KJP says that "irresponsible reporting" is alleging that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to the Biden family.

Yep. A simple misdemeanor

Under DC law, possession of cocaine in powder form, smokable crack form, or other derivatives, is a misdemeanor criminal offense. Possession of cocaine in this instance is a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of up to 180 days in jail, fines up to $1,000, or both.
That law must date back to the days of Mayor Marion Berry cocaine addict extradinore.
It's not about what you believe, how do you know what is done or not done with Coke if you have never used it.
there is a reason i left a question mark. i was asking a question

drug addicts fo irrational things, one doesn’t have to be a drug addict to know that
The Secret Service doesn't have the legal authority to require samples from those passing through the foyer (or as described a high traffic area) which includes non-federal government visitors and VIPs. For White House staff as a condition of employment? Probably. For anyone else they would need probable cause and a court search warrant - unless they ask nice and a person voluntarily provides a sample.

No way they are getting a search warrant for any and all visitors that passed through an entrance way.

On the other hand given the in-person security, video cameras, and probably forensic evidence (fingerprints and DNA) on the baggie (plastic being very nice at holding prints and skin oils/cells), I'd be suppressed if they would have difficulty ID'ing the person that deposited that baggie.

Perhaps the FBI should be doing the investigation. The problem with that is the FBI would bury any evidence of a Biden being responsible for the cocaine. The FBI excels at burying evidence for the Bidens.

Actually that is a pretty good answer. Much better than a headline saying "Upon questioning, the White house denies, cocaine found belonged to the Biden family". Some things, you just don't bother to dignify by answering.
It doesn't matter the optics are what they are. In this day and age the facts are irrelevant and appearances become facts. Nobody bothered to try to get fingerprints off of the package I'm sure. Or if they did get the fingerprints we will never know who they belong to. I find it amazing that we even found out about it at all. It's bad press that's for sure which makes me wonder why it became public knowledge in the first place. Since the left isn't complete control of the press somebody weigh up high okay the info for public consumption.
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Yep. A simple misdemeanor

Under DC law, possession of cocaine in powder form, smokable crack form, or other derivatives, is a misdemeanor criminal offense. Possession of cocaine in this instance is a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of up to 180 days in jail, fines up to $1,000, or both.
The White House is a federal building, subject to federal law, not city ordinances.
The White House is a federal building, subject to federal law, not city ordinances.
Sounds reasonable. I'll take your word for it. I still don't get why you seem to have your hair on fire about it, but you be you.
Sounds reasonable. I'll take your word for it. I still don't get why you seem to have your hair on fire about it, but you be you.
Other than the total security lapse, national embarrassment, and apparent lack of accountability for one party? Yeah, guess you wouldn't get it.
It doesn't matter the optics are what they are. In this day and age the facts are irrelevant and appearances become facts. Nobody bothered to try to get fingerprints off of the package I'm sure. Or if they did get the fingerprints we will never know who they belong to. I find it amazing that we even found out about it at all. It's bad press that's for sure which makes me wonder why it became public knowledge in the first place. Since the left isn't complete control of the press somebody weigh up high okay the info for public consumption.
"In this day and age the facts are irrelevant and appearances become facts." I can appreciate your take on this. Still, we are stuck with non-prosecutable optics vs prosecutable facts, but like you said, they become facts in some people's minds whether the facts are complete, actually point to a suspect, or are just built up for projection to partisan consumption.

Fingerprints. I understand it was fingerprinted. But, no telling who handled from the moment seen laying somewhere to when fingerprints taken.

"find it amazing that we even found out about it at all" I am not. At some level, in a place like that, there are some that know for a fact, in this day and time, nothing remains a secret, so best policy is "appear" to be open, at the very least. That is whether releasing every detail known or not. It is the blatant cover ups, that get people prosecuted and the conspiracy to conceal a crime, often worse and more easily prosecuted that the original offence, as we have seen time and time again. It was a hallmark of the last administration and people in it or associated with it.

"Since the left isn't complete control of the press somebody weigh way up high okay the info for public consumption." Yep. I would not be surprised if it was Biden, himself. It is unlikely he would see a connection to any of the first family and probably in actuality isn't any.
"In this day and age the facts are irrelevant and appearances become facts." I can appreciate your take on this. Still, we are stuck with non-prosecutable optics vs prosecutable facts, but like you said, they become facts in some people's minds whether the facts are complete, actually point to a suspect, or are just built up for projection to partisan consumption.

Fingerprints. I understand it was fingerprinted. But, no telling who handled from the moment seen laying somewhere to when fingerprints taken.

