KJP says that "irresponsible reporting" is alleging that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to the Biden family.

I am not in the Secret Service. I have no idea. Most likely extremely lucky.
A good thing too, with that lackadaisical attitude towards security. Quite frankly I'm not surprised you would attribute all the failures of this administration as 'bad luck'. Sad.
Security MORONS like yourself are why we have problems.

This is what you said:

"You manage and message security as necessary after breaches occur"

Any competent security professional would have you STRUNG UP BY THE BALLS for saying something so completely idiotic.
Sounds like you are into some kind of home-erotic thing.

I am not a security professional, but have operated around them and been in a position to know fails that have occurred. You just haven't been around and are just kind of naive. Of all things to have blind faith in, your falling into it on secure facilities always controlling access, is kind of amazing. You never seemed like the trusting type. Maybe you are just young and will grow out of it.
A good thing too, with that lackadaisical attitude towards security. Quite frankly I'm not surprised you would attribute all the failures of this administration as 'bad luck'. Sad.
All the failures? You mean, somebody walking into a library and getting rid of dime ball is the only failure you see with this administration. Well, I guess they've got your vote. Most people are more concerned about the border or other more famous actions and occurrences. I guess everybody has their priorities.
Sounds like you are into some kind of home-erotic thing.

Ad-hom mudslinging?

You're being an asswipe leftard today?

I am not a security professional,

That much we already figured out.

but have operated around them and been in a position to know fails that have occurred.

So you're familiar with failure.

Yeah, I understand. Anyone who says what you did, is going to fail. There is ZERO doubt about it.

You just haven't been around and are just kind of naive.

My stuff is protecting the country, shit for brains.

Next time you pull a turd out of your ass, sling it in a different direction.

You fucking asswipe leftards just can't help yourselves, can you?

Of all things to have blind faith in, your falling into it on secure facilities always controlling access, is kind of amazing.

You know diddly squat about secure facilities.

Your statement was POLITICAL, not practical.

You don't know JACK SHIT about security, mister.

Why don't you STFU before you make even more of an assclown out of yourself.

You never seemed like the trusting type. Maybe you are just young and will grow out of it.


THIS ^^^ being a perfect textbook example.
Has anyone considered the possibility this was just placed there in order to be found and make trouble for the Administration? I have no idea myself. But what kind of jerk would bring it into the White House to sniff and then leave it lying around to be found? Ok, maybe Hunter when he was a junkie and was pissed at his father too. But there are plenty of others who could have had reasons. Old Biden himself would probably have a heart attack if he tried that shit.

Count me as sadly amused by the whole drama.

Do you know Elon Musk admits using psychodelics to treat his manic depression? Now there is an interesting story to me!
And you don't know the "cocaine addict" left it!
Talk about reality! (That's sarcasm, in case you can't comprehend that!)
Who are the other "cocaine addicts" in the White House?

As you know, employees are drug tested so... Other than the family, who else could bring cocaine into the White House and hide it in a secured area?
How do you know they come back and get it later, if you have never used it?
As you know, employees are drug tested so...

Just curioius, where does this come from?

Is it a known fact? If so from where?

Other than the family, who else could bring cocaine into the White House

The location is a high traffic area (a foyer at one of the entrances if you will) as such VIPs, family members taking tours, Congress persons visiting the White House, Congressional Staff, and other victors there to conduct business who are neither staff or family.

and hide it in a secured area?

The location is a high traffic area (a foyer at one of the entrances if you will), the entire White House is a "secure area". But once admitted to the grounds there are different levels of "secure" in the building such as foyer areas, "public areas", operational business spaces, the Situation Room (really a SCIF), and the residence. Not all areas even within the White House are the same.

Actually that is a pretty good answer. Much better than a headline saying "Upon questioning, the White house denies, cocaine found belonged to the Biden family". Some things, you just don't bother to dignify by answering.
dignify? They literally have a crackhead living in the White House. It would be irresponsible not to ask the question.
Yep. Doesn't help the reporter getting a story, but know what and how to blow off a question is a necessary skill of that position, whether anybody likes it or not.
Why would any serious person, regardless of their side of the aisle, want to cover up the guilty person who stashed cocaine in the White House? How does defending a junkie, and hiding illegal narcotics in the White House benefit you and the Democrats?

