Kitty rescue stories....

A 9-year-old boy with autism broke into tears when he reunited with his missing cat who means the world to him. She's his best friend and his joy.

Meet Autumn the cat and her human brother Austen.

Courtesy: Angela Davis

"I used to work for a veterinarian and one morning (years ago) one of my co-workers and I got to work to find a box of kittens and their injured mom," Angela Davis told Love Meow.

"Autumn (the cat) was the only female and I was instantly drawn to her." She brought the kitten home one day. When Austen met Autumn, the two just hit it off.

Soon they became inseparable. "She would let him carry her around and love her."

Austen was later diagnosed with Autism and ADHD, along with some sensory processing issues.

Courtesy: Angela Davis

The tabby cat is always gentle and loving to her human brother. "No matter what his mood was Autumn always puts up with him. She has also been a great help in showing him how to treat animals. She lets him know when enough is enough, but would never hurt him," Davis told Love Meow.

"With his autism Austen can be very particular with his things and Autumn is his. He absolutely loves cats and she is special to him."

Every morning, Autumn wakes him up by licking him, head butting him and cuddling with him.

Courtesy: Angela Davis

The day Autumn went missing...

That night, Davis noticed that their cat wasn't at her usual spot, but didn't know for sure until the next day.

"I searched my house, searched outside, talked to neighbors and no one had seen her. I spent two days trying to find her," Davis told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Angela Davis

Austen was more than devastated. "He cried himself to sleep, and spent several days just crying off and on for her. He also became physically sick and missed the whole week of school," Davis told Love Meow.

"I was getting desperate, I was worried that he would start withdrawing into himself. He was heartbroken over her being gone. He kept asking when she was going to come home or would cry because it was his cat that was missing..."

Courtesy: Angela Davis

"We made flyers and put them around businesses near our house. I had gotten a tip to leave my garage door open and put her blanket and bowls out there. So I did this on Sunday night. Monday while he was at school, I heard meowing come from outside, went out and there she was!"

"Once I caught her, I could not wait to reunite those two, so I drove to the school and took him out early... Best thing ever!"

"This photo shows just how much she meant to him and how emotional the reunion was."

Courtesy: Angela Davis

"Austen is so happy to have her home. He keeps checking to make sure he knows where she is," Davis said.

The boy has been talking about being a veterinarian when he grows up. He has to deal with hospital stays and health issues, but "no matter what, he knew she would be there when he got home. Just her presence seems to help him feel better."
This cat has truly lived up to his name. At 10 days old, he fought his way to survival despite losing a limp. Now he is thriving with his three paws.

Meet Trooper!

Courtesy: Foothills Animal Shelter

"The kitten was found by a good Samaritan under a porch, along with four siblings," Foothills Animal Shelter told Love Meow.

The two surviving kittens from the litter were taken to Wheat Ridge Animal Hospital, who then contacted Foothills Animal Shelter. When the kittens arrived at the shelter, staff quickly noticed that in order to save little Trooper, they had to remove his injured leg.

"We knew without the surgery he wouldn't survive, so we decided to take the chance," said Dr. Emily Hays, Chief Veterinarian at Foothills Animal Shelter.

Courtesy: Foothills Animal Shelter

At 10 days old, Trooper underwent the surgery like a champ!

His amazing will to live resonates with his name. He and his sister were placed in a foster home to recover. "The kittens were so young that their eyes were barely open and they were still learning to walk," the shelter said.

Courtesy: Foothills Animal Shelter

Despite everything Trooper has gone through, after more than two months of specialized and life-saving care, Trooper has fully recovered from his leg amputation.

Trooper cuddling with his caregiver. Look at that content face :).

Courtesy: Foothills Animal Shelter

"He is a rambunctious, healthy kitten that loves to play with toys. His missing limb doesn't slow him down at all,"

"Within one day of being available for adoption, Trooper found a home. Cindy and Dave H. spotted Trooper on Foothills Animal Shelter's website and fell in love."

