Kiss your dollars good bye. The banks want to trade them for tokens....

Here, they are one step ahead of us. Our social credit score is coming. Notice the banks role in China's social credit score. The digital currency came first.
Here, they are one step ahead of us. Our social credit score is coming. Notice the banks role in China's social credit score. The digital currency came first.
The still hotly desired vaccine passport becomes the digital passport needed for tracking every citizen's every move.

Bill Gates = Big Brother
The still hotly desired vaccine passport becomes the digital passport needed for tracking every citizen's every move.

Bill Gates = Big Brother
Bill bought the CDC and we handed over our health soverignity to WHO, which is an arm of the U.N. If they say give your child the depopulation vaccine, then you give it, or be punished.
which remedies our inflation and debt ?

how ?

The Federal Reserve decides our inflation, and debt and interest rate and the value of the dollar. Our Treasury does what they tell it to do. Print more or print less...
They want to know if it is feasible so they can implement it. When they do, your social credit score will be tied to it, so you had better behave..
the house never looses, i'll grant you that......~S~
The Federal Reserve decides our inflation, and debt and interest rate and the value of the dollar
guess i'll need to read Jekyll Island again.....

lol, and you knowing Jekyll Island tells me you are a little bit more savvy than you let on...:)
Now that we have seen just how bad a deal crypto can be, our global government is rolling out it's cryptos for dollars plan, laid out by the Global Federal Reserve Corporation. You won't have a say in it. You'll just do what the banks tell you to do and because your ledger is going to be distributed to multiple entities they will be punishing you by removing your bus tokens according to your behavior...

Members of the U.S. banking and payments community involved in this PoC <proof of concept (as listed further below) are pleased to be working alongside the New York Innovation Center (NYIC) < (which has teamed up with Google) that is part of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The NYIC collaborates with the private and public sectors on innovations aimed at enhancing the functioning of the global financial system and the ability of central banks to carry out their missions.
Their mission is not to safely guard your American money...

Yup. the fed officially is testing digital dollars right now with some banks.

It won't be long till digital currency is your only option. And it won't be money you actually own or can hold on your hand. Can be turned off or taken away with a few button presses. Then you won't pay taxes, they will take taxes. They will see every penny you spend and where it goes.

This will be the next major power grab by the real rulers like the world economic forum that use politicians to push their agendas because the members of the world economic forum are the richest of the rich and the most elite like Charles Schwab and bill gates and apple and Anthony fauci who are all members of the world economic forum.

Those same people already control to a certain degree our information since they own most of the msm directly and indirectly. If they also have a hold on our money then the real problems will begin.
I already kissed most of my savings account goodbye, when I gave it to the guy who sells precious metal.

Crypto doesn't exist and gold & silver will always be money.

Our country has in the past and will again confiscate gold and silver, though. And will fine you and or imprison you for hiding it if you have it. And unless you paid cash for it, they know you have it. You can't buy anything with gold. It isn't legal tender. If it goes up, what do you do? Sell it for worthless dollars? I love gold, but simply don't know what to do with it. Junk silver IS legal tender, for now, but they'll call it in when they call in gold.
I just don't know...
Let me see if I understand you correctly.

You were listening to your favorite Q-anon channel when they played some doom music and then told you the international Jewish bankers were going to take your dollars away and you have no choice about it.

You then went out and looked for a link, didn't read a word of it, and then posted this topic.

So let me ask you a very simple question: Do you know what the BIS is?
I've been listening to economists from everywhere, and have known for quite some time our money is tanking. As it continues to tank, I am wondering what do do with mine, before it goes down the drain.
You seem to think everything is just fine with the dollar. If you don't know that a digital token is about to replace it, then you need to do some research into what banks are preparing for that exact scenario now...
So all you can do is plagiarize from a blog.

Who do you think you are fooling?

What exactly are they doing, tard?

In your own words. I shouldn't have to say that, but...
You're blind as a bat. ESG credits are going to replace the dollar. The banks are in the process of setting it up now.
Catch up...
I've been listening to economists from everywhere, and have known for quite some time our money is tanking. As it continues to tank, I am wondering what do do with mine, before it goes down the drain.
You seem to think everything is just fine with the dollar. If you don't know that a digital token is about to replace it, then you need to do some research into what banks are preparing for that exact scenario now...

Guano hasn't got a pot to piss in so money is of no concern to him.
Actually, I would have to hit my head with a hammer and give myself seven pounds of brain damage to be as credulous and ignorant as you rubes.
No, just squeeze your nose and chances are good the brown stuff will start oozing out your ears.
Our country has in the past and will again confiscate gold and silver, though. And will fine you and or imprison you for hiding it if you have it. And unless you paid cash for it, they know you have it. You can't buy anything with gold. It isn't legal tender. If it goes up, what do you do? Sell it for worthless dollars? I love gold, but simply don't know what to do with it. Junk silver IS legal tender, for now, but they'll call it in when they call in gold.
I just don't know...

Like you said, they have to know it's there.

Or be willing to get hurt in the effort of getting it out of me. This time Americans will fight back.

Americans willingly, bovinely gave it up to a government they still trusted in 1933.


Like you said, they have to know it's there.

Or be willing to get hurt in the effort of getting it out of me. This time Americans will fight back.

Americans willingly, bovinely gave it up to a government they still trusted in 1933.

Indeed. A lot has changed in the past 90 years. News travels much faster, and people openly distrust the government. And for good reason.
Yup. the fed officially is testing digital dollars right now with some banks.

It won't be long till digital currency is your only option. And it won't be money you actually own or can hold on your hand. Can be turned off or taken away with a few button presses. Then you won't pay taxes, they will take taxes. They will see every penny you spend and where it goes.

This will be the next major power grab by the real rulers like the world economic forum that use politicians to push their agendas because the members of the world economic forum are the richest of the rich and the most elite like Charles Schwab and bill gates and apple and Anthony fauci who are all members of the world economic forum.

Those same people already control to a certain degree our information since they own most of the msm directly and indirectly. If they also have a hold on our money then the real problems will begin.
We saw Trudeau shut down those truckers in Canada several months ago. The power is there. The optimum is getting there. Then they say "freedom" and the real farce, "democracy". We live in a real drama today. A behind the scenes one where we have lost our liberties without a shot fired and many people ignorant of it.
We saw Trudeau shut down those truckers in Canada several months ago. The power is there. The optimum is getting there. Then they say "freedom" and the real farce, "democracy". We live in a real drama today. A behind the scenes one where we have lost our liberties without a shot fired and many people ignorant of it.

I will never support a GoFundMe cause again after what they were allowed to do to those Canadian truckers.

Not totally true. Some states recognize US gold and silver coins as legal tender. Among them, Texas, Utah, Louisiana and Wyoming. I believe there are seven states.

When I first started being aware of the shakiness of the US fiat currency system I remember seeing a video of at least one retailer -- a grocery in LA someplace -- that was set up to accept junk silver for melt value for transactions, and I can't imagine that if we got in that bad of shape that people would not be able to figure out how to convert junk silver or, to some extent, smaller weights of silver and gold into a form that they could trade with. Gold is something like $64 per gram today, and before you know it, it will be impossible to walk out of a store with a sack of groceries for less than $64. They'll be able to figure out how to snap a gram off of a CombiBar.

I guess I should contact my Republican rep's office and ask why we can't make legal tender of Au and Ag in my state. I live in a mainly Republican and very conservative state where folks mostly think like we do.


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