KJP says that "irresponsible reporting" is alleging that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to the Biden family.

this area wasn’t open to the public as the first story claimed

it was a restrictive area, not the public area where tourist would leave things as the article rhe first poster reported from the admin.

Here is the link to the first poster that started this discussion we've been involved in which was BULLDOG

Again you use the phrase "open to the public" which is misleading. NONE of the White House is "open to the public", you have to gain admission for a reason which can be a tour, but you can't just walk up to and gain entry to the White House. And clearly the article he referenced shows that it was found in a cubby where visitors would leave have to leave items.

From the article:
  • Cocaine discovered in the White House on Sunday was found in a cubby hole in a West Wing entry area where visitors place electronics and other belongings before going on tours, a source familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.
  • White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters: "Where this was discovered is a heavily traveled area where many ... West Wing visitors come through."
  • Hundreds of people pass through the West Wing on a regular basis, including political staff, their guests and members of the press.
  • Administration officials are able to offer tours of parts of the West Wing to friends and family members. People who are not members of staff must leave electronics and other belongings in the storage cubicles before taking a tour.
  • "It was in one of the cubbies," the source said about the cocaine.
The article used by that poster clearly shows that it was a high traffic foyer and not a library

Here is the link to the first poster that started this discussion we've been involved in which was BULLDOG

Again you use the phrase "open to the public" which is misleading. NONE of the White House is "open to the public", you have to gain admission for a reason which can be a tour, but you can't just walk up to and gain entry to the White House. And clearly the article he referenced shows that it was found in a cubby where visitors would leave have to leave items.

From the article:
  • Cocaine discovered in the White House on Sunday was found in a cubby hole in a West Wing entry area where visitors place electronics and other belongings before going on tours, a source familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.
  • White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters: "Where this was discovered is a heavily traveled area where many ... West Wing visitors come through."
  • Hundreds of people pass through the West Wing on a regular basis, including political staff, their guests and members of the press.
  • Administration officials are able to offer tours of parts of the West Wing to friends and family members. People who are not members of staff must leave electronics and other belongings in the storage cubicles before taking a tour.
  • "It was in one of the cubbies," the source said about the cocaine.
The article used by that poster clearly shows that it was a high traffic foyer and not a library
yes it was a obvious lie, it was not found in a cubby hole ina area for the public

it was found near the entrance limited to VIPs, the VP and high level personal
yes it was a obvious lie, it was not found in a cubby hole ina area for the public

it was found near the entrance limited to VIPs, the VP and high level personal

And what administration official told you this and where did you get this information?

from the links in the stories we’ve been discussing

I provided the link that you referenced and provided direct quotes, it doesn't say what you said it does.

But with that you can have the last word, I'm out for the evening.

But I do want to sincerely say thank you for the discussion and the respectful tone.

Nonsense. I mean, who the fuck else could have gotten the coke into the WH?

If you went there or I did, we’d be searched. But family? Nah.
I have never been there. I have been swarmed by TSA coming out of Colorado with joints and edible souvenirs for take home, never caught. I really have no idea how close people are checked. Do you? Have you been there and personally searched? If you have and know, you tell me. But, if you haven't, we're just talking assumptions. I don't do assumptions as fact.
COULD HAVE BEEN? Look, Honey, they got cameras everywhere, experts have already stated that it should take no more than 30 minutes to review the footage to figure out when that blow appeared and who had access and put it there, never mind checking the baggie or container for fingerprints and DNA, or what now--- is the WH going to claim the baggie had nothing that the US government can match with any human on the planet?


Democrats and Lefties have put us in the hands of a dangerous, incompetent, treasonous band of criminals.

View attachment 802465
would anybody be surprised if the claim is that the cameras in that area “weren’t functioning properly” at the exact time in question?
Look at you being all Columbo!😃
Elementary my dear Watson.

Ole Hunter is the national poster boy for cocaine addiction. I mean as connected as he was he still got kicked out the Navy JAG for cocaine abuse for heaven's sake. He makes videos of himself using cocaine. He was charged with a firearms crime because of his use of cocaine. It doesn't take Columbo to figure out where the cocaine in the White House came from.
How many years has the white house stood? How many times has cocaine been found in the white house? A known cocaine user has been staying at the White House. It is not a terrible stretch to attribute the cocaine to the addict.

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