Courtesy: Foothills Animal Shelter

The happy tripawd now spends his days playing with another cat, named Phoenix.

"His big brother Phoenix took to him almost immediately. We feel so fortunate that he's a part of our family and settling in nicely," says Cindy.

Courtesy: Foothills Animal Shelter

Trooper the cat knows no limits!

Courtesy: Foothills Animal Shelter
A ginger kitten was spotted under a truck by a good Samaritan. He was so tiny that he could fit perfectly in his rescuer's hand. The little kitten was just a couple of days old with his eyes still closed.

Meet Braeburn!


"Neighbor found this tiny guy under his truck. The vet said he was only two days old and his chances of survival were low," imgur user Killerismycat said.

Despite what the vet said, the little miracle kitten got better and stronger every day. "He made it through all of the troubles with only a few problems."

He was mini sized, when they found him.


The tiny ginger boy really surprised his humans with his strong will to live. Even when his eyes were still closed, he was eating like a champ and purring as long as his human was by his side.

"This one's name is Braeburn as an apple is what I had for scale at the time."


They didn't know how this fur baby ended up under the truck, but they knew he was going to be all right.

He fell asleep in his human mom's hand after a full meal.


They were right. Look what a handsome fella he's become!

"Today my little ginger is four."


A stray cat brought two tiny surprises to her human friend who had been giving her food and shelter all along.

Meet Ethel the mama and her two babies Diabla and Black Betty!

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

A neighborhood stray cat befriended a kind woman who had been feeding her for quite some time. A couple weeks ago, she decided to bring two tiny kittens up to her porch.

"We're thinking she was hoping to get them weened and knows that there is pretty much an endless supply of food on this particular porch," Itty Bitty Kitty Committee, a rescue group in Charleston, WV, wrote on Facebook.

But the next day, they noticed something was wrong with one of the kittens' eyes.

"Diabla's eyes were swollen shut. We brought her into the house and cleaned them out and decided we were going to have to take her in for veterinary care just to be on the safe side. With just a day apart of appearing fine and this happening to her eyes, we decided it would be best to take her sister in as well."

After cleaning her eyes and giving her eye drops, the kitten could see again!

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

"(We) have decided to keep them inside and out of harms way.

"We have also developed a good enough relationship with Ethel (momma cat) that we'll be able to get her into a cat carrier and spayed shortly."

After a bath, the little kitten has already adjusted to indoor life. She is loving it!

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

Those tiny fluffy paws!

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

A big stretch!!!!

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

Black Betty is a bit shy, but is happy to be loved.

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

Just look at that face!

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

Ethel the mama cat got her kittens to the person she befriended just in time to get her babies the help and proper care they need. Mama knows best!

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee
A Border Collie pup found a kitten den during a walk with her human mom. She has been guarding and protecting the little surviving calico since.

Meet Otter Pop the kitten and Bunny the pup.


Photo: HeatherKitty
Heather (of HeatherKitty) was out walking her pup Bunny when her dog started sniffing aggressively. That's when she noticed a litter of kittens.

The cat mother was nowhere to be found. She believes that the Mom had abandoned the litter.

"Only one kitten was still alive," she said. The calico baby was the only one that made it. Heather picked her up and rushed home to get her help.


Photo: HeatherKitty
As an animal lover who has three cats of her own, Heather knew exactly what the kitten needed to survive - food and warmth. After filling up her belly, she carefully wrapped up the kitten in a soft towel.

Little Otter Pop fell asleep in her warms.


Photo: HeatherKitty
Soon the bond between the kitten and the pup started to form.

That day Bunny the pup stood guard by the kitten all afternoon.


Photo: HeatherKitty
The tiny calico, whose eyes were still closed, crawled up to Bunny as she tried to look for her mama.

"Otter pop started rooting around on Bunny like she was mom."


Photo: HeatherKitty
"Bunny was apprehensive at first... but she's now settling into her role as mama cat quite nicely," Heather said.

"I think this means the kitten has now adopted the dog."


