KJP says that "irresponsible reporting" is alleging that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to the Biden family.

Not sure if it was inside or outside, but it was at an entry area. .

WASHINGTON, July 5 (Reuters) - Cocaine discovered in the White House on Sunday was found in a cubby hole in a West Wing entry area where visitors place electronics and other belongings before going on tours, a source familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.
i thought they changed that narrative to it being found in a library?
Marilyn Monroe was passed back and forth between the Kennedy brothers in the White House. Trump gave away national secrets to enemies in the oval office.

One of the most well-protected national secrets Trump gave away was that you're really a sniveling little bitch.

He also wrote your phone number on the shithouse stalls at several truck stops in Florida.

That probably explains all the phone calls you've been getting asking for free blowjobs.
He could've left it, druggies don't have good memories.
One of former president Donald Trump’s ex-spokespersons has poured cold water on the idea that a small bag of cocaine found in the West Wing belonged to President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.
Kayleigh McEnany, who served as White House Press Secretary in 2020 and 2021 before signing on as a Fox News host, said on Thursday that the offending narcotic could not have belonged to the younger Mr Biden because he and the rest of the First Family departed from the White House last Friday, two days before the drugs were found near a lower-level entrance to the West Wing.

“For it to be Hunter Biden, he left on Friday, he was at Camp David. There is no way, it is inconceivable to think cocaine could sit for a 72-hour period [at The White House], so I would rule him out at this point,” she said.

KJP says that "irresponsible reporting" is alleging that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to the Biden family. She then goes on to call a journalist in the briefing room "irresponsible" for asking the White House to unequivocally say that the drugs do not belong to the Biden family. "To ask that question, is actually incredibly irresponsible."
i thought they changed that narrative to it being found in a library?

No, the narrative now is "But cocaine is only a misdemeanor in DC, so who cares?"

But that's nothing more than an extension of "I'm not voting for Hunter Biden, so who cares what him done did?"
If Trump was President when cocaine was found in the White House I'm positive Democrats would have tried to impeach him.

Democrats would have tried to impeach him for pissing on the White House toilet seat and crapping on the floor.

Not that he ever would have done that, since his name isn't Joe Biden.
Democrats would have tried to impeach him for pissing on the White House toilet seat and crapping on the floor.

Not that he ever would have done that, since his name isn't Joe Biden.
Nothing but political games in Washington DC while American citizens continue to suffer in this miserable economy.
NBC is saying it was found on the same level as the Situtation Room, not open to the public

True = They said it was on the same level as the situation room, which itself is not open to the public.

False = They said that level "The sources maintain that the area is highly trafficked, in keeping with Jean-Pierre's characterization Wednesday. The area is transited by VIPs, visitors, tourists, staff members, military officials and facilities operations employees."

Even though the two areas might be on the same level, that does not mean BOTH are highly restricted, one can be highly restricted and the other used for less restricted purposes (such as VIPs, visitors, staff, etc., etc.).

True = They said it was on the same level as the situation room, which itself is not open to the public.

False = They said that level "The sources maintain that the area is highly trafficked, in keeping with Jean-Pierre's characterization Wednesday. The area is transited by VIPs, visitors, tourists, staff members, military officials and facilities operations employees."

Even though the two areas might be on the same level, that does not mean BOTH are highly restricted, one can be highly restricted and the other used for less restricted purposes (such as VIPs, visitors, staff, etc., etc.).

So that makes it alright?
True = They said it was on the same level as the situation room, which itself is not open to the public.

False = They said that level "The sources maintain that the area is highly trafficked, in keeping with Jean-Pierre's characterization Wednesday. The area is transited by VIPs, visitors, tourists, staff members, military officials and facilities operations employees."

Even though the two areas might be on the same level, that does not mean BOTH are highly restricted, one can be highly restricted and the other used for less restricted purposes (such as VIPs, visitors, staff, etc., etc.).


They're trying to say Kamala is back to snorting coke
So that makes it alright?

Of course not. The investigation is underway and with the in person security, video security of the area, visitor logs, employee logs, and forensics (Fingerprints and DNA) I'm pretty confident the Secret Service and FBI will identify the individual.

At that point they should be charged under the law (whether that is a visitor, military official, staff, or aid to the President).

Why would you think differently than that from my simply pointing out that just because the visitor area and the Situation Room being on the same level does not mean both are high restricted access areas?

They already know who it is.
There are 500 cameras all over the White House. Especially in areas accessible by the public.
The first thing they would do is have folks look through the video feed, they did - we know they did - if it was a visitor, they would have already showed the video. OBVIOUSLY.
Therefore - it is not a visitor.
We will never know, we will never see the video, the story will die because the media will want it to die and that is what they are counting on. As usual.
True = They said it was on the same level as the situation room, which itself is not open to the public.

False = They said that level "The sources maintain that the area is highly trafficked, in keeping with Jean-Pierre's characterization Wednesday. The area is transited by VIPs, visitors, tourists, staff members, military officials and facilities operations employees."

Even though the two areas might be on the same level, that does not mean BOTH are highly restricted, one can be highly restricted and the other used for less restricted purposes (such as VIPs, visitors, staff, etc., etc.).

but it wasn’t opened to the public as they first tried to lie about
but it wasn’t opened to the public as they first tried to lie about

Who "they", can you provide a link to an administration official saying it was in a restricted access area as opposed to a transient area?

Or are you going off sites like NewsMax, Washington Examiner, Gateway Pundit, etc. claiming something without support?

The whole world?!? You’re such a moron. A gullible one at that. Do you just believe anything you hear as long as it fits your political agenda?
If Secret Service didn't claim it's their coke, and nobody else respects the president enough to claim it, then it becomes the Biden's coke. That's how it works for the rest of the country. This is yet another example of the liberal two tiered justice system, special rules for the liberal elite. Pathetic.

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