KJP says that "irresponsible reporting" is alleging that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to the Biden family.

huh? read the poster i was responding to…what he claimed


He cited Reuters.

You said you thought "they" (here is the "they" again) claimed it was being found in a library.

What I'm trying to do is identify who the "they" is that you keep referring to.

Is the "they" some off the wall speculation by "somebody" or are you claiming an administration official said it? If so who, and what is the source?

You make statements like "the first lie from the admin", yet haven't showed where the administration as lied.

Just trying to follow your logic.

Look, she is the worst press secretary ever, an incompetent. But she ticked all the right boxes.

When you base selections on some affirmative action BS, this is what you get, a clown show. Quite fitting for the Clown-In-Chief.

KJP says that "irresponsible reporting" is alleging that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to the Biden family. She then goes on to call a journalist in the briefing room "irresponsible" for asking the White House to unequivocally say that the drugs do not belong to the Biden family. "To ask that question, is actually incredibly irresponsible."

she flat out lied. The whole family was there b4 the cocaine caper
What they do is STASH it, so they can come back and get it later

If you have never used it, how do you know they do that?
oh sorry that light of been my fingers moving faster then thought

i meant “what did they STASH it…and a ? at the end

seems rather silly narrative but some folks bought it i guess
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He cited Reuters.

You said you thought "they" (here is the "they" again) claimed it was being found in a library.

What I'm trying to do is identify who the "they" is that you keep referring to.

Is the "they" some off the wall speculation by "somebody" or are you claiming an administration official said it? If so who, and what is the source?

You make statements like "the first lie from the admin", yet haven't showed where the administration as lied.

Just trying to follow your logic.

the first lie, from the admin was that it was in a public foyer…as the poster cited, i heard the library thing next, and as you correctly showed us, the new narrative is it was in a restrictive area.
the first lie, from the admin was that it was in a public foyer…as the poster cited, i heard the library thing next, and as you correctly showed us, the new narrative is it was in a restrictive area.

"Public foyer" and high traffic area where visitor's, VIPs, military personnel, staff, employees, etc. transit are the same thing, you realize that right? Referring to it early as a "foyer" and not as a high traffic area is not a lie.

You say "i heard the library thing next", and you make statements like "the first lie from the admin". Who in the administration said it was a library? If the first claim was a "foyer" (or public transit area) and then an official claimed it was a library and now it's back to a high traffic area - the admin lie would be the "library" to the "high traffic" area. To make a definitive statement that there is a lie involved you should be able to identify the source of the lie.

That's all I'm asking for. If the administration lied, show the conflicting statements. If you heard it was a "library" from your gardener who heard it from his cousin who heard if from the bag boy at the local grocery store - that isn't "the first lie from the admin", that is listening to crappy sources.

So again, what administration official claimed the cocaine was found in a "library"?

So is it the library thing you are calling a lie? Or is it "foyer" to "high traffic area" you are calling a lie?

I'm not aware of MSDNC. Are they a new network?

A highly trafficked common space where people are coming and going doesn't sound like the private library. Are you sure Andrea Mitchel said it was the library?
No I made it all up. Isn't that what all conservatives do? New network? No, just a once great network, NBC, kowtowing to the Democrat Politburo.
Actually that is a pretty good answer. Much better than a headline saying "Upon questioning, the White house denies, cocaine found belonged to the Biden family". Some things, you just don't bother to dignify by answering.
Just the fact that illegal drugs were found in the White House is a national embarrassment that will never be forgotten. What is really sad is the way liberal progressive pukes are denying and defending a convicted and disgraced ex-military officer's conduct and claiming it's just an unfortunate coincidence. The smartest man Plugs ever knew should be forbidden to ever enter the White House during his pathetic lifetime.
You wouldn't know reality if it came up and bit you on the nose.

You're defending a cocaine addict, dumbshit.
And you don't know the "cocaine addict" left it!
Talk about reality! (That's sarcasm, in case you can't comprehend that!)
The story keeps changing.......as they try to cover up which biden family member brought the cocaine into the White House...

Numerous details about theinvestigation have been changed. Originally, dispatchers sent to the White House on Sunday to investigate the substance said it was found in the library. Then it was reported to be in the West Wing lobby.
Now it's reported to be a floor below the lobby, in an area used by staff, officials, visitors and VIPs.

The West Executive Entrance sits on West Executive Drive - the driveway between the West Wing of the White House and the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. That drive is where Vice President Kamala Harris' motorcade parks and where senior staff have parking spaces.

Senior staff and the vice president go to work in the West Wing through that door.

It's also the entrance used by VIPs for their private meetings in the West Wing - Kim Kardashian used it when she had White House meetings during Donald Trump's administration.

And this......from Andrea Mitchell.....

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell acknowledged Thursday that contrary to the idea that a random tourist left cocaine in the White House in what officials have described as a “heavily trafficked” area, the cocaine was actually found in a “limited access place” near the Situation Room.

“It was found, by my observation, in a much more secure place — limited access place than that West Wing reception area there,” Mitchell said.

“It is still a publicly-trafficked, frequently-trafficked place, but it’s down near the Situation Room right off West Executive [Drive] down below. And normal people — just average people just can’t get in there even with the entry for the Northwest Gate.”

The Breitbart spin is particularly pathetic on this one.
EXPLAIN your self. How many people work there? How many people have acess there? What excuse could you have for EVEN saying it Had to be part of any one group of people. Just more ugly propaganda. Becoming a country trying to build it self on LIES.
No I made it all up. Isn't that what all conservatives do? New network? No, just a once great network, NBC, kowtowing to the Democrat Politburo.
And does this network exist anywhere but your imagination?
No, dear. The shit was found while the Bidens were still in the Crack House and they're blaming it on the maintenance men who were never in the private library where it was found and reported on. Then the lying scum said it was in a cubby hole. The whole damn world knows the trash are lying.
Outta the park, Mr. Hossfly! ⚾⚾⚾

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