King trump wants to fire the Fed Chief

I think the Fed fucked up raising rates so fast with no sign of inflation. The Feds' unwinding of the $4T of QE on its books at $50b a month in addition to raising interest rates was probably too aggressive considering the frailness of the world economies. I hope Jerome walks back his prediction for 2 rate hikes in 2019.
Federal Reserve Board - Recent balance sheet trends

You have a degree in you?
Your economics degree is from where?
I think the Fed fucked up raising rates so fast with no sign of inflation. The Feds' unwinding of the $4T of QE on its books at $50b a month in addition to raising interest rates was probably too aggressive considering the frailness of the world economies. I hope Jerome walks back his prediction for 2 rate hikes in 2019.
Federal Reserve Board - Recent balance sheet trends

You have a degree in you?
Your economics degree is from where?

I am putting my money on Nazarene Bible College
I say fire him. I don't no anything about it but if Trump wants it then it's all good!
Spoken like a true member of the Trump cult.
I am and Trump is doing a great job in spite of you traitors. You know when he declares marshall law you are going down don't you?
You are delusional and stupid. It is martial law, dummy. And if Trump ever decides to impose martial law, he'll go down faster than Melania does.
Marshall law will be your comeuppance no matter how trump spells it. military tribunals and straight to gitmo with you traitors. why you think they been doing all that work on gitmo? Sushi?

You are an Idiot....
Trump wants to blame the Fed, when in real life his trade war is the real reason for the slow done with the economy.
Look at the historical Fed interest rates. Trump has had it very, very easy.

Our current interests rates are way below the historical average rates, that is a fact.
Those who think the interests are high, are not living in reality and sucking up Trumps lies, (but then that's what they usually do anyway) During the Reagan era, interest rates were more than double of where they are now. And Reagan never whined and cried like a baby like Trump is doing. .
Trump wants to blame the Fed, when in real life his trade war is the real reason for the slow done with the economy.
Look at the historical Fed interest rates. Trump has had it very, very easy.
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Our current interests rates are way below the historical average rates, that is a fact.
Those who think the interests are high, are not living in reality and sucking up Trumps lies, (but then that's what they usually do anyway) During the Reagan era, interest rates were more than double of where they are now. And Reagan never whined and cried like a baby like Trump is doing. .

trump always blames someone else for his stupidity.....
Didn't he just hire him a few months ago?

The tariffs are hurting many. The debt is staggering and beginning to hurt. Inflation is slowly creeping up. The stock markets is crashing.


Ohhhh, so you like the Fed?! You wanna go back to the days of double-digit interest rates?! Do you understand what raising interest rates does to the housing market--how much more expensive it makes a home for a couple to buy? You wanna keep paying the Fed for the right to use our own money? Sheesh, is there no end to the destructive policies that liberals will support?
Trump’s ignorance and incompetence is infinite – he has no understanding of the law and responsible public policy; being president is not the same as being a private business owner – a president cannot recklessly and capriciously ‘fire’ government administrators on a whim.
The FED is the Swamp's Plan C (or whatever) and they have done it many times before if you do your research. There is ZERO rationale for The Fed to raise rates except to fuck up the economy and crash the Stock Market which attacks American citizens who invest for the future and undermines our democracy and our President who won in a landslide. Notice the FED lowered rates for the Kenyan creep and jacked them for the American!
The FED has historically caused inflation. The exact opposite of why they were created. However, the basic problem is our Fiat money. It allows politics to control monetary worth.

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