King trump wants to fire the Fed Chief

Heritage Experts Analyze President Trump's FY 2019 Budget Proposal

This morning, the Trump administration released its fiscal year 2019 budget proposal. This is President Trump’s second budget proposal since becoming president. Below is reaction from multiple Heritage Foundation experts on the President’s proposal.


However, this proposal would add an additional $7 trillion to the national debt – something not even a big spender like President Obama ever proposed. neocon nutjobs.

It's interesting what they say...but let's just look at the facts:

The first two months or FY 2019 have seen an average monthly deficit of just over $152 billion. Over a full year - at that rate - that equals a $1.8+ trillion deficit for FY 2019.

The deficit is (apparently) COMPLETELY out-of-control.

The idiots elected a Bankruptcy King. What did you expect?
Heritage Experts Analyze President Trump's FY 2019 Budget Proposal

This morning, the Trump administration released its fiscal year 2019 budget proposal. This is President Trump’s second budget proposal since becoming president. Below is reaction from multiple Heritage Foundation experts on the President’s proposal.


However, this proposal would add an additional $7 trillion to the national debt – something not even a big spender like President Obama ever proposed. neocon nutjobs.
I quoted Heritage because the pseudocons listen to them.
You have a degree in you?

I do and what he said is correct....Jerome was nervous as Stormy in church when he gave that press conference. He's been duped into joining the "resistance" to destroy Trump's economy. You don't raise rates to 2.5% when you have 2.5% inflation....the Prime should always lag behind the inflation rate.
Ooooh look! Now it's a "Deep State" conspiracy to destroy Trumps economy! Hannity tell you that using diagrams in crayon, short words & sentences, flash cards in color or what?
You have a degree in you?

I do and what he said is correct....Jerome was nervous as Stormy in church when he gave that press conference. He's been duped into joining the "resistance" to destroy Trump's economy. You don't raise rates to 2.5% when you have 2.5% inflation....the Prime should always lag behind the inflation rate.
Ooooh look! Now it's a "Deep State" conspiracy to destroy Trumps economy! Hannity tell you that using diagrams in crayon, short words & sentences, flash cards in color or what?
might have been that other babbling nit wit adviser of trumps Limbaugh
Heritage Experts Analyze President Trump's FY 2019 Budget Proposal

This morning, the Trump administration released its fiscal year 2019 budget proposal. This is President Trump’s second budget proposal since becoming president. Below is reaction from multiple Heritage Foundation experts on the President’s proposal.


However, this proposal would add an additional $7 trillion to the national debt – something not even a big spender like President Obama ever proposed. neocon nutjobs.
I quoted Heritage because the pseudocons listen to them.

Makes sense. I was not knocking you for using it.

I was just knocking the site for the fun of it.
King ? You really do not understand how the US Government works.

He thinks he is a King and has a Regime...not an Administration.
Riiight. I'm curious what Monarch like actions has Trump taken ?
King ? You really do not understand how the US Government works.

He thinks he is a King and has a Regime...not an Administration.
Riiight. I'm curious what Monarch like actions has Trump taken ?
how many executive orders so far??? What lies has he told to his dotard followers? The man is a pos ,,a bully
King ? You really do not understand how the US Government works.

He thinks he is a King and has a Regime...not an Administration.
Riiight. I'm curious what Monarch like actions has Trump taken ?
how many executive orders so far??? What lies has he told to his dotard followers? The man is a pos ,,a bully
Has thunderkiss embraced trump ?
You have a degree in you?

I do and what he said is correct....Jerome was nervous as Stormy in church when he gave that press conference. He's been duped into joining the "resistance" to destroy Trump's economy. You don't raise rates to 2.5% when you have 2.5% inflation....the Prime should always lag behind the inflation rate.

Actually, you do.

Historically, at this point in the expansion when inflation is at 2.5%, the Fed funds rate is at 4%-5%.

Today the funds rate is at 2.5%.
King ? You really do not understand how the US Government works.

He thinks he is a King and has a Regime...not an Administration.
Riiight. I'm curious what Monarch like actions has Trump taken ?
how many executive orders so far??? What lies has he told to his dotard followers? The man is a pos ,,a bully
Has thunderkiss embraced trump ?

They are a couple....
Trump wants to blame the Fed, when in real life his trade war is the real reason for the slow done with the economy.
Look at the historical Fed interest rates. Trump has had it very, very easy.

The global economy is slowing for two reasons.

First, the Chinese economy is slowing for reasons that are primarily due to internal reasons in China. That's having a knock-on effect in Europe and Asia.

Second, global liquidity is being drained by the Federal Reserve, which is squeezing emerging markets.