"find it amazing that we even found out about it at all" I am not. At some level, in a place like that, there are some that know for a fact, in this day and time, nothing remains a secret, so best policy is "appear" to be open, at the very least. That is whether releasing every detail known or not. It is the blatant cover ups, that get people prosecuted and the conspiracy to conceal a crime, often worse and more easily prosecuted that the original offence, as we have seen time and time again. It was a hallmark of the last administration and people in it or associated with it.

"Since the left isn't complete control of the press somebody weigh way up high okay the info for public consumption." Yep. I would not be surprised if it was Biden, himself. It is unlikely he would see a connection to any of the first family and probably in actuality isn't any.
Regardless of whose coke it was, it poses a significant national security risk. Addicts are easily compromised, and in this case it was coke, next time it could be anthrax or pure fentanyl. Blowing it off doesn't change that. Good to see you shilling for Boss Biden though.
Regardless of whose coke it was, it poses a significant national security risk. Addicts are easily compromised, and in this case it was coke, next time it could be anthrax or pure fentanyl. Blowing it off doesn't change that. Good to see you shilling for Boss Biden though.
That's why the entire whitehouse is scanned several times a day. I suppose they could strip search everyone before they are alowed on the property, but I doubt that is going to happen.
Regardless of whose coke it was, it poses a significant national security risk. Addicts are easily compromised, and in this case it was coke, next time it could be anthrax or pure fentanyl. Blowing it off doesn't change that. Good to see you shilling for Boss Biden though.
It was not blown off. It was reported and being investigated. I am pretty sure, someplace like the White House does incident reviews to make sure there is not a reoccurrence.
It was not blown off. It was reported and being investigated. I am pretty sure, someplace like the White House does incident reviews to make sure there is not a reoccurrence.
They were supposed to have high enough security to prevent it in the first place. Pinning your hopes and dreams on these fools seems moronic.
They were supposed to have high enough security to prevent it in the first place. Pinning your hopes and dreams on these fools seems moronic.
In reality, nothing is secure. I have walked in to enough secure locations, to know. Nothing and nowhere and nobody stays on high alert all the time. That is not a judgement, just a fact. It would be nice if people's ideals of high security matched 24/7 with reality, but it just doesn't. You manage and message security as necessary after breaches occur.
In reality, nothing is secure. I have walked in to enough secure locations, to know. Nothing and nowhere and nobody stays on high alert all the time. That is not a judgement, just a fact. It would be nice if people's ideals of high security matched 24/7 with reality, but it just doesn't. You manage and message security as necessary after breaches occur.
How did Secret Service successfully defend against weaponized powders for the last 20 years without a lapse? Why does this administration seem to be leading the way in sheer incompetence and lax procedures? Don't worry, I'm not asking you to criticize the Boss, consider it rhetorical. Incompetence and outright lunacy permeate from this disgraceful administration, yet they always find willing rubes to defend them. Sad.
In reality, nothing is secure.


Bullshit, pal.

I have walked in to enough secure locations, to know.

Not enough, apparently.

Nothing and nowhere and nobody stays on high alert all the time.

Yeah? They're dropping acid in the fire room of nuclear subs?

That is not a judgement, just a fact. It would be nice if people's ideals of high security matched 24/7 with reality, but it just doesn't. You manage and message security as necessary after breaches occur.

You sir, are a total fucking moron.

Nuff said.
How did Secret Service successfully defend against weaponized powders for the last 20 years without a lapse? Why does this administration seem to be leading the way in sheer incompetence and lax procedures? Don't worry, I'm not asking you to criticize the Boss, consider it rhetorical. Incompetence and outright lunacy permeate from this disgraceful administration, yet they always find willing rubes to defend them. Sad.
I am not in the Secret Service. I have no idea. Most likely extremely lucky.

Bullshit, pal.

Not enough, apparently.

Yeah? They're dropping acid in the fire room of nuclear subs?

You sir, are a total fucking moron.

Nuff said.
Denying reality, does not change reality, whether you believe in reality or not, and it sounds like you do not.

I wouldn't mind reading the link behind that one. What year was it?
Denying reality, does not change reality, whether you believe in reality or not, and it sounds like you do not.
View attachment 802784
I wouldn't mind reading the link behind that one. What year was it?
Security MORONS like yourself are why we have problems.

This is what you said:

"You manage and message security as necessary after breaches occur"

Any competent security professional would have you STRUNG UP BY THE BALLS for saying something so completely idiotic.

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