Photo: HeatherKitty
Bunny cleans her, snuggles with her, and spends a lot of time by her side, watching over her.

The tiny calico nursing away while her 'mama' watching contently.


Photo: HeatherKitty
They were going to bottle feed the kitten until she was old enough to find a home...


Photo: HeatherKitty
But the kitten has already chosen her home, and her new mama, Bunny the pup, is guarding and protecting her for life.


Photo: HeatherKitty
A young woman wouldn't give up on a tiny kitten she found near her home even though others didn't believe he would make it.

In less than two weeks, look at the difference that love can make!

Meet Bane the tuxedo! This is the day he was found on the front porch.


Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots
It was May 15th after Brandi (of Bunsandtots) returned for the weekend, she found a tiny kitten on her front porch all by himself.

"He was alone and just stared up at me and meowed silently," Brandi told Love Meow.

"I didn't expect him to let me get close let alone pick him up, so when he did, it was game over. First thing I said 'I am your mother now'."

When little Bane looked at her with those eyes, she knew she would do everything she could to save him.


Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots
After getting some supplies from urgent care, she brought the kitten home and set up a makeshift bed for the tiny fur baby. Little Bane purred and slept throughout the night.

When the kitten was checked out at the vet, the prognosis wasn't good.

"They said they think he isn't going to make it, that he could pass away very easily," Brandi said. They warned her that she "just have to take it day by day and hope for the best."


Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots
The odds were stacked against Bane, but Brandi saw a sign of hope when she noticed his eyes were looking a little better after a couple of days. She refused to give up.

"He weighed only half a pound. I fed him every 2 hours. He slept on my chest for the first week the entirety of the time besides feedings."


Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots
A week later..

"The vets were shocked when I brought him back in (for a follow-up appointment). My little floof made it!" Brandi said.

"He now weighs 3/4 of a pound and can keep his temperature normal all by himself, beat his upper respiratory and eye infection, got deworming meds, wants to play non stop, is super fiesty, and still loves to cuddle with me all day."


Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots
"He's still underweight and I have to feed him every 2 hours for the next 2 weeks but it's all so worth it!"

Bane purring up a storm on his human mom's shoulder, happy and loved!


Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots
Brandi knew this little guy had a lot of fight in him.

"I didn't give up on him even when the vet said he didn't have a chance. Now he is going to have a long, healthy, spoiled life."


Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots
I picked up this from my sister's next door neighbor's house the mother cat had rejected her and I figure she was just a day from death when we got her.


Four months later

Today six months old

Proving, once again, how some people are such scumbags, and don't deserve to live, while others are the FRUIT of humanity!

A calico cat mother is paralyzed in her hindquarters, but nothing can keep her away from her kittens. She dragged herself to her babies so she could continue mothering them despite what happened to her.

Meet Princess and her babies.

Photo: Kirrily Smith @Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

Before Princess the cat became paralyzed, she gave birth to a litter of five kittens in a yard where she had been getting food from. The kittens are her everything.

But her world turned upside down, when she entered another yard where she was faced with brutality, and it left her paralyzed.

Her determination to care for her babies kept her alive, and she dragged herself back to the place where she left her babies.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

When Dee Walton, owner of Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue at Weston, NSW, Australia, found out about Princess and her ordeal, she rushed to save the cat mama.

A kind lady, who had been feeding the cat, called the RSPCA, and they took the mama cat and her babies in.

It turns out that the cat mother has a microchip and they were able to track down the owner who later relinquished the cats to the shelter.

Walton quickly stepped forward to take in the entire furry family, so they could get the care and love they so deserve.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

Despite what happened to Princess, she continues to love and give. She's completely devoted to her babies day and night.

Princess is nursing them, keeping them clean and comforting them at their foster home.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

The person responsible for Princess' injuries has been arrested. The rescue group is working on a plan to get momma cat her very own wheelchair, so she can move freely again.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

This amazing calico mama never gave up on her kittens despite her fate. Her kittens were the reason that kept her going because she knew they needed her.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

Princess cuddling with her precious babies. Her motherly love triumphs!

