King trump wants to fire the Fed Chief


The Fed is “privately owned” in the sense that member banks that join the Fed umbrella are required by Law to put up money to purchase an amount of shares of the Fed.

Those are non-voting shares. Shares cannot be sold or traded. Dividends are fixed at 6% by Law.

The reality is more like the “owners” are owning the equivalent of a “security deposit” such as when a firm leases a warehouse or retail space to conduct business, they will likely have to put up a security deposit.

So if the Fed is “privately owned”, but Congress can control and change the Laws governing Fed operations by passing legislation or rules changes — and has, over 200 times — and the President gets to appoint (but not fire) the Chairman and Board of Governors, with confirmation by the Senate ..

So you no have issue with the interest being charged for "borrowing" the money for your programs at interest?

I have a problem with double digit inflation. That is what the Fed is fighting. Your orange king doesn't get it.

You can wait until it happens before you do something about it.
I have a problem with double digit inflation. That is what the Fed is fighting. Your orange king doesn't get it.

You can wait until it happens before you do something about it.
If you have a problem with double-digit inflation, then you should have been apoplectic as the Fed pumped $4 trillion of funny money into Wall Street, with no apparent strategy to get it back out.

But you had no such concerns, because you were waving the pom-poms for your Boiking, and anything that made him look good was good in your book.

With all due respect, if you'd do your homework you to would be saying "abolish the Fed".
Meh, he is an imbecile and unworthy of note or respect.

And the Republican Party is complicit to his incompetence. They sit silently as he sends the nation into chaos....all the while.....

Putin Laughs....
Yea...because Putin hasn't been insinuating his trolls throughout the internet?

The Fed is “privately owned” in the sense that member banks that join the Fed umbrella are required by Law to put up money to purchase an amount of shares of the Fed.

Those are non-voting shares. Shares cannot be sold or traded. Dividends are fixed at 6% by Law.

The reality is more like the “owners” are owning the equivalent of a “security deposit” such as when a firm leases a warehouse or retail space to conduct business, they will likely have to put up a security deposit.

So if the Fed is “privately owned”, but Congress can control and change the Laws governing Fed operations by passing legislation or rules changes — and has, over 200 times — and the President gets to appoint (but not fire) the Chairman and Board of Governors, with confirmation by the Senate ..

So you no have issue with the interest being charged for "borrowing" the money for your programs at interest?

I have a problem with double digit inflation. That is what the Fed is fighting. Your orange king doesn't get it.

You can wait until it happens before you do something about it.

A little undirected reading would do you a world of good. All your doing is regurgitating the crap you read in the MSM. The raising of the rates is tanking the Market, it's just that simple.

Yea Right....

It's all over for Trump...:abgg2q.jpg:

You cnn and msnbc watchers are ate up with stupid

to believe all that doomsday for Trump bull shit

they spew, you would think your dumb asses would

get a clue that they are as full of shit as you...
Didn't he just hire him a few months ago?

I looked it up this morning concerning another thread. Trump nominated Jerome Powell for Fed Chairman in November of last year and the Senate confirmed the nomination in February.

Under law Trump has the right to fire the Federal reserve chairman
Didn't he just hire him a few months ago?

I looked it up this morning concerning another thread. Trump nominated Jerome Powell for Fed Chairman in November of last year and the Senate confirmed the nomination in February.

Under law Trump has the right to fire the Federal reserve chairman
Then argue with trump who says he doesn't
Didn't he just hire him a few months ago?

I looked it up this morning concerning another thread. Trump nominated Jerome Powell for Fed Chairman in November of last year and the Senate confirmed the nomination in February.

Under law Trump has the right to fire the Federal reserve chairman
Then argue with trump who says he doesn't

trump is a charlatan...

Jim you’re the only idiot, you cannot raise rates this fast, I’m in Housing and we are in a down market moron! Housing is crucial to a growing economy and its not working well at the moment. We’ve had sub 5% rates for almost a decade and now we’re north of 5%! Get your head out of your ass moron!
Didn't he just hire him a few months ago?

I looked it up this morning concerning another thread. Trump nominated Jerome Powell for Fed Chairman in November of last year and the Senate confirmed the nomination in February.

Under law Trump has the right to fire the Federal reserve chairman
Then argue with trump who says he doesn't

trump is a charlatan...

Here's how trump goes down

Forget Russia — Here's How Trump Goes Down

Dear Reader,

He's a successful businessman who never held public office before winning the Presidency...

He's coming into power after an electoral college landslide...

And he did it by beating an out-of-touch New Yorker opponent.

Once in office, he launches a vast trade war, promising to stand up for America's heartland, with 890 increased tariffs in total.

He even slashes immigration levels to America by 90%, while cracking down on illegal immigration through deportations targeting as many as 1.8 million people.

You may think I'm talking about Donald Trump.

But I'm actually describing Herbert Hoover, America's 31st President.

The similarities between Trump and the man who saw a Great Depression happen under his watch are eerie.

And they won't stop here.

Over the last six months, my firm and I have spent hundreds of hours (and tens of thousands of dollars) in research to reach one shocking conclusion.

My research shows...

President Trump is about to face a crisis on the level of what President Hoover saw in 1929.

But it's not the kind of crisis anyone expects.

And just like with Herbert Hoover — the crisis could shut Republicans out of the White House for a generation or longer.

This presentation reveals exactly why.


Brett Aitken
Managing Director, Stansberry Research

Jim you’re the only idiot, you cannot raise rates this fast, I’m in Housing and we are in a down market moron! Housing is crucial to a growing economy and its not working well at the moment. We’ve had sub 5% rates for almost a decade and now we’re north of 5%! Get your head out of your ass moron!

Powell is Fed Chair.....AND YOU ARE A NOBODY!

Jim you’re the only idiot, you cannot raise rates this fast, I’m in Housing and we are in a down market moron! Housing is crucial to a growing economy and its not working well at the moment. We’ve had sub 5% rates for almost a decade and now we’re north of 5%! Get your head out of your ass moron!

Powell is Fed Chair.....AND YOU ARE A NOBODY!

Jim your ignorance is showing, Powell has raised the rates too fast! The market has proven this, all you have to have is a BRAIN!

Merry Christmas...

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