I see to remember Obama writing a lot of those and threatening about his pen so where were people like yourself with the bitching ?
King ? You really do not understand how the US Government works.

He thinks he is a King and has a Regime...not an Administration.
Riiight. I'm curious what Monarch like actions has Trump taken ?
how many executive orders so far??? What lies has he told to his dotard followers? The man is a pos ,,a bully
Has thunderkiss embraced trump ?

They are a couple....
Didn't vote for Trump and do not care for his spending. I just like to ask for clarification of obviously stupid accusations and point out blatant hypocrisy.

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