The FACT that cocaine was found in the White House is not in question, it was there. It was tested and found to be cocaine. EVERY area of the White House is secure. Some are far more secure than others. Lie after lie came out of the White House. First, it was found in an area where the public visited. Then the cocaine apparently traveled from place to place. The last I heard, it was near the Situation Room, close to where Vice President Harris parks her car.

So, who is the owner of the cocaine?
Why would any serious person, regardless of their side of the aisle, want to cover up the guilty person who stashed cocaine in the White House? How does defending a junkie, and hiding illegal narcotics in the White House benefit you and the Democrats?

The FACT that cocaine was found in the White House is not in question, it was there. It was tested and found to be cocaine. EVERY area of the White House is secure. Some are far more secure than others. Lie after lie came out of the White House. First, it was found in an area where the public visited. Then the cocaine apparently traveled from place to place. The last I heard, it was near the Situation Room, close to where Vice President Harris parks her car.

So, who is the owner of the cocaine?

Here's the very latest on the coke story the faggot whore Press Secretary is trying to cover up for the criminal crack head family.

It is a story that has been developing since Sunday, when cocaine was discovered at the White House. On Friday Fox News dropped a bombshell report claiming that the entire Biden Crime Family had arrived in town days prior to the discovery of the drugs.

This revelation has debunked a key White House lie regarding the incident.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had previously maintained that Joe, Jill, Hunter and their entourage were away from Washington, D.C., starting on Friday and did not return until Tuesday – yet evidence now suggests otherwise.

“Our faggot whore Press Secretary” — really ? ? ?

Another day, another truly sick Trumpster fanatic — this one calls himself … a “ZIONUT.” — :disbelief:
Look, she is the worst press secretary ever, an incompetent. But she ticked all the right boxes.

When you base selections on some affirmative action BS, this is what you get, a clown show. Quite fitting for the Clown-In-Chief.

KJP says that "irresponsible reporting" is alleging that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to the Biden family. She then goes on to call a journalist in the briefing room "irresponsible" for asking the White House to unequivocally say that the drugs do not belong to the Biden family. "To ask that question, is actually incredibly irresponsible."

Ad-hom mudslinging?

You're being an asswipe leftard today?

That much we already figured out.

So you're familiar with failure.

Yeah, I understand. Anyone who says what you did, is going to fail. There is ZERO doubt about it.

My stuff is protecting the country, shit for brains.

Next time you pull a turd out of your ass, sling it in a different direction.

You fucking asswipe leftards just can't help yourselves, can you?

You know diddly squat about secure facilities.

Your statement was POLITICAL, not practical.

You don't know JACK SHIT about security, mister.

Why don't you STFU before you make even more of an assclown out of yourself.


THIS ^^^ being a perfect textbook example.
You said "security professional would have you STRUNG UP BY THE BALLS", so that sounds like some kind of sado masochist homo erotic thing, you must be into, since "security professional" to not do business that way.

You are the one that doesn't know anything. I have assisted writing and then operation SOPs that involved security and unautherized intrance, as well as tested others just to see if stopped. It just isn't like people would think, watching TV.

You are just a bomb thrower of the Right, not someone that supports or protect the country, as I am still being paid for services rendered. So you lose again. Thanks for the cash and travel.
dignify? They literally have a crackhead living in the White House. It would be irresponsible not to ask the question.
Who is the crack head living in the white House? I haven't even heard that one before. Where do you get your news? Tweets? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
A distraction.

They want the public to associate Hunter Biden with drugs not millions of dollars of money laundering from hostile foreign countries from when his dad was vice president.
You are just one paranoid conspiracy spin nut after another, kind of guy. You need to get out in the sun more, and get some bran in your diet.
You are just one paranoid conspiracy spin nut after another, kind of guy. You need to get out in the sun more, and get some bran in your diet.
/----/ But you bought into the Russia Collusion and Jan 6 scam 100%.

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