Tariffs are hurting the US economy on the margin, but the American economy right now is pretty strong. The stock market falling is primarily due to the Fed tightening financial conditions through higher interest rates and reducing its balance sheet.
The FED is the Swamp's Plan C (or whatever) and they have done it many times before if you do your research. There is ZERO rationale for The Fed to raise rates except to fuck up the economy and crash the Stock Market which attacks American citizens who invest for the future and undermines our democracy and our President who won in a landslide. Notice the FED lowered rates for the Kenyan creep and jacked them for the American!

The Fed is raising rates because the economy is strong.

They didn't raise rates when Obama was President because the economy was weak.

Don't you remember? You guys were arguing that the economy was weak under Obama and it's strong now under Trump.

Well, when the economy is weak, you have low interest rates. When the economy is strong, you have higher interest rates.

That's how the economy works.
If you have a problem with double-digit inflation, then you should have been apoplectic as the Fed pumped $4 trillion of funny money into Wall Street, with no apparent strategy to get it back out.

The Fed does have a strategy to get it back. That's what is happening now.

The Fed put too much liquidity in the system, and asset markets went too high. Now that the Fed is draining liquidity from the markets, asset prices are falling. Ultimately, that's a good thing because it allows the market to better price capital.
If you have a problem with double-digit inflation, then you should have been apoplectic as the Fed pumped $4 trillion of funny money into Wall Street, with no apparent strategy to get it back out.

The Fed does have a strategy to get it back. That's what is happening now.

The Fed put too much liquidity in the system, and asset markets went too high. Now that the Fed is draining liquidity from the markets, asset prices are falling. Ultimately, that's a good thing because it allows the market to better price capital.
Thanks....I get all that....Though you still have to admit that it all looks political and like it's being made up as we go, instead of monetary good sense.
Jim you’re the only idiot, you cannot raise rates this fast, I’m in Housing and we are in a down market moron! Housing is crucial to a growing economy and its not working well at the moment. We’ve had sub 5% rates for almost a decade and now we’re north of 5%! Get your head out of your ass moron!

Housing prices rose too high in some markets because mortgage credit was cheap. So now we're going to go through a correction in the housing market just like we are going through a correction in the stock markets.

I work in the investment business, and it's hurting us too. But ultimately, we must unwind all this excess liquidity in the market, and you can't do it without some pain. We can take that pain now because other parts of the economy are strong. Better to do it when the economy is strong than when it's weak.
Thanks....I get all that....Though you still have to admit that it all looks political and like it's being made up as we go, instead of monetary good sense.

All these rounds of QE were bad policy. There's no doubt that the first few times they did it, it was absolutely necessary. But they kept doing it, and all it did was inflate asset markets.

Earlier this year, the SP 500 was valued more highly relative to earnings than at any time in history except during the tech bubble. Think about that. In the 90s, we were going through a huge boom with massive innovation. This decade, we've been limping along recovering from one of the biggest economic messes in history. And stocks were priced more expensively recently than they were at any other time in history except during the massive insane tech bubble.

It may look political, but it's not. The economy has been strong the past few years. Initial claims were hitting all-time lows. If you can't unwind QE then, when can you unwind it?
Thanks....I get all that....Though you still have to admit that it all looks political and like it's being made up as we go, instead of monetary good sense.

All these rounds of QE were bad policy. There's no doubt that the first few times they did it, it was absolutely necessary. But they kept doing it, and all it did was inflate asset markets.

Earlier this year, the SP 500 was valued more highly relative to earnings than at any time in history except during the tech bubble. Think about that. In the 90s, we were going through a huge boom with massive innovation. This decade, we've been limping along recovering from one of the biggest economic messes in history. And stocks were priced more expensively recently than they were at any other time in history except during the massive insane tech bubble.

It may look political, but it's not. The economy has been strong the past few years. Initial claims were hitting all-time lows. If you can't unwind QE then, when can you unwind it?
Can't argue the particulars...Never could....Still looks political.....And that perception is the "reality" that people act and react to.
Nope. Trump's shutdown, trillion dollar deficit, and failing tariff war are tanking the market.

His tariff war killed the market the entire year. Long before the 25 basis point hike.

25 basis points and you tards are acting like it's Armageddon while you ignore the fuckwit doubling the federal deficit.

The market is going down because the Fed is hiking interest rates. Those other things are exacerbating the decline, but it's going down primarily because of rising rates.

It's not one specific interest rate rise. It's the cumulative effect. At some point when financial conditions are tightening, markets roll over. That's what's happening now.
Part of the problem is that the market is acting like a big baby having a temper tantrum. It has become addicted to cheap credit, like a junky. And when that credit is withdrawn, it starts throwing its toys out of the crib, demanding that it gets what it wants.

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