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

What an incredible mama! Here, she's getting replenished after feeding her very squirmy babies.
A litter of three kittens were found underneath a pool deck. Their cat mother decided that would be the place for her to raise her babies.

When the owner of the pool saw the furry family, she knew it wasn't a good place because these little kittens are all clumsy, and one of them is very wobbly.

Courtesy: The Creative Cat

"Yesterday (Memorial Day) I went just to check out a situation in Bethel Park where there were kittens and a mom under a pool deck," Margo Cicci Wisniewski of Homeless Cat Management Team (Pittsburgh, PA) said on her Facebook.

"When I got there and saw one of the kittens, I knew we had to try and trap them immediately. It was clear that at least one of the kittens had Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH, a disorder that effects their motor skills).

"After talking to the homeowner she said that the one I saw wasn't even the heart sank."

Margo immediately knew that the kitties needed to be rescued. She called a fellow rescuer, Tarra Provident, who quickly headed there with traps, and the rescue began.

Courtesy: The Creative Cat

"When she arrived the one that was the worst had himself positioned under the deck in a spot where Tarra could get under the deck and grab him (he is unable to run away)."

Another rescuer, Karen Sable, came to help with trapping. "After about 6 more hours, she was able to get both of the other kittens at the same time," Margo said.

Courtesy: The Creative Cat

The kittens are about ten weeks old, clean and healthy despite their symptoms.

"Even the little guy who is pretty much immobile… is clean with no sign of abrasions or missing fur from dragging himself around," Bernadette E. Kazmarski wrote on The Creative Cat.

"That is one impressive mom cat who managed to nurse three kittens with balance issues and then to wean them to eat regular food, and kept her kittens' fur clean and the kittens in good health,"

The moment they got the little guy out from underneath the pool.

Courtesy: The Creative Cat

The Homeless Cat Management Team rescuers trapped the cat mother the next day and will have her spayed.

Courtesy: The Creative Cat

The kittens were born in the wild and had no human contact until they were found. However, it didn't take long for them to warm up to their human friends and accept their help.

This is the little guy (the tiniest of the three) drinking water just minutes after he was rescued.

Courtesy: The Creative Cat

Two of the kittens are a bit clumsy, but they can walk, eat and use a litterbox on their own. The little guy will need a loving home where he can get the assistance he needs for the rest of his life.

The little buddy and his siblings headed home with Margo that day.

Courtesy: The Creative Cat

Meet Peter Pan (the little guy), Wendy Darling (gray/white tabby), and Rufio (orange boy in the front).

"Their names were inspired by my love of the song 'Lost Boys' by Ruth B. It's a magical song, and I felt that these babies needed some magic in their lives, I know I certainly do!" Margo said.

Courtesy: Margo Cicci Wisniewski

Even though Peter Pan is very wobbly, can't walk like his siblings and will need extra love and help daily, he is a very happy little guy who just wants to be loved and have a place to call his forever home.

I picked up this from my sister's next door neighbor's house the mother cat had rejected her and I figure she was just a day from death when we got her.


Four months later

Today six months old


These pics are not showing up for me unfortunately.
Proving, once again, how some people are such scumbags, and don't deserve to live, while others are the FRUIT of humanity!

A calico cat mother is paralyzed in her hindquarters, but nothing can keep her away from her kittens. She dragged herself to her babies so she could continue mothering them despite what happened to her.

Meet Princess and her babies.

Photo: Kirrily Smith @Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

Before Princess the cat became paralyzed, she gave birth to a litter of five kittens in a yard where she had been getting food from. The kittens are her everything.

But her world turned upside down, when she entered another yard where she was faced with brutality, and it left her paralyzed.

Her determination to care for her babies kept her alive, and she dragged herself back to the place where she left her babies.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

When Dee Walton, owner of Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue at Weston, NSW, Australia, found out about Princess and her ordeal, she rushed to save the cat mama.

A kind lady, who had been feeding the cat, called the RSPCA, and they took the mama cat and her babies in.

