KJP says that "irresponsible reporting" is alleging that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to the Biden family.

Stupid dipshit, do you think a visitor is going to LEAVE cocaine in the White House?

That stuff is expensive, no one LEAVES it anywhere.

What they do is STASH it, so they can come back and get it later
How do you know, do you use cocaine?
Who "they", can you provide a link to an administration official saying it was in a restricted access area as opposed to a transient area?

Or are you going off sites like NewsMax, Washington Examiner, Gateway Pundit, etc. claiming something without support?

the poster i was responding to said it was in a public access entry

when i challenged him it’s funny he said the same thing you did
the poster i was responding to said it was in a public access entry

when i challenged him it’s funny he said the same thing you did

Follow back, the poster you responded to was me.

The "they" you appeared to refer to was someone in an official capacity changing the story.

So I ask again, who is "they" - as in an administration official - that claimed it was in a restricted access area not open to the public? (Open to the public meaning a high traffic area used by visitors, VIPs, military officials, staff, and WH employees transiting the area.)

It's funny, not one person in the whole administration is willing to take a misdemeanor rap to save the country from further embarrassment. How pathetic is that? If this was the Obama White House there would have been a line from DC to Hawaii of people claiming "It's my coke" to save Obama the embarrassment, even if half of them would drown in the Pacific.

The story keeps changing.......as they try to cover up which biden family member brought the cocaine into the White House...

Numerous details about theinvestigation have been changed. Originally, dispatchers sent to the White House on Sunday to investigate the substance said it was found in the library. Then it was reported to be in the West Wing lobby.
Now it's reported to be a floor below the lobby, in an area used by staff, officials, visitors and VIPs.

The West Executive Entrance sits on West Executive Drive - the driveway between the West Wing of the White House and the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. That drive is where Vice President Kamala Harris' motorcade parks and where senior staff have parking spaces.

Senior staff and the vice president go to work in the West Wing through that door.

It's also the entrance used by VIPs for their private meetings in the West Wing - Kim Kardashian used it when she had White House meetings during Donald Trump's administration.

And this......from Andrea Mitchell.....

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell acknowledged Thursday that contrary to the idea that a random tourist left cocaine in the White House in what officials have described as a “heavily trafficked” area, the cocaine was actually found in a “limited access place” near the Situation Room.

“It was found, by my observation, in a much more secure place — limited access place than that West Wing reception area there,” Mitchell said.

“It is still a publicly-trafficked, frequently-trafficked place, but it’s down near the Situation Room right off West Executive [Drive] down below. And normal people — just average people just can’t get in there even with the entry for the Northwest Gate.”

So it's your "responsibility" to trust your elected leaders, to shut up, and not ask any questions about the things they do? And to attempt to hold them responsible for their actions is "irresponsible"?

Ok, right. :auiqs.jpg:
I have no problem asking questions, as I have no problem answering them, but there are pejorative question setups, little traps for the unwary, that can and are avoided at times by simply not dignifying the question with an answer, as any answer would be used against, kind of like the old "have you quit beating your wife" question. There is no good answer that cannot be used against you, and no matter what anybody thinks of that white house press woman, her job is to manage those questions (along with others) without assisting in manufacturing liability for her organization, by her being a mouthpiece for that administration. Reporters do play games, and sometimes the most winning move is not to play.
I've never been a cocaine user. Smoked a lot of pot in the 70s but never used any coke. I HAVE been around tweakers though and the Tik Tok balcony scene with the family had one on full display. Maybe the bag wasn't his, but the idea that the SS cannot figure out who brought that in is ridiculous.
One kind of assumes, there is a surreptitiously placed camera covering everywhere in that place, since the Nixon Administration, but who knows.
Follow back, the poster you responded to was me.

The "they" you appeared to refer to was someone in an official capacity changing the story.

So I ask again, who is "they" - as in an administration official - that claimed it was in a restricted access area not open to the public? (Open to the public meaning a high traffic area used by visitors, VIPs, military officials, staff, and WH employees transiting the area.)

prior to your post, you quoted me responding to a poster
prior to your post, you quoted me responding to a poster


Correct, it goes back to this post.

Which where I then pointed out that being on the same level as the Situation Room doesn't mean the whole level has the same type of traffic as the Situation Room.

The very same article from NBC pointed out that the administration said that the area the small quantity (IIRC referred to as a "baggie") was in a more heavily trafficed area where visitors, VIPs, military, staff and WH employees transit.

View attachment 802537

Correct, it goes back to this post.

Which where I then pointed out that being on the same level as the Situation Room doesn't mean the whole level has the same type of traffic as the Situation Room.

The very same article from NBC pointed out that the administration said that the area the small quantity (IIRC referred to as a "baggie") was in a more heavily trafficed area where visitors, VIPs, military, staff and WH employees transit.


The entire area is covered by cameras.....all employees have to take drug tests.......if they wanted to know who it belonged to they could find out easily.....
View attachment 802537

Correct, it goes back to this post.

Which where I then pointed out that being on the same level as the Situation Room doesn't mean the whole level has the same type of traffic as the Situation Room.

The very same article from NBC pointed out that the administration said that the area the small quantity (IIRC referred to as a "baggie") was in a more heavily trafficed area where visitors, VIPs, military, staff and WH employees transit.

yes, confirming the poster i was responding to was wrong and still parroting the first lie from the admin
If Secret Service didn't claim it's their coke, and nobody else respects the president enough to claim it, then it becomes the Biden's coke. That's how it works for the rest of the country. This is yet another example of the liberal two tiered justice system, special rules for the liberal elite. Pathetic.
I really think that you need to think very hard about getting a life
yes, confirming the poster i was responding to was wrong and still parroting the first lie from the admin

So what was "the first lie from the admin"?

Are you saying an administration official claimed it was in a restricted space? If so what official?


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