It turns out that the cat mother has a microchip and they were able to track down the owner who later relinquished the cats to the shelter.

Walton quickly stepped forward to take in the entire furry family, so they could get the care and love they so deserve.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

Despite what happened to Princess, she continues to love and give. She's completely devoted to her babies day and night.

Princess is nursing them, keeping them clean and comforting them at their foster home.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

The person responsible for Princess' injuries has been arrested. The rescue group is working on a plan to get momma cat her very own wheelchair, so she can move freely again.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

This amazing calico mama never gave up on her kittens despite her fate. Her kittens were the reason that kept her going because she knew they needed her.

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

Princess cuddling with her precious babies. Her motherly love triumphs!

Photo: Sawyer Gully Animal Rescue

What an incredible mama! Here, she's getting replenished after feeding her very squirmy babies.

I picked up this from my sister's next door neighbor's house the mother cat had rejected her and I figure she was just a day from death when we got her.


Four months later

Today six months old


These pics are not showing up for me unfortunately.

Ack, sorry, I don't know how to fix that. Perhaps it has something to do with the click to enlarge feature? I'm at a loss.
I picked up this from my sister's next door neighbor's house the mother cat had rejected her and I figure she was just a day from death when we got her.


Four months later

Today six months old


These pics are not showing up for me unfortunately.

Ack, sorry, I don't know how to fix that. Perhaps it has something to do with the click to enlarge feature? I'm at a loss.

No biggie. Maybe you can try to post them again later.
I picked up this from my sister's next door neighbor's house the mother cat had rejected her and I figure she was just a day from death when we got her.


Four months later

Today six months old


These pics are not showing up for me unfortunately.

Ack, sorry, I don't know how to fix that. Perhaps it has something to do with the click to enlarge feature? I'm at a loss.

No biggie. Maybe you can try to post them again later.

Sure I'll give it a shot but it will have to be this evening. We're out and about right now.
A tiny scraggly kitten rescued from a cat colony, was a bit of a mess when they found her, but as soon as they gave her pets and cuddles, her eyes lit up and she wanted more.

Meet Bailey.

Courtesy: @furever_foster

"Bailey was found outside living amongst a cat colony. Thankfully the person that was feeding the colony brought Bailey to Posh Pets rescue after seeing her need for medical care," Bailey's humans (@furever_foster) told Love Meow. "That's when she came to us as a foster kitten."

The kitten came with a long list of medical issues. "She had ringworm, a severe eye infection that was beginning to scar her corneas, severe flea infestation, severe ear mites infestation, (a severe upper respiratory infection) and had to be shaved due to her long hair matting."

But her will to live conquers it all.

Courtesy: @furever_foster

Bailey is nothing short of a miracle.

"This little hot mess has always been a fighter and an absolute mush who enjoys belly rubs of all things."

Courtesy: @furever_foster

The kitty was so tiny but had so much fight in her. Soon after they started fostering they knew they could never part with her.

"We decided to adopt her as we felt we loved her as no one else could."

Courtesy: @furever_foster

"She likes to cuddle for sure but she LOVES playtime, especially chasing and jumping after DaBird toy," they told Love Meow.

Courtesy: @furever_foster

"She is a high energy Maine coon mix that is very in tune to people and so incredibly smart.

"We knew she was the one when she loved belly rubs and cuddling with us! She is a certified lap kitten!"

Courtesy: @furever_foster

"How could you have anything but love for this little face?"

Courtesy: @furever_foster

"Hard to believe this is the same kitten... We feel so grateful everyday that she was able to flourish!"

Courtesy: @furever_foster

"I have never seen quite a transformation before and I look forward to the fluffy monster I know she will be."

Courtesy: @furever_foster
A tiny kitten found himself in a bit of a pickle, when he was trapped inside the engine of a parked car last Sunday evening. Several concerned residents heard the kitten's cry and dialed 911 for help.


Photo: @NYPD69Pct
Brooklyn Sergeant Rios and Officer Reiff quickly came to the kitty's rescue. After inspecting the whereabouts of the kitten, Officer Reiff used a jack to prop up the car so he could crawl underneath it to find a safe way to retrieve the kitten.

When he spotted the kitten, he gently pulled him out to safety.


Photo: @NYPD69Pct
Finally the kitten was out of the car and into the safe arms of his rescuer.

They were happy to learn that the kitten was doing well but just a bit dirty and greasy.


Photo: @NYPD69Pct
Officer Reiff took him back to the station to give him a very needed bath and some cuddles afterwards.


Photo: @NYPD69Pct
One of the officers at the station fell in love with the tiny rescued kitten and offered to adopt him.

No more wandering on the streets. The little fur buddy is now living happily in his forever home.


Photo: @NYPD69Pct
A cat was left behind by his previous family and found himself wandering in the neighborhood until he met a guy who has a soft spot for animals.

He walked up to his human friend and hopped in his lap for some cuddles.


Photo: Beartow
"I moved into a new house with some work friends, and after a few days we noticed this guy living under a hedge," reddit user Beartow said. "He had been left by the woman who lived there before us when she moved out. Not neutered, underweight, and dirty..."

The kitty immediately took to this guy and wanted cuddles from him. He was quite persistent.

"He took every chance to cuddle up with me outside. I named him The Professor."

The guy became the kitty's daily food provider. He saved up enough money to bring him to get vetted and fixed. The vet estimated the cat was around one year old when they found him.

"This was shortly after bringing him in." The professor looks quite ravishing with his new bowtie!


Photo: Beartow
"Almost exactly a year later, my girlfriend and I have moved, and this time he came with his owners! He's almost like a dog in that he follows us everywhere, comes to the door to meet us when we get home, wakes us at six in the morning for cuddles.

"I don't understand why his previous owner just abandoned him - he's a lovely boy who just likes to sleep on his back all day in between playtime and cuddles!"

The kitty cuddled his way into his loving home. He knew this guy would love him for life.

"It's been a joy seeing The Professor's personality emerge over the last year... He's turned us into a little family, and I couldn't imagine him not being with us. I seriously love this little guy!"


Photo: Beartow
When a cat chooses you, it means forever!

A neighborhood cat came to a couple for food one day and just kept coming back.

Last week, she brought her kitten who had a broken leg to meet the people she befriended.


Courtesy of Jamie
Jamie has been feeding a neighborhood cat who showed up at her property one day, looking for food.

She has been coming back ever since.

A few days ago, the beautiful tortie cat decided to bring a little someone she cared a lot about to meet her human friends. She surprised the couple when she introduced them to her ginger kitten and his broken leg.

"When we came home and found that she had brought him over.... We were very surprised," Jamie told Love Meow.


Courtesy of Jamie
"We found him and immediatley knew that something was wrong. He would hike his leg up and his hip would jet out real far. We thought maybe his little hip was broken," Jamie told Love Meow.

They named him Milo.


Courtesy of Jamie
They took little Milo home for the night so he could have a safe place to stay. The next morning, the kitten went on his first trip to the vet.

"We did X-rays, vaccinations, all the initial rounds necessary to ensure his health was taken care of," Jamie said.

Milo's tibula and fibula were somehow broken. "He should have his cast on for about 3 more weeks."


Courtesy of Jamie
Meanwhile, they continue feeding and caring for the mama cat who very much prefers the outdoors.

"I think she's just so used to being outside." Maybe someday she will change her mind.

"Vet put a cast on Milo and he hasn't left our side since!"


Courtesy of Jamie
"He now knows our routine and greets us at the door where he knows he will get a treat (or two!).

"Milo was the best thing that's happened to me in a long time,"


Courtesy of Jamie
Milo playing on the bed.

Nothing can slow him down, not even the cast.


Courtesy of Jamie
Mama cat brought her precious baby to the couple she had grown to trust. Maybe she knew they would help her fix her child.

Now Milo is on the mend. He is loving his new home.

"He hasn't left our side since."


Courtesy of Jamie

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